33#ifndef __H__PROMESH__coordinate_transform_tools__
34#define __H__PROMESH__coordinate_transform_tools__
45#define TOOLTIP_MOVE_SELECTION_TO "Moves the selected elements so that the new selection center will lie at the specified position."
46#define TOOLTIP_MOVE_ALONG_NORMAL "Moves selected vertices along their normal by the specified offset."
47#define TOOLTIP_SCALE_AROUND_CENTER "Scales the selected elements around the center of the current selection."
48#define TOOLTIP_SCALE_AROUND_PIVOT "Scales the selected elements around the pivot of the mesh."
49#define TOOLTIP_SCALE_AROUND_POINT "Scales the selected geometry around the given point"
50#define TOOLTIP_ROTATE_AROUND_CENTER "Rotates the selected elements around the center of the current selection."
51#define TOOLTIP_ROTATE_AROUND_PIVOT "Rotates the selected elements around the pivot of the mesh."
52#define TOOLTIP_COORDINATES "Coordinates of the center of the current selection"
53#define TOOLTIP_MOVE "Moves selected vertices."
54#define TOOLTIP_MOVE_MESH_TO "Moves the active mesh and its pivot, so that the pivot will be located on the specified position."
55#define TOOLTIP_NORMAL_MOVE "Moves selected vertices along their normal."
56#define TOOLTIP_MOVE_VERTICES_ALONG_EDGES "Moves selected vertices along selected edges by an offset relative to those selected edges. If a selected vertex is connected to multiple selected edges, the new position will be averaged between the individual offsets."
57#define TOOLTIP_MOVE_VERTICES_TO_EDGE_LENGTH "Moves selected vertices along selected edges so that those edges obtain the specified length. If a selected vertex is connected to multiple selected edges, the new position will be averaged between the individual new positions."
58#define TOOLTIP_MOVE_VERTICES_TO_PROJECTED_EDGE_LENGTH "Moves selected vertices along selected edges so that the projection of those edges into the plain with the specified normal obtain the specified length. If a selected vertex is connected to multiple selected edges, the new position will be averaged between the individual new positions."
59#define TOOLTIP_SCALE "Scales the coordinates of the selected vertices around their center."
60#define TOOLTIP_ROTATE "Rotates the geometry by the given degrees around its center."
61#define TOOLTIP_MIRROR "Mirrors the geometry at the given point along the given axis"
62#define TOOLTIP_TRANSFORM "Transforms the vertices with the given matrix"
63#define TOOLTIP_CONE_TRANSFORM "Transforms the vertices with the given cone transformation"
64#define TOOLTIP_LAPLACIAN_SMOOTH "Smoothes vertices in a grid."
65#define TOOLTIP_WEIGHTED_EDGE_SMOOTH "Smoothes vertices along edges in a grid with special weights for non-smoothed vertices."
66#define TOOLTIP_WEIGHTED_FACE_SMOOTH "Smoothes vertices across faces in a grid with special weights for non-smoothed vertices."
67#define TOOLTIP_WEIGHTED_NORMAL_SMOOTH "The higher the dot-product between an outgoing edge and the vertex normal, the higher the influence of that edge during smoothing of that vertex."
68#define TOOLTIP_SLOPE_SMOOTH "Smoothes the grid so that the geometry is linearized along the path of steepest descent."
69#define TOOLTIP_TANGENTIAL_SMOOTH "Smoothes vertices on a manifold."
70#define TOOLTIP_RPOJECT_TO_PLANE "Projects all selected elements to the specified plane"
71#define TOOLTIP_PROJECT_TO_LIMIT_PLOOP "Projects all vertices in the grid to their limit positions as defined by the piecewise loop scheme."
72#define TOOLTIP_PROJECT_TO_LIMIT_SMOOTH_BOUNDARY "Projects all boundary-vertices in the grid to their limit positions as defined by the b-spline subdivision scheme."
73#define TOOLTIP_SET_PIVOT "Sets the pivot point of the selected object."
74#define TOOLTIP_SET_PIVOT_TO_SELECTION_CENTER "Sets the pivot to the center of the current selection."
75#define TOOLTIP_SET_PIVOT_TO_MESH_CENTER "Sets the pivot to the center of the active mesh."
