▼Nug | |
►Nbridge [external] | |
►NSuperLUBridge | |
CFunctionality | |
Cfunc_traits< xp::xproperty< V, M > O::* > | General version |
Cxproperty_traits | |
►NConvectionDiffusionPlugin | |
Ccd_line_sss_data | |
Ccd_point_sss_data | |
Ccd_sss_data | Class for data for all the CD plugin sources and sinks |
CCDSingularSourcesAndSinks | |
CConvectionDiffusionBase | Discretization for the Convection-Diffusion Equation |
►CConvectionDiffusionFE | Discretization for the Convection-Diffusion Equation |
CShapeValues | Struct holding values of shape functions in IPs |
►CConvectionDiffusionFractFV1 | Discretization for the Convection-Diffusion Equation in fractures |
CRegisterLocalDiscr | Auxiliary class for registering functions |
CConvectionDiffusionFV | Discretization for the Convection-Diffusion Equation |
►CConvectionDiffusionFV1 | FV Discretization for the Convection-Diffusion Equation |
CRegisterLocalDiscr | |
CShapeValues | Struct holding values of shape functions in IPs |
CConvectionDiffusionFVCR | Discretization for the Convection-Diffusion Equation |
CConvectionDiffusionStabFE | Discretization for the Convection-Diffusion Equation |
CFunctionality | |
CFunctionality2d3d | |
►Cline_sss_marker | |
Ct_fract_elem | Special structure to identify the element and its corner in a fracture |
Cpoint_sss_marker | |
►NDemoPlugin | |
CDemoClass | A basic class used to demonstrate registration of classes for scripting |
►NDocuGen | App for generating documentation of registered classes and methods |
NDoxygen | Organization unit for Doxygen commands |
CClassHierarchyProvider | |
CCppGenerator | Generator to produce valid but dummy C++ files from registered classes and functions |
CUGDocuClassDescription | |
CUGRegistryGroup | |
►NElectromagnetism | |
CCalcVolPowerElemHelperClass | Helper class for the integration of the power |
CCalcVolPowerHelperClass | Helper class for the computation of the power of the electromagnetic field |
CComPol_MemCopy | |
CComPol_MemOp | |
CComputeElemFluxHelper | Helper class for computation of the flux in elements. (Helper for ComputeFlux.) |
CComputeElemFluxHelper< TGridFunc, RegularEdge > | Helper class for computation of the flux in elements. (Helper for ComputeFlux.) |
CComputeFluxHelper | Helper class for the loop over all the elements in the computation of the flux. (Helper for ComputeFlux.) |
►CEddyCurrent_E_Nedelec | FE-discretization of the time-harmonic E-based formulation of the eddy current model |
CRegisterLocalDiscr | |
CtGeneratorCurrent | Class for a generator current (source) in a subdomain |
CEddyCurrentCurlEDependentCmpUserData | |
CEddyCurrentHeat | |
CEddyCurrentImBofEUserData | |
CEddyCurrentReBofEUserData | |
CEddyCurrentTraits | Auxiliary class defining some important constants |
►CEMaterial | Class for subdomain-dependent data for the E-based formulated problems |
CTSubdomData | Data item type |
CEMDirichlet | Common interface to get the Dirichlet boundary conditions |
CFunctionality | |
CNedelecCurlData | |
►CNedelecDirichletBC | Dirichlet BC for a rot-rot operator |
CTConstBC | Structure for the Dirichlet BC that is constant over a patch |
CTUserDataBC | Structure for the Dirichlet BC that are given by a function |
CNedelecGridFunctionData | |
CNedelecInterpolation | Interpolation of the Nedelec dofs and their curls |
CNedelecInterpolation< TDomain, 2, 2 > | A specialization of NedelecInterpolation for 2d, |
CNedelecInterpolation< TDomain, 3, 3 > | A specialization of NedelecInterpolation for 3d, |
►CNedelecLoopCurrent | Class for computation of loop currents |
►CAuxLaplaceLocAss | Class for local assembling of the auxiliary Laplace operator |
CRegisterLocalDiscr | |
