Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2010-2014: G-CSC, Goethe University Frankfurt
3  * Authors: Martin Rupp, Christian Wehner
4  *
5  * This file is part of UG4.
6  *
7  * UG4 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
8  * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 (as published by the
9  * Free Software Foundation) with the following additional attribution
10  * requirements (according to LGPL/GPL v3 §7):
11  *
12  * (1) The following notice must be displayed in the Appropriate Legal Notices
13  * of covered and combined works: "Based on UG4 (".
14  *
15  * (2) The following notice must be displayed at a prominent place in the
16  * terminal output of covered works: "Based on UG4 (".
17  *
18  * (3) The following bibliography is recommended for citation and must be
19  * preserved in all covered files:
20  * "Reiter, S., Vogel, A., Heppner, I., Rupp, M., and Wittum, G. A massively
21  * parallel geometric multigrid solver on hierarchically distributed grids.
22  * Computing and visualization in science 16, 4 (2013), 151-164"
23  * "Vogel, A., Reiter, S., Rupp, M., Nägel, A., and Wittum, G. UG4 -- a novel
24  * flexible software system for simulating pde based models on high performance
25  * computers. Computing and visualization in science 16, 4 (2013), 165-179"
26  *
27  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
28  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
30  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
31  */
39 #ifdef UG_PARALLEL
41 #endif
43 namespace ug{
45 /*
46  // print transposed matrix to file in octave format, e.g. print_matrix_for_octave(mat,"A.m","A")
47  // can then be called by load('A.m');A=A';
48  // transposed matrix due to different ug and matlab matrix format (row-wise vs. column-wise)
49  // gives a lot of warnings and only usable with unblocked algebra
50  // therefore outcommented in official version
51  template<typename Matrix_type>
52  bool print_matrix_for_octave(const Matrix_type &A, // matrix
53  char* fmatname, // filename
54  char* matname){ // matrix name
55  FILE* datafile;
56  datafile = fopen(fmatname,"w");
57  if (datafile==NULL){
58  UG_LOG("cannot open datafile\n");
59  return false;
60  }
61  fprintf(datafile,"# name: %s\n",matname);
62  fprintf(datafile,"# type: sparse matrix\n");
63  fprintf(datafile,"# nnz: %d\n",(int)A.total_num_connections());
64  fprintf(datafile,"# rows: %d\n",(int)A.num_rows());
65  fprintf(datafile,"# columns: %d\n",(int)A.num_rows());
66  for(size_t i=0; i < A.num_rows(); i++)
67  for(typename Matrix_type::const_row_iterator it = A.begin_row(i); it != A.end_row(i); ++it)
68  fprintf(datafile,"%d %d %.16lf\n",(int)it.index()+1,(int)i+1,it.value());
69  fclose(datafile);
70  return true;
71  };
72 */
75 /* Threshold ILU method
76 *
77 * The matrix entries can be devided into four sectors:
78 * velocity-velocity, velocity-pressure, pressure-velocity, pressure-pressure
79 * Threshold tolerance depends on sector of new entry
80 * (given by parameters m_eps_vv, m_eps_vp, m_eps_pv, m_eps_pp)
81 * Type of entry a_ij is determined by diagonal entry of rows i and j
82 * if a_ii=0 i is a pressure index, else a velocity index
83 *
84 */
86 template <typename TAlgebra>
87 class CRILUTPreconditioner : public IPreconditioner<TAlgebra>
88 {
89  public:
90  // Algebra type
91  typedef TAlgebra algebra_type;
93  // Vector type
96  // Matrix type
102  private:
107  public:
108  // Constructor
109  CRILUTPreconditioner(double eps=1e-6) :
110  m_eps(eps), m_eps_vv(eps), m_eps_vp(eps), m_eps_pv(eps), m_eps_pp(eps)
111  {
112  m_info = false;
113  };
115  CRILUTPreconditioner(number threshvv,number thresh_vp_pv_pp)
116  {
117  set_threshold(threshvv,thresh_vp_pv_pp);
118  m_info = false;
119  }
121  CRILUTPreconditioner(number threshvv,number threshvp,number threshpv,number threshpp)
122  {
123  set_threshold(threshvv,threshvp,threshpv,threshpp);
124  m_info = false;
125  };
127  CRILUTPreconditioner(double eps,bool info) :
