This is the complete list of members for ug::MultiGrid, including all inherited members.
add_child(TParent *p, TChild *c) | ug::MultiGrid | protected |
add_child(GridObject *p, TChild *c) | ug::MultiGrid | protected |
AEdgeContainer typedef | ug::Grid | protected |
AEdgeInfo typedef | ug::MultiGrid | protected |
AFaceContainer typedef | ug::Grid | protected |
AFaceInfo typedef | ug::MultiGrid | protected |
AMark typedef | ug::Grid | protected |
AParent typedef | ug::MultiGrid | protected |
AParentType typedef | ug::MultiGrid | protected |
assign_grid(const Grid &grid) | ug::Grid | protected |
assign_hash_value(Vertex *vrt) | ug::Grid | inlineprotected |
associate_parent(TElem *elem, GridObject *parent) | ug::MultiGrid | |
associated_edges_begin(Vertex *vrt) | ug::Grid | |
associated_edges_begin(Face *face) | ug::Grid | |
associated_edges_begin(Volume *vol) | ug::Grid | |
associated_edges_end(Vertex *vrt) | ug::Grid | |
associated_edges_end(Face *face) | ug::Grid | |
associated_edges_end(Volume *vol) | ug::Grid | |
associated_elements(traits< Vertex >::secure_container &elemsOut, TElem *e) | ug::Grid | |
associated_elements(traits< Edge >::secure_container &elemsOut, TElem *e) | ug::Grid | |
associated_elements(traits< Face >::secure_container &elemsOut, TElem *e) | ug::Grid | |
associated_elements(traits< Volume >::secure_container &elemsOut, TElem *e) | ug::Grid | |
associated_elements_sorted(traits< Vertex >::secure_container &elemsOut, TElem *e) | ug::Grid | |
associated_elements_sorted(traits< Edge >::secure_container &elemsOut, TElem *e) | ug::Grid | |
associated_elements_sorted(traits< Face >::secure_container &elemsOut, TElem *e) | ug::Grid | |
associated_elements_sorted(traits< Volume >::secure_container &elemsOut, TElem *e) | ug::Grid | |
associated_faces_begin(Vertex *vrt) | ug::Grid | |
associated_faces_begin(Edge *edge) | ug::Grid | |
associated_faces_begin(Volume *vol) | ug::Grid | |
associated_faces_end(Vertex *vrt) | ug::Grid | |
associated_faces_end(Edge *edge) | ug::Grid | |
associated_faces_end(Volume *vol) | ug::Grid | |
associated_volumes_begin(Vertex *vrt) | ug::Grid | |
associated_volumes_begin(Edge *edge) | ug::Grid | |
associated_volumes_begin(Face *face) | ug::Grid | |
associated_volumes_end(Vertex *vrt) | ug::Grid | |
associated_volumes_end(Edge *edge) | ug::Grid | |
associated_volumes_end(Face *face) | ug::Grid | |
AssociatedEdgeIterator typedef | ug::Grid | |
AssociatedFaceIterator typedef | ug::Grid | |
AssociatedVolumeIterator typedef | ug::Grid | |
attach_to(IAttachment &attachment, bool passOnValues) | ug::Grid | |
attach_to(IAttachment &attachment) | ug::Grid | inline |
attach_to_all(IAttachment &attachment, bool passOnValues) | ug::Grid | inline |
attach_to_all(IAttachment &attachment) | ug::Grid | inline |
attach_to_all_dv(TAttachment &attachment, const typename TAttachment::ValueType &defaultValue) | ug::Grid | inline |
attach_to_all_dv(TAttachment &attachment, const typename TAttachment::ValueType &defaultValue, bool passOnValues) | ug::Grid | inline |
attach_to_dv(TAttachment &attachment, const typename TAttachment::ValueType &defaultValue) | ug::Grid | |
attach_to_dv(TAttachment &attachment, const typename TAttachment::ValueType &defaultValue, bool passOnValues) | ug::Grid | |
attach_to_edges(IAttachment &attachment, bool passOnValues) | ug::Grid | inline |
attach_to_edges(IAttachment &attachment) | ug::Grid | inline |
attach_to_edges_dv(TAttachment &attachment, const typename TAttachment::ValueType &defaultValue) | ug::Grid | inline |
