Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2013-2014: G-CSC, Goethe University Frankfurt
3  * Author: Dmitry Logashenko
4  *
5  * This file is part of UG4.
6  *
7  * UG4 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
8  * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 (as published by the
9  * Free Software Foundation) with the following additional attribution
10  * requirements (according to LGPL/GPL v3 §7):
11  *
12  * (1) The following notice must be displayed in the Appropriate Legal Notices
13  * of covered and combined works: "Based on UG4 (".
14  *
15  * (2) The following notice must be displayed at a prominent place in the
16  * terminal output of covered works: "Based on UG4 (".
17  *
18  * (3) The following bibliography is recommended for citation and must be
19  * preserved in all covered files:
20  * "Reiter, S., Vogel, A., Heppner, I., Rupp, M., and Wittum, G. A massively
21  * parallel geometric multigrid solver on hierarchically distributed grids.
22  * Computing and visualization in science 16, 4 (2013), 151-164"
23  * "Vogel, A., Reiter, S., Rupp, M., Nägel, A., and Wittum, G. UG4 -- a novel
24  * flexible software system for simulating pde based models on high performance
25  * computers. Computing and visualization in science 16, 4 (2013), 165-179"
26  *
27  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
28  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
30  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
31  */
33 /*
34  * Implementation of the functions for the Dirichlet boundary conditions
35  * for the Nedelec-based discretizations of the rot-rot operator.
36  */
38 #ifdef UG_FOR_LUA
40 #endif
42 namespace ug{
43 namespace Electromagnetism{
48 template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
50 (
51  const char* f_name,
52  const char* ss_names
53 )
54 {
55  typedef std::vector<std::string> t_f_vec;
57  std::vector<std::string> subsets;
58  TokenizeString (std::string (ss_names), subsets);
60 // Check the data
61  std::string s_f_name (f_name);
62  size_t n_func;
63  if ((n_func = TokenizeString(s_f_name).size ()) > 1)
64  UG_THROW("NedelecDirichletBC:"
65  " Only single functions function allowed in the specification of"
66  " Dirichlet values, but the following functions given:"
67  << f_name);
69 // Loop the subsets
70  for (size_t i = 0; i < subsets.size (); i++)
71  {
72  // If the map entry does not exist, create and initialize with all the functions
73  if (m_mDirichletSS.find (subsets [i]) == m_mDirichletSS.end ())
74  m_mDirichletSS [subsets [i]] = m_vDirichletFunc;
75  // Exclude the specified function from the list of the implicit specifications
76  std::vector<std::string> & imp_funcs = m_mDirichletSS [subsets [i]];
77  if (n_func == 0) continue;
78  t_f_vec::iterator f_entry = std::find (imp_funcs.begin (), imp_funcs.end (), s_f_name);
79  if (f_entry == imp_funcs.end ())
80  UG_THROW ("NedelecDirichletBC: Wrong speficifation of the Dirichlet BC for subset "
81  << subsets [i] << ": func " << f_name <<
82  " not present in the object or is specified twice for the subsets.");
83  imp_funcs.erase (f_entry);
84  }
85 }
90 template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
92 (
93  const char* subsets
94 )
95 {
96  add_subset ("", subsets);
97 }
102 template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
104 (
105  MathVector<dim> & value,
106  const char* function,
107  const char* subsets
108 )
109 {
110  add_subset (function, subsets);
111  m_vConstBCData.push_back (TConstBC (value, function, subsets));
112 }
117 template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
119 (
120  std::vector<number> vValue,
121  const char* function,
122  const char* subsets
123 )
124 {
125  if (vValue.size () != (size_t) dim)
126  UG_THROW ("NedelecDirichletBC:"
127  "Wrong dimensionality of a Dirichlet BC. Specify " << dim << " values.");
128  MathVector<dim> value;
129  for (size_t i = 0; i < (size_t) dim; i++) value[i] = vValue[i];
130  add (value, function, subsets);
131 }
136 template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
138 (
139  SmartPtr<UserData<MathVector<dim>, dim> > & func,
140  const char* function,
141  const char* subsets
142 )
143 {
144  add_subset (function, subsets);
145  m_vUserDataBCData.push_back (TUserDataBC (func, function, subsets));
146 }
148 #ifdef UG_FOR_LUA
152 template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
154 (
155  const char* name,
156  const char* function,
157  const char* subsets
158 )
159 {
160  if (! LuaUserData<MathVector<dim>, dim>::check_callback_returns (name))