128  m_eps(eps), m_eps_vv(eps), m_eps_vp(eps), m_eps_pv(eps), m_eps_pp(eps), m_info(info)
129  {
130  }
132  CRILUTPreconditioner(number threshvv,number thresh_vp_pv_pp,bool info)
133  {
134  set_threshold(threshvv,thresh_vp_pv_pp);
135  m_info = info;
136  }
138  CRILUTPreconditioner(number threshvv,number threshvp,number threshpv,number threshpp,bool info)
139  {
140  set_threshold(threshvv,threshvp,threshpv,threshpp);
141  m_info = info;
142  }
144  // Clone
147  {
149  newInst->set_debug(debug_writer());
150  newInst->set_damp(this->damping());
151  newInst->set_threshold(this->m_eps_vv,this->m_eps_vp,this->m_eps_pv,this->m_eps_pp);
152  newInst->set_info(this->m_info);
153  return newInst;
154  }
156  // Destructor
158  {
159  };
162  virtual bool supports_parallel() const {return true;}
165  void set_threshold(number threshvv,number threshvp,number threshpv,number threshpp)
166  {
167  m_eps_vv = threshvv;
168  m_eps_vp = threshvp;
169  m_eps_pv = threshpv;
170  m_eps_pp = threshpp;
171  m_eps = std::min(std::min(m_eps_vv,m_eps_vp),std::min(m_eps_pv,m_eps_pp));
172  }
175  void set_threshold(number threshvv,number thresh_vp_pv_pp)
176  {
177  m_eps_vv = threshvv;
178  m_eps_vp = thresh_vp_pv_pp;
179  m_eps_pv = thresh_vp_pv_pp;
180  m_eps_pp = thresh_vp_pv_pp;
181  m_eps = std::min(m_eps_vv,m_eps_vp);
182  }
184  void set_threshold(number thresh)
185  {
186  m_eps_vv = thresh;
187  m_eps_vp = thresh;
188  m_eps_pv = thresh;
189  m_eps_pp = thresh;
190  m_eps = thresh;
191  }
194  void set_info(bool info)
195  {
196  m_info = info;
197  }
200 protected:
201  // Name of preconditioner
202  virtual const char* name() const {return "CRILUTPreconditioner";}
204  // Preprocess routine
206  {
207  STATIC_ASSERT(matrix_type::rows_sorted, Matrix_has_to_have_sorted_rows);
208  matrix_type &mat = *pOp;
210  // Prepare Inverse Matrix
211  matrix_type* A = &mat;
212  typedef typename matrix_type::connection connection;
213  m_L.resize_and_clear(A->num_rows(), A->num_cols());
214  m_U.resize_and_clear(A->num_rows(), A->num_cols());
216  // con is the current line of L/U
217  std::vector<typename matrix_type::connection> con;
218  con.reserve(300);
219  con.resize(0);
221  static const size_t velocity=0;
222  static const size_t pressure=1;
224  // init row 0 of U
225  for(typename matrix_type::row_iterator i_it = A->begin_row(0); i_it != A->end_row(0); ++i_it)
226  con.push_back(connection(i_it.index(), i_it.value()));
227  m_U.set_matrix_row(0, &con[0], con.size());
229  size_t totalentries=0;
230  size_t maxentries=0;
232  for(size_t i=1; i<A->num_rows(); i++)
233  {
234  size_t itype;
235  if ((*A)(i,i)!=0) itype=velocity; else itype=pressure;
237  con.resize(0);
238  size_t u_part=0;
240  // get the row A(i, .) into con
241  double dmax=0;
242  m_remove_zeros = false;
243  if (m_remove_zeros==false){
244  for(typename matrix_type::row_iterator i_it = A->begin_row(i); i_it != A->end_row(i); ++i_it)
245  {
246  con.push_back(connection(i_it.index(), i_it.value()));
247  if(dmax < BlockNorm(i_it.value()))
248  dmax = BlockNorm(i_it.value());
249  }
250  } else {
251  typename matrix_type::row_iterator i_it = A->begin_row(i);
252  con.push_back(connection(i_it.index(), i_it.value()));
253  ++i_it;
254  for(; i_it != A->end_row(i); ++i_it)
255  {
256  if (i_it.value()==0) continue;
257  con.push_back(connection(i_it.index(), i_it.value()));
258  if(dmax < BlockNorm(i_it.value()))
259  dmax = BlockNorm(i_it.value());
260  }
261  }
262  // eliminate all entries A(i, k) with k<i with rows U(k, .) and k<i
263  for(size_t i_it = 0; i_it < con.size(); ++i_it)
264  {
265  size_t k = con[i_it].iIndex;
266  if(k >= i)
267  {
268  // safe where U begins / L ends in con
269  u_part = i_it;
270  break;
271  }
272  if(con[i_it].dValue == 0.0) continue;
273  UG_ASSERT(m_U.num_connections(k) != 0 && m_U.begin_row(k).index() == k, "");
274  block_type &ukk = m_U.begin_row(k).value();
276  // add row k to row i by A(i, .) -= U(k,.) A(i,k) / U(k,k)
277  // so that A(i,k) is zero.