attach_to_edges_dv(TAttachment &attachment, const typename TAttachment::ValueType &defaultValue, bool passOnValues) | ug::Grid | inline |
attach_to_faces(IAttachment &attachment, bool passOnValues) | ug::Grid | inline |
attach_to_faces(IAttachment &attachment) | ug::Grid | inline |
attach_to_faces_dv(TAttachment &attachment, const typename TAttachment::ValueType &defaultValue) | ug::Grid | inline |
attach_to_faces_dv(TAttachment &attachment, const typename TAttachment::ValueType &defaultValue, bool passOnValues) | ug::Grid | inline |
attach_to_vertices(IAttachment &attachment, bool passOnValues) | ug::Grid | inline |
attach_to_vertices(IAttachment &attachment) | ug::Grid | inline |
attach_to_vertices_dv(TAttachment &attachment, const typename TAttachment::ValueType &defaultValue) | ug::Grid | inline |
attach_to_vertices_dv(TAttachment &attachment, const typename TAttachment::ValueType &defaultValue, bool passOnValues) | ug::Grid | inline |
attach_to_volumes(IAttachment &attachment, bool passOnValues) | ug::Grid | inline |
attach_to_volumes(IAttachment &attachment) | ug::Grid | inline |
attach_to_volumes_dv(TAttachment &attachment, const typename TAttachment::ValueType &defaultValue) | ug::Grid | inline |
attach_to_volumes_dv(TAttachment &attachment, const typename TAttachment::ValueType &defaultValue, bool passOnValues) | ug::Grid | inline |
attachment_container_size() const | ug::Grid | |
autoenable_option(uint option, const char *caller, const char *optionName) | ug::Grid | inlineprotected |
AVertexContainer typedef | ug::Grid | protected |
AVertexInfo typedef | ug::MultiGrid | protected |
AVolumeContainer typedef | ug::Grid | protected |
AVolumeInfo typedef | ug::MultiGrid | protected |
back() | ug::Grid | |
begin(int level) | ug::MultiGrid | inline |
begin(int level) const | ug::MultiGrid | inline |
begin() | ug::MultiGrid | |
begin() const | ug::MultiGrid | |
begin_marking() | ug::Grid | |
change_edge_options(uint optsNew) | ug::Grid | protected |
change_face_options(uint optsNew) | ug::Grid | protected |
change_options(uint optsNew) | ug::Grid | protected |
change_vertex_options(uint optsNew) | ug::Grid | protected |
change_volume_options(uint optsNew) | ug::Grid | protected |
check_edge_elem_infos(int level) const | ug::MultiGrid | |
check_face_elem_infos(int level) const | ug::MultiGrid | |
check_volume_elem_infos(int level) const | ug::MultiGrid | |
clear() | ug::Grid | |
clear() | ug::Grid | |
clear_attachments() | ug::Grid | |
clear_attachments() | ug::Grid | protected |
clear_child_connections(TElem *parent) | ug::MultiGrid | |
clear_geometry() | ug::Grid | |
clear_marks() | ug::Grid | |
copy_user_attachments(const TAttachmentPipe &apSrc, TAttachmentPipe &apDest, std::vector< int > &srcDataIndices) | ug::Grid | protected |
create(size_t level) | ug::MultiGrid | |
create(const typename geometry_traits< TGeomObj >::Descriptor &descriptor, size_t level) | ug::MultiGrid | |
create(GridObject *pParent=NULL) | ug::MultiGrid | |
create(const typename geometry_traits< TGeomObj >::Descriptor &descriptor, GridObject *pParent=NULL) | ug::MultiGrid | |
create_and_replace(typename geometry_traits< TGeomObj >::grid_base_object *pReplaceMe) | ug::Grid | |
create_by_cloning(Vertex *pCloneMe, int level) | ug::MultiGrid | |
create_by_cloning(Edge *pCloneMe, const EdgeVertices &ev, int level) | ug::MultiGrid | |
create_by_cloning(Face *pCloneMe, const FaceVertices &fv, int level) | ug::MultiGrid | |
create_by_cloning(Volume *pCloneMe, const VolumeVertices &vv, int level) | ug::MultiGrid | |
