Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2013-2014: G-CSC, Goethe University Frankfurt
3  * Author: Dmitry Logashenko
4  *
5  * This file is part of UG4.
6  *
7  * UG4 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
8  * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 (as published by the
9  * Free Software Foundation) with the following additional attribution
10  * requirements (according to LGPL/GPL v3 §7):
11  *
12  * (1) The following notice must be displayed in the Appropriate Legal Notices
13  * of covered and combined works: "Based on UG4 (".
14  *
15  * (2) The following notice must be displayed at a prominent place in the
16  * terminal output of covered works: "Based on UG4 (".
17  *
18  * (3) The following bibliography is recommended for citation and must be
19  * preserved in all covered files:
20  * "Reiter, S., Vogel, A., Heppner, I., Rupp, M., and Wittum, G. A massively
21  * parallel geometric multigrid solver on hierarchically distributed grids.
22  * Computing and visualization in science 16, 4 (2013), 151-164"
23  * "Vogel, A., Reiter, S., Rupp, M., Nägel, A., and Wittum, G. UG4 -- a novel
24  * flexible software system for simulating pde based models on high performance
25  * computers. Computing and visualization in science 16, 4 (2013), 165-179"
26  *
27  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
28  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
30  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
31  */
33 /*
34  * Implementation of the class functions templates of the class of the
35  * hybrid smoother by Hiptmair.
36  */
38 // ug4 headers
41 // plugin headers
42 #ifdef UG_PARALLEL
43 #include "../memreduce.h"
44 #endif
46 namespace ug{
47 namespace Electromagnetism{
49 //==== Initialization ====
59 template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
61 (
62  const DoFDistribution * pEdgeDD,
63  const DoFDistribution * pVertDD
64 )
65 {
68  m_vEdgeInfo.resize (pEdgeDD->num_indices (), false);
69  for (size_t i = 0; i < pEdgeDD->num_indices (); i++) m_vEdgeInfo[i].clear_flags ();
71  std::vector<size_t> vEdgeInd (1), vVertInd (1);
73 // Get the edge-to-vertex correspondence
74  t_edge_iter edgeIterEnd = pEdgeDD->end<Edge> ();
75  for (t_edge_iter edgeIter = pEdgeDD->begin<Edge> (); edgeIter != edgeIterEnd; ++edgeIter)
76  {
77  Edge * pEdge = *edgeIter;
78  if (pEdgeDD->inner_algebra_indices (pEdge, vEdgeInd) != 1)
79  UG_THROW (name () << ": Edge DoF distribution mismatch. Not the Nedelec-Type-1 element?");
80  tEdgeInfo & EdgeInfo = m_vEdgeInfo [vEdgeInd [0]];
82  EdgeInfo.set_init ();
84  for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++)
85  {
86  Vertex * pVertex = pEdge->vertex (i);
87  if (pVertDD->inner_algebra_indices (pVertex, vVertInd) != 1)
88  UG_THROW (name () << ": Vertex DoF distribution mismatch. Not the Lagrange-Order-1 element?");
89  EdgeInfo.vrt_index [i] = vVertInd [0];
90  }
91  }
93  if (m_spDirichlet.invalid ()) return; // no Dirichlet boundaries specified
95 // Mark Dirichlet edges
96  SubsetGroup dirichlet_ssgrp (pEdgeDD->subset_handler ());
97  m_spDirichlet->get_dirichlet_subsets (dirichlet_ssgrp);
98  for (size_t j = 0; j < dirichlet_ssgrp.size (); j++)
99  {
100  int si = dirichlet_ssgrp [j];
101  // Loop the edges in the subset
102  t_edge_iter iterEnd = pEdgeDD->end<Edge> (si);
103  for (t_edge_iter iter = pEdgeDD->begin<Edge> (si); iter != iterEnd; iter++)
104  {
105  Edge * pEdge = *iter;
106  if (pEdgeDD->inner_algebra_indices (pEdge, vEdgeInd) != 1)
107  UG_THROW (name () << ": Edge DoF distribution mismatch. Not the Nedelec-Type-1 element?");
108  m_vEdgeInfo[vEdgeInd[0]].set_Dirichlet ();
109  }
110  }
111 }
127 template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
129 {
130  size_t N_edges = m_spSysMat->num_rows ();
131  size_t N_verts = m_spPotMat->num_rows ();
133  m_spPotMat->set (0.0);
135  // Flags of the 'conductive' vertices:
136  VariableArray1<bool> vConductiveVertex;
137  vConductiveVertex.resize (N_verts, false);
138  memset (& ( (0)), 0, N_verts * sizeof (bool));
140  // 1. Compute G^T M^{(1)}_h G and mark the 'conductive' vertices.
