#define | TOOLTIP_CLEAR_MARKS "Clears all marks" |
#define | TOOLTIP_CLEAR_SELECTION "Clears the selection." |
#define | TOOLTIP_CLOSE_SELECTION "Selects all associated elements of lower dimensions." |
#define | TOOLTIP_DESELECT_ALL_EDGES "Deselects all edges of the current grid" |
#define | TOOLTIP_DESELECT_ALL_FACES "Deselects all faces of the current grid" |
#define | TOOLTIP_DESELECT_ALL_VERTICES "Deselects all vertices of the current grid" |
#define | TOOLTIP_DESELECT_ALL_VOLUMES "Deselects all volumes of the current grid" |
#define | TOOLTIP_DESELECT_ELEMENTS_IN_COORDINATE_RANGE "Deselects all elements whose center lies in the specified range." |
#define | TOOLTIP_EDGE_SELECTION_FILL "Selects neighbours of selected edges over non-selected vertices." |
#define | TOOLTIP_EXTEND_SELECTION "Selects neighbors of selected elements." |
#define | TOOLTIP_EXTEND_SELECTION_IN_DIRECTION "Selects neighbors of selected elements whose center can be reached in the given direction from the center of already selected elements." |
#define | TOOLTIP_FACE_SELECTION_FILL "Selects neighbours of selected faces over non-selected edges." |
#define | TOOLTIP_INVERT_SELECTION "Inverts current selection." |
#define | TOOLTIP_MARK_CORNERS_OF_MARKED_EDGES "Marks selected vertices as fixed, if they lie at a sharp corner of a marked path or if they are at endpoints or at junctions of marked edges." |
#define | TOOLTIP_MARK_CREASE_EDGES "Marks edges whose associated faces have a certain angle as crease-edge." |
#define | TOOLTIP_MARK_SELECTION "Marks selected vertices and edges." |
#define | TOOLTIP_RESTRICT_SELECTION_TO_SUBSET "Deselects all elements from the selection that are not in the specified subset." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_ALL "Selects all vertices, edges ,faces and volumes of the current grid" |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_ALL_EDGES "Selects all edges of the current grid" |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_ALL_FACES "Selects all faces of the current grid" |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_ALL_VERTICES "Selects all vertices of the current grid" |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_ALL_VOLUMES "Selects all volumes of the current grid" |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_ANISOTROPIC_ELEMENTS "Selects elements and associated long edges wich have a shortest-to-longest edge ratio smaller than the specified one." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_ASSOCIATED_EDGES "Selects edges that belong to selected faces and volumes." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_ASSOCIATED_FACES "Selects faces that belong to selected volumes." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_ASSOCIATED_VERTICES "Selects vertices that belong to selected edges, faces and volumes." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_BENT_QUADRILATERALS "Selects quadrilaterals which do not lie in a plane." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_BOUNDARY_EDGES "Selects edges that lie on the boundary of the geometry" |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_BOUNDARY_FACES "Selects faces that lie on the boundary of the geometry" |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_BOUNDARY_VERTICES "Selects vertices that lie on the boundary of the geometry" |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_CLOSEST_EDGE "Selects the edge closest to the specified coordinate with respect to its perpendicular distance (or distance to the closest edge vertex resp., if the projection lies outside of the line segment)." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_CREASE_EDGES "Selects edges that at which triangles meet in a given angle." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_DEGENERATE_FACES "Selects faces that have a height shorter than a given threshold." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_EDGE_BY_COORDINATE "Selects the edge whose center is closest to the specified coordinate." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_EDGE_BY_CYL_COORDINATE "Selects the edge whose center is closest to the specified cylindrical coordinate." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_EDGE_BY_INDEX "Selects a edge given its index." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_EDGE_IN_BOX "Selects all edges in the given box" |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_EDGE_IN_CYLINDER "Selects all edges in the given cylinder" |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_EDGES_BY_DIRECTION "Selects all edges which do not deviate further from the specified direction than the given angle. A minimal required deviation angle can also be specified." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_ELEMENTS_BY_INDEX_RANGE "Selects elements by the given index ranges (e.g.: \"0,1,2-5,9,11-23\")." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_ELEMENTS_BY_SPLIT_PLANE "Selects elements whose center lies in front of the specified plane." