Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2009-2015: G-CSC, Goethe University Frankfurt
3  * Author: Sebastian Reiter
4  *
5  * This file is part of UG4.
6  *
7  * UG4 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
8  * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 (as published by the
9  * Free Software Foundation) with the following additional attribution
10  * requirements (according to LGPL/GPL v3 §7):
11  *
12  * (1) The following notice must be displayed in the Appropriate Legal Notices
13  * of covered and combined works: "Based on UG4 (".
14  *
15  * (2) The following notice must be displayed at a prominent place in the
16  * terminal output of covered works: "Based on UG4 (".
17  *
18  * (3) The following bibliography is recommended for citation and must be
19  * preserved in all covered files:
20  * "Reiter, S., Vogel, A., Heppner, I., Rupp, M., and Wittum, G. A massively
21  * parallel geometric multigrid solver on hierarchically distributed grids.
22  * Computing and visualization in science 16, 4 (2013), 151-164"
23  * "Vogel, A., Reiter, S., Rupp, M., Nägel, A., and Wittum, G. UG4 -- a novel
24  * flexible software system for simulating pde based models on high performance
25  * computers. Computing and visualization in science 16, 4 (2013), 165-179"
26  *
27  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
28  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
30  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
31  */
33 #ifndef __H__LIB_GRID__KD_TREE_IMPL__
34 #define __H__LIB_GRID__KD_TREE_IMPL__
36 #include <list>
37 #include <vector>
38 #include "lib_grid/grid/grid.h"
39 #include "common/math/ugmath.h"
41 namespace ug
42 {
44 typedef std::list<KDVertexDistance> KDVertexDistanceList;
46 template<class TPositionAttachment, int numDimensions, class TVector>
47 void
48 KDTreeStatic<TPositionAttachment, numDimensions, TVector>
49 ::Node
50 ::clear()
51 {
52  if(m_pChild[0])
53  delete m_pChild[0];
54  if(m_pChild[1])
55  delete m_pChild[1];
56  m_pChild[0] = m_pChild[1] = NULL;
57  if(m_pvVertices)
58  delete m_pvVertices;
59  m_pvVertices = NULL;
60 }
62 template<class TPositionAttachment, int numDimensions, class TVector>
63 void
65 clear()
66 {
67  m_pGrid = NULL;
68  m_parentNode.clear();
69 }
71 template<class TPositionAttachment, int numDimensions, class TVector>
72 template <class TVrtIterator>
73 bool
75 create_from_grid(Grid& grid, TVrtIterator vrtsBegin, TVrtIterator vrtsEnd,
76  TPositionAttachment& aPos, int maxTreeDepth,
77  int splitThreshold, KDSplitDimension splitDimension)
78 {
80  return create_from_grid(grid, vrtsBegin, vrtsEnd, aaPos, maxTreeDepth,
81  splitThreshold, splitDimension);
82 }
84 template<class TPositionAttachment, int numDimensions, class TVector>
85 template <class TVrtIterator>
86 bool
88 create_from_grid(Grid& grid, TVrtIterator vrtsBegin, TVrtIterator vrtsEnd,
90  int maxTreeDepth, int splitThreshold,
91  KDSplitDimension splitDimension)
92 {
93  clear();
94  m_pGrid = &grid;
95  m_aaPos = aaPos;
96  m_iSplitThreshold = splitThreshold;
97  m_splitDimension = splitDimension; // how the split dimensions are chosen
98  return create_barycentric(vrtsBegin, vrtsEnd, grid.num_vertices(), &m_parentNode, 0, maxTreeDepth);
99 }
101 template<class TPositionAttachment, int numDimensions, class TVector>
102 bool
104 get_neighbourhood(std::vector<Vertex*>& vrtsOut, typename TPositionAttachment::ValueType& pos, int numClosest)
105 {
106  vrtsOut.clear();
107  m_numNeighboursFound = 0;
108  KDVertexDistanceList pdList;
110  neighbourhood(pdList, &m_parentNode, pos, numClosest);
111  for(KDVertexDistanceList::iterator iter = pdList.begin(); iter != pdList.end(); iter++)
112  vrtsOut.push_back((*iter).vertex);