141  // Loop over the rows:
142  for (size_t row = 0; row < N_edges; row++)
143  {
144  if (! m_vEdgeInfo[row].is_init ())
145  UG_THROW (name () << ": Uninitialized edge data in the computation of the potential.");
147  bool conductive_edge = false;
148  // Remark: For 'conductive edges', the mass matrix is non-zero. We check that.
150  size_t startVert [2];
151  memcpy (startVert, m_vEdgeInfo[row].vrt_index, 2 * sizeof (size_t));
153  // Loop over the connections:
154  for (typename matrix_type::row_iterator row_it = m_spSysMat->begin_row(row);
155  row_it != m_spSysMat->end_row(row); ++row_it)
156  {
157  double M_entry = BlockRef (row_it.value (), 1, 0); // the entry of M^{(1)}_h
159  // Skip zero entries
160  if (zero_mass_entry (M_entry))
161  continue; // to prevent extra connections in the potential stiffness matrix
162  else
163  conductive_edge = true;
165  size_t destVert [2];
166  memcpy (destVert, m_vEdgeInfo[row_it.index()].vrt_index, 2 * sizeof (size_t));
168  // Update the entries of the potential stiffness matrix:
169  (* m_spPotMat) (startVert[0], destVert[0]) += M_entry;
170  (* m_spPotMat) (startVert[0], destVert[1]) -= M_entry;
171  (* m_spPotMat) (startVert[1], destVert[0]) -= M_entry;
172  (* m_spPotMat) (startVert[1], destVert[1]) += M_entry;
173  }
175  // Mark the 'conductive' nodes:
176  if (conductive_edge)
177  vConductiveVertex[startVert[0]] = vConductiveVertex[startVert[1]] = true;
178  }
179 # ifdef UG_PARALLEL
180  MemAllReduce<VariableArray1<bool>, IndexLayout, t_red_op_or>
181  (&vConductiveVertex, m_spPotMat->layouts()->master(),
182  m_spPotMat->layouts()->slave(), & (m_spPotMat->layouts()->comm()));
183 # endif
185  // 2. Unmark vertices at the Dirichlet boundary:
186  // Loop over the edges:
187  for (size_t row = 0; row < N_edges; row++)
188  {
189  tEdgeInfo & EdgeInfo = m_vEdgeInfo [row];
190  if (EdgeInfo.is_Dirichlet ())
191  vConductiveVertex[EdgeInfo.vrt_index[0]]
192  = vConductiveVertex[EdgeInfo.vrt_index[1]] = false;
193  }
194 # ifdef UG_PARALLEL
195  MemAllReduce<VariableArray1<bool>, IndexLayout, t_red_op_and>
196  (&vConductiveVertex, m_spPotMat->layouts()->master(),
197  m_spPotMat->layouts()->slave(), & (m_spPotMat->layouts()->comm()));
198 # endif
200  // 3. Assemble the identity matrix for the 'non-conductive' vertices
201  // (otherwise we would have zero lines there).
