Here is a list of all functions with links to the classes they belong to:
- p -
- p() : ug::GPUSparseMatrix< TValueType >, ug::MapSparseMatrix< TValueType >, ug::SparseMatrix< TValueType >, ug::Vector< TValueType >
- p1_lagrange_optimization_enabled() : ug::StdTransfer< TDomain, TAlgebra >
- P1LagrangeElemTransfer() : ug::P1LagrangeElemTransfer< TDomain >
- PageContainer() : ug::PageContainer< T, MAX_PAGE_SIZE, Allocator >
- parallel_offset_map() : ug::ParallelDualGraph< TGeomBaseObj, TIndexType, TConnectingObj >
- ParallelArchive() : pcl::ParallelArchive
- ParallelColoring() : ug::ParallelColoring
- ParallelDualGraph() : ug::ParallelDualGraph< TGeomBaseObj, TIndexType, TConnectingObj >
- ParallelGlobalFracturedMediaRefiner() : ug::ParallelGlobalFracturedMediaRefiner
- ParallelGlobalSubdivisionRefiner() : ug::ParallelGlobalSubdivisionRefiner< TAPosition >
- ParallelHangingNodeRefiner_MultiGrid() : ug::ParallelHangingNodeRefiner_MultiGrid
- ParallelMatrix() : ug::ParallelMatrix< TMatrix >
- ParallelNodes() : ug::ParallelNodes
- ParallelProgress() : ug::ParallelProgress
- ParallelShiftIdentifier() : ug::ParallelShiftIdentifier< TPosAA >
- ParallelVector() : ug::ParallelVector< TVector >
- parameter_class_name() : ug::bridge::ExportedFunctionBase
- parameter_info() : ug::bridge::ExportedConstructor, ug::bridge::ExportedFunctionBase
- parameter_info_string() : ug::bridge::ExportedConstructor, ug::bridge::ExportedFunctionBase
- parameter_info_vec() : ug::bridge::ExportedConstructor, ug::bridge::ExportedFunctionBase
- parameter_name() : ug::bridge::ExportedConstructor, ug::bridge::ExportedFunctionBase
- parameter_named() : ug::bridge::ParameterInfo
- ParameterInfo() : ug::bridge::ParameterInfo
- ParameterStackToTypeValueList() : ug::bridge::ParameterStackToTypeValueList< TTypeList, index >, ug::bridge::ParameterStackToTypeValueList< TypeList<>, index >
- params() : ug::vrl::VRLCondUserNumber< dim >, ug::vrl::VRLUserData< TData, dim >
- params_in() : ug::bridge::ExportedConstructor, ug::bridge::ExportedFunctionBase
- params_out() : ug::bridge::ExportedFunctionBase
- parent() : ug::maxheap< T >
- parent_type() : ug::MultiGrid
- parse() : ug::LexOrdering< TAlgebra, TDomain, O_t >, ug::LUAParserClass
- parse_file() : ug::GridReaderUGX, ug::GridReaderVTU, ug::UGXFileInfo
- parse_luaFunction() : ug::LUAParserClass
- parse_luaFunction_StackTop() : ug::LUAParserClass
- part() : ug::IDataImport< dim >
- partially_contains() : ug::Flag< TEnum, TStorageType, defaultValue >
- participates() : pcl::MultiGroupCommunicator
- partition() : ug::IPartitioner, ug::Partitioner_DynamicBisection< TElem, dim >
- partition_hint() : ug::ProcessHierarchy
- Partitioner_DynamicBisection() : ug::Partitioner_DynamicBisection< TElem, dim >
- partitioning_done() : ug::ClusterElementStacks< elem_t, vector_t >, ug::IPartitionPostProcessor, ug::IPartitionPreProcessor, ug::PartPreProc_RasterProjectorCoordinates< dim >, ug::PPP_ReplaceCoordinate< dim >, ug::SmoothPartitionBounds< elem_t >
- partitioning_starts() : ug::IPartitionPreProcessor, ug::PartPreProc_RasterProjectorCoordinates< dim >, ug::PPP_ReplaceCoordinate< dim >
- PartitionMap() : ug::PartitionMap
- PartitionWeighting() : ug::PartitionWeighting
- PartPreProc_RasterProjectorCoordinates() : ug::PartPreProc_RasterProjectorCoordinates< dim >
- pass_on_values() : ug::Grid
- PathProvider() : ug::PathProvider
- PCnt() : ug::DoFCount::Cnt::PCnt
- perform_bisection() : ug::Partitioner_DynamicBisection< TElem, dim >
- perform_coarsening() : ug::AdaptiveRegularRefiner_MultiGrid, ug::HangingNodeRefiner_MultiGrid, ug::IRefiner
- perform_ordered_element_insertion() : ug::DistributedGridManager
- perform_projection() : ug::CylinderProjector, ug::EllipticCylinderProjector, ug::SomaProjector, ug::SphereProjector