CGetFluxOfPotential | Helper class for computation of the flux of potential over the cut |
CLocLaplaceA | Helper class for assembling the local stiffness matrix of Laplacian in various routines |
CMarkSourceEdges | Helper class for marking the edges in the source |
►COutOfSource | Constraint that sets the problem to 0-identity out of the source |
CMarkSourceVertices | Helper class for marking the vertices in the closure of the source subdomain |
CTSrcData | Structure for keeping electric current data |
CZeroAverage | Postprocessor to eliminate the kernel parts in the solution |
►CNedelecProject | Projection procedure class |
►CAuxLaplaceLocAss | Class for local assembling of the auxiliary Laplace operator |
CRegisterLocalDiscr | |
►CAuxLaplaceRHS | Constraint that assembles the rhs und the bc for the auxiliary problems |
CSetIdentityOnSubset | Helper class for 'set_value_on_subset' |
CSetValueOnSubset | Helper class for 'set_value_on_subset' |
CClearDivInConductors | Helper class for assembling the weak divergence operator |
CIntegrateDivDVF | Helper class for computation of the charges of the DVFs |
CLocLaplaceA | Helper class for assembling the local stiffness matrix of Laplacian in various routines |
CMarkCondVert | Helper class for setting the base conductor indices to vertices |
CWeakDiv | Helper class for the computation the weak divergence |
CNedelecProlongationMatrixHelper | |
CNedelecProlongationMatrixHelper< TDomain, TAlgebra, RegularEdge > | |
CNedelecSigmaEData | |
CNedelecT1_LDisc | Tool kit for the Whitney-1 (Nedelec) based FE discretization of the rot-rot operators |
CNedelecT1_LDisc< TDomain, Tetrahedron > | Specialization of NedelecT1_LDisc for tetrahedra |
CNedelecT1_LDisc< TDomain, Triangle > | Specialization of NedelecT1_LDisc for triangles |
CNedelecT1_LDisc_forSimplex | Helper class for the specialization of NedelecT1_LDisc for simplices (triangles and tetrahedrons) |
►CNedelecTransfer | Class of the prolongation and the restriction of the Nedelec DoFs |
CAssembleProlongationMatrix | Helper class to call all the type-dependent assembling functions |
►CTimeHarmonicNedelecHybridSmoother | The hybrid smoother by R. Hiptmair |
Ct_red_op_and | "and" reduction operation class for the conductivity condition |
Ct_red_op_or | "or" reduction operation class for the conductivity condition |
CtEdgeInfo | Structure of the storage for the information about the edge-vertex interconnections |
►NJSONToolkit | |
Ccustom_error_handler | |
CFunctionality | |
CJSONSchemaValidator | |
CJSONTool | |
CParameterSet | |
CParameterValue | |
►NJupyter | |
CFunctionality | |
CXWidgetRegistryFacade | |
►NLimex | |
CFunctionality | |
►Nluashell | |
CLuaShell | |
►NNavierStokes | |
CCompressibleNavierStokesBase | Finite Volume Element Discretization for the compressible Navier-Stokes Equation |
CCompressibleNavierStokesFV1 | Finite Volume Element Discretization for the compressible Navier-Stokes Equation |
CConstantBoxFilter | |
CCRDynamicTurbViscData | |
CCRNavierStokesSymBC | |
CCRSmagorinskyTurbViscData | |
CElementBoxFilter | |
CFilterBaseClass | |
CFilterImplBaseClass | |
CFunctionality | |
CFunctionalityComp | |
CFunctionalityCompFV1 | |
CFunctionalityFE | |
CFunctionalityFV | |
CFunctionalityFV1 | |
CFunctionalityFVCR | |
CFunctionalityIncomp | |
CFV1BoxFilter | |
CFV1DynamicTurbViscData | |
CFV1SmagorinskyTurbViscData | |
CFVCRBoxFilter | |
CINavierStokesFV1Stabilization | |
CINavierStokesSRFV1Stabilization | |
CINavierStokesUpwind | |
CIncompressibleNavierStokesBase | Finite Volume Element Discretization for the incompressible Navier-Stokes Equation |
CNavierStokesBase | Finite Volume Element Discretization for the incompressible Navier-Stokes Equation |
