Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2013-2014: G-CSC, Goethe University Frankfurt
3  * Author: Dmitry Logashenko
4  *
5  * This file is part of UG4.
6  *
7  * UG4 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
8  * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 (as published by the
9  * Free Software Foundation) with the following additional attribution
10  * requirements (according to LGPL/GPL v3 §7):
11  *
12  * (1) The following notice must be displayed in the Appropriate Legal Notices
13  * of covered and combined works: "Based on UG4 (".
14  *
15  * (2) The following notice must be displayed at a prominent place in the
16  * terminal output of covered works: "Based on UG4 (".
17  *
18  * (3) The following bibliography is recommended for citation and must be
19  * preserved in all covered files:
20  * "Reiter, S., Vogel, A., Heppner, I., Rupp, M., and Wittum, G. A massively
21  * parallel geometric multigrid solver on hierarchically distributed grids.
22  * Computing and visualization in science 16, 4 (2013), 151-164"
23  * "Vogel, A., Reiter, S., Rupp, M., Nägel, A., and Wittum, G. UG4 -- a novel
24  * flexible software system for simulating pde based models on high performance
25  * computers. Computing and visualization in science 16, 4 (2013), 165-179"
26  *
27  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
28  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
30  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
31  */
39 #include "nedelec_local_ass.h"
41 namespace ug{
42 namespace Electromagnetism{
55 template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra, typename TElem>
57 (
58  const MultiGrid * mg,
59  Vertex * v,
60  TElem * base,
61  MathVector<TElem::dim> & local
62 )
63 {
66 // Get the parent of the vertex (note that this is typically not the 'base')
67  GridObject * parent = mg->get_parent (v);
69 // Get the vertices of the parent
71  ((MultiGrid *) mg)->associated_elements (vrts, parent);
72  size_t n_co = vrts.size ();
73  UG_ASSERT (n_co != 0, "GetRegularLocalCoordinate: No associated vertices.")
75 // Get the reference element for the base
76  const ref_elem_type& rRefElem = Provider<ref_elem_type>::get ();
78 // Average the local coordinates of the vertices
79  local = 0.0;
80  for (size_t co = 0; co < n_co; co++)
81  {
82  int i = GetVertexIndex (base, vrts[co]);
83  if (i < 0)
84  UG_THROW ("GetRegularLocalCoordinate: No (implicit) parent-child relation between the vertex and the base element.");
85  local += rRefElem.corner (i);
86  }
87  local /= n_co;
88 }
100 template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
102 (
103  const domain_type & domain,
104  const DoFDistribution & coarseDD,
105  const DoFDistribution & fineDD,
106  matrix_type & mat,
107  std::vector<bool> & vIsRestricted
108 )
109 {
112 // Multiindices to access the components
113  std::vector<DoFIndex> c_ind (1), f_ind (1);
115 // Get the multigrid:
116  const MultiGrid * grid = coarseDD.multi_grid().get ();
118 // Get the number of the functions:
119  size_t num_fct = coarseDD.num_fct ();
120  UG_ASSERT (num_fct == fineDD.num_fct (), "NedelecTransfer: Coarse and find DD mismatch.");
122 // Loop over all subsets:
123  for (int si = 0; si < coarseDD.num_subsets (); si++)
124  {
125  // Loop over all edges in the subset
126  iterator e_end = coarseDD.template end<RegularEdge> (si);
127  for (iterator edge_iter = coarseDD.template begin<RegularEdge> (si);
128  edge_iter != e_end; ++edge_iter)
129  {
130  number coef;
131  Edge * c_edge = * edge_iter;
132  const size_t n_children = grid->num_children<Edge, Edge> (c_edge);
134  if (n_children == 0)
135  continue;
136  else if (n_children == 1)
137  {
138  Edge * f_edge = grid->get_child<Edge, Edge> (c_edge, 0);
140  // Check the edge orientation:
141  GridObject * corner_0 = grid->get_parent (f_edge->vertex(0));
142  if (corner_0 == (GridObject *) (c_edge->vertex (0)))
143  coef = 1; // the edges should have the same orientation
144  else if (corner_0 == (GridObject *) (c_edge->vertex (1)))
145  coef = -1; // the edges have the inverse orientation