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_ELEMENTS_IN_COORDINATE_RANGE "Selects all elements whose center lies in the specified range." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_FACE_BY_COORDINATE "Selects the face whose center is closest to the specified coordinate." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_FACE_BY_CYL_COORDINATE "Selects the face whose center is closest to the specified cylindrical coordinate." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_FACE_BY_INDEX "Selects a face given its index." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_FACE_IN_BOX "Selects all faces in the given box" |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_FACE_IN_CYLINDER "Selects all faces in the given cylinder" |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_FACES_BY_NORMAL "Selects faces given a normal and a maximum deviation angle." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_INNER_EDGES "Selects edges that do not lie on the boundary of the geometry" |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_INNER_FACES "Selects faces that do not lie on the boundary of the geometry" |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_INNER_VERTICES "Selects vertices that do not lie on the boundary of the geometry" |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_INTERFACE_ELEMENTS "Selects elements which are adjacent to higher dimensional elements of different subsets." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_INTERSECTING_TRIANGLES "Selects intersecting triangles. Neighbors are ignored." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_LINKED_BOUNDARY_EDGES "Selects linked boundary edges of selected edges." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_LINKED_BOUNDARY_FACES "Selects linked boundary faces of selected faces." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_LINKED_EDGES "Repeatedly selects all edges which are vertex-neighbors of selected edges." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_LINKED_FACES "Repeatedly selects all faces which are edge-neighbors of selected faces." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_LINKED_FLAT_FACES "Selects linked faces of selected faces that have a similar normal." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_LINKED_MANIFOLD_FACES "Selects faces linked with the selection, not crossing non-manifold edges." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_LINKED_VOLUMES "Repeatedly selects all volumes which are face-neighbors of selected volumes." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_LONG_EDGES "Selects edges that are longer than a given threshold." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_MARKED_EDGES "Selects edges which are marked." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_MARKED_FACES "Selects faces which are marked." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_MARKED_VERTICES "Selects vertices which are marked." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_NON_MANIFOLD_EDGES "Selects edges with more than 2 associated faces." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_SELECTION_BOUNDARY "Selects the boundary of the current selection." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_SELECTION_KINK_VERTICES "Selects kink vertices in selected paths" |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_SHORT_EDGES "Selects edges that are shorter than a given threshold." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_SHORT_POLYCHAINS "Selects polygonal chains which are shorter than the given threshold." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_SLIVERS "Selects flat tetrahedrons. Threshold-ratio specifies the minimal ratio between the distance of two opposing edges to the length of the longest edge." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_SMOOTH_EDGE_PATH "Selects a smooth edge path." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_SUBSET "Selects all elements of a subset." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_SUBSET_BOUNDARY "Selects the boundary of a subset." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_SUBSET_EDGES_BY_DIRECTION "Selects all subset edges which do not deviate further from the specified direction than the given angle. A minimal required deviation angle can also be specified." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_SUBSET_KINK_VERTICES "Selects kink vertices in subset-paths" |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_UNASSIGNED_ELEMENTS "Selects all elements not assigned to any subset." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_UNCONNECTED_VERTICES "Selects vertices which are not connected to the given element type." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_UNORIENTABLE_VOLUMES "Selects all volumes whose orientation can not be determined" |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_VERTEX_BY_COORDINATE "Selects a vertex given a coordinate." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_VERTEX_BY_CYL_COORDINATE "Selects a vertex given a cylindrical coordinate." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_VERTEX_BY_INDEX "Selects a vertex given its index." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_VERTEX_IN_BOX "Selects all vertices in the given box" |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_VERTEX_IN_CYLINDER "Selects all vertices in the given cylinder" |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_VOLUME_BY_COORDINATE "Selects the volume whose center is closest to the specified coordinate." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_VOLUME_BY_CYL_COORDINATE "Selects the volume whose center is closest to the specified cylindrical coordinate." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_VOLUME_BY_INDEX "Selects a volume given its index." |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_VOLUME_IN_BOX "Selects all volumes in the given box" |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_VOLUME_IN_CYLINDER "Selects all volumes in the given cylinder" |
#define | TOOLTIP_SELECT_VOLUMES_BY_TYPE "Selects all volumes of a given type." |
#define | TOOLTIP_UNMARK_SELECTION "Unmarks selected elements." |
#define | TOOLTIP_VOLUME_SELECTION_FILL "Selects neighbours of selected volumes over non-selected faces." |
void | ug::promesh::ClearMarks (Mesh *obj) |
void | ug::promesh::ClearSelection (Mesh *obj) |
void | ug::promesh::CloseSelection (Mesh *obj) |
void | ug::promesh::DeselectAllEdges (Mesh *obj) |
void | ug::promesh::DeselectAllFaces (Mesh *obj) |
void | ug::promesh::DeselectAllVertices (Mesh *obj) |
void | ug::promesh::DeselectAllVolumes (Mesh *obj) |
void | ug::promesh::EdgeSelectionFill (Mesh *obj) |
void | ug::promesh::ExtendSelection (Mesh *obj, int neighborhoodSize) |
void | ug::promesh::ExtendSelectionInDirection (Mesh *obj, int neighborhoodSize, const vector3 &dir, number minAngle, number maxAngle) |
void | ug::promesh::FaceSelectionFill (Mesh *obj) |
void | ug::promesh::InvertSelection (Mesh *obj, bool invVrts, bool invEdges, bool invFaces, bool invVols) |
void | ug::promesh::MarkCornersOfMarkedEdges (Mesh *obj, number angle) |
void | ug::promesh::MarkCreaseEdges (Mesh *obj, number minAngle, bool clearMarks) |
void | ug::promesh::MarkSelection (Mesh *obj) |
void | ug::promesh::RestrictSelectionToSubset (Mesh *obj, int si) |
void | ug::promesh::SelectAll (Mesh *obj) |
void | ug::promesh::SelectAllEdges (Mesh *obj) |
void | ug::promesh::SelectAllFaces (Mesh *obj) |
void | ug::promesh::SelectAllVertices (Mesh *obj) |
void | ug::promesh::SelectAllVolumes (Mesh *obj) |
template<class TElem > |
void | ug::promesh::SelectAnisotropicElements (Mesh *obj, number minEdgeRatio) |
void | ug::promesh::SelectAssociatedEdges (Mesh *obj) |
void | ug::promesh::SelectAssociatedFaces (Mesh *obj) |
void | ug::promesh::SelectAssociatedVertices (Mesh *obj) |
size_t | ug::promesh::SelectBentQuadrilaterals (Mesh *obj, number dotThreshold) |
void | ug::promesh::SelectBoundaryEdges (Mesh *obj) |
void | ug::promesh::SelectBoundaryFaces (Mesh *obj) |
void | ug::promesh::SelectBoundaryVertices (Mesh *obj) |
Edge * | ug::promesh::SelectClosestEdge (Mesh *m, const vector3 &coord) |
void | ug::promesh::SelectCreaseEdges (Mesh *obj, number minAngle) |
void | ug::promesh::SelectDegenerateFaces (Mesh *obj, number maxHeight) |
bool | ug::promesh::SelectEdgeByIndex (Mesh *obj, int index) |
void | ug::promesh::SelectEdgesByDirection (Mesh *m, const vector3 &dir, number minDeviationAngle, number maxDeviationAngle, bool selectFlipped) |
template<class TElem > |
TElem * | ug::promesh::SelectElemByCoordinate (Mesh *obj, const vector3 &coord) |
template<class TElem > |
TElem * | ug::promesh::SelectElemByCylindricalCoordinate (Mesh *obj, number rho, number phi, number z) |
void | ug::promesh::SelectElementsByIndexRange (Mesh *obj, const char *vrtRanges, const char *edgeRanges, const char *faceRanges, const char *volRanges, bool clearSelection) |
void | ug::promesh::SelectElementsBySplitPlane (Mesh *obj, bool selectVrts, bool selectEdges, bool selectFaces, bool selectVols, const vector3 &pivot, const vector3 &normal) |
template<class TElem > |
void | ug::promesh::SelectElementsInBox (Mesh *obj, const vector3 &min, const vector3 &max) |
| Selects elements whose center lie in a box.
template<int icoord, int selFlag> |
void | ug::promesh::SelectElementsInCoordinateRange (Mesh *mesh, number min, number max, bool vrts, bool edges, bool faces, bool vols) |
template<int icoord, int selFlag, class TElem > |
void | ug::promesh::SelectElementsInCoordinateRange (Mesh *obj, number min, number max) |
template<class TElem > |
void | ug::promesh::SelectElementsInCylinder (Mesh *obj, const vector3 &cylBase, const vector3 &cylTop, number radius) |
| Selects elements whose center lie in a cylinder.