113  return true;
114 }
116 template<class TPositionAttachment, int numDimensions, class TVector>
117 bool
119 get_points_in_box(std::vector<Vertex*>& vrtsOut, const TVector& boxMin, const TVector& boxMax)
120 {
121  vrtsOut.clear();
122  return get_vertices_in_box(vrtsOut, &m_parentNode, boxMin, boxMax);
123 }
125 template<class TPositionAttachment, int numDimensions, class TVector>
126 void
128 get_leafs(std::vector<Node*>& vLeafsOut)
129 {
130  vLeafsOut.clear();
131  get_leafs_recursive(vLeafsOut, &m_parentNode);
132 }
136 // protected
137 template<class TPositionAttachment, int numDimensions, class TVector>
138 bool
140 get_points_in_box(std::vector<Vertex*>& vrtsOut, Node* pNode, const TVector& boxMin, const TVector& boxMax)
141 {
142 // check if we have reached a leaf
143  if(pNode->m_pvVertices)
144  {
145  // we're in a leaf -> add the points that are inseide the box to pointsOut
146  for(VertexVec::iterator iter = pNode->m_pvVertices->begin(); iter != pNode->m_pvVertices->end(); iter++)
147  {
148  bool bAdd = true;
149  for(int i = 0; i < numDimensions; ++i)
150  {
151  if((m_aaPos[*iter].coord(i) < boxMin[i]) || (m_aaPos[*iter].coord(i) > boxMax[i]))
152  {
153  bAdd = false;
154  break;
155  }
156  }
157  if(bAdd)
158  vrtsOut.push_back(*iter);
159  }
160  // done
161  return true;
162  }
165 // we haven't reached a leaf yet
166 // check in wich subnodes we have to descent
167  if(pNode->m_pChild[0] || pNode->m_pChild[1])
168  {
169  bool bSuccess = true;
171  if(boxMin[pNode->m_iSplitDimension] < pNode->m_fSplitValue)
172  bSuccess &= get_points_in_box(vrtsOut, pNode->m_pChild[1], boxMin, boxMax);
173  if(boxMax[pNode->m_iSplitDimension] >= pNode->m_fSplitValue)
174  bSuccess &= get_points_in_box(vrtsOut, pNode->m_pChild[0], boxMin, boxMax);
176  return bSuccess;
177  }
178  return false;
179 }
181 template<class TPositionAttachment, int numDimensions, class TVector>
182 void
184 neighbourhood(KDVertexDistanceList& vrtsOut, Node* pNode, TVector& pos, int numClosest)
185 {
186 // if there are points in this node add them to the list (if they match certain criterias)
187  if(pNode->m_pvVertices)
188  {
189  // loop through the points associated with the current node
190  for(VertexVec::iterator iter = pNode->m_pvVertices->begin(); iter != pNode->m_pvVertices->end(); iter++)
191  {
192  // calculate the distance of the current point and the test point
193  float distSQ = 0;
194  for(int i = 0; i < numDimensions; ++i)
195  {
196  float t = pos[i] - m_aaPos[*iter].coord(i);
197  distSQ += (t*t);
198  }
200  int bInsert = 0;
201  if(m_numNeighboursFound == numClosest)
202  {
203  if(distSQ < m_maxDistSQ)
204  bInsert = 2;
205  }
206  else
207  bInsert = 1;
209  if(bInsert)
210  {
211  KDVertexDistanceList::iterator pdIter;
212  // first we will insert the point into pointlist
213  for(pdIter = vrtsOut.begin(); pdIter != vrtsOut.end(); pdIter++)
214  {
215  if(distSQ < (*pdIter).distSQ)
216  {
217  pdIter = vrtsOut.insert(pdIter, KDVertexDistance(*iter, distSQ));
218  m_numNeighboursFound++;
219  break;
220  }
221  }
223  if(pdIter == vrtsOut.end())
224  {
225  vrtsOut.push_back(KDVertexDistance(*iter, distSQ));
226  m_numNeighboursFound++;
227  }
228  m_maxDistSQ = vrtsOut.back().distSQ;
230  if(m_numNeighboursFound > numClosest)
231  {
232  // erase the first one
233  KDVertexDistanceList::iterator tmpIter = vrtsOut.end();
234  tmpIter--;
235  vrtsOut.erase(tmpIter);
236  m_numNeighboursFound--;
237  // find the new maxDistSQ
238  m_maxDistSQ = vrtsOut.back().distSQ;
240  }
241  }
242  }
243  }
244 // if the node has children visit them
245  if(pNode->m_pChild[0] || pNode->m_pChild[1]) //either both or none are NULL
246  {
247  // check in wich subnode the specified point lies.