278  // safe A(i,k)/U(k,k) in con, (later L(i,k) )
279  block_type &d = con[i_it].dValue = con[i_it].dValue / ukk;
281  typename matrix_type::row_iterator k_it = m_U.begin_row(k); // upper row iterator
282  ++k_it; // skip diag
283  size_t j = i_it+1;
284  while(k_it != m_U.end_row(k) && j < con.size())
285  {
287  // (since con and U[k] is sorted, we can do sth like a merge on the two lists)
288  if(k_it.index() == con[j].iIndex)
289  {
290  // match
291  con[j].dValue -= k_it.value() * d;
292  ++k_it; ++j;
293  }
294  else if(k_it.index() < con[j].iIndex)
295  {
296  // we have a value in U(k, (*k_it).iIndex), but not in A.
297  // check tolerance criteria
299  typename matrix_type::connection
300  c(k_it.index(), k_it.value() * d * -1.0);
302  if(BlockNorm(c.dValue) > dmax * m_eps){
304  size_t kitType;
305  if ((*A)(k_it.index(),k_it.index())!=0) kitType=velocity; else kitType=pressure;
307  if ((itype==velocity)&&(kitType==velocity)){
308  if(BlockNorm(c.dValue) > dmax * m_eps_vv)
309  {
310  // insert sorted
311  con.insert(con.begin()+j, c);
312  ++j;
313  }
314  }
315  if ((itype==velocity)&&(kitType==pressure)){
316  if(BlockNorm(c.dValue) > dmax * m_eps_vp)
317  {
318  // insert sorted
319  con.insert(con.begin()+j, c);
320  ++j;
321  }
322  }
323  if ((itype==pressure)&&(kitType==velocity)){
324  if(BlockNorm(c.dValue) > dmax * m_eps_pv)
325  {
326  // insert sorted
327  con.insert(con.begin()+j, c);
328  ++j;
329  }
330  }
331  if ((itype==pressure)&&(kitType==pressure)){
332  if(BlockNorm(c.dValue) > dmax * m_eps_pp)
333  {
334  // insert sorted
335  con.insert(con.begin()+j, c);
336  ++j;
337  }
338  }
339  }
340  // else do some lumping
341  ++k_it;
342  }
343  else
344  {
345  // we have a value in A(k, con[j].iIndex), but not in U.