161  UG_THROW ("NedelecDirichletBC: Illegal BC specification."
162  " A " << dim << "d vector-valued function should be specified");
163  SmartPtr<UserData<MathVector<dim>, dim> > sp_userData =
164  LuaUserDataFactory<MathVector<dim>, dim>::create (name);
165  add (sp_userData, function, subsets);
166 }
167 #endif
172 template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
174 (
175  SubsetGroup & dirichlet_ssgrp
176 ) const
177 {
178  typedef std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> > t_ss_map;
180 // Loop the subset names
181  t_ss_map::const_iterator iterEnd = m_mDirichletSS.end ();
182  for (t_ss_map::const_iterator iter = m_mDirichletSS.begin (); iter != iterEnd; ++iter)
183  dirichlet_ssgrp.add (iter->first);
184 }
190 template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
192 (
193  FunctionGroup& functionGroup,
194  SubsetGroup& subsetGroup
195 )
196 {
197 // only number of functions allowed
198  if (functionGroup.size () != 1)
199  UG_THROW("NedelecDirichletBC:"
200  " Only single functions function allowed in the specification of"
201  " Dirichlet values, but the following functions given:"
202  << functionGroup);
204 // get subsethandler
205  ConstSmartPtr<ISubsetHandler> pSH = base_type::m_spApproxSpace->subset_handler ();
207 // loop subsets
208  for(size_t si = 0; si < subsetGroup.size (); ++si)
209  {
210  // get the subset and function indices
211  const int subsetIndex = subsetGroup[si];
212  const size_t fct = functionGroup[0];
214  // check that subsetIndex is valid
215  if (subsetIndex < 0 || subsetIndex >= pSH->num_subsets ())
216  UG_THROW ("NedelecDirichletBC:"
217  " Invalid Subset Index " << subsetIndex << ". (Valid is"
218  " 0, .. , " << pSH->num_subsets() <<").");
220  // check if function exist
221  if (fct >= base_type::m_spApproxSpace->function_pattern()->num_fct ())
222  UG_THROW ("NedelecDirichletBC:"
223  " Function " << fct << " does not exist in pattern.");
225  // check that function is defined for segment
226  if (!base_type::m_spApproxSpace->function_pattern()->is_def_in_subset (fct, subsetIndex))
227  UG_THROW ("NedelecDirichletBC:"
228  " Function " << fct << " not defined on subset " << subsetIndex);
229  }
230 }
236 template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
237 template <typename TUserData>
239 (
240  std::map<int, std::vector<TUserData *> > & mvUserDataBndSegment,
241  std::vector<TUserData> & vUserData
242 )
243 {
244 // Clear the extracted data
245  mvUserDataBndSegment.clear ();
247 // Fill the map
248  for (size_t i = 0; i < vUserData.size (); ++i)
249  {
250  FunctionGroup fctGrp;
252  // create Function Group and Subset Group
253  try
254  {
255  vUserData[i].ssGrp = base_type::m_spApproxSpace->subset_grp_by_name (vUserData[i].ssName.c_str());
256  }
257  UG_CATCH_THROW(" Subsets '" << vUserData[i].ssName << "' not all contained in ApproximationSpace.");
259  try
260  {
261  fctGrp = base_type::m_spApproxSpace->fct_grp_by_name (vUserData[i].fctName.c_str());
262  }
263  UG_CATCH_THROW (" Functions '" << vUserData[i].fctName << "' not all contained in ApproximationSpace.");
265  // check functions and subsets
266  check_functions_and_subsets (fctGrp, vUserData[i].ssGrp);
268  // set the function
269  vUserData[i].fct = fctGrp[0];
271  // loop subsets
272  for (size_t si = 0; si < vUserData[i].ssGrp.size (); ++si)
273  mvUserDataBndSegment[vUserData[i].ssGrp[si]].push_back (&vUserData[i]);
274  }
275 }
280 template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
282 {
283  typedef std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> > t_ss_map;
285 // Loop the subset names
286  t_ss_map::const_iterator iterEnd = m_mDirichletSS.end ();
287  for (t_ss_map::const_iterator iter = m_mDirichletSS.begin (); iter != iterEnd; ++iter)
288  if (iter->second.size () != 0) // only if there are implicitly defined BCs
289  {
290  // Get the subset group
291  SubsetGroup ssGrp;
292  try
293  {
294  ssGrp = base_type::m_spApproxSpace->subset_grp_by_name (iter->first.c_str ());
295  }
296  UG_CATCH_THROW(" Subsets '" << iter->first << "' not all contained in ApproximationSpace.");