202  // Loop over the vertices:
203  for (size_t row = 0; row < N_verts; row++)
204  if (! vConductiveVertex [row])
205  SetDirichletRow (* m_spPotMat.get (), row);
207  // 4. Move the conductive vertex marks into the EdgeInfo structores:
208  // Loop over the edges:
209  for (size_t row = 0; row < N_edges; row++)
210  {
211  tEdgeInfo & EdgeInfo = m_vEdgeInfo [row];
212  if (vConductiveVertex[EdgeInfo.vrt_index[0]])
213  EdgeInfo.set_conductive_vrt_0 ();
214  if (vConductiveVertex[EdgeInfo.vrt_index[1]])
215  EdgeInfo.set_conductive_vrt_1 ();
216  }
217 }
241 template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
243 (
244  const DoFDistribution * pEdgeDD,
245  const DoFDistribution * pVertDD
246 )
247 {
248  size_t N_edges = pEdgeDD->num_indices ();
249  size_t N_verts = pVertDD->num_indices ();
251  // To be on the safe side:
252  if (N_edges != m_spSysMat->num_rows () || N_edges != m_spSysMat->num_cols ())
253  UG_THROW (name () << ": smoother not init. or illegal matrix type");
255  // Allocate the auxiliary matrices and vectors:
256  try
257  {
258  m_spPotMat->resize_and_clear (N_verts, N_verts);
259  }
260  UG_CATCH_THROW (name () << ": Failed to allocate the auxiliary matrix for the potential.");
261 # ifdef UG_PARALLEL
262  m_spPotMat->set_layouts (pVertDD->layouts ());
263 # endif
265  // Get the edge-vertex dof correspondence:
266  get_edge_vert_correspondence (pEdgeDD, pVertDD);
268  // Compute the potential stiffness matrix:
269  compute_GtMG ();
270 }
281 template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
283 (
285  const vector_type & u
286 )
287 {
288  try
289  {
290  // Check the vertex approx. space:
291  if (m_spVertApproxSpace.invalid())
292  UG_THROW (name() << ", init: No approx. space for the potential specified.");
294  // Cast and check if a suitable operator
295  m_spSysMat = J.template cast_dynamic<MatrixOperator<matrix_type, vector_type> >();
296  if(m_spSysMat.invalid())
297  UG_THROW (name() << ", init: No or illegal lin. operator passed (not a matrix?).");
299  // Try to cast the vector to the grid function and get the edge DoF distribution:
300  const TGridFunc * pGridF;
301  if ((pGridF = dynamic_cast<const TGridFunc *> (&u)) == 0)
302  UG_THROW (name() << ", init: No DoFDistribution specified.");
303  m_spEdgeDD = ((TGridFunc *) pGridF)->dof_distribution ();
304  m_GridLevel = m_spEdgeDD->grid_level ();
305  m_spVertDD = m_spVertApproxSpace->dof_distribution (m_GridLevel);
307  // Prepare the smoother for the potential:
308  delete m_pPotCorRe; m_pPotCorRe = 0;
309  delete m_pPotCorIm; m_pPotCorIm = 0;
311  if (! m_bSkipVertex)
312  {
313  // Compute the matrix of the potential equation:
314  compute_potential_matrix (m_spEdgeDD.get (), m_spVertDD.get ());
316  // Allocate the grid functions for the defect in the potential space:
317  m_pPotCorRe = new TPotGridFunc (m_spVertApproxSpace, m_spVertDD);
318  m_pPotCorIm = new TPotGridFunc (m_spVertApproxSpace, m_spVertDD);
319 # ifdef UG_PARALLEL
320  m_pPotCorRe->set_storage_type (PST_CONSISTENT);
321  m_pPotCorIm->set_storage_type (PST_CONSISTENT);
322 # endif
324  // Initialize the subordinated smoother for the vertex dof:
325  m_pPotCorRe->set (0.0);
326  if (! m_spVertSmoother->init (m_spPotMat, *m_pPotCorRe))
327  UG_THROW (name() << ", init: Failed to initialize the subordinated vertex-based smoother.");
328  }
330  // Initialize the subordinated smoother for the edge dofs:
331  if (! m_spEdgeSmoother->init (J, u))
332  UG_THROW (name() << ", init: Failed to initialize the subordinated edge-based smoother.");
333  }
334  catch (...)