248  int bestNodeIndex;
249  if(pos[pNode->m_iSplitDimension] >= pNode->m_fSplitValue)
250  bestNodeIndex = 0;
251  else
252  bestNodeIndex = 1;
254  // first we will visit the better ranked node (just a guess)
255  if(pNode->m_pChild[bestNodeIndex])
256  neighbourhood(vrtsOut, pNode->m_pChild[bestNodeIndex], pos, numClosest);
258  // if we found less than numClosest we got to continue searching anyway
259  // else if we may find points on the other side of the splitting plane that are closer than the points we found till now we'll have to visit the worse ranked node too.
260  if(pNode->m_pChild[1 - bestNodeIndex])
261  {
262  if(m_numNeighboursFound < numClosest)
263  neighbourhood(vrtsOut, pNode->m_pChild[1 - bestNodeIndex], pos, numClosest);
264  else
265  {
266  float t = pos[pNode->m_iSplitDimension] - pNode->m_fSplitValue;
267  if(t*t < m_maxDistSQ)
268  neighbourhood(vrtsOut, pNode->m_pChild[1 - bestNodeIndex], pos, numClosest);
269  }
270  }
271  }
272 }
274 template<class TPositionAttachment, int numDimensions, class TVector>
275 template <class TVertexIterator>
276 bool
278 create_barycentric(TVertexIterator vrts_begin, TVertexIterator vrts_end, int numVertices,
279  Node* pNode, int actDimension, int maxTreeDepth)
280 {
281 // check if we are in a leaf
282  {
283  if((maxTreeDepth < 1) || (numVertices <= m_iSplitThreshold))
284  {
285  // we are
286  pNode->m_pvVertices = new VertexVec;
287  // loop through the points and add them to the node
288  for(TVertexIterator iter = vrts_begin; iter != vrts_end; iter++)
289  pNode->m_pvVertices->push_back(*iter);
290  // we're done
291  return true;
292  }
293  }
295 // loop through the points and calculate the barycentre
296  float barycentre = 0;
297  {
298  for(TVertexIterator iter = vrts_begin; iter != vrts_end; iter++)
299  barycentre += m_aaPos[*iter].coord(actDimension);
300  barycentre /= (float)numVertices;
301  }
303 // fill the lists for the poitive and negative subnodes
304  std::list<Vertex*> lstPos;
305  std::list<Vertex*> lstNeg;
306  int numPos = 0;
307  int numNeg = 0;
308  {
309  for(TVertexIterator iter = vrts_begin; iter != vrts_end; iter++, numPos++, numNeg++)
310  {
311  if(m_aaPos[*iter].coord(actDimension) >= barycentre)
312  lstPos.push_back(*iter);
313  else
314  lstNeg.push_back(*iter);
315  }
316  }
317 // create the subnodes
318  bool bSuccess = true;
319  {
320  pNode->m_iSplitDimension = actDimension;
321  pNode->m_fSplitValue = barycentre;
323  for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
324  pNode->m_pChild[i] = new Node;
325  // the positive one
326  if(!lstPos.empty())
327  bSuccess &= create_barycentric(lstPos.begin(), lstPos.end(), numPos, pNode->m_pChild[0], get_next_split_dimension(actDimension, lstPos.begin(), lstPos.end()), maxTreeDepth - 1);
328  // the negative one
329  if(!lstNeg.empty())
330  bSuccess &= create_barycentric(lstNeg.begin(), lstNeg.end(), numNeg, pNode->m_pChild[1], get_next_split_dimension(actDimension, lstNeg.begin(), lstNeg.end()), maxTreeDepth - 1);
331  }
332 // done
333  return bSuccess;
334 }
336 template<class TPositionAttachment, int numDimensions, class TVector>
337 template <class TVertexIterator>
338 int
340 get_largest_dimension(TVertexIterator vrts_begin, TVertexIterator vrts_end)
341 {
342  using namespace std;
343  TVector boxMin;
344  TVector boxMax;
346  TVertexIterator iter = vrts_begin;
347 // assign initial values
348  {
349  for(int i = 0; i < numDimensions; i++)
350  boxMin[i] = boxMax[i] = m_aaPos[*iter].coord(i);
351  }
352  iter++;
354 // loop through the points and calculate the bounding box
355  for(; iter != vrts_end; iter++)
356  {
357  for(int i = 0; i < numDimensions; ++i)
358  {
359  boxMin[i] = min(boxMin[i], m_aaPos[*iter].coord(i));