346  ++j;
347  }
348  }
349  // insert new connections after last connection of row i
350  if (k_it!=m_U.end_row(k)){
351  for (;k_it!=m_U.end_row(k);++k_it){
352  typename matrix_type::connection c(k_it.index(),-k_it.value()*d);
353  if(BlockNorm(c.dValue) > dmax * m_eps){
354  size_t kitType;
355  if ((*A)(k_it.index(),k_it.index())!=0) kitType=velocity; else kitType=pressure;
356  if ((itype==velocity)&&(kitType==velocity)){
357  if(BlockNorm(c.dValue) > dmax * m_eps_vv)
358  {
359  con.push_back(c);
360  }
361  } else {
362  if ((itype==velocity)&&(kitType==pressure)){
363  if(BlockNorm(c.dValue) > dmax * m_eps_vp)
364  {
365  con.push_back(c);
366  }
367  } else {
368  if ((itype==pressure)&&(kitType==velocity)){
369  if(BlockNorm(c.dValue) > dmax * m_eps_pv)
370  {
371  con.push_back(c);
372  }
373  } else {
374  // if ((itype==pressure)&&(kitType==pressure)){
375  if(BlockNorm(c.dValue) > dmax * m_eps_pp)
376  {
377  con.push_back(c);
378  }
379  // }
380  }
381  }
382  }
384  };
385  }
386  };
387  }
389  totalentries+=con.size();
390  if(maxentries < con.size()) maxentries = con.size();
392  // safe L and U
393  m_L.set_matrix_row(i, &con[0], u_part);
394  m_U.set_matrix_row(i, &con[u_part], con.size()-u_part);
396  }
398  m_L.defragment();
399  m_U.defragment();
401  if (m_info==true){
402  UG_LOG("\n CRILUT storage information:\n");
403  UG_LOG(" A nr of connections: " << A->total_num_connections() << "\n");
404  UG_LOG(" L+U nr of connections: " << m_L.total_num_connections()+m_U.total_num_connections() << "\n");
405  UG_LOG(" Increase factor: " << (float)(m_L.total_num_connections() + m_U.total_num_connections() )/A->total_num_connections() << "\n");
406  }
408 /* print_matrix_for_octave(m_U,"_U_","U");
409  print_matrix_for_octave(m_L,"_L_","L");
410  print_matrix_for_octave(mat,"_A_","A");*/
412  return true;
413  }
415  // Stepping routine
417  {
418  // apply iterator: c = LU^{-1}*d (damp is not used)
419  // L
420  for(size_t i=0; i < m_L.num_rows(); i++)
421  {
422  // c[i] = d[i] - m_L[i]*c;
423  c[i] = d[i];
424  for(typename matrix_type::row_iterator it = m_L.begin_row(i); it != m_L.end_row(i); ++it)
425  MatMultAdd(c[i], 1.0, c[i], -1.0, it.value(), c[it.index()] );
426  // lii = 1.0.
427  }
428  // U
429  //
430  // last row diagonal U entry might be close to zero with corresponding zero rhs
431  // when solving Navier Stokes system, therefore handle separately
432  {
433  size_t i=m_U.num_rows()-1;
434  typename matrix_type::row_iterator it = m_U.begin_row(i);
435  UG_ASSERT(it.index() == i, "");
436  block_type &uii = it.value();
437  typename vector_type::value_type s = c[i];
438  // check if close to zero
439  if (BlockNorm(uii)<m_small_lower){
440  // set correction to zero
441  c[i] = 0;
442  if (BlockNorm(s)>m_small_upper){
443  UG_LOG("Warning: zero entry in last row of U with corresponding non-zero rhs entry (" << BlockNorm(s) << ")\n");
444  }
445  } else {
446  // c[i] = s/uii;
447  InverseMatMult(c[i], 1.0, uii, s);
448  }
449  }
450  // handle all other rows
451  for(size_t i=m_U.num_rows()-2; ; i--)
452  {
453  typename matrix_type::row_iterator it = m_U.begin_row(i);
454  UG_ASSERT(it.index() == i, "");
455  block_type &uii = it.value();
457  typename vector_type::value_type s = c[i];
458  ++it; // skip diag
459  for(; it != m_U.end_row(i); ++it)
460  // s -= it.value() * c[it.index()];
461  MatMultAdd(s, 1.0, s, -1.0, it.value(), c[it.index()] );
463  // c[i] = s/uii;
464  InverseMatMult(c[i], 1.0, uii, s);
466  if(i==0) break;
467  }
469 #ifdef UG_PARALLEL
470  // Correction is always consistent
471  // todo: We set here correction to consistent, but it is not. Think about how to use ilu in parallel.
472  c.set_storage_type(PST_CONSISTENT);
473 #endif
474  return true;
475  }
477  // Postprocess routine
478  virtual bool postprocess() {return true;}
480 protected:
488  bool m_info;
490  static const number m_small_lower;
491  static const number m_small_upper;
492 };
494 template <typename TAlgebra>
496 template <typename TAlgebra>
500 } // end namespace ug
502 #endif
CRILUTPreconditioner class.