create_by_cloning(Vertex *pCloneMe, GridObject *pParent=NULL) | ug::MultiGrid | |
create_by_cloning(Edge *pCloneMe, const IVertexGroup &ev, GridObject *pParent=NULL) | ug::MultiGrid | |
create_by_cloning(Face *pCloneMe, const IVertexGroup &fv, GridObject *pParent=NULL) | ug::MultiGrid | |
create_by_cloning(Volume *pCloneMe, const IVertexGroup &vv, GridObject *pParent=NULL) | ug::MultiGrid | |
create_child_info(Vertex *o) | ug::MultiGrid | inlineprotected |
create_child_info(Edge *o) | ug::MultiGrid | inlineprotected |
create_child_info(Face *o) | ug::MultiGrid | inlineprotected |
create_child_info(Volume *o) | ug::MultiGrid | inlineprotected |
create_levels(int numLevels) | ug::MultiGrid | protected |
detach_from(IAttachment &attachment) | ug::Grid | |
detach_from_all(IAttachment &attachment) | ug::Grid | inline |
detach_from_edges(IAttachment &attachment) | ug::Grid | inline |
detach_from_faces(IAttachment &attachment) | ug::Grid | inline |
detach_from_vertices(IAttachment &attachment) | ug::Grid | inline |
detach_from_volumes(IAttachment &attachment) | ug::Grid | inline |
disable_options(uint options) | ug::Grid | |
distributed_grid_manager() | ug::Grid | inline |
distributed_grid_manager() const | ug::Grid | inline |
edge_created(Grid *grid, Edge *e, GridObject *pParent=NULL, bool replacesParent=false) | ug::MultiGrid | virtual |
edge_fragmentation() | ug::Grid | |
edge_store_associated_faces(bool bStoreIt) | ug::Grid | protected |
edge_store_associated_volumes(bool bStoreIt) | ug::Grid | protected |
edge_to_be_erased(Grid *grid, Edge *e, Edge *replacedBy=NULL) | ug::MultiGrid | virtual |
edge_traits typedef | ug::Grid | |
EdgeAttachmentPipe typedef | ug::Grid | |
EdgeContainer typedef | ug::Grid | |
EdgeInfo typedef | ug::MultiGrid | protected |
edges_begin() | ug::Grid | inline |
edges_end() | ug::Grid | inline |
edges_to_be_merged(Grid *grid, Edge *target, Edge *elem1, Edge *elem2) | ug::GridObserver | inlinevirtual |
element_created(TElem *elem) | ug::MultiGrid | inlineprotected |
element_created(TElem *elem, TParent *pParent) | ug::MultiGrid | protected |
element_created(TElem *elem, TParent *pParent, TElem *pReplaceMe) | ug::MultiGrid | protected |
element_storage() | ug::Grid | inlineprotected |
element_storage() const | ug::Grid | inlineprotected |
element_to_be_erased(TElem *elem) | ug::MultiGrid | protected |
element_to_be_erased(TElem *elem, TParent *pParent) | ug::MultiGrid | protected |
elements_to_be_cleared(Grid *grid) | ug::MultiGrid | virtual |
enable_hierarchical_insertion(bool bEnable) | ug::MultiGrid | |
enable_options(uint options) | ug::Grid | |
end(int level) | ug::MultiGrid | inline |
end(int level) const | ug::MultiGrid | inline |
end() | ug::MultiGrid | |
end() const | ug::MultiGrid | |
end_marking() | ug::Grid | |
erase(GridObject *geomObj) | ug::Grid | |
erase(Vertex *vrt) | ug::Grid | |
erase(Edge *edge) | ug::Grid | |
erase(Face *face) | ug::Grid | |
erase(Volume *vol) | ug::Grid | |
erase(const GeomObjIter &iterBegin, const GeomObjIter &iterEnd) | ug::Grid | |
face_autogenerate_edges(bool bAutogen) | ug::Grid | protected |
face_created(Grid *grid, Face *f, GridObject *pParent=NULL, bool replacesParent=false) | ug::MultiGrid | virtual |
face_fragmentation() | ug::Grid | |
face_store_associated_edges(bool bStoreIt) | ug::Grid | protected |
face_store_associated_volumes(bool bStoreIt) | ug::Grid | protected |
face_to_be_erased(Grid *grid, Face *f, Face *replacedBy=NULL) | ug::MultiGrid | virtual |
face_traits typedef | ug::Grid | |
FaceAttachmentPipe typedef | ug::Grid | |