146  else
147  UG_THROW ("NedelecTransfer: Cannot find out the edge orientation.");
149  // Add the values:
150  for (size_t fct = 0; fct < num_fct; fct++)
151  {
152  // Get the DoFs:
153  if (coarseDD.inner_dof_indices (c_edge, fct, c_ind) != 1
154  || fineDD.inner_dof_indices (f_edge, fct, f_ind) != 1)
155  UG_THROW ("NedelecTransfer:"
156  "More than one DoF per edge. Not the Nedelec-type-1 element?");
157  // Assemble the + or - identity matrix here:
158  DoFRef (mat, f_ind[0], c_ind[0]) += coef;
159  vIsRestricted [c_ind[0][0]] = true;
160  }
161  }
162  else if (n_children == 2)
163  {
164  for (size_t child = 0; child < 2; child++)
165  {
166  Edge * f_edge = grid->get_child<Edge, Edge> (c_edge, child);
168  // Check the edge orientation:
169  GridObject * corner_0 = grid->get_parent (f_edge->vertex(0));
170  GridObject * corner_1 = grid->get_parent (f_edge->vertex(1));
171  if (corner_0 == (GridObject *) (c_edge->vertex (0))
172  || corner_1 == (GridObject *) (c_edge->vertex (1)))
173  coef = 0.5; // the edges should have the same orientation
174  else if (corner_0 == (GridObject *) (c_edge->vertex (1))
175  || corner_1 == (GridObject *) (c_edge->vertex (0)))
176  coef = -0.5; // the edges have the inverse orientation
177  else
178  UG_THROW ("NedelecTransfer: Cannot find out the edge orientation.");
180  // Add the values:
181  for (size_t fct = 0; fct < num_fct; fct++)
182  {
183  // Get the DoFs:
184  if (coarseDD.inner_dof_indices (c_edge, fct, c_ind) != 1
185  || fineDD.inner_dof_indices (f_edge, fct, f_ind) != 1)
186  UG_THROW ("NedelecTransfer:"
187  "More than one DoF per edge. Not the Nedelec-type-1 element?");
188  // Assemble the matrix entry:
189  DoFRef (mat, f_ind[0], c_ind[0]) += coef;
190  vIsRestricted [c_ind[0][0]] = true;
191  }
192  }
193  }
194  else
195  UG_THROW ("NedelecTransfer: Only regular refinement is supported,"
196  " but some edge is subdivided into " << n_children << " ones.");
197  }
198  }
199 }
207 template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra, typename TElem>
209 (
210  const domain_type & domain,
211  const DoFDistribution & coarseDD,
212  const DoFDistribution & fineDD,
213  matrix_type & mat,
214  std::vector<bool> & vIsRestricted
215 )
216 {
217  typedef typename DoFDistribution::traits<TElem>::const_iterator iterator;
220 // Multiindices to access the components
221  std::vector<DoFIndex> c_ind (ref_elem_type::numEdges), f_ind (1);
223 // Get the multigrid:
224  const MultiGrid * grid = coarseDD.multi_grid().get ();
226 // Get position accessor for the integration:
227  const typename TDomain::position_accessor_type & aaPos = domain.position_accessor ();
229 // Get the number of the functions:
230  size_t num_fct = coarseDD.num_fct ();
231  UG_ASSERT (num_fct == fineDD.num_fct (), "NedelecTransfer: Coarse and find DD mismatch.");
233 // Loop over all subsets:
234  for (int si = 0; si < coarseDD.num_subsets (); si++)
235  {
236  // Loop over all the elements of the given type in the subset
237  iterator e_end = coarseDD.template end<TElem> (si);
238  for (iterator elem_iter = coarseDD.template begin<TElem> (si);
239  elem_iter != e_end; ++elem_iter)
240  {
241  TElem * c_elem = * elem_iter;
242  const size_t n_children = grid->num_children<Edge, TElem> (c_elem);
244  if (n_children == 0)
245  continue;
247  // Get the corner positions:
248  position_type aCorners [ref_elem_type::numCorners];
249  for (size_t co = 0; co < (size_t) ref_elem_type::numCorners; co++)
250  aCorners [co] = aaPos [c_elem->vertex (co)];
252  // Loop over the child elements:
253  for (size_t child = 0; child < n_children; child++)
254  {
255  // Get the fine grid edge:
256  Edge * edge = grid->get_child<Edge, TElem> (c_elem, child);
258  // Get the local coordinates of the edge center w.r.t. the parent element:
259  MathVector<TElem::dim> loc_0, loc_1, loc_center;
260  GetRegularLocalCoordinate (grid, edge->vertex (0), c_elem, loc_0);
261  GetRegularLocalCoordinate (grid, edge->vertex (1), c_elem, loc_1);
262  VecAdd (loc_center, loc_0, loc_1);
263  loc_center /= 2;
265  // Get the length of the edge according to the local coordinates
