#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include "../mesh.h"
#include "lib_grid/algorithms/subset_util.h"
#include "lib_grid/algorithms/grid_statistics.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Namespaces | |
namespace | ug |
namespace | ug::promesh |
Macros | |
#define | TOOLTIP_ADJUST_SUBSETS_FOR_UG3 "Assigns face and edge indices so that the geometry can be used with ug3." |
#define | TOOLTIP_ADJUST_SUBSETS_FOR_UG4 "Adjusts subsets for simulation with ug4." |
#define | TOOLTIP_ASSIGN_NEW_SUBSET "Assigns selected elements to a new subset." |
#define | TOOLTIP_ASSIGN_SUBSET "Assigns the selected elements to a subset." |
#define | TOOLTIP_ASSIGN_SUBSET_COLORS "assigns subset colors by a procedural scheme." |
#define | TOOLTIP_ASSIGN_SUBSETS_BY_ASPECT_RATIO "Assigns subsets according to an aspect ratio histogram" |
#define | TOOLTIP_ASSIGN_SUBSETS_BY_ELEMENT_TYPE "Assigns elemets to subsets based on their concrete type." |
#define | TOOLTIP_ASSIGN_SUBSETS_BY_QUALITY "Assigns the selected to a subset depending on their quality." |
#define | TOOLTIP_ASSIGN_SUBSETS_FROM_RASTER "Assigns the subset index for each element from the raster-cell in which the center of the element lies." |
#define | TOOLTIP_COPY_SUBSET_INDICES_TO_SIDES "Copies subset indices of selected elements to sides of those elements." |
#define | TOOLTIP_ERASE_EMPTY_SUBSETS "Erases Subsets, which do not contain any elements at all." |
#define | TOOLTIP_ERASE_SUBSET "Erases a subset, but not its associated geometry." |
#define | TOOLTIP_JOIN_SUBSETS "Joins two subsets" |
#define | TOOLTIP_MOVE_SUBSET "Moves a subset to another index." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SEPARATE_DEGENERATED_BOUNDARY_FACE_SUBSETS "Separates degenerated boundary face subsets at sharp creases." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SEPARATE_FACE_SUBSET_BY_NORMAL "Collects faces of a given subset that have a similar normal and assigns them to new subsets." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SEPARATE_FACE_SUBSETS_BY_NORMAL "Collects faces of each subset that have a similar normal and assigns them to new subsets." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SEPARATE_FACES_BY_EDGE_SUBSETS "Assigns faces that are surrounded by a set of edge-subsets to a common subset." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SEPARATE_FACES_BY_SELECTED_EDGES "Assigns faces that are surrounded by a set of selected edges to a common subset." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SEPARATE_IRREGULAR_MANIFOLD_SUBSETS "After this algorithm all face-subsets are regular manifolds." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SEPARATE_VOLUMES_BY_FACE_SUBSETS "Assigns volumes that are surrounded by a set of face-subsets to a common subset." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SEPARATE_VOLUMES_BY_SELECTED_FACES "Assigns volumes that are surrounded by a set of selected faces to a common subset." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SWAP_SUBSETS "Swaps two subsets" |
#define | TOOLTIP_UNASSIGN_SUBSETS "Unassigns selected elements from any subset." |
Functions | |
void | ug::promesh::AdjustSubsetsForUG3 (Mesh *obj, bool keepIntfSubs) |
void | ug::promesh::AdjustSubsetsForUG4 (Mesh *obj, bool preserveExistingSubsets) |
void | ug::promesh::AssignNewSubset (Mesh *obj, const char *name, bool vertices, bool edges, bool faces, bool volumes) |
void | ug::promesh::AssignSubset (Mesh *obj, int newIndex) |
void | ug::promesh::AssignSubset (Mesh *obj, int newIndex, bool vertices, bool edges, bool faces, bool volumes) |
void | ug::promesh::AssignSubsetColors (Mesh *obj) |
template<class elem_t > | |
void | ug::promesh::AssignSubsetsByAspectRatio (Mesh *msh, int numHistoSecs, bool eraseOldSubsets) |
void | ug::promesh::AssignSubsetsByElementType (Mesh *obj) |