298  // Loop subsets
299  for (size_t i = 0; i < ssGrp.size (); i++)
300  {
301  FunctionGroup & f_grp = m_mZeroBC [ssGrp [i]];
302  f_grp.set_function_pattern (base_type::m_spApproxSpace->function_pattern ());
303  f_grp.add (iter->second);
304  }
305  }
306 }
311 template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
313 (
314  matrix_type & J,
315  const vector_type & u,
317  int type,
318  number time,
320  const number s_a0
321 )
322 {
323  std::vector<DoFIndex> multInd;
324  SubsetGroup ssGrp (base_type::m_spApproxSpace->subset_handler ());
325  FunctionGroup fctGrp (base_type::m_spApproxSpace->function_pattern (), m_vDirichletFunc);
327 // Get the Dirichlet subsets
330 // Loop over the subsets
331  for (size_t i = 0; i < ssGrp.size (); i++)
332  {
333  int si = ssGrp [i];
335  // Loop the edges
336  t_edge_iterator iterEnd = dd->end<Edge> (si);
337  for (t_edge_iterator iter = dd->begin<Edge> (si); iter != iterEnd; iter++)
338  // Loop functions
339  for(size_t fct_i = 0; fct_i < fctGrp.size (); fct_i++)
340  {
341  // Get the multiindices
342  if (dd->inner_dof_indices (*iter, fctGrp [fct_i], multInd) != 1)
343  UG_THROW ("NedelecDirichletBC: "
344  "More than one DoF per edge. Not the Nedelec-type-1 element?");
346  // Set the Dirichlet row
347  SetDirichletRow (J, multInd[0]);
348  }
349  }
350 }
355 template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
357 (
358  vector_type& d,
359  const vector_type& u,
361  int type,
362  number time,
364  const std::vector<number> * vScaleMass,
365  const std::vector<number> * vScaleStiff
366 )
367 {
368  std::vector<DoFIndex> multInd;
369  SubsetGroup ssGrp (base_type::m_spApproxSpace->subset_handler ());
370  FunctionGroup fctGrp (base_type::m_spApproxSpace->function_pattern (), m_vDirichletFunc);
372 // Get the Dirichlet subsets
375 // Loop over the subsets
376  for (size_t i = 0; i < ssGrp.size (); i++)
377  {
378  int si = ssGrp [i];
380  // Loop the edges
381  t_edge_iterator iterEnd = dd->end<Edge> (si);
382  for (t_edge_iterator iter = dd->begin<Edge> (si); iter != iterEnd; iter++)
383  // Loop functions
384  for(size_t fct_i = 0; fct_i < fctGrp.size (); fct_i++)
385  {
386  // Get the multiindices
387  if (dd->inner_dof_indices (*iter, fctGrp [fct_i], multInd) != 1)
388  UG_THROW ("NedelecDirichletBC: "
389  "More than one DoF per edge. Not the Nedelec-type-1 element?");
391  // Set the Dirichlet entry
392  DoFRef (d, multInd[0]) = 0.0;
393  }
394  }
395 }
400 template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
401 template <typename TUserData>
403 (
404  const std::vector<TUserData *> & vUserData,
405  int si,
406  vector_type& u,
408  number time
409 )
410 {
411  std::vector<DoFIndex> multInd;
413 // Loop the edges
414  t_edge_iterator iterEnd = dd->end<Edge> (si);
415  for (t_edge_iterator iter = dd->begin<Edge> (si); iter != iterEnd; iter++)
416  // Loop dirichlet functions on this segment
417  for(size_t i = 0; i < vUserData.size (); ++i)
418  {
419  Edge * pEdge = *iter;
420  // Get the multiindices
421  if (dd->inner_dof_indices (pEdge, vUserData[i]->fct, multInd) != 1)
422  UG_THROW ("NedelecDirichletBC:"
423  "More than one DoF per edge. Not the Nedelec-type-1 element?");
425  // Set the Dirichlet entry
426  DoFRef (u, multInd[0]) = (* vUserData[i]) (pEdge, si, m_aaPos, time);
427  }
428 }
434 template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
436 (
437  vector_type & u,
439  number time
440 )
441 {
442  typedef std::map<int, FunctionGroup> t_ss_map;
444  std::vector<DoFIndex> multInd;
446 // Loop the subset names
447  t_ss_map::const_iterator ssIterEnd = m_mZeroBC.end ();
448  for (t_ss_map::const_iterator ssIter = m_mZeroBC.begin (); ssIter != ssIterEnd; ++ssIter)
449  {
450  const FunctionGroup & fctGrp = ssIter->second;
451  int si = ssIter->first;
453  // Loop the edges
454  t_edge_iterator iterEnd = dd->end<Edge> (si);
455  for (t_edge_iterator iter = dd->begin<Edge> (si); iter != iterEnd; iter++)
456  {
457  Edge * pEdge = *iter;
459  // Loop dirichlet functions on this segment
460  for(size_t i = 0; i < fctGrp.size (); ++i)
461  {
462  // Get the multiindices