266  MathVector<WDim> corner_0, corner_1, edge_vec;
267  DimReferenceMapping<dim, WDim> & map = ReferenceMappingProvider::get<dim, WDim> (roid);
268  map.update (aCorners);
269  map.local_to_global (corner_0, loc_0);
270  map.local_to_global (corner_1, loc_1);
271  VecSubtract (edge_vec, corner_1, corner_0);
273  // Get the shapes and assemble the contribution to the interpolation matrix:
274  MathVector<WDim> shape [ref_elem_type::numEdges];
275  NedelecT1_LDisc<TDomain, TElem>::get_shapes (&domain, c_elem, aCorners, loc_center, shape);
276  for (size_t fct = 0; fct < num_fct; fct++)
277  {
278  // Get the DoFs:
279  if (coarseDD.dof_indices (c_elem, fct, c_ind) != (size_t) ref_elem_type::numEdges
280  || fineDD.inner_dof_indices (edge, fct, f_ind) != 1)
281  UG_THROW ("NedelecTransfer:"
282  "More than one DoF per edge. Not the Nedelec-type-1 element?");
283  // Add the contributions to the matrix entry:
284  for (size_t i = 0; i < (size_t) ref_elem_type::numEdges; i++)
285  {
286  number coef = VecDot (shape [i], edge_vec);
287  DoFRef (mat, f_ind [0], c_ind [i]) += coef;
288  vIsRestricted [c_ind [i] [0]] = true;
289  }
290  }
291  }
292  }
293  }
294 }
300 template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
302 {
303 // The grid element types for this dimension:
304  typedef typename domain_traits<WDim>::AllElemList ElemList;
306 // Verify the approximation space:
307  check_approximation_space ();
309 // Get the DoF distributions:
310  const DoFDistribution & coarseDD = * m_spApproxSpace->dof_distribution (m_coarseLevel);
311  const DoFDistribution & fineDD = * m_spApproxSpace->dof_distribution (m_fineLevel);
313 // Get number of dofs on the grid levels:
314  const size_t numFineDoFs = fineDD.num_indices ();
315  const size_t numCoarseDoFs = coarseDD.num_indices ();
317 // Assemble the prolongation matrix:
318  m_vIsRestricted.clear (); m_vIsRestricted.resize (numCoarseDoFs, false);
319  try
320  {
321  m_prolongation_matrix.resize_and_clear (numFineDoFs, numCoarseDoFs);
322  }
323  UG_CATCH_THROW ("NedelecTransfer: Failed to allocate the prolongation matrix.");
324  boost::mpl::for_each<ElemList> (AssembleProlongationMatrix (this, coarseDD, fineDD));
326 # ifdef UG_PARALLEL
327  m_prolongation_matrix.set_storage_type (PST_CONSISTENT);
328 # endif
330 // Done:
331  m_bInit = true;
332 }
338 template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
340 (
341  vector_type & uFine,
342  const vector_type & uCoarse
343 )
344 {
345  if (! m_bInit)
346  UG_THROW("NedelecTransfer: Operator not initialized.");
348 // Some assertions
349  UG_ASSERT(uFine.size () >= m_prolongation_matrix.num_rows (), "Vector ["
350  << uFine.size() << "] must be >= Row size " << m_prolongation_matrix.num_rows ());
351  UG_ASSERT(uCoarse.size () >= m_prolongation_matrix.num_cols (), "Vector ["
352  << uCoarse.size() << "] must be >= Col size " << m_prolongation_matrix.num_cols ());
354 // Apply the prolongation matrix
355  if (! m_prolongation_matrix.apply (uFine, uCoarse))
356  {
357  std::stringstream ss;
358  ss << "NedelecTransfer::prolongate: Cannot apply matrix. ";
359 #ifdef UG_PARALLEL
360  ss << "(Type uCoarse = " << uCoarse.get_storage_mask ();
361 #endif
362  UG_THROW (ss.str().c_str ());
363  }
365 // Set Dirichlet nodes to zero again
366  try
367  {
368  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_vConstraint.size (); ++i)
369  if (m_vConstraint[i]->type () & CT_DIRICHLET)
370  m_vConstraint[i]->adjust_defect (uFine, uFine,
371  m_spApproxSpace->dof_distribution (m_fineLevel), CT_DIRICHLET);
372  }
373  UG_CATCH_THROW("NedelecTransfer::prolongate: Error while setting dirichlet defect to zero.");
375 // Call further constraints constraints (= adjust_restrict, member of class constraint)
376  try
377  {
378  for (int type = 1; type < CT_ALL; type = type << 1)
379  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_vConstraint.size (); ++i)
380  if (m_vConstraint[i]->type() & type)
381  m_vConstraint[i]->adjust_prolongation (uFine, m_fineLevel, uCoarse, m_coarseLevel, type);
382  }