360  boxMax[i] = max(boxMax[i], m_aaPos[*iter].coord(i));
361  }
362  }
363 // calculate extension in each dimension
364  TVector extension;
365  {
366  for(int i = 0; i < numDimensions; ++i)
367  extension[i] = boxMax[i] - boxMin[i];
368  }
369 // return the index of the largest extension
370  int bCI = 0;
371  {
372  for(uint i = 1; i < TVector::Size; ++i)
373  {
374  if(extension[i] > extension[bCI])
375  bCI = (int)i;
376  }
377  }
378  return bCI;
379 }
381 template<class TPositionAttachment, int numDimensions, class TVector>
382 template <class TVertexIterator>
383 int
385 get_next_split_dimension(int actSplitDimension, TVertexIterator vrts_begin, TVertexIterator vrts_end)
386 {
387  switch(m_splitDimension)
388  {
389  case KDSD_LARGEST:
390  return get_largest_dimension(vrts_begin, vrts_end);
391  break;
392  case KDSD_CIRCULAR:
393  return (actSplitDimension+1) % numDimensions;
394  break;
396  }
397 // default: SD_CIRCULAR
398  return (actSplitDimension+1) % numDimensions;
399 }
401 template<class TPositionAttachment, int numDimensions, class TVector>
402 void
404 get_leafs_recursive(std::vector<Node*>& vLeafsOut, Node* pNode)
405 {
406 // check whether the node is a leaf
407  if(!(pNode->m_pChild[0] || pNode->m_pChild[1]))
408  {
409  // it is a leaf. push it to the list
410  vLeafsOut.push_back(pNode);
411  }
412  else
413  {
414  for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
415  {
416  if(pNode->m_pChild[i] != NULL)
417  get_leafs_recursive(vLeafsOut, pNode->m_pChild[i]);
418  }
419  }
420 }
422 }// end of namespace
424 #endif
Manages the elements of a grid and their interconnection.
Definition: grid.h:132
size_t num_vertices() const
Definition: grid.h:551
Definition: kd_tree_static.h:90
float m_fSplitValue
Definition: kd_tree_static.h:98
int m_iSplitDimension
Definition: kd_tree_static.h:99
Node * m_pChild[2]
Definition: kd_tree_static.h:97
VertexVec * m_pvVertices
Definition: kd_tree_static.h:100
void clear()
Definition: kd_tree_static_impl.hpp:65
void get_leafs(std::vector< Node * > &vLeafsOut)
Definition: kd_tree_static_impl.hpp:128
void get_leafs_recursive(std::vector< Node * > &vLeafsOut, Node *pNode)
Definition: kd_tree_static_impl.hpp:404
bool create_barycentric(TVertexIterator vrts_begin, TVertexIterator vrts_end, int numVertices, Node *pNode, int actDimension, int maxTreeDepth)
Definition: kd_tree_static_impl.hpp:278
std::vector< Vertex * > VertexVec
Definition: kd_tree_static.h:87
bool get_neighbourhood(std::vector< Vertex * > &vrtsOut, typename TPositionAttachment::ValueType &pos, int numClosest)
Definition: kd_tree_static_impl.hpp:104
bool get_points_in_box(std::vector< Vertex * > &vrtsOut, const TVector &boxMin, const TVector &boxMax)
Definition: kd_tree_static_impl.hpp:119
void neighbourhood(KDVertexDistanceList &vrtsOut, Node *pNode, TVector &pos, int numClosest)
Definition: kd_tree_static_impl.hpp:184
bool create_from_grid(Grid &grid, TVrtIterator vrtsBegin, TVrtIterator vrtsEnd, TPositionAttachment &aPos, int maxTreeDepth, int splitThreshold, KDSplitDimension splitDimension=KDSD_LARGEST)
Definition: kd_tree_static_impl.hpp:75
int get_next_split_dimension(int actSplitDimension, TVertexIterator vrts_begin, TVertexIterator vrts_end)
Definition: kd_tree_static_impl.hpp:385
int get_largest_dimension(TVertexIterator vrts_begin, TVertexIterator vrts_end)
Definition: kd_tree_static_impl.hpp:340
used by KDTreeStatic
Definition: kd_tree_static.h:50
std::list< KDVertexDistance > KDVertexDistanceList
Definition: kd_tree_static.h:67
used by KDTreeStatic
Definition: kd_tree_static.h:62
Definition: kd_tree_static.h:64
Definition: kd_tree_static.h:63
unsigned int uint
Definition: types.h:114
Definition: smart_pointer.h:814
the ug namespace