
This pages gives a broad overview on how to obtain and install ughub and how to use it to obtain UG4.
It also provides a brief introduction on how to build UG4 on Linux, Mac-OSX and Windows. You can select the appropriate tab below to view the instructions for your operating system.


Terminal / Shell

You should be able to use your default terminal application to execute the commands below.


ughub requires Python to run (at least version 2.6 should be available, higher is recommended). Please make sure that Python is installed by executing the following command:

python --version

If it is not installed yet, please install it through your package manager if your on Linux. On Mac-OSX, you can download and install it from


Please also make sure that git is installed on your system and that it can be invoked from your terminal or shell.


You will need cmake to generate the build files for your compiler. You may install with your package manager on Linux or from

Downloading ughub

Please clone the GitHub repository, e.g. by executing the following commands:

git clone

This will download ughub to $HOME/ughub. You may of course clone the repository to any other location. Simply replace $HOME/ughub with your path for the remainder of this introduction.

Please make sure to update your ughub installation from time to time by executing

/ughub git pull

Installing ughub

ughub should run out of the box. However, in order to execute it from any path, you should either edit your PATH environment variable by adding the following line to your $HOME/.bash_profile or $HOME/.bashrc file

export PATH=$PATH:

or create a link to $HOME/ughub/ughub from within a path which is already contained in your PATH variable, e.g., like this

/bin ln -s
/ughub/ughub ughub

If you choose to edit your PATH variable, please make sure to reload your .bash_profile or .bashrc files, e.g.:


If you are interested in using auto-completion (in bash) while using ughub, add the following additional line to your $HOME/.bash_profile or $HOME/.bashrc file


and reload the file. Alternatively, you can place this line in ~/.bash_completion. To use this in zsh, you need to use bashcompinit, see here. Autocomplete is also available for fish. To use this, copy autocompletions/ to ~/.config/fish/completions/ (and reload your fish instance).


Terminal / Shell

You may use the pre-installed command line tool cmd.exe. If you’re using Microsoft Visual Studio you may instead use the VS2015 x64 Command Prompt (64bit) or the VS2013 x86 Command Prompt (32bit) (or similar). Both can be found in

'Start -> All Programs -> Visual Studio 2015'


ughub requires Python to run (at least version 2.6 should be available, higher is recommended). Please make sure that Python is installed by executing the following command:

py --version

If it is not installed, please download and install it from


Please also make sure that git is installed on your system and that it can be invoked from your terminal or shell.


You will need cmake to generate the build files for your compiler. You may install it from

Downloading ughub

Please clone the github repository, e.g. by executing the following commands:

git clone

This will download ughub to %HOMEPATH%/ughub. You may of course clone the repository to any other location. Simply replace %HOMEPATH%/ughub with your path for the remainder of this introduction.

Please make sure to update your ughub installation from time to time by executing

cd %HOMEPATH%/ughub
git pull

Installing ughub

ughub should run out of the box on Windows. However, in order to execute it from any path, you should add


to your Path environment variable (replace $HOME with the actual path). In order to do so, enter


in your shell. This opens the System Properties dialog and highlights the Advanced tab. Click the Environment Variables button at the bottom of the dialog. This opens a dialog which lets you edit the Path variable. Note that paths are separated by a semicolon ‘;’. If the old value of your Path variable was SomePaths, the new content should look somewhat like this:


When you’re done, press ‘OK’ to close the dialog. Make sure to restart your Shell in order to apply the changes.

Autocompletion on windows only works in powershell. To use it, add the line


to the file (you might need to create it)


If you wish to use it, you need to allow powershell scripts to execute. Execute the following in an PowerShell session executed as Administrator:

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

Take a look at this to learn about powershell profiles and execution policy.

First steps

ughub serves as a package management tool for the UG4 simulation framework. Use the following command to get some help on ughub’s usage:

ughub help

One typically starts by creating a directory into which all UG4 related packages shall be installed (again, the exact path is arbitrary):

mkdir ug4

Now we can initialize this directory for usage with ughub:

/ug4 ughub init

This creates a local CMakeLists.txt file and creates a hidden folder .ughub in which package-sources are maintained. All further calls to ughub from within the directory tree located at $HOME/ug4 will now relate to this main directory. To view a list of available packages, execute

ughub list

or ughub listpackages. Which and how many packages are displayed depends on the registered package-sources. To view all registered sources execute

ughub listsources

To install a package, simply execute ughub install with one or more of the available packages:

ughub install Examples

Dependent packages will now be automatically installed.

In order to add new package-sources, ughub provides the command addsource. Theoretically, anybody can create new package-sources and host them e.g. on github. UG4’s public package-source is hosted at

This is ughub’s default source and always registered upon execution of ughub init. Feel free to clone it, to add your publicly available packages and to place a merge request.

Compilation of UG4

For a more detailed introduction to ug4’s build settings and to ug4 in general, please also refer to ug4’s manual:


In order to build UG4, you’ll need a C++ compiler (e.g. g++ or clang) and cmake.

Before compiling UG4, please add the following line to your $HOME/.bashrc or $HOME/.bash_profile file:


and reload your .bashrc or .bash_profile files, e.g.:


This feature is not yet supported for Windows.

Setting up the build directory

First create a build directory:

/ug4 mkdir build cd build

Then simply run cmake:

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..


The Microsoft Visual C++ compiler is recommended for compilation of ug4 on Windows. It can be downloaded as part of the free “Express 2015 for Windows Desktop” edition of Visual Studio (download here).

To allow for parallel compilation in the terminal one can optionally use the tool jom. Extract it and add the path in which the executable lies to your Path environment variable.

Setting up the build directory

First create a build directory:

/ug4 mkdir build cd build

Make sure that you’re running the VS2015 x64 Command Prompt (or similar).

In order to initialize your build please run

cmake -G "NMake Makefiles JOM" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSTATIC_BUILD=ON ..


cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSTATIC_BUILD=ON ..

depending on whether you installed JOM or not. Alternatively one could also generate Visual Studio Project files. However, this option is not discussed further in this introduction.

Note that static linking should be enabled by default on Windows. If you’d like to build a dynamic library, please have a look at ug4’s documentation.

Configuring your build

Each time you’ll execute cmake on your ug4 folder, a list of installed plugins will be shown. In order to activate an installed plugin, specify the cmake option -DPLUGIN_NAME=ON, e.g.:

cmake -DConvectionDiffusion=ON .

You may also activate or deactivate all installed plugins at once:


Some options speed up compilation considerably. E.g. if you only consider problems in two and three dimensional space and only need scalar matrix coefficients, you may use the following cmake options:

cmake -DDIM="2;3" -DCPU=1 .

CMake only prepares the build-settings. To actually build UG4 you’ll have to execute the build command.

To start compiling execute

make -j2

To start compiling execute