383  UG_CATCH_THROW("NedelecTransfer::prolongate: Error while setting dirichlet defect to zero.");
384 }
390 template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
392 (
393  vector_type & uCoarse,
394  const vector_type & uFine
395 )
396 {
397  if (! m_bInit)
398  UG_THROW("NedelecTransfer: Operator not initialized.");
400  vector_type uTmp; uTmp.resize(uCoarse.size());
402 // Some assertions
403  UG_ASSERT (uFine.size () >= m_prolongation_matrix.num_rows (), "Vector ["
404  << uFine.size () << "] must be >= Row size " << m_prolongation_matrix.num_rows ());
405  UG_ASSERT (uCoarse.size () >= m_prolongation_matrix.num_cols (), "Vector ["
406  << uCoarse.size() << "] must be >= Col size " << m_prolongation_matrix.num_cols ());
408 // Apply the transposed prolongation matrix
409  if (! m_prolongation_matrix.apply_transposed (uTmp, uFine))
410  UG_THROW ("NedelecTransfer::restrict: Cannot apply transposed matrix.");
412 // Copy only restricted values:
413 // This is needed for adaptive grids, where the defect that has been
414 // projected from the surface should remain and only hidden (i.e.
415 // indices with children) should be changed.
416  for (size_t i = 0; i < uTmp.size (); ++i)
417  if (m_vIsRestricted [i])
418  uCoarse[i] = uTmp[i];
420 // Set dirichlet nodes to zero again
421  try
422  {
423  for(size_t i = 0; i < m_vConstraint.size (); ++i)
424  if (m_vConstraint[i]->type () & CT_DIRICHLET)
425  m_vConstraint[i]->adjust_defect (uCoarse, uCoarse,
426  m_spApproxSpace->dof_distribution (m_coarseLevel), CT_DIRICHLET);
427  }
428  UG_CATCH_THROW("NedelecTransfer::restrict: Error while setting dirichlet defect to zero.");
430 // call restrictions due to added constraints (= adjust_restrict, member of class constraint)
431  try
432  {
433  for (int type = 1; type < CT_ALL; type = type << 1)
434  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_vConstraint.size (); ++i)
435  if (m_vConstraint[i]->type() & type)
436  m_vConstraint[i]->adjust_restriction (uCoarse, m_coarseLevel, uFine, m_fineLevel, type);
437  }
438  UG_CATCH_THROW("NedelecTransfer::restrict: Error while setting dirichlet defect to zero.");
439 }
444 template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
446 {
447  if (m_spApproxSpace.invalid ())
448  UG_THROW ("NedelecTransfer: Approximation space not set.");
450  for (size_t fct = 0; fct < m_spApproxSpace->num_fct (); fct++)
451  if (m_spApproxSpace->local_finite_element_id (fct). type() != LFEID::NEDELEC)
452  UG_THROW ("NedelecTransfer: "
453  "All the functions should be based on the Nedelec element "
454  "but function #" << fct << " is not.");
455 }
460 template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
462 (
463  GridLevel coarseLevel,
464  GridLevel fineLevel
465 )
466 {
467  m_bInit = false;
468  m_fineLevel = fineLevel;
469  m_coarseLevel = coarseLevel;
471  if(m_fineLevel.level () - m_coarseLevel.level () != 1)
472  UG_THROW("NedelecTransfer: Can only project between successive level.");
474  if(m_fineLevel.type () != GridLevel::LEVEL || m_coarseLevel.type () != GridLevel::LEVEL)
475  UG_THROW("NedelecTransfer: Can only project between level dof distributions, but fine="
476  << m_fineLevel << ", coarse=" << m_coarseLevel);
477 }
482 template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
484 {
485  SmartPtr<NedelecTransfer> op (new NedelecTransfer (m_spApproxSpace));
487  for(size_t i = 0; i < m_vConstraint.size (); ++i)
488  op->add_constraint (m_vConstraint[i]);
490  return op;
491 }
494 } // end namespace Electromagnetism
495 } // end namespace ug
497 /* End of File */
virtual void local_to_global(MathVector< worldDim > &globPos, const MathVector< dim > &locPos) const=0
virtual void update(const MathVector< worldDim > *vCornerCoord)=0
size_t dof_indices(GridObject *elem, size_t fct, std::vector< DoFIndex > &ind, bool bHang=false, bool bClear=true) const
size_t inner_dof_indices(GridObject *elem, size_t fct, std::vector< DoFIndex > &ind, bool bClear=true) const
size_t num_indices() const
SmartPtr< MultiGrid > multi_grid()
virtual Vertex * vertex(size_t index) const
TAlgebra::matrix_type matrix_type
Type of Vector.
