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remeshing_tools.h File Reference

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namespace  ug
namespace  ug::promesh


#define TOOLTIP_ADAPT_SURFACE_TO_CYLINDER   "Introduces edges in a grid around a selected vertex which roughly correspond to the intersection of a cylinder with the surface."
#define TOOLTIP_ADJUST_EDGE_LENGTH   "Remeshes the active grid so that all edges approximatly have a certain length."
#define TOOLTIP_ASSIGN_VOLUME_CONSTRAINTS   "Assigns volume constraints to selected tetrahedra."
#define TOOLTIP_CLEAR_VOLUME_CONSTRAINTS   "Clears all assigned volume constraints."
#define TOOLTIP_CONVERT_TO_QUADRILATERALS   "Converts selected triangles or triangles connected by selected edges to quadrilaterals."
#define TOOLTIP_CONVERT_TO_TETRAHEDRA   "Converts selected volume elements to tetrahedra."
#define TOOLTIP_CONVERT_TO_TRIANGLES   "Converts selected quadrilaterals to triangles."
#define TOOLTIP_CREATE_SHRINK_GEOMETRY   "Creates new elements from existing ones, providing each with a unique set of corner vertices. Those corners are scaled towards the center using the given scale-parameter."
#define TOOLTIP_CSG_FACE_DIFFERENCE   "Performs a difference operation on the geometry of the two specifed subsets. IMPORTANT: Both subsets have to be closed manifolds, i.e., homeomorphic to the sphere."
#define TOOLTIP_CSG_FACE_INTERSECTION   "Performs an intersection operation on the geometry of the two specifed subsets. IMPORTANT: Both subsets have to be closed manifolds, i.e., homeomorphic to the sphere."
#define TOOLTIP_CSG_FACE_UNION   "Performs a union operation on the geometry of the two specifed subsets. IMPORTANT: Both subsets have to be closed manifolds, i.e., homeomorphic to the sphere."
#define TOOLTIP_DUPLICATE   "Duplicates the selected geometry."
#define TOOLTIP_EXTRUDE_ALONG_NORMAL   "Extrudes selected geometry (vertices, edges, faces) and moves new vertices along their normal."
#define TOOLTIP_EXTRUDE_AND_MOVE   "Extrudes selected geometry (vertices, edges, faces) and moves new vertices by the specified offset."
#define TOOLTIP_EXTRUDE_AND_SCALE   "Extrudes selected geometry (vertices, edges, faces) and scales new vertices by the specified scale."
#define TOOLTIP_EXTRUDE_CYLINDERS   "Extrudes cylinders around selected points of a 2d manifold."
#define TOOLTIP_EXTRUDE_FACES_WITH_TETS   "Experimental function to create 'plaque'-like geometry based on extruding faces with tetrahedra."
#define TOOLTIP_EXTRUDE_LAYERS   "Creates volumes for a given stack of raster-layers and an initial triangulation of the surface."
#define TOOLTIP_EXTRUDE_LAYERS_AND_ADD_PROJECTOR   "Creates volumes for a given stack of raster-layers and an initial triangulation of the surface. It also generates a raster-based refinement-projector for the whole geometry."
#define TOOLTIP_EXTRUDE_TO_TICKNESS   "Extrudes selected geometry (vertices, edges, faces) and moves new vertices so that created elements have the specified thickness."
#define TOOLTIP_MESH_LAYER_BOUNDARIES   "Creates boundary grids for the given raster-layers"
#define TOOLTIP_MESH_LAYERS   "Creates triangle/quadrilateral grids for the given raster-layers"
#define TOOLTIP_PROJECT_TO_LAYER   "Projects a (surface-)mesh to the specified raster-layer. Only height values in valid regions are adjusted."
#define TOOLTIP_PROJECT_TO_TOP_LAYER   "Projects a (surface-)mesh to the top-layer of the specified raster-stack. Only height values in valid regions are adjusted."
#define TOOLTIP_REPLACE_LOW_VALENCE_VERTICES   "Replaces selected valence-3 and valence-4 vertices by triangles, if the curvature of associated triangles is low"
#define TOOLTIP_REPLACE_VALENCE_3_VERTICES   "Replaces selected valence-3 vertices by triangles, if the curvature of associated triangles is low"
#define TOOLTIP_RETETRAHEDRALIZE   "Given a tetrahedralization and volume constraints, this method adapts the tetrahedra using TetGen."
#define TOOLTIP_RETRIANGULATE   "Inserts vertices as required and performs Constrained Delaunay triangulation."
#define TOOLTIP_SIMPLIFY_POLYLINES   "Removes vertices from the selected polyline which have a smaller curvature than the specified angle."
#define TOOLTIP_SIMPLIFY_SMOOTHED_POLYLINES   "Removes vertices from the selected polyline which have a smaller smoothed curvature than the specified angle."
#define TOOLTIP_SNAP_TO_HORIZONTAL_RASTER   "Snaps all vertices of the given (surface) grid horizontally to the closest raster-node."
#define TOOLTIP_TETRAHEDRALIZE   "Fills a closed surface with tetrahedra using TetGen."
#define TOOLTIP_TRIANGLE_FILL   "Performs triangle fill using the sweep-line algorithm followed by an optional Constrained Delaunay retriangulation."