FaceContainer typedef | ug::Grid | |
FaceInfo typedef | ug::MultiGrid | protected |
faces_begin() | ug::Grid | inline |
faces_end() | ug::Grid | inline |
faces_to_be_merged(Grid *grid, Face *target, Face *elem1, Face *elem2) | ug::GridObserver | inlinevirtual |
find_edge_in_associated_edges(TGeomObj *obj, const EdgeVertices &ev) | ug::Grid | protected |
find_face_in_associated_faces(TGeomObj *obj, const FaceVertices &fv) | ug::Grid | protected |
find_volume_in_associated_volumes(TGeomObj *obj, const VolumeVertices &vv) | ug::Grid | protected |
flip_orientation(Edge *e) | ug::Grid | |
flip_orientation(Face *f) | ug::Grid | |
flip_orientation(Volume *vol) | ug::Grid | |
front() | ug::Grid | |
get_associated(SecureVertexContainer &vrts, Edge *e) | ug::Grid | protected |
get_associated(SecureVertexContainer &vrts, Face *f) | ug::Grid | protected |
get_associated(SecureVertexContainer &vrts, Volume *v) | ug::Grid | protected |
get_associated(SecureEdgeContainer &edges, Vertex *v) | ug::Grid | protected |
get_associated(SecureEdgeContainer &edges, Face *f) | ug::Grid | protected |
get_associated(SecureEdgeContainer &edges, Volume *v) | ug::Grid | protected |
get_associated(SecureFaceContainer &faces, Vertex *v) | ug::Grid | protected |
get_associated(SecureFaceContainer &faces, Edge *e) | ug::Grid | protected |
get_associated(SecureFaceContainer &faces, Volume *v) | ug::Grid | protected |
get_associated(SecureVolumeContainer &vols, Vertex *v) | ug::Grid | protected |
get_associated(SecureVolumeContainer &vols, Edge *e) | ug::Grid | protected |
get_associated(SecureVolumeContainer &vols, Face *f) | ug::Grid | protected |
get_associated(TContainer &container, GridObject *o) | ug::Grid | protected |
get_associated(typename traits< typename TElem::grid_base_object > ::secure_container &elems, TElem *e) | ug::Grid | protected |
get_associated_sorted(SecureVertexContainer &vrts, Edge *e) const | ug::Grid | protected |
get_associated_sorted(SecureVertexContainer &vrts, Face *f) const | ug::Grid | protected |
get_associated_sorted(SecureVertexContainer &vrts, Volume *v) const | ug::Grid | protected |
get_associated_sorted(SecureEdgeContainer &edges, Vertex *v) | ug::Grid | protected |
get_associated_sorted(SecureEdgeContainer &edges, Face *f) | ug::Grid | protected |
get_associated_sorted(SecureEdgeContainer &edges, Volume *v) | ug::Grid | protected |
get_associated_sorted(SecureFaceContainer &faces, Vertex *v) | ug::Grid | protected |
get_associated_sorted(SecureFaceContainer &faces, Edge *e) | ug::Grid | protected |
get_associated_sorted(SecureFaceContainer &faces, Volume *v) | ug::Grid | protected |
get_associated_sorted(SecureVolumeContainer &vols, Vertex *v) | ug::Grid | protected |
get_associated_sorted(SecureVolumeContainer &vols, Edge *e) | ug::Grid | protected |
get_associated_sorted(SecureVolumeContainer &vols, Face *f) | ug::Grid | protected |
get_associated_sorted(typename traits< typename TElem::grid_base_object > ::secure_container &elems, TElem *e) | ug::Grid | protected |
get_associated_vols_raw(SecureVolumeContainer &vols, Face *f) | ug::Grid | protected |
get_attachment_data_container(TAttachment &attachment) | ug::Grid | |
get_attachment_data_index(TGeomObj *pObj) const | ug::Grid | |
get_attachment_pipe() | ug::Grid | |
get_child(TElem *elem, size_t ind) const | ug::MultiGrid | inline |
get_child(GridObject *elem, size_t ind) const | ug::MultiGrid | |
get_child(TElem *elem, size_t ind, const Vertex &) const | ug::MultiGrid | inlineprotected |
get_child(TElem *elem, size_t ind, const Edge &) const | ug::MultiGrid | inlineprotected |