Definition: nedelec_transfer.h:112
TDomain domain_type
Type of Domain.
Definition: nedelec_transfer.h:106
TDomain domain_type
Type of Domain.
Definition: nedelec_transfer.h:57
static void GetRegularLocalCoordinate(const MultiGrid *mg, Vertex *vrt, TElem *base, MathVector< TElem::dim > &local)
computes the local coordinates of a vertex according to the assumption of the regular refinement
Definition: nedelec_transfer_impl.h:57
reference_element_traits< TElem >::reference_element_type ref_elem_type
reference element type
Definition: nedelec_transfer.h:69
static void assemble_prolongation_matrix(const domain_type &domain, const DoFDistribution &coarseDD, const DoFDistribution &fineDD, matrix_type &mat, std::vector< bool > &vIsRestricted)
assembles the prolongation matrix for one type of the grid elements
Definition: nedelec_transfer_impl.h:209
TDomain::position_type position_type
position type in the domain
Definition: nedelec_transfer.h:75
TAlgebra::matrix_type matrix_type
Type of Vector.
Definition: nedelec_transfer.h:63
static void get_shapes(const TDomain *domain, TElem *elem, const position_type *corners, const MathVector< dim > local, MathVector< WDim > shapes[])
computes the Nedelec shapes at a given point
Definition: nedelec_local_ass.h:156
Class of the prolongation and the restriction of the Nedelec DoFs.
Definition: nedelec_transfer.h:168
void prolongate(vector_type &uFineOut, const vector_type &uCoarse)
applies the prolongation
Definition: nedelec_transfer_impl.h:340
TAlgebra::vector_type vector_type
Type of Vector.
Definition: nedelec_transfer.h:183
void do_restrict(vector_type &uCoarse, const vector_type &uFine)
apples the restriction = transposed prolongation
Definition: nedelec_transfer_impl.h:392
void init()
initializes the operator (computes the prolongation matrix etc)
Definition: nedelec_transfer_impl.h:301
void check_approximation_space()
checks the approximation space
Definition: nedelec_transfer_impl.h:445
virtual void set_levels(GridLevel coarseLevel, GridLevel fineLevel)
Set levels.
Definition: nedelec_transfer_impl.h:462
SmartPtr< ITransferOperator< TDomain, TAlgebra > > clone()
returns new instance with same setting
Definition: nedelec_transfer_impl.h:483
GridObject * get_parent(Edge *o) const
size_t size() const
static TClass & get()
Grid::VertexAttachmentAccessor< position_attachment_type > position_accessor_type
SmartPtr< TGrid > grid()
int GetVertexIndex(EdgeVertices *e, Vertex *v)
Variant::Type type()
#define UG_ASSERT(expr, msg)
#define UG_CATCH_THROW(msg)
#define UG_THROW(msg)
double number
void VecAdd(vector_t &vOut, const vector_t &v, typename vector_t::value_type s)
void VecSubtract(vector_t &vOut, const vector_t &v, typename vector_t::value_type s)
vector_t::value_type VecDot(const vector_t &v1, const vector_t &v2)
int local(bglp_vertex_descriptor p)
const number & DoFRef(const TMatrix &mat, const DoFIndex &iInd, const DoFIndex &jInd)
SurfaceView::traits< TElem >::const_iterator const_iterator
a helper class to call all the type-dependent assembling functions
Definition: nedelec_transfer.h:230