- perform_prolongation_on() : ug::CrouzeixRaviartElemTransfer< TDomain >, ug::IElemProlongation< TDomain >, ug::P1LagrangeElemTransfer< TDomain >, ug::PiecewiseConstantElemTransfer< TDomain >, ug::StdLagrangeElemTransfer< TDomain >
- perform_refinement() : ug::AdaptiveRegularRefiner_MultiGrid, ug::GlobalFracturedMediaRefiner, ug::GlobalMultiGridRefiner, ug::HangingNodeRefinerBase< TSelector >, ug::IRefiner
- perform_restriction_on() : ug::CrouzeixRaviartElemTransfer< TDomain >, ug::IElemRestriction< TDomain >, ug::P1LagrangeElemTransfer< TDomain >, ug::PiecewiseConstantElemTransfer< TDomain >, ug::StdLagrangeElemTransfer< TDomain >
- perform_self_tests() : ug::GridSubsetHandler
- performTest() : ug::vrl::TestClass
- periodic_boundary_manager() : ug::Grid
- PeriodicAttachmentAccessor() : ug::PeriodicAttachmentAccessor< TElem, TAttachment >
- PeriodicBoundaryManager() : ug::PeriodicBoundaryManager
- permute_indices() : ug::DoFDistribution
- permute_values() : ug::DoFDistribution, ug::GridFunction< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::IGridFunction
- physical_grid_dimension() : ug::UGXFileInfo
- Piece() : ug::bridge::Piece
- pieces_left() : ug::bridge::Cake
- PiecewiseConstantElemTransfer() : ug::PiecewiseConstantElemTransfer< TDomain >
- PiecewiseConstantLSFS() : ug::PiecewiseConstantLSFS< TRefElem >
- PILUTPreconditioner() : ug::PILUTPreconditioner< TAlgebra >
- PINVIT() : ug::PINVIT< TAlgebra >
- PlaneCutProjector() : ug::PlaneCutProjector
- point() : ug::FVSingularSourcesAndSinks< dim, TPointData, TLineData >, ug::GaussQuadBase< TImpl, TDim, TOrder, TNip >, ug::LoaderObj, ug::QuadratureRule< TDim >
- point_iterator() : ug::FVSingularSourcesAndSinks< dim, TPointData, TLineData >::point_iterator< TElem, TAAPos, TFVGeom >
- pointer_is_in_chunk() : FixedAllocator
- PointerConstArray() : ug::PointerConstArray< TPtr >
- PointEvaluatorFactory() : ug::bridge::Evaluate::PointEvaluatorFactory< TDomain, TAlgebra >
- points() : ug::GaussQuadBase< TImpl, TDim, TOrder, TNip >, ug::QuadratureRule< TDim >
- points_begin() : ug::LoaderObj
- points_end() : ug::LoaderObj
- Polynomial1D() : ug::Polynomial1D
- pop() : boost::bucket_sorter< BucketType, ValueType, Bucket, ValueIndexMap >::stack_< Iter_, IndexValueMap_ >
- pop_candidate() : ug::DelaunayInfo< TAAPos >
- pop_classified_face() : ug::DelaunayInfo< TAAPos >
- pop_current_path() : ug::PathProvider
- pos() : ug::Geometry< dim, attachmentDim >, ug::IGeometry< dim >, ug::RefinementProjector
- PosAndIndex() : ug::PosAndIndex< dim >
- position() : ug::BoundedEquidistantLagrange1D, ug::CrouzeixRaviartLSFS< ReferenceHexahedron >, ug::CrouzeixRaviartLSFS< ReferencePrism >, ug::CrouzeixRaviartLSFS< ReferencePyramid >, ug::CrouzeixRaviartLSFS< ReferenceQuadrilateral >, ug::CrouzeixRaviartLSFS< ReferenceTetrahedron >, ug::CrouzeixRaviartLSFS< ReferenceTriangle >, ug::DataImport< TData, dim >, ug::DimLocalDoFSet< TDim >, ug::EquidistantLagrange1D, ug::FlexLagrangeLSFS< ReferenceEdge >, ug::FlexLagrangeLSFS< ReferenceHexahedron >, ug::FlexLagrangeLSFS< ReferencePrism >, ug::FlexLagrangeLSFS< ReferenceQuadrilateral >, ug::FlexLagrangeLSFS< ReferenceTetrahedron >, ug::FlexLagrangeLSFS< ReferenceTriangle >, ug::FlexLagrangeLSFS< ReferenceVertex >, ug::FVPointSourceOrSink< dim, TData >, ug::Lagrange1D, ug::LagrangeLSFS< ReferenceEdge, TOrder >, ug::LagrangeLSFS< ReferenceHexahedron, TOrder >, ug::LagrangeLSFS< ReferenceOctahedron, TOrder >, ug::LagrangeLSFS< ReferencePrism, TOrder >, ug::LagrangeLSFS< ReferencePyramid, TOrder >, ug::LagrangeLSFS< ReferenceQuadrilateral, TOrder >, ug::LagrangeLSFS< ReferenceTetrahedron, TOrder >, ug::LagrangeLSFS< ReferenceTriangle, TOrder >, ug::LagrangeLSFS< ReferenceVertex, TOrder >, ug::LagrangeP1< TRefElem >, ug::LocalShapeFunctionSetWrapper< TImpl >, ug::MiniBubbleLSFS< ReferenceEdge >, ug::MiniBubbleLSFS< ReferenceHexahedron >, ug::MiniBubbleLSFS< ReferenceQuadrilateral >, ug::MiniBubbleLSFS< ReferenceTetrahedron >, ug::MiniBubbleLSFS< ReferenceTriangle >, ug::NedelecLSFS< ReferenceTetrahedron >, ug::NedelecLSFS< ReferenceTriangle >, ug::NeuriteProjector, ug::NTreeGridData< world_dim >, ug::PiecewiseConstantLSFS< TRefElem >, ug::PlaneCutProjector, ug::SubLocalDoFSet< TDim >, ug::TruncatedEquidistantLagrange1D