get_child(TElem *elem, size_t ind, const Face &) const | ug::MultiGrid | inlineprotected |
get_child(TElem *elem, size_t ind, const Volume &) const | ug::MultiGrid | inlineprotected |
get_child_edge(TElem *elem, size_t ind) const | ug::MultiGrid | inline |
get_child_edge(Vertex *, size_t) const | ug::MultiGrid | inline |
get_child_face(TElem *elem, size_t ind) const | ug::MultiGrid | inline |
get_child_face(Vertex *, size_t) const | ug::MultiGrid | inline |
get_child_face(Edge *, size_t) const | ug::MultiGrid | inline |
get_child_vertex(TElem *elem) const | ug::MultiGrid | inline |
get_child_volume(Volume *elem, size_t ind) const | ug::MultiGrid | inline |
get_child_volume(TElem *, size_t) const | ug::MultiGrid | inline |
get_edge(Vertex *v1, Vertex *v2) | ug::Grid | |
get_edge(const EdgeVertices &ev) | ug::Grid | |
get_edge(Face *f, int ind) | ug::Grid | |
get_edge(Volume *v, int ind) | ug::Grid | |
get_element(const EdgeVertices &ev) | ug::Grid | inline |
get_element(const FaceVertices &fv) | ug::Grid | inline |
get_element(const VolumeVertices &vv) | ug::Grid | inline |
get_element(const VertexDescriptor &vd) | ug::Grid | inline |
get_face(const FaceVertices &fv) | ug::Grid | |
get_face(Volume *v, int ind) | ug::Grid | |
get_grid_objects(int level) | ug::MultiGrid | inline |
get_grid_objects() | ug::MultiGrid | inlinevirtual |
get_grid_objects() | ug::MultiGrid | virtual |
get_hierarchy_handler() | ug::MultiGrid | inline |
get_info(Vertex *v) | ug::MultiGrid | inlineprotected |
get_info(Edge *e) | ug::MultiGrid | inlineprotected |
get_info(Face *f) | ug::MultiGrid | inlineprotected |
get_info(Volume *v) | ug::MultiGrid | inlineprotected |
get_info(Vertex *v) const | ug::MultiGrid | inlineprotected |
get_info(Edge *e) const | ug::MultiGrid | inlineprotected |
get_info(Face *f) const | ug::MultiGrid | inlineprotected |
get_info(Volume *v) const | ug::MultiGrid | inlineprotected |
get_iterator(Vertex *o) | ug::Grid | inlineprotected |
get_iterator(Edge *o) | ug::Grid | inlineprotected |
get_iterator(Face *o) | ug::Grid | inlineprotected |
get_iterator(Volume *o) | ug::Grid | inlineprotected |
get_level(TElem *elem) const | ug::MultiGrid | inline |
get_opposing_object(Vertex *vrt, Face *elem) | ug::Grid | |
get_opposing_object(Vertex *vrt, Volume *elem) | ug::Grid | |
get_options() const | ug::Grid | |
get_parent(GridObject *parent) const | ug::MultiGrid | |
get_parent(Vertex *o) const | ug::MultiGrid | inline |
get_parent(Edge *o) const | ug::MultiGrid | inline |
get_parent(Face *o) const | ug::MultiGrid | inline |
get_parent(Volume *o) const | ug::MultiGrid | inline |
get_side(Vertex *obj, size_t side) | ug::Grid | |
get_side(Edge *obj, size_t side) | ug::Grid | |
get_side(Face *obj, size_t side) | ug::Grid | |
get_side(Volume *obj, size_t side) | ug::Grid | |
get_volume(const VolumeVertices &vv) | ug::Grid | |
Grid() | ug::Grid | |
Grid(uint options) | ug::Grid | |
Grid(const Grid &grid) | ug::Grid | |
grid_to_be_destroyed(Grid *grid) | ug::GridObserver | inlinevirtual |
has_attachment(IAttachment &attachment) | ug::Grid | inline |
has_children(TElem *elem) const | ug::MultiGrid | inline |
has_edge_attachment(IAttachment &attachment) | ug::Grid | inline |
has_face_attachment(IAttachment &attachment) | ug::Grid | inline |
has_periodic_boundaries() const | ug::Grid | |
has_vertex_attachment(IAttachment &attachment) | ug::Grid | inline |
has_volume_attachment(IAttachment &attachment) | ug::Grid | inline |
hierarchical_insertion_enabled() | ug::MultiGrid | inline |