335  {
336  m_bInit = false;
337  delete m_pPotCorRe; m_pPotCorRe = 0;
338  delete m_pPotCorIm; m_pPotCorIm = 0;
339  m_vEdgeInfo.resize (0, false);
340  m_spPotMat->resize_and_clear (0, 0);
341  throw;
342  }
344  m_bInit = true;
345  return true;
346 }
348 //==== Computation of the correction ====
355 template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
357 (
358  const vector_type & d,
359  pot_vector_type & potDefRe,
360  pot_vector_type & potDefIm
361 )
362 {
363  size_t N_edges = m_vEdgeInfo.size ();
365  potDefRe.set (0.0); potDefIm.set (0.0);
367  // Loop over the edges:
368  for (size_t edge = 0; edge < N_edges; edge++)
369  {
370  tEdgeInfo & EdgeInfo = m_vEdgeInfo [edge];
371  number Re_d = BlockRef (d [edge], 0);
372  number Im_d = BlockRef (d [edge], 1);
374  if (EdgeInfo.conductive_vrt_0 ())
375  {
376  size_t i = EdgeInfo.vrt_index [0];
377  potDefRe [i] -= Re_d;
378  potDefIm [i] -= Im_d;
379  }
381  if (EdgeInfo.conductive_vrt_1 ())
382  {
383  size_t i = EdgeInfo.vrt_index [1];
384  potDefRe [i] += Re_d;
385  potDefIm [i] += Im_d;
386  }
387  }
388 }
393 template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
395 (
396  pot_vector_type & potCorRe,
397  pot_vector_type & potCorIm,
398  vector_type & c
399 )
400 {
401  size_t N_edges = m_vEdgeInfo.size ();
403  // Loop over the edges:
404  for (size_t edge = 0; edge < N_edges; edge++)
405  {
406  tEdgeInfo & EdgeInfo = m_vEdgeInfo [edge];
408  BlockRef (c [edge], 0) += potCorRe [EdgeInfo.vrt_index[1]]
409  - potCorRe [EdgeInfo.vrt_index[0]];
411  BlockRef (c [edge], 1) += potCorIm [EdgeInfo.vrt_index[1]]
412  - potCorIm [EdgeInfo.vrt_index[0]];
413  }
414 }
453 template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
455 (
456  vector_type & c,
457  const vector_type & d
458 )
459 {
460 //---- Protection:
462 // Check that object is initialized:
463  if(! m_bInit)
464  {
465  UG_LOG("ERROR in '"<<name()<<"::apply': Object not initialized.\n");
466  return false;
467  }
469 // Check sizes:
470  if (d.size() != m_spSysMat->num_rows())
471  UG_THROW("ERROR in '"<<name()<<"::apply': Vector [size= "<<d.size()<<
472  "] and Row [size= "<<m_spSysMat->num_rows()<<"] sizes have to match!");
473  if (c.size() != m_spSysMat->num_cols())
474  UG_THROW("ERROR in '"<<name()<<"::apply': Vector [size= "<<c.size()<<
475  "] and Column [size= "<<m_spSysMat->num_cols()<<"] sizes have to match!");
476  if (d.size() != c.size())
477  UG_THROW("ERROR in '"<<name()<<"::apply': Vector [d size= "<<d.size()<<
478  ", c size = " << c.size() << "] sizes have to match!");
480 //---- Numerics:
482 // A temporary vectors for the defect:
483  vector_type auxEdgeDef (d.size ());
485  auxEdgeDef = d;
487 // Apply the edge-based smoother:
488  if (! m_bSkipEdge)
489  {
490  if (! m_spEdgeSmoother->apply_update_defect (c, auxEdgeDef))
491  return false;
492 # ifdef UG_PARALLEL
493  c.change_storage_type (PST_CONSISTENT);
494 # endif
495  }
496  else c.set (0.0);
498  if (! m_bSkipVertex)
499  {
500  // Temporary vectors:
501  pot_vector_type potDefRe (m_pPotCorRe->size ());
502  pot_vector_type potDefIm (m_pPotCorIm->size ());
503 # ifdef UG_PARALLEL
504  potDefRe.set_layouts (m_pPotCorRe->layouts ());
505  potDefRe.set_storage_type (PST_ADDITIVE);
506  potDefIm.set_layouts (m_pPotCorIm->layouts ());
507  potDefIm.set_storage_type (PST_ADDITIVE);
508 # endif
510  // Compute the 'vertex defect' of the potential:
511  collect_edge_defect (auxEdgeDef, potDefRe, potDefIm);
513  // Apply the vertex-centered smoother:
514  if (! m_spVertSmoother->apply (*m_pPotCorRe, potDefIm))
515  return false;
516  if (! m_spVertSmoother->apply (*m_pPotCorIm, potDefRe))
517  return false;
518 # ifdef UG_PARALLEL
519  m_pPotCorRe->change_storage_type (PST_CONSISTENT);
520  m_pPotCorIm->change_storage_type (PST_CONSISTENT);
521 # endif
523  // Add the vertex-centered correction into the edge-centered one:
524  distribute_vertex_correction (*m_pPotCorRe, *m_pPotCorIm, c);
525  }
527 // Damping (the standard way, like for IPreconditioner):
528  number kappa = this->damping()->damping (c, d, m_spSysMat);
529  if (kappa != 1.0)
530  c *= kappa;
532  return true;
533 }
535 } // end namespace Electromagnetism
536 } // end namespace ug
538 /* End of File */
traits< TElem >::iterator begin()
size_t inner_algebra_indices(GridObject *elem, std::vector< size_t > &ind, bool bClear=true) const
size_t num_indices() const
ConstSmartPtr< AlgebraLayouts > layouts() const
traits< TElem >::iterator end()
ConstSmartPtr< ISubsetHandler > subset_handler() const
virtual Vertex * vertex(size_t index) const
void collect_edge_defect(const vector_type &d, pot_vector_type &potDefRe, pot_vector_type &potDefIm)
Computes the vertex-centered defect .