bool | ug::promesh::SelectFaceByIndex (Mesh *obj, int index) |
void | ug::promesh::SelectFacesByNormal (Mesh *obj, const vector3 &refNormal, number maxDeviationAngle) |
void | ug::promesh::SelectFacesByNormal (Mesh *obj, const vector3 &refNormal, number minDeviationAngle, number maxDeviationAngle, bool noInnerFaces) |
void | ug::promesh::SelectInnerEdges (Mesh *obj) |
void | ug::promesh::SelectInnerFaces (Mesh *obj) |
void | ug::promesh::SelectInnerVertices (Mesh *obj) |
template<class TElem > |
void | ug::promesh::SelectInterfaceElements (Mesh *obj, bool regardSelectedNbrsOnly) |
void | ug::promesh::SelectIntersectingTriangles (Mesh *obj) |
void | ug::promesh::SelectLinkedBoundaryEdges (Mesh *obj, bool stopAtSelectedVrts) |
void | ug::promesh::SelectLinkedBoundaryFaces (Mesh *obj, bool stopAtSelectedEdges) |
template<class TElem > |
void | ug::promesh::SelectLinkedElements (Mesh *obj) |
void | ug::promesh::SelectLinkedFlatFaces (Mesh *obj, number maxDeviationAngle, bool ignoreOrientation, bool traverseDegeneratedFaces, bool stopAtSelectedEdges) |
void | ug::promesh::SelectLinkedManifoldFaces (Mesh *obj) |
void | ug::promesh::SelectLongEdges (Mesh *obj, number minLength) |
void | ug::promesh::SelectMarkedEdges (Mesh *obj) |
void | ug::promesh::SelectMarkedFaces (Mesh *obj) |
void | ug::promesh::SelectMarkedVertices (Mesh *obj) |
void | ug::promesh::SelectNonManifoldEdges (Mesh *obj) |
void | ug::promesh::SelectSelectionBoundary (Mesh *obj) |
size_t | ug::promesh::SelectSelectionKinkVertices (Mesh *obj, number thresholdAngle, bool selectDarts) |
void | ug::promesh::SelectShortEdges (Mesh *obj, number maxLength) |
void | ug::promesh::SelectShortPolychains (Mesh *m, number maxChainLength, bool closedChainsOnly) |
int | ug::promesh::SelectSlivers (Mesh *obj, number thresholdRatio) |
void | ug::promesh::SelectSmoothEdgePath (Mesh *obj, number maxDeviation, number normalWeight, bool stopAtSelectedVrts) |
void | ug::promesh::SelectSubset (Mesh *obj, int si, bool selVrts, bool selEdges, bool selFaces, bool selVols) |
void | ug::promesh::SelectSubsetBoundary (Mesh *obj, int si, bool edgeBnds, bool faceBnds, bool volBnds) |
void | ug::promesh::SelectSubsetEdgesByDirection (Mesh *m, int subsetIndex, const vector3 &dir, number minDeviationAngle, number maxDeviationAngle, bool selectFlipped) |
size_t | ug::promesh::SelectSubsetKinkVertices (Mesh *obj, int subsetIndex, number thresholdAngle, bool selectDarts) |
void | ug::promesh::SelectUnassignedElements (Mesh *obj, bool selVrts, bool selEdges, bool selFaces, bool selVols) |
size_t | ug::promesh::SelectUnconnectedVertices (Mesh *obj, bool edgeCons, bool faceCons, bool volCons) |
int | ug::promesh::SelectUnorientableVolumes (Mesh *obj) |
bool | ug::promesh::SelectVertexByIndex (Mesh *obj, int index) |
bool | ug::promesh::SelectVolumeByIndex (Mesh *obj, int index) |
void | ug::promesh::SelectVolumesByType (Mesh *obj, bool selHexahedra, bool selOctahedra, bool selPrisms, bool selPyramids, bool selTetrahedra) |
void | ug::promesh::UnmarkSelection (Mesh *obj) |
void | ug::promesh::VolumeSelectionFill (Mesh *obj) |