init() | ug::MultiGrid | protected |
init_marks() | ug::Grid | protected |
is_marked(GridObject *obj) const | ug::Grid | inline |
is_marked(Vertex *obj) const | ug::Grid | inline |
is_marked(Edge *obj) const | ug::Grid | inline |
is_marked(Face *obj) const | ug::Grid | inline |
is_marked(Volume *obj) const | ug::Grid | inline |
is_parallel() const | ug::Grid | inline |
level_required(int lvl) | ug::MultiGrid | inline |
m_aaEdgeContainerEDGE | ug::Grid | protected |
m_aaEdgeContainerFACE | ug::Grid | protected |
m_aaEdgeContainerVERTEX | ug::Grid | protected |
m_aaEdgeContainerVOLUME | ug::Grid | protected |
m_aaEdgeInf | ug::MultiGrid | protected |
m_aaFaceContainerEDGE | ug::Grid | protected |
m_aaFaceContainerFACE | ug::Grid | protected |
m_aaFaceContainerVERTEX | ug::Grid | protected |
m_aaFaceContainerVOLUME | ug::Grid | protected |
m_aaFaceInf | ug::MultiGrid | protected |
m_aaMarkEDGE | ug::Grid | protected |
m_aaMarkFACE | ug::Grid | protected |
m_aaMarkVOL | ug::Grid | protected |
m_aaMarkVRT | ug::Grid | protected |
m_aaParentFACE | ug::MultiGrid | protected |
m_aaParentType | ug::MultiGrid | protected |
m_aaParentVOL | ug::MultiGrid | protected |
m_aaVolInf | ug::MultiGrid | protected |
m_aaVolumeContainerEDGE | ug::Grid | protected |
m_aaVolumeContainerFACE | ug::Grid | protected |
m_aaVolumeContainerVERTEX | ug::Grid | protected |
m_aaVolumeContainerVOLUME | ug::Grid | protected |
m_aaVrtInf | ug::MultiGrid | protected |
m_aEdgeContainer | ug::Grid | protected |
m_aEdgeInfo | ug::MultiGrid | protected |
m_aFaceContainer | ug::Grid | protected |
m_aFaceInfo | ug::MultiGrid | protected |
m_aMark | ug::Grid | protected |
m_aParent | ug::MultiGrid | protected |
m_aParentType | ug::MultiGrid | protected |
m_aVertexContainer | ug::Grid | protected |
m_aVertexInfo | ug::MultiGrid | protected |
m_aVolumeContainer | ug::Grid | protected |
m_aVolumeInfo | ug::MultiGrid | protected |
m_bHierarchicalInsertion | ug::MultiGrid | protected |
m_bMarking | ug::Grid | protected |
m_currentMark | ug::Grid | protected |
m_distGridMgr | ug::Grid | protected |
m_edgeElementStorage | ug::Grid | protected |
m_edgeObservers | ug::Grid | protected |
m_faceElementStorage | ug::Grid | protected |
m_faceObservers | ug::Grid | protected |
m_gridObservers | ug::Grid | protected |
m_hashCounter | ug::Grid | protected |
m_hierarchy | ug::MultiGrid | protected |
m_messageHub | ug::Grid | protected |
m_options | ug::Grid | protected |
m_periodicBndMgr | ug::Grid | protected |
m_vertexElementStorage | ug::Grid | protected |
m_vertexObservers | ug::Grid | protected |
m_volumeElementStorage | ug::Grid | protected |
m_volumeObservers | ug::Grid | protected |
mark(GridObject *obj) | ug::Grid | inline |
mark(Vertex *obj) | ug::Grid | inline |
mark(Edge *obj) | ug::Grid | inline |
mark(Face *obj) | ug::Grid | inline |
mark(Volume *obj) | ug::Grid | inline |
mark(TIterator begin, TIterator end) | ug::Grid | |
message_hub() | ug::Grid | inline |
MGEdgeInfo | ug::MultiGrid | friend |
MGFaceInfo | ug::MultiGrid | friend |
MGVertexInfo | ug::MultiGrid | friend |
MGVolumeInfo | ug::MultiGrid | friend |
MultiGrid() | ug::MultiGrid | |
MultiGrid(uint options) | ug::MultiGrid | |
notify_and_clear_observers_on_grid_destruction(GridObserver *initiator=NULL) | ug::Grid | protected |
num(int level) const | ug::MultiGrid | inline |
num() const | ug::MultiGrid | |
num_child_edges(TElem *elem) const | ug::MultiGrid | inline |
num_child_edges(Vertex *) const | ug::MultiGrid | inline |
num_child_faces(TElem *elem) const | ug::MultiGrid | inline |