CNavierStokesFE | Finite Element Discretization for the incompressible Navier-Stokes Equation |
CNavierStokesFIELDSStabilization | |
CNavierStokesFLOWStabilization | |
CNavierStokesFullUpwind | |
CNavierStokesFV | |
CNavierStokesFV1 | Finite Volume Element Discretization for the incompressible Navier-Stokes Equation |
CNavierStokesFV1WithoutStabilization | |
CNavierStokesFVCR | |
CNavierStokesInflowBase | |
CNavierStokesInflowFE | |
CNavierStokesInflowFV | |
CNavierStokesInflowFV1 | |
CNavierStokesInflowFVCR | |
CNavierStokesLinearProfileSkewedUpwind | |
CNavierStokesNoNormalStressOutflowBase | The zero-stress (neutral) outflow boundary condition for the incompressible NS equation |
CNavierStokesNoNormalStressOutflowFV | The zero-stress (neutral) outflow boundary condition for the incompressible NS equation |
CNavierStokesNoNormalStressOutflowFV1 | The zero-stress (neutral) outflow boundary condition for the incompressible NS equation |
CNavierStokesNoNormalStressOutflowFVCR | The zero-stress (neutral) outflow boundary condition for the incompressible NS equation |
CNavierStokesNoUpwind | |
CNavierStokesPositiveUpwind | |
CNavierStokesRegularUpwind | |
CNavierStokesSkewedUpwind | |
►CNavierStokesSymBCFV1 | |
CRegisterFV1 | |
CNavierStokesUpwindRegister | |
CNavierStokesWall | |
CNavierStokesWSBCFV1 | |
CRegion | |
CSeparatedPressureSource | |
CSeparatedPressureSourceInter | |
CStdTurbulentViscosityData | |
CStdTurbulentViscosityDataFV1 | |
CVariableBoxFilter | |
CWallObject | |
►NPoroelasticity | |
CBarryMercerData | Dimensional coefficients for Barry-Mercer benchmark |
CBarryMercerErrorData | Auxiliary class for compution errors as 'StdGlobPosData' |
CBarryMercerNondimensional | Non-dimensional solution |
CBarryMercerPointSource | This defines a point source as 'StdGlobPosData' |
CBarryMercerProblem | Implementation as a Biot problem |
CBarryMercerRefDispX | Evaluate reference pressure |
CBarryMercerRefDispY | Evaluate reference pressure |
CBarryMercerRefPressure | Evaluate reference pressure |
CBiotDiscConfig | |
CBiotElemDisc | |
CBiotElemDiscFactory | This class generates element discretizations |
CBiotProblem | A Biot problem consists of several element discs plus boundary conditions |
CBiotProjection | Creates consistent initial values |
CBiotSubsetParameters | Class for Biot parameters (per subset) |
CFunctionality | |
CFunctionalityFor2D | |
►Npromesh | |
►Ndetail | |
CProMeshFunction | All functions registered in the ProMeshRegistry are encapsulated in a ProMeshFunction |
CAnisoElemInfo | |
CBox | |
CElementIterator | |
CMesh | |
CMeshObject | |
CProMeshRegistry | Register functions for ug-script and ProMesh through this class |
►NRichards | |
CBrooksCoreyFunctions | |
CConductivityAdapter | Returns conductivities (note: corresponds to relative permeability, iff Ksat=1.0) |
CExponentialConductivity | |
CExponentialModel | Implement a simple exponential model |
CExponentialModelParameters | |
CExponentialSaturation | |
CFunctionality | |
CGardnerConductivity | |
CGardnerModel | Implements a van Genuchten model |
CGardnerSaturation | |
CHaverkampConductivity | |
CHaverkampModel | Implements a Haverkamp model |
CHaverkampParameters | |
CHaverkampSaturation | |
CIParameterizedModel | Base class for a parameterized model. Provides serialization |
CIRichardsLinker | This is a 'dummy' base class. It indicates a pressure dependent linker |
CIRichardsModel | This is the interface for a Richards-type model. All derived classes use CRTP for evaluation |
COnSurfaceCondition | |
CRichardsConductivity | |
CRichardsElemDisc | |
CRichardsElemDiscFactory | ! Factory for creating elem discs |
CRichardsLinker | Prototype of a linker. Returns values depending on the Functor class |