void | ug::promesh::AssignSubsetsByQuality (Mesh *obj, int numSections) |
void | ug::promesh::AssignSubsetsFromRaster (Mesh *obj, const char *rasterFileName, int rasterDimension, bool vertices, bool edges, bool faces, bool volumes) |
void | ug::promesh::CopySubsetIndicesToSides (Mesh *obj, bool selectionOnly, bool toUnassignedOnly) |
void | ug::promesh::EraseEmptySubsets (Mesh *obj) |
void | ug::promesh::EraseSubset (Mesh *obj, int si, bool eraseGeometry) |
void | ug::promesh::JoinSubsets (Mesh *obj, int target, int si1, int si2, bool eraseUnused) |
void | ug::promesh::MoveSubset (Mesh *obj, int oldIndex, int newIndex) |
void | ug::promesh::SeparateDegeneratedBoundaryFaceSubsets (Mesh *obj, number angle) |
void | ug::promesh::SeparateFacesByEdgeSubsets (Mesh *obj) |
void | ug::promesh::SeparateFacesBySelectedEdges (Mesh *obj) |
void | ug::promesh::SeparateFaceSubsetByNormal (Mesh *obj, int si) |
void | ug::promesh::SeparateFaceSubsetsByNormal (Mesh *obj) |
void | ug::promesh::SeparateIrregularManifoldSubsets (Mesh *obj) |
void | ug::promesh::SeparateVolumesByFaceSubsets (Mesh *obj) |
void | ug::promesh::SeparateVolumesBySelectedFaces (Mesh *obj) |
void | ug::promesh::SetSubsetName (Mesh *obj, int si, const char *name) |
void | ug::promesh::SwapSubsets (Mesh *obj, int oldIndex, int newIndex) |
void | ug::promesh::UnassignSubsets (Mesh *obj, bool vertices, bool edges, bool faces, bool volumes) |
#define TOOLTIP_ADJUST_SUBSETS_FOR_UG3 "Assigns face and edge indices so that the geometry can be used with ug3." |
#define TOOLTIP_ADJUST_SUBSETS_FOR_UG4 "Adjusts subsets for simulation with ug4." |
#define TOOLTIP_ASSIGN_SUBSET "Assigns the selected elements to a subset." |
#define TOOLTIP_ASSIGN_SUBSET_COLORS "assigns subset colors by a procedural scheme." |
#define TOOLTIP_ASSIGN_SUBSETS_BY_ASPECT_RATIO "Assigns subsets according to an aspect ratio histogram" |
#define TOOLTIP_ASSIGN_SUBSETS_BY_ELEMENT_TYPE "Assigns elemets to subsets based on their concrete type." |
#define TOOLTIP_ASSIGN_SUBSETS_BY_QUALITY "Assigns the selected to a subset depending on their quality." |
#define TOOLTIP_ASSIGN_SUBSETS_FROM_RASTER "Assigns the subset index for each element from the raster-cell in which the center of the element lies." |
#define TOOLTIP_COPY_SUBSET_INDICES_TO_SIDES "Copies subset indices of selected elements to sides of those elements." |
#define TOOLTIP_ERASE_EMPTY_SUBSETS "Erases Subsets, which do not contain any elements at all." |
#define TOOLTIP_ERASE_SUBSET "Erases a subset, but not its associated geometry." |
#define TOOLTIP_JOIN_SUBSETS "Joins two subsets" |
#define TOOLTIP_MOVE_SUBSET "Moves a subset to another index." |
#define TOOLTIP_SEPARATE_DEGENERATED_BOUNDARY_FACE_SUBSETS "Separates degenerated boundary face subsets at sharp creases." |
#define TOOLTIP_SEPARATE_FACE_SUBSET_BY_NORMAL "Collects faces of a given subset that have a similar normal and assigns them to new subsets." |
#define TOOLTIP_SEPARATE_FACE_SUBSETS_BY_NORMAL "Collects faces of each subset that have a similar normal and assigns them to new subsets." |
#define TOOLTIP_SEPARATE_FACES_BY_EDGE_SUBSETS "Assigns faces that are surrounded by a set of edge-subsets to a common subset." |
#define TOOLTIP_SEPARATE_FACES_BY_SELECTED_EDGES "Assigns faces that are surrounded by a set of selected edges to a common subset." |
#define TOOLTIP_SEPARATE_IRREGULAR_MANIFOLD_SUBSETS "After this algorithm all face-subsets are regular manifolds." |
#define TOOLTIP_SEPARATE_VOLUMES_BY_FACE_SUBSETS "Assigns volumes that are surrounded by a set of face-subsets to a common subset." |
#define TOOLTIP_SEPARATE_VOLUMES_BY_SELECTED_FACES "Assigns volumes that are surrounded by a set of selected faces to a common subset." |
#define TOOLTIP_SWAP_SUBSETS "Swaps two subsets" |
#define TOOLTIP_UNASSIGN_SUBSETS "Unassigns selected elements from any subset." |