num_child_faces(Vertex *) const | ug::MultiGrid | inline |
num_child_faces(Edge *) const | ug::MultiGrid | inline |
num_child_vertices(TElem *elem) const | ug::MultiGrid | inline |
num_child_volumes(Volume *elem) const | ug::MultiGrid | inline |
num_child_volumes(TElem *) const | ug::MultiGrid | inline |
num_children(TElem *elem) const | ug::MultiGrid | inline |
num_children(GridObject *elem) const | ug::MultiGrid | |
num_children(TElem *elem, const Vertex &) const | ug::MultiGrid | inlineprotected |
num_children(TElem *elem, const Edge &) const | ug::MultiGrid | inlineprotected |
num_children(TElem *elem, const Face &) const | ug::MultiGrid | inlineprotected |
num_children(TElem *elem, const Volume &) const | ug::MultiGrid | inlineprotected |
num_children_total(TElem *elem) const | ug::MultiGrid | inline |
num_edges() const | ug::Grid | inline |
num_faces() const | ug::Grid | inline |
num_levels() const | ug::MultiGrid | inline |
num_vertices() const | ug::Grid | inline |
num_volumes() const | ug::Grid | inline |
objects_will_be_merged(Vertex *target, Vertex *elem1, Vertex *elem2) | ug::Grid | inline |
objects_will_be_merged(Edge *target, Edge *elem1, Edge *elem2) | ug::Grid | inline |
objects_will_be_merged(Face *target, Face *elem1, Face *elem2) | ug::Grid | inline |
objects_will_be_merged(Volume *target, Volume *elem1, Volume *elem2) | ug::Grid | inline |
ObserverContainer typedef | ug::Grid | protected |
operator=(const Grid &grid) | ug::Grid | |
option_is_enabled(uint option) const | ug::Grid | |
parent_type(TElem *elem) const | ug::MultiGrid | |
pass_on_values(Vertex *objSrc, Vertex *objDest) | ug::Grid | |
pass_on_values(Edge *objSrc, Edge *objDest) | ug::Grid | |
pass_on_values(Face *objSrc, Face *objDest) | ug::Grid | |
pass_on_values(Volume *objSrc, Volume *objDest) | ug::Grid | |
pass_on_values(TAttachmentPipe &attachmentPipe, TElem *pSrc, TElem *pDest) | ug::Grid | protected |
periodic_boundary_manager() | ug::Grid | |
periodic_boundary_manager() const | ug::Grid | |
register_and_replace_element(Vertex *v, Vertex *pReplaceMe) | ug::Grid | |
register_and_replace_element(Edge *e, Edge *pReplaceMe) | ug::Grid | |
register_and_replace_element(Face *f, Face *pReplaceMe) | ug::Grid | |
register_and_replace_element(Volume *v, Volume *pReplaceMe) | ug::Grid | |
register_edge(Edge *e, GridObject *pParent=NULL, Face *createdByFace=NULL, Volume *createdByVol=NULL) | ug::Grid | protected |
register_element(Vertex *v, GridObject *pParent=NULL) | ug::Grid | inline |
register_element(Edge *e, GridObject *pParent=NULL) | ug::Grid | inline |
register_element(Face *f, GridObject *pParent=NULL) | ug::Grid | inline |
register_element(Volume *v, GridObject *pParent=NULL) | ug::Grid | inline |
register_face(Face *f, GridObject *pParent=NULL, Volume *createdByVol=NULL) | ug::Grid | protected |
register_observer(GridObserver *observer, uint observerType=OT_FULL_OBSERVER) | ug::Grid | |
register_vertex(Vertex *v, GridObject *pParent=NULL) | ug::Grid | protected |
register_volume(Volume *v, GridObject *pParent=NULL) | ug::Grid | protected |
release_child_info(Vertex *o) | ug::MultiGrid | inlineprotected |
release_child_info(Edge *o) | ug::MultiGrid | inlineprotected |
release_child_info(Face *o) | ug::MultiGrid | inlineprotected |
release_child_info(Volume *o) | ug::MultiGrid | inlineprotected |
remove_child(TParent *p, TChild *c) | ug::MultiGrid | protected |
remove_child(GridObject *p, TChild *c) | ug::MultiGrid | protected |
remove_marks() | ug::Grid | protected |
replace_vertex(Vertex *vrtOld, Vertex *vrtNew) | ug::Grid | |
