template<class TElem>
class ug::geometry_traits< TElem >
In order to use a custom geometric object with libGrid, you have to supply a specialization for geometry_traits. Specializations have to specify the following types and methods:
- grid_base_object: the geometric object from which TElem derives. has to be either Vertex, Edge, Face or Volume.
- iterator: An iterator that iterates over ElementContainer<BaseClass> and which has a constructor that takes ElementContainer<BaseClass>::iterator as an argument. casts should be checked when in DEBUG mode!
- CONTAINER_SECTION: This constant should hold the pipes section in which your objects should be placed after creation, starting from 0. See the Grid-documentation for more information.
- BASE_OBJECT_ID: Has to hold one of the GridBaseObjectId constants, or -1.
- Descriptor: a class which can be passed to the constructor of the element.