- position_accessor() : ug::DelaunayInfo< TAAPos >, ug::Domain< d, TGrid, TSubsetHandler >, ug::NTreeGridData< world_dim >
- position_attachment() : ug::Domain< d, TGrid, TSubsetHandler >, ug::Geometry< dim, attachmentDim >, ug::IGeometry< dim >
- position_attachment_dim() : ug::Geometry< dim, attachmentDim >, ug::IGeometry< dim >
- positions() : ug::IVectorDebugWriter< TVector >
- post() : ug::AlgebraicConvCheck< TVector >, ug::CompositeConvCheck< TVector, TDomain >, ug::FixedConvergenceCheck< TVector >, ug::IConvergenceCheck< TVector >, ug::StdConvCheck< TVector >
- post_assemble_loop() : ug::IElemAssembleFuncs< TLeaf, TDomain >
- post_coarsen() : ug::HangingNodeRefiner_MultiGrid, ug::ParallelHangingNodeRefiner_MultiGrid
- post_message() : ug::bridge::MessageHubTest, ug::MessageHub
- post_process() : ug::AverageComponent< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::ClusterElementStacks< elem_t, vector_t >, ug::ComPol_MatCreateOverlap< TMatrix >, ug::IPartitionPostProcessor, ug::ITransferPostProcess< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::SmoothPartitionBounds< elem_t >
- post_refine() : ug::HangingNodeRefiner_Grid, ug::HangingNodeRefinerBase< TSelector >, ug::ParallelHangingNodeRefiner_MultiGrid
- postprocess() : ug::AgglomeratingPreconditioner< TAlgebra >, ug::BlockGaussSeidel< TAlgebra, backward, forward >, ug::BlockGaussSeidelIterative< TAlgebra, backward, forward >, ug::ComponentGaussSeidel< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::DiagVanka< TAlgebra >, ug::ElementGaussSeidel< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::GaussSeidelBase< TAlgebra >, ug::IBlockJacobiPreconditioner< TAlgebra >, ug::IElemDiscModifier< TDomain >, ug::IExternalSolver< TAlgebra >, ug::ILU< TAlgebra >, ug::ILUTPreconditioner< TAlgebra >, ug::ILUTScalarPreconditioner< TAlgebra >, ug::IPreconditioner< TAlgebra >, ug::Jacobi< TAlgebra >, ug::LineGaussSeidel< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::LineVanka< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::PILUTPreconditioner< TAlgebra >, ug::SchurPrecond< TAlgebra >, ug::SequentialSubspaceCorrection< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::SparseBlockGaussSeidel2< TAlgebra, backward, forward >, ug::SparseBlockGaussSeidel< TAlgebra, backward, forward >, ug::UzawaBase< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::Vanka< TAlgebra >
- postprocess_block_iterations() : ug::UzawaBase< TDomain, TAlgebra >
- PowerMethod() : ug::PowerMethod< TAlgebra >
- PPP_ReplaceCoordinate() : ug::PPP_ReplaceCoordinate< dim >
- pr() : ug::cgraph, ug::GPUSparseMatrix< TValueType >, ug::MapSparseMatrix< TValueType >, ug::SparseMatrix< TValueType >
- pre_coarsen() : ug::HangingNodeRefiner_MultiGrid, ug::ParallelHangingNodeRefiner_MultiGrid
- pre_refine() : ug::HangingNodeRefiner_MultiGrid, ug::HangingNodeRefinerBase< TSelector >, ug::ParallelHangingNodeRefiner_MultiGrid
- preconditioner() : ug::IPreconditionedLinearOperatorInverse< X >
- prep_assemble_loop() : ug::IElemAssembleFuncs< TLeaf, TDomain >
- prep_elem() : ug::DiracSourceDisc< TDomain >, ug::FV1InnerBoundaryElemDisc< TImpl, TDomain >, ug::IElemAssembleFuncs< TLeaf, TDomain >, ug::NeumannBoundaryFE< TDomain >, ug::NeumannBoundaryFV1< TDomain >, ug::NeumannBoundaryFV< TDomain >
- prep_elem_loop() : ug::DiracSourceDisc< TDomain >, ug::FV1InnerBoundaryElemDisc< TImpl, TDomain >, ug::IElemAssembleFuncs< TLeaf, TDomain >, ug::NeumannBoundaryFE< TDomain >, ug::NeumannBoundaryFV1< TDomain >, ug::NeumannBoundaryFV< TDomain >