enum  ug::promesh::CSGOperation { ug::promesh::CSG_UNION , ug::promesh::CSG_INTERSECTION , ug::promesh::CSG_DIFFERENCE }


void ug::promesh::AdaptSurfaceToCylinder (Mesh *obj, number radius, number threshold)
void ug::promesh::AdjustEdgeLength (Mesh *obj, number minEdgeLen, number maxEdgeLen, int numIterations, bool adaptive, bool automarkBoundaries)
void ug::promesh::AdjustEdgeLengthExtended (Mesh *obj, number minEdgeLen, number maxEdgeLen, number approximation, number triQuality, int numIterations, bool automarkBoundaries)
void ug::promesh::AssignVolumeConstraints (Mesh *obj, number volConstraint)
void ug::promesh::ClearVolumeConstraints (Mesh *obj)
void ug::promesh::ConvertToQuadrilaterals (Mesh *obj)
void ug::promesh::ConvertToTetrahedra (Mesh *obj)
void ug::promesh::ConvertToTriangles (Mesh *obj)
template<class TElemIter >
void ug::promesh::CreateShrinkElements (Mesh *obj, number scale, TElemIter elemsBegin, TElemIter elemsEnd)
void ug::promesh::CreateShrinkGeometry (Mesh *obj, number scale)
void ug::promesh::CSGFaceDifference (Mesh *obj, int subsetIndex0, int subsetIndex1, number snapThreshold)
void ug::promesh::CSGFaceIntersection (Mesh *obj, int subsetIndex0, int subsetIndex1, number snapThreshold)
void ug::promesh::CSGFaceOperation (Mesh *obj, CSGOperation op, int subsetIndex0, int subsetIndex1, number snapThreshold)
void ug::promesh::CSGFaceUnion (Mesh *obj, int subsetIndex0, int subsetIndex1, number snapThreshold)
void ug::promesh::Duplicate (Mesh *obj, const vector3 &offset, bool deselectOld, bool selectNew)
void ug::promesh::ExtrudeAlongNormal (Mesh *obj, number totalLength, int numSteps, bool createFaces, bool createVolumes)
void ug::promesh::ExtrudeAndMove (Mesh *obj, const vector3 &totalDir, int numSteps, bool createFaces, bool createVolumes)
void ug::promesh::ExtrudeAndScale (Mesh *obj, number totalScale, bool scaleAroundPivot, int numSteps, bool createFaces, bool createVolumes)
void ug::promesh::ExtrudeCylinders (Mesh *obj, number height, number radius, number snapThreshold)
void ug::promesh::ExtrudeFacesWithTets (Mesh *obj, int fromSi, int toSi, const number factor)
void ug::promesh::ExtrudeLayers (Mesh *obj, RasterLayers &layers, bool allowForTetsAndPyras)
void ug::promesh::ExtrudeLayersAndAddProjector (Mesh *obj, SPRasterLayers layers, bool allowForTetsAndPyras)
void ug::promesh::ExtrudeToThickness (Mesh *obj, number thickness, int numSteps, bool createFaces, bool createVolumes)
void ug::promesh::MeshLayerBoundaries (Mesh *m, const RasterLayers &layers)
void ug::promesh::MeshLayers (Mesh *m, const RasterLayers &layers)
void ug::promesh::ProjectToLayer (Mesh *obj, RasterLayers &layers, int layerIndex)
void ug::promesh::ProjectToTopLayer (Mesh *obj, RasterLayers &layers)
void ug::promesh::ReplaceLowValenceVertices (Mesh *obj, number maxSquaredHeightToBaseAreaRatio)
void ug::promesh::ReplaceValence3Vertices (Mesh *obj, number maxSquaredHeightToBaseAreaRatio)
void ug::promesh::Retetrahedralize (Mesh *obj, number quality, bool preserveOuter, bool preserveAll, bool applyVolumeConstraint, int verbosity)
void ug::promesh::Retriangulate (Mesh *obj, number minAngle)
void ug::promesh::SimplifyPolylines (Mesh *m, number curvatureThreshold)
void ug::promesh::SimplifySmoothedPolylines (Mesh *m, number curvatureThreshold, number smoothingAlpha, int smoothingIterations)
void ug::promesh::SnapToHorizontalRaster (Mesh *obj, SPRasterLayers layers)
void ug::promesh::Tetrahedralize (Mesh *obj, number quality, bool preserveOuter, bool preserveAll, bool separateVolumes, bool appendSubsetsAtEnd, int verbosity)
void ug::promesh::TriangleFill (Mesh *obj, bool qualityGeneration, number minAngle, int si)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define TOOLTIP_ADAPT_SURFACE_TO_CYLINDER   "Introduces edges in a grid around a selected vertex which roughly correspond to the intersection of a cylinder with the surface."