76#define TOOLTIP_FLATTEN_BENT_QUADRILATERALS "Flattens bent quadrilaterals using an iterative flattening scheme"
77#define TOOLTIP_APPLY_HEIGHT_FIELD "Calculates z-values of all nodes in terms of their x and y values."
78#define TOOLTIP_SNAP_VERTICES_TO_VERTICES "Snaps the selected vertices of the specified mesh to the selected vertices of the target mesh"
void SlopeSmooth(Mesh *obj, number alpha, int numIterations)
Definition coordinate_transform_tools.cpp:471
void ScaleAroundPoint(Mesh *obj, const vector3 &scale, const vector3 &point)
Definition coordinate_transform_tools.cpp:279
void ScaleAroundCenter(Mesh *obj, const vector3 &scale)
Definition coordinate_transform_tools.cpp:241
void ProjectToPlane(Mesh *obj, const vector3 &planeCenter, const vector3 &planeNormal)
Definition coordinate_transform_tools.cpp:557
void SetPivotToMeshCenter(Mesh *obj)
Definition coordinate_transform_tools.cpp:517
void WeightedEdgeSmooth(Mesh *obj, number alpha, int numIterations)
Definition coordinate_transform_tools.cpp:446
void RotateAroundCenter(Mesh *obj, const vector3 &rotRad)
Definition coordinate_transform_tools.cpp:353
bool MoveSelectionTo(Mesh *obj, const vector3 ¢er)
Definition coordinate_transform_tools.cpp:47
void ProjectToLimitSmoothBoundary(Mesh *obj)
Definition coordinate_transform_tools.cpp:497
void MoveAlongNormal(Mesh *obj, number offset)
Definition coordinate_transform_tools.cpp:74
void SnapVerticesToVertices(Mesh *obj, Mesh *targetMesh)
Definition coordinate_transform_tools.cpp:572
void SetPivot(Mesh *obj, const vector3 &pos)
Definition coordinate_transform_tools.cpp:504
bool GetSelectionCenter(Mesh *obj, vector3 ¢erOut)
Definition coordinate_transform_tools.cpp:41
void ProjectToLimitPLoop(Mesh *obj)
Definition coordinate_transform_tools.cpp:490
void TangentialSmooth(Mesh *obj, number alpha, int numIterations)
Definition coordinate_transform_tools.cpp:481
void RotateAroundPivot(Mesh *obj, const vector3 &rotRad)
Definition coordinate_transform_tools.cpp:380
void MoveVerticesToProjectedEdgeLength(Mesh *obj, number projEdgeLen, const vector3 &projNormal)
Definition coordinate_transform_tools.cpp:186
void LaplacianSmooth(Mesh *obj, number alpha, int numIterations)
Definition coordinate_transform_tools.cpp:437
void ConeTransform(Mesh *obj, const vector3 &base, const vector3 &axis, number scaleAtTip)
Definition coordinate_transform_tools.cpp:407
void WeightedFaceSmooth(Mesh *obj, number alpha, int numIterations)
Definition coordinate_transform_tools.cpp:453
void MoveVerticesToEdgeLength(Mesh *obj, number edgeLen)
Definition coordinate_transform_tools.cpp:142
void MoveMeshTo(Mesh *obj, const vector3 &newPos)
Definition coordinate_transform_tools.cpp:65
void WeightedNormalSmooth(Mesh *obj, number alpha, number dotThreshold, int numIterations)
Definition coordinate_transform_tools.cpp:460
void MoveVerticesAlongEdges(Mesh *obj, number relVal)
Definition coordinate_transform_tools.cpp:102
void FlattenBentQuadrilaterals(Mesh *obj, number stepSize, int numIterations)
Definition coordinate_transform_tools.cpp:524
void Mirror(Mesh *obj, const vector3 &axisOrig, const vector3 &origin)
Definition coordinate_transform_tools.cpp:323
void SetPivotToSelectionCenter(Mesh *obj)
Definition coordinate_transform_tools.cpp:510
void ScaleAroundPivot(Mesh *obj, const vector3 &scale)
Definition coordinate_transform_tools.cpp:260
void Move(Mesh *obj, const vector3 &offset)
Definition coordinate_transform_tools.cpp:60
MathVector< 3, number > vector3
static void rot(number A[3][3], const number s, const number tau, const int i, const int j, const int k, const int l)