Definition: hiptmair_hybrid_smoother_impl.h:357
bool init(SmartPtr< ILinearOperator< vector_type > > J, const vector_type &u)
Initialization using a matrix and a GridFunction (not merely a vector!)
Definition: hiptmair_hybrid_smoother_impl.h:283
bool apply(vector_type &c, const vector_type &d)
Computes the correction.
Definition: hiptmair_hybrid_smoother_impl.h:455
void compute_GtMG()
Computes the product .
Definition: hiptmair_hybrid_smoother_impl.h:128
void compute_potential_matrix(const DoFDistribution *pEdgeDD, const DoFDistribution *pVertDD)
Computes the matrix for the smoother in the potential space and marks the "conductive nodes".
Definition: hiptmair_hybrid_smoother_impl.h:243
void distribute_vertex_correction(pot_vector_type &potCorRe, pot_vector_type &potCorIm, vector_type &c)
Adds the vertex-centered correction to the edge-centered one:
Definition: hiptmair_hybrid_smoother_impl.h:395
TAlgebra::vector_type vector_type
Vector type.
Definition: hiptmair_hybrid_smoother.h:87
void get_edge_vert_correspondence(const DoFDistribution *pEdgeDD, const DoFDistribution *pVertDD)
Gets the correspondence between the edges and the vertices.
Definition: hiptmair_hybrid_smoother_impl.h:61
void set_layouts(ConstSmartPtr< AlgebraLayouts > layouts)
size_t size() const
T & at(size_type i)
bool resize(size_type n, bool bCopyValues=true)
pcl::SingleLevelLayout< pcl::OrderedInterface< size_t, std::vector > > IndexLayout
#define UG_CATCH_THROW(msg)
#define UG_THROW(msg)
#define UG_LOG(msg)
double number
void SetDirichletRow(TMatrix &mat, const DoFIndex &ind)
const number & BlockRef(const number &m, size_t i)
SurfaceView::traits< TElem >::const_iterator const_iterator
"and" reduction operation class for the conductivity condition
Definition: hiptmair_hybrid_smoother.h:302
"or" reduction operation class for the conductivity condition
Definition: hiptmair_hybrid_smoother.h:297
Structure of the storage for the information about the edge-vertex interconnections.
Definition: hiptmair_hybrid_smoother.h:145
void set_init()
Definition: hiptmair_hybrid_smoother.h:159
bool is_Dirichlet()
Definition: hiptmair_hybrid_smoother.h:150
void set_conductive_vrt_1()
Definition: hiptmair_hybrid_smoother.h:158
bool conductive_vrt_0()
Definition: hiptmair_hybrid_smoother.h:151
void set_conductive_vrt_0()
Definition: hiptmair_hybrid_smoother.h:157
size_t vrt_index[2]
vertex dof's of the beginning and the end of the edge
Definition: hiptmair_hybrid_smoother.h:146
bool conductive_vrt_1()
Definition: hiptmair_hybrid_smoother.h:152