- prep_err_est_elem() : ug::DiracSourceDisc< TDomain >, ug::FV1InnerBoundaryElemDisc< TImpl, TDomain >, ug::IElemEstimatorFuncs< TLeaf, TDomain >, ug::NeumannBoundaryFV1< TDomain >
- prep_err_est_elem_loop() : ug::DiracSourceDisc< TDomain >, ug::FV1InnerBoundaryElemDisc< TImpl, TDomain >, ug::IElemEstimatorFuncs< TLeaf, TDomain >, ug::NeumannBoundaryFV1< TDomain >
- prep_timestep() : ug::FV1InnerBoundaryElemDisc< TImpl, TDomain >, ug::IElemAssembleFuncs< TLeaf, TDomain >
- prep_timestep_elem() : ug::IElemAssembleFuncs< TLeaf, TDomain >
- prepare() : ug::ActiveSet< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::AssembledOperator< TAlgebra >, ug::IEigensolver< X, Y >, ug::ILinearOperator< X, Y >, ug::IOperator< X, Y >, ug::IOperatorInverse< X, Y >, ug::NestedIterationSolver< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::NewtonSolver< TAlgebra >, ug::NLGaussSeidelSolver< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::NLJacobiSolver< TAlgebra >, ug::StdLinConsistentGravity< refDim >, ug::StdLinConsistentGravityX< refDim >
- prepare_conv_check() : ug::AutoLinearSolver< TVector >, ug::BiCGStab< TVector >, ug::CG< TVector >, ug::FETISolver< TAlgebra >, ug::GMRES< TVector >, ug::LinearSolver< TVector >
- prepare_edge() : ug::StdLinConsistentGravity< refDim >
- prepare_elem() : ug::DataEvaluator< TDomain >
- prepare_elem_loop() : ug::DataEvaluator< TDomain >
- prepare_err_est_elem() : ug::DataEvaluatorBase< TDomain, TElemDisc >
- prepare_err_est_elem_loop() : ug::DataEvaluatorBase< TDomain, TElemDisc >
- prepare_hexahedron() : ug::StdLinConsistentGravity< refDim >
- prepare_interface_bc() : ug::LSGFGlobAssembler< TDomain, TAlgebra, TExtrapolation >
- prepare_prism() : ug::StdLinConsistentGravity< refDim >
- prepare_pyramid() : ug::StdLinConsistentGravity< refDim >
- prepare_quadrature() : ug::NeuriteProjector
- prepare_quadrilateral() : ug::StdLinConsistentGravity< refDim >
- prepare_receiver_buffer_map() : pcl::InterfaceCommunicator< TLayout >
- prepare_setting() : ug::DiracSourceDisc< TDomain >, ug::FV1InnerBoundaryElemDisc< TImpl, TDomain >, ug::IElemDiscBase< TDomain >, ug::NeumannBoundaryFE< TDomain >, ug::NeumannBoundaryFV1< TDomain >, ug::NeumannBoundaryFV< TDomain >
- prepare_simplex() : ug::StdLinConsistentGravityX< refDim >
- prepare_step() : ug::CompositeTimeDiscretization< TAlgebra >, ug::ITimeDiscretization< TAlgebra >, ug::MultiStepTimeDiscretization< TAlgebra >, ug::SDIRK< TAlgebra >
- prepare_step_elem() : ug::CompositeTimeDiscretization< TAlgebra >, ug::ITimeDiscretization< TAlgebra >, ug::MultiStepTimeDiscretization< TAlgebra >
- prepare_tetrahedron() : ug::StdLinConsistentGravity< refDim >
- prepare_timestep() : ug::DataEvaluator< TDomain >, ug::DomainDiscretizationBase< TDomain, TAlgebra, TGlobAssembler >, ug::IDomainDiscretization< TAlgebra >
- prepare_timestep_elem() : ug::DataEvaluator< TDomain >, ug::DomainDiscretizationBase< TDomain, TAlgebra, TGlobAssembler >, ug::IDomainDiscretization< TAlgebra >
- prepare_triangle() : ug::StdLinConsistentGravity< refDim >
- PrepareTimestep() : ug::LSGFGlobAssembler< TDomain, TAlgebra, TExtrapolation >, ug::StdGlobAssembler< TDomain, TAlgebra >
- PrepareTimestepElem() : ug::DomainDiscretizationBase< TDomain, TAlgebra, TGlobAssembler >, ug::LSGFGlobAssembler< TDomain, TAlgebra, TExtrapolation >, ug::StdGlobAssembler< TDomain, TAlgebra >
