33#ifndef __H__UG__topology_tools__
34#define __H__UG__topology_tools__
44#define TOOLTIP_RESOLVE_SELF_INTERSECTIONS "Resolves self intersections of faces and edges."
45#define TOOLTIP_RESOLVE_EDGE_INTERSECTIONS "Makes sure that all edge intersections are represented by a vertex."
46#define TOOLTIP_RESOLVE_TRIANGLE_INTERSECTIONS "Makes sure that all triangle intersections are represented by an edge and vertices."
47#define TOOLTIP_PROJECT_VERTICES_TO_CLOSE_EDGES "Projects selected vertices to selected close edges."
48#define TOOLTIP_PROJECT_VERTICES_TO_CLOSE_FACES "Projects selected vertices to selected close faces."
49#define TOOLTIP_INTERSECT_CLOSE_EDGES "Performs intersections between selected close edges."
50#define TOOLTIP_ERASE_SELECTED_ELEMENTS "Erases selected elements and associated unreferenced geometry."
51#define TOOLTIP_REMOVE_DOUBLES "Removes selected vertices that are close to each other"
52#define TOOLTIP_REMOVE_DOUBLE_EDGES "Removes selected duplicates of selected edges."
53#define TOOLTIP_REMOVE_DOUBLE_FACES "Removes selected duplicates of selected faces."
54#define TOOLTIP_MERGE_AT_FIRST "Merges all selected objects into a single vertex at the first selected vertex."
55#define TOOLTIP_MERGE_AT_CENTER "Merges all selected objects into a single vertex at the center of the selection."
56#define TOOLTIP_MERGE_AT_LAST "Merges all selected objects into a single vertex at the last selected vertex."
57#define TOOLTIP_COLLAPSE_EDGE "Collapses the edge and removes adjacent triangles."
58#define TOOLTIP_SPLIT_EDGE "Splits the edge and inserts new triangles."
59#define TOOLTIP_SWAP_EDGE "Swaps selected edges that are adjacent to exactly two triangles."
60#define TOOLTIP_PLANE_CUT "Cuts selected edges along the given plane."
61#define TOOLTIP_ADJUST_EDGE_ORIENTATION "Adjusts the orientation of boundary edges to associated faces."
62#define TOOLTIP_FIX_FACE_ORIENTATION "Tries to change orientation of selected faces so that all neighbouring faces point into the same direction. Only works correctly for manifold selections."
63#define TOOLTIP_FIX_FACE_SUBSET_ORIENTATIONS "Iterates over all subset and tries to fix face orientation for each. Only works correctly for manifold subsets."
64#define TOOLTIP_FIX_VOLUME_ORIENTATION "Changes orientation of selected volumes, so that they are oriented correctly."
65#define TOOLTIP_INVERT_FACE_ORIENTATION "Inverts the orientation of all selected faces."
66#define TOOLTIP_CREATE_HEXAHEDRA_FROM_SELECTED_PRISMS "Creates hexahedra from pairs of selected prisms which share a quadrilateral side. For best performance, matching prisms should be selected directly after one another."
78 bool eraseUnusedEdges,
79 bool eraseUnusedFaces);
parameterString p
Definition Biogas.lua:1
void CreateHexahedraFromSelectedPrisms(Mesh *obj)
Definition topology_tools.cpp:432
int FixVolumeOrientation(Mesh *obj)
Definition topology_tools.cpp:283
void FixFaceSubsetOrientations(Mesh *obj)
Definition topology_tools.cpp:273
void SplitEdge(Mesh *obj)
Definition topology_tools.cpp:195
void SwapEdge(Mesh *obj)
Definition topology_tools.cpp:219
size_t RemoveDoubleFaces(Mesh *obj)
Definition topology_tools.cpp:95
void PlaneCut(Mesh *obj, const vector3 &p, const vector3 &n)
Definition topology_tools.cpp:246
size_t RemoveDoubleEdges(Mesh *obj)
Definition topology_tools.cpp:85
size_t RemoveDoubles(Mesh *obj, number threshold)
returns the number of removed vertices
Definition topology_tools.cpp:74
void ProjectVerticesToCloseEdges(Mesh *obj, number snapThreshold)
Definition topology_tools.cpp:345
void MergeAtCenter(Mesh *obj)
Definition topology_tools.cpp:119
void MergeAtFirst(Mesh *obj)
Definition topology_tools.cpp:105
void MergeAtLast(Mesh *obj)
Definition topology_tools.cpp:134
void IntersectCloseEdges(Mesh *obj, number snapThreshold)
Definition topology_tools.cpp:373
void ProjectVerticesToCloseFaces(Mesh *obj, number snapThreshold)
Definition topology_tools.cpp:359
void FixFaceOrientation(Mesh *obj)
Definition topology_tools.cpp:264
void CollapseEdge(Mesh *obj)
Definition topology_tools.cpp:153
void ResolveTriangleIntersections(Mesh *obj, number snapThreshold)
Definition topology_tools.cpp:322
void EraseSelectedElements(Mesh *obj, bool eraseUnusedVrts, bool eraseUnusedEdges, bool eraseUnusedFaces)
Definition topology_tools.cpp:44
void ResolveSelfIntersections(Mesh *obj, number snapThreshold)
Definition topology_tools.cpp:383
void ResolveEdgeIntersection(Mesh *obj, number snapThreshold)
Definition topology_tools.cpp:301
void InvertFaceOrientation(Mesh *obj)
Definition topology_tools.cpp:293
void AdjustEdgeOrientation(Mesh *obj)
Definition topology_tools.cpp:252
MathVector< 3, number > vector3