463  if (dd->inner_dof_indices (pEdge, fctGrp[i], multInd) != 1)
464  UG_THROW ("NedelecDirichletBC:"
465  "More than one DoF per edge. Not the Nedelec-type-1 element?");
467  // Set the Dirichlet entry
468  DoFRef (u, multInd[0]) = 0;
469  }
470  }
471  }
472 }
477 template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
479 (
480  vector_type & u,
482  int type,
483  number time
484 )
485 {
486  extract_data ();
488  // Loop boundary subsets (separately for every type of the BC specification)
489  {
490  typename std::map<int, std::vector<TConstBC*> >::const_iterator iter;
491  for (iter = m_mConstBC.begin (); iter != m_mConstBC.end (); ++iter)
492  adjust_solution<TConstBC> ((*iter).second, (*iter).first, u, dd, time);
493  }
494  {
495  typename std::map<int, std::vector<TUserDataBC*> >::const_iterator iter;
496  for (iter = m_mUserDataBC.begin (); iter != m_mUserDataBC.end (); ++iter)
497  adjust_solution<TUserDataBC> ((*iter).second, (*iter).first, u, dd, time);
498  }
500  adjust_solution_implicit (u, dd, time);
501 }
503 } // end namespace Electromagnetism
504 } // end namespace ug
506 /* End of File */
void adjust_jacobian(matrix_type &J, const vector_type &u, ConstSmartPtr< DoFDistribution > dd, int type, number time=0.0, ConstSmartPtr< VectorTimeSeries< vector_type > > vSol=SPNULL, const number s_a0=1.0)
sets a unity row for all dirichlet indices
Definition: nedelec_dirichlet_impl.h:313
void add_subset(const char *f_name, const char *ss_names)
inserts a subset to the list of the Dirichlet subsets
Definition: nedelec_dirichlet_impl.h:50
void extract_data()
Definition: nedelec_dirichlet.h:294
void adjust_solution(const std::vector< TUserData * > &vUserData, int si, vector_type &u, ConstSmartPtr< DoFDistribution > dd, number time)
Sets the specified Dirichlet values in the solution.
Definition: nedelec_dirichlet_impl.h:403
void add(MathVector< dim > &value, const char *function, const char *subsets)
adds a constant Dirichlet value on a subset
Definition: nedelec_dirichlet_impl.h:104
void adjust_solution_implicit(vector_type &u, ConstSmartPtr< DoFDistribution > dd, number time)
Sets the zero Dirichlet values for the implicitly specified BC.
Definition: nedelec_dirichlet_impl.h:436
void extract_implicit()
Composes the list of the implicit BC.
Definition: nedelec_dirichlet_impl.h:281
void check_functions_and_subsets(FunctionGroup &functionGroup, SubsetGroup &subsetGroup)
Verifies whether the string input represents legal data.
Definition: nedelec_dirichlet_impl.h:192
void adjust_defect(vector_type &d, const vector_type &u, ConstSmartPtr< DoFDistribution > dd, int type, number time=0.0, ConstSmartPtr< VectorTimeSeries< vector_type > > vSol=SPNULL, const std::vector< number > *vScaleMass=NULL, const std::vector< number > *vScaleStiff=NULL)
sets a zero value in the defect for all dirichlet indices
Definition: nedelec_dirichlet_impl.h:357
void add_0(const char *subsets)
adds a zero Dirichlet value on a subset
Definition: nedelec_dirichlet_impl.h:92
DoFDistribution::traits< Edge >::const_iterator t_edge_iterator
iterator over edges
Definition: nedelec_dirichlet.h:114
virtual void get_dirichlet_subsets(SubsetGroup &dirichlet_ssgrp) const
composes an array of subset indices of the Dirichlet boundary
Definition: nedelec_dirichlet_impl.h:174
size_t size() const
void add(const char *name)
void set_function_pattern(ConstSmartPtr< FunctionPattern > spFuncPattern)
algebra_type::vector_type vector_type
algebra_type::matrix_type matrix_type
void add(const char *name)
size_t size() const
SmartPtr< TSubsetHandler > subset_handler()
static const int dim
position_accessor_type m_aaPos
Variant::Type type()
vector< string > TokenizeString(const char *str, const char delimiter=',')
#define UG_CATCH_THROW(msg)
#define UG_THROW(msg)
double number
const number & DoFRef(const TMatrix &mat, const DoFIndex &iInd, const DoFIndex &jInd)
void SetDirichletRow(TMatrix &mat, const DoFIndex &ind)
structure for the Dirichlet BC that is constant over a patch
Definition: nedelec_dirichlet.h:165
Structure for the Dirichlet BC that are given by a function.
Definition: nedelec_dirichlet.h:207