- preprocess() : ug::AgglomeratingPreconditioner< TAlgebra >, ug::ComponentGaussSeidel< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::DiagVanka< TAlgebra >, ug::ElementGaussSeidel< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::GaussSeidelBase< TAlgebra >, ug::IBlockJacobiPreconditioner< TAlgebra >, ug::IElemDiscModifier< TDomain >, ug::IExternalSolver< TAlgebra >, ug::ILocalSubspace< TDomain, TAlgebra, TObject >, ug::ILU< TAlgebra >, ug::ILUTPreconditioner< TAlgebra >, ug::ILUTScalarPreconditioner< TAlgebra >, ug::IObstacleConstraint< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::IPreconditioner< TAlgebra >, ug::Jacobi< TAlgebra >, ug::LineGaussSeidel< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::LineVanka< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::ObstacleInNormalDir< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::PILUTPreconditioner< TAlgebra >, ug::SchurPrecond< TAlgebra >, ug::SequentialSubspaceCorrection< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::UzawaBase< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::Vanka< TAlgebra >, ug::VertexCenteredVankaSubspace< TDomain, TAlgebra >
- preprocess_mat() : ug::ILUTPreconditioner< TAlgebra >
- preprocess_mat2() : ug::ILUTPreconditioner< TAlgebra >
- presmooth_and_restriction() : ug::AssembledMultiGridCycle< TDomain, TAlgebra >
- prev_ind() : ug::SubdivRules_PLoop
- previous_defect() : ug::StdConvCheck< TVector >
- previous_solution_required() : ug::FV1InnerBoundaryElemDisc< TImpl, TDomain >
- PrimalConnection() : ug::PrimalConnection< TValue >
- PrimalSubassembledMatrixInverse() : ug::PrimalSubassembledMatrixInverse< TAlgebra >
- print() : ScalarMatrixAdapter< AT, ST >, ScalarSubMatrixAdapter< AT, ST, R, C >, ScalarVectorAdapter< AT, ST >, ug::AlgebraicConnection< T >, ug::bridge::Base, ug::bridge::Derived, ug::bridge::FurtherDerived, ug::bridge::Test, ug::cgraph, ug::ConstScalarSubVectorAdapter< InVT, ST >, ug::ConstUserMatrix< N, M, worldDim >, ug::ConstUserNumber< dim >, ug::ConstUserTensor< TRank, dim >, ug::ConstUserVector< dim, worldDim >, ug::GPUSparseMatrix< TValueType >, ug::HCRFVGeometry< TElem, TWorldDim >, ug::HFV1Geometry< TElem, TWorldDim >, ug::HFV1ManifoldGeometry< TElem, TWorldDim >, ug::IVector, ug::IVector_AlgebraDownCastTo< TVec >, ug::MapSparseMatrix< TValueType >::connection, ug::MapSparseMatrix< TValueType >, ug::maxheap< T >, ug::MGStats< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::ParallelNodes, ug::ScalarSubVectorAdapter< InVT, ST >, ug::SparseMatrix< TValueType >, ug::SparseVector< T >, ug::Vector< TValueType >, ug::VMAdd, ug::vrl::PrintCondUserData2d< TData >, ug::vrl::PrintUserData2d< TData >, ug::vrl::TestClass, ug::VTKOutput< TDim >
- print2() : ug::vrl::TestClass
- print_average_convergence() : ug::NewtonSolver< TAlgebra >
- print_base0() : ug::bridge::Base0
- print_base1() : ug::bridge::Base1
- print_base2() : ug::bridge::Base2
- print_base3() : ug::bridge::Base3
- print_debugger_message() : ug::VectorDebugWritingObject< TVector >
- print_eigenvalues_and_defect() : ug::PINVIT< TAlgebra >
- print_eigenvector() : ug::PowerMethod< TAlgebra >
- print_globals() : ug::LUAParserClass
- print_identification() : ug::PeriodicBoundaryManager
- print_info() : ug::DimReferenceElement< d >, ug::LU< TAlgebra >, ug::ReferenceElement
- print_information() : ug::AutoLinearSolver< TVector >
- print_intermediate0() : ug::bridge::Intermediate0
- print_intermediate1() : ug::bridge::Intermediate1
- print_last_quality_record() : ug::LoadBalancer
- print_layout_statistic() : ug::IApproximationSpace
- print_line() : ug::AlgebraicConvCheck< TVector >, ug::CompositeConvCheck< TVector, TDomain >, ug::FixedConvergenceCheck< TVector >, ug::IConvergenceCheck< TVector >, ug::StdConvCheck< TVector >
- print_local_dof_statistic() : ug::DoFDistributionInfo, ug::DoFDistributionInfoProvider
- print_locals() : ug::LUAParserClass
- print_matrix_A() : ug::PowerMethod< TAlgebra >
- print_matrix_B() : ug::PowerMethod< TAlgebra >
- print_message() : ug::DebugWriterContext, ug::IVectorDebugWriter< TVector >
- print_mulitple_derived() : ug::bridge::MultipleDerived
- print_name() : ug::bridge::Test, ug::vrl::SmartPtrCls, ug::vrl::TestClass
- print_offset() : ug::AlgebraicConvCheck< TVector >, ug::CompositeConvCheck< TVector, TDomain >, ug::StdConvCheck< TVector >