#define TOOLTIP_ADJUST_EDGE_LENGTH   "Remeshes the active grid so that all edges approximatly have a certain length."


#define TOOLTIP_ASSIGN_VOLUME_CONSTRAINTS   "Assigns volume constraints to selected tetrahedra."


#define TOOLTIP_CLEAR_VOLUME_CONSTRAINTS   "Clears all assigned volume constraints."


#define TOOLTIP_CONVERT_TO_QUADRILATERALS   "Converts selected triangles or triangles connected by selected edges to quadrilaterals."


#define TOOLTIP_CONVERT_TO_TETRAHEDRA   "Converts selected volume elements to tetrahedra."


#define TOOLTIP_CONVERT_TO_TRIANGLES   "Converts selected quadrilaterals to triangles."


#define TOOLTIP_CREATE_SHRINK_GEOMETRY   "Creates new elements from existing ones, providing each with a unique set of corner vertices. Those corners are scaled towards the center using the given scale-parameter."


#define TOOLTIP_CSG_FACE_DIFFERENCE   "Performs a difference operation on the geometry of the two specifed subsets. IMPORTANT: Both subsets have to be closed manifolds, i.e., homeomorphic to the sphere."


#define TOOLTIP_CSG_FACE_INTERSECTION   "Performs an intersection operation on the geometry of the two specifed subsets. IMPORTANT: Both subsets have to be closed manifolds, i.e., homeomorphic to the sphere."


#define TOOLTIP_CSG_FACE_UNION   "Performs a union operation on the geometry of the two specifed subsets. IMPORTANT: Both subsets have to be closed manifolds, i.e., homeomorphic to the sphere."


#define TOOLTIP_DUPLICATE   "Duplicates the selected geometry."


#define TOOLTIP_EXTRUDE_ALONG_NORMAL   "Extrudes selected geometry (vertices, edges, faces) and moves new vertices along their normal."


#define TOOLTIP_EXTRUDE_AND_MOVE   "Extrudes selected geometry (vertices, edges, faces) and moves new vertices by the specified offset."


#define TOOLTIP_EXTRUDE_AND_SCALE   "Extrudes selected geometry (vertices, edges, faces) and scales new vertices by the specified scale."


#define TOOLTIP_EXTRUDE_CYLINDERS   "Extrudes cylinders around selected points of a 2d manifold."


#define TOOLTIP_EXTRUDE_FACES_WITH_TETS   "Experimental function to create 'plaque'-like geometry based on extruding faces with tetrahedra."


#define TOOLTIP_EXTRUDE_LAYERS   "Creates volumes for a given stack of raster-layers and an initial triangulation of the surface."


#define TOOLTIP_EXTRUDE_LAYERS_AND_ADD_PROJECTOR   "Creates volumes for a given stack of raster-layers and an initial triangulation of the surface. It also generates a raster-based refinement-projector for the whole geometry."


#define TOOLTIP_EXTRUDE_TO_TICKNESS   "Extrudes selected geometry (vertices, edges, faces) and moves new vertices so that created elements have the specified thickness."


#define TOOLTIP_MESH_LAYER_BOUNDARIES   "Creates boundary grids for the given raster-layers"


#define TOOLTIP_MESH_LAYERS   "Creates triangle/quadrilateral grids for the given raster-layers"


#define TOOLTIP_PROJECT_TO_LAYER   "Projects a (surface-)mesh to the specified raster-layer. Only height values in valid regions are adjusted."


#define TOOLTIP_PROJECT_TO_TOP_LAYER   "Projects a (surface-)mesh to the top-layer of the specified raster-stack. Only height values in valid regions are adjusted."


#define TOOLTIP_REPLACE_LOW_VALENCE_VERTICES   "Replaces selected valence-3 and valence-4 vertices by triangles, if the curvature of associated triangles is low"


#define TOOLTIP_REPLACE_VALENCE_3_VERTICES   "Replaces selected valence-3 vertices by triangles, if the curvature of associated triangles is low"


#define TOOLTIP_RETETRAHEDRALIZE   "Given a tetrahedralization and volume constraints, this method adapts the tetrahedra using TetGen."


#define TOOLTIP_RETRIANGULATE   "Inserts vertices as required and performs Constrained Delaunay triangulation."


#define TOOLTIP_SIMPLIFY_POLYLINES   "Removes vertices from the selected polyline which have a smaller curvature than the specified angle."


#define TOOLTIP_SIMPLIFY_SMOOTHED_POLYLINES   "Removes vertices from the selected polyline which have a smaller smoothed curvature than the specified angle."


#define TOOLTIP_SNAP_TO_HORIZONTAL_RASTER   "Snaps all vertices of the given (surface) grid horizontally to the closest raster-node."


#define TOOLTIP_TETRAHEDRALIZE   "Fills a closed surface with tetrahedra using TetGen."


#define TOOLTIP_TRIANGLE_FILL   "Performs triangle fill using the sweep-line algorithm followed by an optional Constrained Delaunay retriangulation."