CRichardsSaturation | Van Genuchten classes. (ideally, those could be type-def'ed as well..) |
CSaturationAdapter | Returns saturations |
CUserDataFactory | Factory class. This constructs appropriate "UserData" from suitable models |
CVanGenuchtenFunctions | |
CVanGenuchtenModel | Implements a van Genuchten-Mualem model |
CVanGenuchtenParameters | |
►NSmallStrainMechanics | |
CContactSmallStrainMechanics | Contact conditions for small strain mechanical applications |
Ccontrained_dim_traits | |
Ccontrained_dim_traits< 2 > | |
Ccontrained_dim_traits< 3 > | |
CDamageFunctionUpdater | |
CDamageLaw | Material Law: |
Cface_type_traits | |
Cface_type_traits< 1 > | |
Cface_type_traits< 2 > | |
Cface_type_traits< 3 > | |
CFunctionality | |
CHookeLaw | |
CIMaterialLaw | |
CIScaledHookeLaw | |
CMechOutputWriter | |
►CPrandtlReuss | |
CElemData | |
CInternalVars | Attached ElemData |
CMaterialConstants | |
CRelativeDensityUpdater | |
CSkinMaterialLaw | |
CSmallStrainMechanicsElemDisc | |
CTopologyOptimLaw | Material Law: |
CVoigtianMatrix | |
►NTemplatePlugin | |
CFunctionality | |
CTemplateSampleClass | Sample class that is used to show how class-groups can be registered |
Ntools | |
►NUtil | |
Naux | |
CFunctionality | |
CAitkenNevilleTimex | |
CCompareDeg | |
CCompositeGridFunctionEstimator | Evaluate difference between two functions (w.r.t various norms) |
CConnectionViewerOutputObserver | Class for integration observer: Output to ConnectionViewer |
CConstStepLinearTimeIntegrator | Integrate over a given time interval (for a linear problem) |
CCRILUTPreconditioner | CRILUTPreconditioner class |
CDeltaSquareIntegrand | |
CDiscConstraintFVCR | |
CDiscontinuityIntegrator | This class integrates (t0, t1] with stops at intermediate points tk |
CGridFunctionEstimator | Evaluate using continuous norms |
CILimexCostStrategy | Abstract class for the cost of a limex stage |
CILimexRefiner | |
CILinearTimeIntegrator | Integration of linear systems |
CINonlinearTimeIntegrator | Integration of non-linear systems (with bounds on dt) |
►CIntegrationOutputObserver | Integration observer: Output using Lua callback |
CIntegralSpecs | |
CISubDiagErrorEst | Interface for sub-diagonal error estimator (w.r.t time in Aitken-Neville scheme) |
CITimeDiscDependentObject | ITimeDiscDependentObject |
CITimeIntegrator | Integrates over a given time interval [a,b] with step size dt |
CLimexDefaultCost | Cost is identical to (summation over) number of steps |
CLimexNewtonSolver | Newton solver for assembling-based discretizations solved using Limex |
CLimexNonlinearCost | For |
►CLimexTimeIntegrator | Base class for LIMEX time integrator |
CThreadData | Contains all data for parallel execution of time steps |
CLimexTimeIntegratorConfig | |
CLinearImplicitEuler | |
CLinearTimeIntegrator | Integrate over a given time interval (for a linear problem) |
CNorm2Estimator | Evaluate using (algebraic) L2 norm |
CNormInfEstimator | Evaluate using (algebraic) infinity norm |
CNormRelEstimator | Evaluate using (algebraic) L2 norm |
CPCRILUTPreconditioner | PCRILUTPreconditioner class |
CPlotRefOutputObserver | |
CScaledGridFunctionEstimator | Evaluate difference between two functions (w.r.t various norms) |
CSimpleTimeIntegrator | Integrate (a non-linear problem) over a given time interval |
CSuperLUConfiguration | |
CSuperLUImplementation | |
CSuperLUSolver | |
CSupErrorEvaluator | |
CTimeIntegratorLinearAdaptive | Integrate over a given time interval (for a linear problem) |
CTimeStepBounds | |
CUserDataSpace | Evaluate the difference for a (dependent) UserData type induced by different grid functions |
CVTKOutputObserver | Class for integration observer: Output to VTK |