- print_op() : ug::VMAdd
- print_projected_eigenvectors() : ug::PINVIT< TAlgebra >
- print_quality_records() : ug::LoadBalancer
- print_rec() : ug::VMAdd
- print_short() : ug::VMAdd
- print_statistic() : ug::IApproximationSpace
- print_statistic_of_inner_solver() : ug::FETISolver< TAlgebra >, ug::LocalSchurComplement< TAlgebra >, ug::PrimalSubassembledMatrixInverse< TAlgebra >
- print_subset() : ug::VTKOutput< TDim >
- print_subsets() : ug::VTKOutput< TDim >
- print_surface_params() : ug::NeuriteProjector
- print_to_file() : ug::GPUSparseMatrix< TValueType >, ug::MapSparseMatrix< TValueType >, ug::SparseMatrix< TValueType >
- print_unaryDouble() : ug::VMAdd
- print_unaryInt() : ug::VMAdd
- print_used_testvectors() : ug::PINVIT< TAlgebra >
- print_variable_names() : ug::LUAParserClass
- printrow() : ScalarMatrixAdapter< AT, ST >, ScalarSubMatrixAdapter< AT, ST, R, C >, ug::GPUSparseMatrix< TValueType >, ug::MapSparseMatrix< TValueType >, ug::SparseMatrix< TValueType >
- printtype() : ug::GPUSparseMatrix< TValueType >, ug::MapSparseMatrix< TValueType >, ug::SparseMatrix< TValueType >
- Prism() : ug::Prism
- PrismDescriptor() : ug::PrismDescriptor
- problems_occurred() : ug::IPartitioner, ug::LoadBalancer
- proc_comm() : ug::HorizontalAlgebraLayouts, ug::ParallelNodes
- proc_id() : pcl::MultiLevelLayout< TInterface >, pcl::SingleLevelLayout< TInterface >, ug::GridMessage_Creation
- process() : ug::NewLayoutCreator, ug::ParallelNodes, ug::RowSendingScheme< matrix_type >
- process_communicator() : ug::ParallelDualGraph< TGeomBaseObj, TIndexType, TConnectingObj >
- process_constrained_edge() : ug::HangingNodeRefinerBase< TSelector >
- process_constrained_face() : ug::HangingNodeRefinerBase< TSelector >
- process_constrained_vertex() : ug::HangingNodeRefinerBase< TSelector >
- process_constraining_edge() : ug::HangingNodeRefiner_Grid, ug::HangingNodeRefiner_MultiGrid, ug::HangingNodeRefinerBase< TSelector >
- process_constraining_face() : ug::HangingNodeRefiner_Grid, ug::HangingNodeRefinerBase< TSelector >
- process_global_attachments() : ug::GridWriterUGX
- ProcessCommunicator() : pcl::ProcessCommunicator
- prod() : pcl::reduce_traits< TValue >, pcl::reduce_traits< double >, pcl::reduce_traits< float >, ug::attachment_reduce_traits< TValue >, ug::attachment_reduce_traits< double >, ug::attachment_reduce_traits< float >, ug::std_number_vector_attachment_reduce_traits, ug::vector_attachment_reduce_traits< dim >
- ProfileNodeManager() : ProfileNodeManager
- Progress() : ug::Progress
- proj_crease_weights() : ug::SubdivRules_PLoop
- proj_inner_center_weight() : ug::SubdivRules_PLoop
- proj_inner_crease_nbr_weights() : ug::SubdivRules_PLoop
- proj_inner_nbr_weight() : ug::SubdivRules_PLoop
- ProjBackwardGaussSeidel() : ug::ProjBackwardGaussSeidel< TDomain, TAlgebra >
- project() : ug::NeuriteProjector, ug::node_tree::Traverser_ProjectPoint
- project_correction() : ug::IProjGaussSeidel< TDomain, TAlgebra >
- project_LSF() : ug::LSGFDomainDiscretization< TDomain, TAlgebra, TExtrapolation >, ug::LSGFGlobAssembler< TDomain, TAlgebra, TExtrapolation >
- project_to_soma_surface() : ug::SomaProjector
- projection_handler() : ug::GridReaderUGX
- ProjectionHandler() : ug::ProjectionHandler
- ProjectionLinker() : ug::ProjectionLinker< dim >
- projector() : ug::IRefiner, ug::ProjectionHandler
- projector_required() : ug::ProjectionHandler
- ProjGaussSeidel() : ug::ProjGaussSeidel< TDomain, TAlgebra >
- ProjSymmetricGaussSeidel() : ug::ProjSymmetricGaussSeidel< TDomain, TAlgebra >
- prolongate() : ug::AdaptionSurfaceGridFunction< TDomain >, ug::CrouzeixRaviartElemTransfer< TDomain >, ug::ElemProlongationBase< TDomain, TImpl >, ug::IElemProlongation< TDomain >, ug::ITransferOperator< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::P1LagrangeElemTransfer< TDomain >, ug::PiecewiseConstantElemTransfer< TDomain >, ug::StdInjection< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::StdLagrangeElemTransfer< TDomain >, ug::StdTransfer< TDomain, TAlgebra >