Definition: cr_ilut.h:88
matrix_type::value_type block_type
Definition: cr_ilut.h:103
TAlgebra algebra_type
Definition: cr_ilut.h:91
virtual bool postprocess()
Definition: cr_ilut.h:478
static const number m_small_lower
Definition: cr_ilut.h:490
CRILUTPreconditioner(double eps=1e-6)
Definition: cr_ilut.h:109
bool m_remove_zeros
Definition: cr_ilut.h:489
number m_eps_pv
Definition: cr_ilut.h:486
virtual const char * name() const
Definition: cr_ilut.h:202
void set_threshold(number threshvv, number thresh_vp_pv_pp)
sets threshold for incomplete LU factorisation
Definition: cr_ilut.h:175
virtual bool preprocess(SmartPtr< MatrixOperator< matrix_type, vector_type > > pOp)
Definition: cr_ilut.h:205
SmartPtr< ILinearIterator< vector_type > > clone()
Definition: cr_ilut.h:146
void set_threshold(number threshvv, number threshvp, number threshpv, number threshpp)
sets threshold for incomplete LU factorisation
Definition: cr_ilut.h:165
number m_eps_pp
Definition: cr_ilut.h:487
matrix_type m_L
Definition: cr_ilut.h:481
virtual ~CRILUTPreconditioner()
Definition: cr_ilut.h:157
void set_info(bool info)
sets storage information output to true or false
Definition: cr_ilut.h:194
number m_eps_vp
Definition: cr_ilut.h:485
number m_eps_vv
Definition: cr_ilut.h:484
number m_eps
Definition: cr_ilut.h:483
IPreconditioner< TAlgebra >::matrix_operator_type matrix_operator_type
Matrix Operator type.
Definition: cr_ilut.h:100
virtual bool step(SmartPtr< MatrixOperator< matrix_type, vector_type > > pOp, vector_type &c, const vector_type &d)
Definition: cr_ilut.h:416
CRILUTPreconditioner(number threshvv, number threshvp, number threshpv, number threshpp, bool info)
Definition: cr_ilut.h:138
void set_threshold(number thresh)
Definition: cr_ilut.h:184
virtual bool supports_parallel() const
returns if parallel solving is supported
Definition: cr_ilut.h:162
CRILUTPreconditioner(number threshvv, number thresh_vp_pv_pp, bool info)
Definition: cr_ilut.h:132
TAlgebra::matrix_type matrix_type
Definition: cr_ilut.h:97
matrix_type m_U
Definition: cr_ilut.h:482
CRILUTPreconditioner(number threshvv, number thresh_vp_pv_pp)
Definition: cr_ilut.h:115
CRILUTPreconditioner(number threshvv, number threshvp, number threshpv, number threshpp)
Definition: cr_ilut.h:121
bool m_info
Definition: cr_ilut.h:488
static const number m_small_upper
Definition: cr_ilut.h:491
CRILUTPreconditioner(double eps, bool info)
Definition: cr_ilut.h:127
TAlgebra::vector_type vector_type
Definition: cr_ilut.h:94
TAlgebra::vector_type vector_type
SmartPtr< IDebugWriter< algebra_type > > debug_writer()
TAlgebra::matrix_type matrix_type
SmartPtr< IDamping< TAlgebra::vector_type, TAlgebra::vector_type > > damping()
ParallelMatrix< SparseMatrix< double > > matrix_type
ParallelVector< Vector< double > > vector_type
T value_type
bool InverseMatMult(DenseVector< FixedArray1< double, 1 > > &dest, double beta1, const DenseMatrix< FixedArray2< double, 1, 1 > > &A1, const DenseVector< FixedArray1< double, 1 > > &w1)
void MatMultAdd(DenseVector< vector_t > &dest, const number &alpha1, const DenseVector< vector_t > &v1, const number &beta1, const DenseMatrix< matrix_t > &A1, const DenseVector< vector_t > &w1)
StringTable s
#define UG_ASSERT(expr, msg)
#define STATIC_ASSERT(expr, msg)
#define UG_LOG(msg)
double number
number BlockNorm(const number &a)