replace_vertex_is_valid(Vertex *vrtOld, Vertex *vrtNew) | ug::Grid | |
reserve(size_t num) | ug::Grid | |
reset_marks() | ug::Grid | protected |
SecureEdgeContainer typedef | ug::Grid | |
SecureFaceContainer typedef | ug::Grid | |
SecureVertexContainer typedef | ug::Grid | |
SecureVolumeContainer typedef | ug::Grid | |
set_options(uint options) | ug::Grid | |
set_parallel(bool parallel) | ug::Grid | |
set_parent(Vertex *o, GridObject *p) | ug::MultiGrid | inlineprotected |
set_parent(Edge *o, GridObject *p) | ug::MultiGrid | inlineprotected |
set_parent(Face *o, GridObject *p) | ug::MultiGrid | inlineprotected |
set_parent(Volume *o, GridObject *p) | ug::MultiGrid | inlineprotected |
set_parent_type(TElem *elem, char type) | ug::MultiGrid | |
set_periodic_boundaries(bool) | ug::Grid | |
test_attached_linked_lists() | ug::Grid | |
top_level() const | ug::MultiGrid | inline |
unmark(GridObject *obj) | ug::Grid | inline |
unmark(Vertex *obj) | ug::Grid | inline |
unmark(Edge *obj) | ug::Grid | inline |
unmark(Face *obj) | ug::Grid | inline |
unmark(Volume *obj) | ug::Grid | inline |
unmark(TIterator begin, TIterator end) | ug::Grid | |
unregister_edge(Edge *e) | ug::Grid | protected |
unregister_element(Vertex *v) | ug::Grid | inline |
unregister_element(Edge *e) | ug::Grid | inline |
unregister_element(Face *f) | ug::Grid | inline |
unregister_element(Volume *v) | ug::Grid | inline |
unregister_face(Face *f) | ug::Grid | protected |
unregister_observer(GridObserver *observer) | ug::Grid | |
unregister_vertex(Vertex *v) | ug::Grid | protected |
unregister_volume(Volume *v) | ug::Grid | protected |
vertex_created(Grid *grid, Vertex *vrt, GridObject *pParent=NULL, bool replacesParent=false) | ug::MultiGrid | virtual |
vertex_fragmentation() | ug::Grid | |
vertex_store_associated_edges(bool bStoreIt) | ug::Grid | protected |
vertex_store_associated_faces(bool bStoreIt) | ug::Grid | protected |
vertex_store_associated_volumes(bool bStoreIt) | ug::Grid | protected |
vertex_to_be_erased(Grid *grid, Vertex *vrt, Vertex *replacedBy=NULL) | ug::MultiGrid | virtual |
vertex_traits typedef | ug::Grid | |
VertexAttachmentPipe typedef | ug::Grid | |
VertexContainer typedef | ug::Grid | |
VertexInfo typedef | ug::MultiGrid | protected |
vertices_begin() | ug::Grid | inline |
vertices_end() | ug::Grid | inline |
vertices_to_be_merged(Grid *grid, Vertex *target, Vertex *elem1, Vertex *elem2) | ug::GridObserver | inlinevirtual |
volume_autogenerate_edges(bool bAutogen) | ug::Grid | protected |
volume_autogenerate_faces(bool bAutogen) | ug::Grid | protected |
volume_created(Grid *grid, Volume *vol, GridObject *pParent=NULL, bool replacesParent=false) | ug::MultiGrid | virtual |
volume_fragmentation() | ug::Grid | |
volume_sort_associated_edge_container() | ug::Grid | protected |
volume_store_associated_edges(bool bStoreIt) | ug::Grid | protected |
volume_store_associated_faces(bool bStoreIt) | ug::Grid | protected |
volume_to_be_erased(Grid *grid, Volume *vol, Volume *replacedBy=NULL) | ug::MultiGrid | virtual |
volume_traits typedef | ug::Grid | |
VolumeAttachmentPipe typedef | ug::Grid | |
VolumeContainer typedef | ug::Grid | |
VolumeInfo typedef | ug::MultiGrid | protected |
volumes_begin() | ug::Grid | inline |
volumes_end() | ug::Grid | inline |
volumes_to_be_merged(Grid *grid, Volume *target, Volume *elem1, Volume *elem2) | ug::GridObserver | inlinevirtual |
~Grid() | ug::Grid | virtual |
~GridObserver() | ug::GridObserver | inlinevirtual |
~MultiGrid() | ug::MultiGrid | virtual |