- prolongation() : ug::ITransferOperator< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::StdTransfer< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::TruncatedMonotoneTransfer< TDomain, TAlgebra >
- prolongation_and_postsmooth() : ug::AssembledMultiGridCycle< TDomain, TAlgebra >
- propagate() : ug::CopyAttachmentHandler< TElem, TAttachment >::propagate< TCreatedElem, Dummy >, ug::CopyAttachmentHandler< TElem, TAttachment >::propagate< TElem, Dummy >
- propagate_to_level() : ug::CopyAttachmentHandler< TElem, TAttachment >
- propagate_to_levels() : ug::CopyAttachmentHandler< TElem, TAttachment >
- ProtectSubsetPartitionWeighting() : ug::ProtectSubsetPartitionWeighting
- provide_or_create() : ug::LuaUserDataFactory< TData, dim, TRet >
- push() : boost::bucket_sorter< BucketType, ValueType, Bucket, ValueIndexMap >, boost::bucket_sorter< BucketType, ValueType, Bucket, ValueIndexMap >::stack_< Iter_, IndexValueMap_ >, ug::bridge::lua::LuaParsing< bool >, ug::bridge::lua::LuaParsing< const char * >, ug::bridge::lua::LuaParsing< const std::string & >, ug::bridge::lua::LuaParsing< const void * >, ug::bridge::lua::LuaParsing< ConstSmartPtr< void > >, ug::bridge::lua::LuaParsing< double >, ug::bridge::lua::LuaParsing< float >, ug::bridge::lua::LuaParsing< int >, ug::bridge::lua::LuaParsing< size_t >, ug::bridge::lua::LuaParsing< SmartPtr< void > >, ug::bridge::lua::LuaParsing< std::string >, ug::bridge::lua::LuaParsing< void * >, ug::bridge::ParameterInfo::PushType< T >, ug::bridge::ParameterInfo::PushType< bool >, ug::bridge::ParameterInfo::PushType< const char * >, ug::bridge::ParameterInfo::PushType< const std::string & >, ug::bridge::ParameterInfo::PushType< const std::vector< bool > & >, ug::bridge::ParameterInfo::PushType< const std::vector< const char * > & >, ug::bridge::ParameterInfo::PushType< const std::vector< const TClass * > & >, ug::bridge::ParameterInfo::PushType< const std::vector< ConstSmartPtr< TClass > > & >, ug::bridge::ParameterInfo::PushType< const std::vector< double > & >, ug::bridge::ParameterInfo::PushType< const std::vector< float > & >, ug::bridge::ParameterInfo::PushType< const std::vector< int > & >, ug::bridge::ParameterInfo::PushType< const std::vector< size_t > & >, ug::bridge::ParameterInfo::PushType< const std::vector< SmartPtr< TClass > > & >, ug::bridge::ParameterInfo::PushType< const std::vector< std::string > & >, ug::bridge::ParameterInfo::PushType< const std::vector< TClass * > & >, ug::bridge::ParameterInfo::PushType< const TClass & >, ug::bridge::ParameterInfo::PushType< const TClass * >, ug::bridge::ParameterInfo::PushType< ConstSmartPtr< TClass > >, ug::bridge::ParameterInfo::PushType< double >, ug::bridge::ParameterInfo::PushType< float >, ug::bridge::ParameterInfo::PushType< int >, ug::bridge::ParameterInfo::PushType< size_t >, ug::bridge::ParameterInfo::PushType< SmartPtr< TClass > >, ug::bridge::ParameterInfo::PushType< std::string >, ug::bridge::ParameterInfo::PushType< std::vector< bool > >, ug::bridge::ParameterInfo::PushType< std::vector< const char * > >, ug::bridge::ParameterInfo::PushType< std::vector< const TClass * > >, ug::bridge::ParameterInfo::PushType< std::vector< ConstSmartPtr< TClass > > >, ug::bridge::ParameterInfo::PushType< std::vector< double > >, ug::bridge::ParameterInfo::PushType< std::vector< float > >, ug::bridge::ParameterInfo::PushType< std::vector< int > >, ug::bridge::ParameterInfo::PushType< std::vector< size_t > >, ug::bridge::ParameterInfo::PushType< std::vector< SmartPtr< TClass > > >, ug::bridge::ParameterInfo::PushType< std::vector< std::string > >, ug::bridge::ParameterInfo::PushType< std::vector< TClass * > >, ug::bridge::ParameterInfo::PushType< TClass & >, ug::bridge::ParameterInfo::PushType< TClass * >, ug::bridge::ParameterStack, ug::bridge::ParameterStack::PushType< T >, ug::bridge::ParameterStack::PushType< bool >, ug::bridge::ParameterStack::PushType< const char * >, ug::bridge::ParameterStack::PushType< const std::string & >, ug::bridge::ParameterStack::PushType< const std::vector< bool > & >, ug::bridge::ParameterStack::PushType< const std::vector< const char * > & >, ug::bridge::ParameterStack::PushType< const std::vector< const T * > & >, ug::bridge::ParameterStack::PushType< const std::vector< ConstSmartPtr< T > > & >, ug::bridge::ParameterStack::PushType< const std::vector< double > & >, ug::bridge::ParameterStack::PushType< const std::vector< float > & >, ug::bridge::ParameterStack::PushType< const std::vector< int > & >, ug::bridge::ParameterStack::PushType< const std::vector< size_t > & >, ug::bridge::ParameterStack::PushType< const std::vector< SmartPtr< T > > & >, ug::bridge::ParameterStack::PushType< const std::vector< std::string > & >, ug::bridge::ParameterStack::PushType< const std::vector< T * > & >, ug::bridge::ParameterStack::PushType< const T & >, ug::bridge::ParameterStack::PushType< const T * >, ug::bridge::ParameterStack::PushType< ConstSmartPtr< T > >, ug::bridge::ParameterStack::PushType< double >, ug::bridge::ParameterStack::PushType< float >, ug::bridge::ParameterStack::PushType< int >, ug::bridge::ParameterStack::PushType< size_t >, ug::bridge::ParameterStack::PushType< SmartPtr< T > >, ug::bridge::ParameterStack::PushType< std::string >, ug::bridge::ParameterStack::PushType< std::vector< bool > >, ug::bridge::ParameterStack::PushType< std::vector< const char * > >, ug::bridge::ParameterStack::PushType< std::vector< const T * > >, ug::bridge::ParameterStack::PushType< std::vector< ConstSmartPtr< T > > >, ug::bridge::ParameterStack::PushType< std::vector< double > >, ug::bridge::ParameterStack::PushType< std::vector< float > >, ug::bridge::ParameterStack::PushType< std::vector< int > >, ug::bridge::ParameterStack::PushType< std::vector< size_t > >, ug::bridge::ParameterStack::PushType< std::vector< SmartPtr< T > > >, ug::bridge::ParameterStack::PushType< std::vector< std::string > >, ug::bridge::ParameterStack::PushType< std::vector< T * > >, ug::bridge::ParameterStack::PushType< T & >, ug::bridge::ParameterStack::PushType< T * >, ug::lua_traits< bool >, ug::lua_traits< int >, ug::lua_traits< MathMatrix< dim, dim > >, ug::lua_traits< number >, ug::lua_traits< ug::MathVector< dim > >, ug::lua_traits< void >, ug::VectorTimeSeries< TVector >, ug::VMAdd, ug::vrl::vrl_traits< number >, ug::vrl::vrl_traits< ug::MathMatrix< dim, dim > >, ug::vrl::vrl_traits< ug::MathVector< dim > >
- push_back() : boost::bucket_sorter< BucketType, ValueType, Bucket, ValueIndexMap >, boost::bucket_sorter< BucketType, ValueType, Bucket, ValueIndexMap >::stack_< Iter_, IndexValueMap_ >, pcl::BasicInterface< TType, TContainer, TAlloc >, pcl::OrderedInterface< TType, TContainer, TAlloc >, ug::AttachedElementList< TAttachmentPipe >, ug::CustomVertexGroup, ug::FunctionIndexMapping, ug::PointerConstArray< TPtr >
- push_back_index() : ug::LocalIndices
- push_back_multi_index() : ug::LocalIndices
- push_candidate() : ug::DelaunayInfo< TAAPos >
- push_current_path() : ug::PathProvider
- push_discard_oldest() : ug::VectorTimeSeries< TVector >
- push_front() : boost::bucket_sorter< BucketType, ValueType, Bucket, ValueIndexMap >, boost::bucket_sorter< BucketType, ValueType, Bucket, ValueIndexMap >::stack_< Iter_, IndexValueMap_ >
- push_into_place() : ug::NeuriteProjector
- push_msg() : ug::UGError
- push_type() : ug::bridge::ParameterInfo
- push_var() : ug::VMAdd
- pvd_filename() : ug::VTKOutput< TDim >
- pvd_time_filename() : ug::VTKOutput< TDim >
- pvtu_filename() : ug::VTKOutput< TDim >
- Pyramid() : ug::Pyramid
- PyramidDescriptor() : ug::PyramidDescriptor