▼ docs | |
► lib_algebra | |
► additional_pages | |
overview.doxygen | |
► lib_disc | |
► additional_pages | |
► assembling | |
assemble_interface.doxygen | |
categorization.doxygen | |
concept.doxygen | |
geom_obj_based_discs.doxygen | |
► discrete_function | |
discrete_function_handling.doxygen | |
► ip_data | |
import_export.doxygen | |
ip_data.doxygen | |
introduction.doxygen | |
► lib_grid | |
► additional_pages | |
introduction.doxygen | |
overview.doxygen | |
► ug4 | |
► additional_pages | |
► development | |
► c++_introduction | |
c++_introduction.doxygen | |
c++_introduction_domain.doxygen | |
► tips_guides | |
coding_style.doxygen | |
compilation_optimizations.doxygen | |
doxygen_quickref.doxygen | |
install_eclipse.doxygen | |
install_netbeans.doxygen | |
ssh.doxygen | |
team_communication.doxygen | |
tips_guides.doxygen | |
debugging.doxygen | |
development.doxygen | |
registry.doxygen | |
unit_tests.doxygen | |
► setup | |
► install | |
install.doxygen | |
ug4_on_linux.doxygen | |
ug4_on_mac.doxygen | |
ug4_on_windows.doxygen | |
uginstall.doxygen | |
► parallel | |
cekon.doxygen | |
cesari.doxygen | |
hermit.doxygen | |
jugene.doxygen | |
juqueen.doxygen | |
juqueen_more.doxygen | |
parallel.doxygen | |
► ug_vrl | |
compilingForVRL.doxygen | |
compilingForVRLunixScript.doxygen | |
compilingUG4ForVRLunderWindows.doxygen | |
additional_software.doxygen | |
buildug.doxygen | |
hlibpro.doxygen | |
setup.doxygen | |
► usage | |
► parallel | |
parallel_computing.doxygen | |
parallel_rendering.doxygen | |
parallel_usage.doxygen | |
ugsubmit.doxygen | |
► tutorials | |
► scripting_tutorial | |
lesson1.doxygen | |
lesson10.doxygen | |
lesson11.doxygen | |
lesson12.doxygen | |
lesson2.doxygen | |
lesson3.doxygen | |
lesson5.doxygen | |
lesson7.doxygen | |
lesson8.doxygen | |
lesson9.doxygen | |
scripting_tutorial.doxygen | |
bash.doxygen | |
scalability_tests.doxygen | |
tutorials.doxygen | |
bash_tools.doxygen | |
lua_compiler.doxygen | |
lua_scripts.doxygen | |
profiling.doxygen | |
troubleshooting.doxygen | |
ugshell.doxygen | |
usage.doxygen | |
cite_ug4.doxygen | |
copyright.doxygen | |
external_libraries.doxygen | |
introduction.doxygen | |
main_page.doxygen | |
releases.doxygen | |
▼ scripts | |
► tools | |
scaling_analyzer.lua | Lua script to compare profiling outputs from different runs of one problem |
► util | |
checkpoint_util.lua | This provides restart/checkpointing functions |
command_line_util.lua | |
common_util.lua | |
connectionviewer.lua | |
conv_rates_kinetic.lua | |
conv_rates_static.lua | |
csv_parser.lua | |
debug_util.lua | |
domain_disc_util.lua | |
domain_distribution_util.lua | |
domain_util.lua | |
easy_util.lua | |
gnuplot.lua | |
gnuplot_rgb_color.lua | |
json_util.lua | |
load_balancing_util.lua | |
load_balancing_util_2.lua | |
lua_callback_util.lua | |
mac_util.lua | |
math_util.lua | |
meta_util.lua | |
output_util.lua | |
persistence.lua | |
plugin_util.lua | |
profiler_util.lua | |
raster_util.lua | |
refinement_util.lua | |
solver_util.lua | |
stats_util.doxygen | |
stats_util.lua | |
table_desc_util.lua | |
table_util.lua | |
test_utils.lua | |
time_step_util.lua | |
user_data_util.lua | |
vec_util.lua | |
scripts.doxygen | |
ug_util.lua | |
▼ ugbase | |
► bindings | |
► lua | |
► compiler | |
converter.cpp | |
lexer.cpp | |
lua_compiler.cpp | |
lua_compiler.h | |
lua_compiler_debug.h | |
lua_parser_class.cpp | |
lua_parser_class.h | |
lua_parser_class_create_c.cpp | |
lua_parser_class_create_jitsg.cpp | |
lua_parser_class_create_lua.cpp | |
lua_parser_class_create_vm.cpp | |
lua_parser_class_reduce.cpp | |
main.cpp | |
parser.cpp | |
parser.hpp | |
parser_node.h | |
system_call.cpp | |
system_call.h | |
vm.doxygen | |
vm.h | |
bindings_lua.cpp | |
bindings_lua.h | |
info_commands.cpp | |
info_commands.h | |
lua_debug.cpp | |
lua_debug.h | |
lua_function_handle.h | |
lua_parsing.h | |
lua_serialization.cpp | |
lua_stack.cpp | |
lua_stack.h | |
lua_stack_check.h | |
lua_table_handle.cpp | |
lua_table_handle.h | |
lua_traits.h | |
lua_user_data.cpp | |
lua_user_data.h | |
lua_user_data_impl.h | |
lua_util.cpp | |
lua_util.h | |
► vrl | |
basicTest.cpp | |
basicTest.h | |
bindings_vrl.cpp | |
bindings_vrl.h | |
bindings_vrl_native-original.h | |
bindings_vrl_native.h | |
canvas.cpp | |
canvas.h | |
invocation.cpp | |
invocation.h | |
messaging.cpp | |
messaging.h | |
playground.cpp | |
playground.h | |
threading.h | |
type_converter.cpp | |
type_converter.h | |
user_data.cpp | |
user_data.h | |
vrl_bridge.cpp | |
vrl_bridge.h | |
► bridge | |
► algebra_bridges | |
algebra_bridge.doxygen | |
bridge_mat_vec_operations.h | |
common_bridge.cpp | |
constrained_linear_iterator_bridge.cpp | |
eigensolver_bridge.cpp | |
gpu_bridge.cpp | |
matrix_diagonal.h | |
obstacle_bridge.cpp | |
ordering_bridge.cpp | |
pilut_bridge.cpp | |
preconditioner_bridge.cpp | |
restart_bridge.cpp | |
schur_bridge.cpp | |
solver_bridge.cpp | |
► disc_bridges | |
adaptive_tools_bridge.cpp | |
algebra_bridge.cpp | |
common_bridge.cpp | |
constraints_bridge.cpp | |
disc_bridge.doxygen | |
domain_dependent_preconditioner_bridge.cpp | |
domain_disc_bridge.cpp | |
elem_discs_bridge.cpp | |
evaluate_at_position_bridge.cpp | |
finite_volume_bridge.cpp | |
grid_function_bridge.cpp | |
integrate_bridge.cpp | |
interpolate_bridge.cpp | |
manifold_util_bridge.cpp | |
max_error_bridge.cpp | |
multigrid_bridge.cpp | |
ordering_bridge.cpp | |
output_bridge.cpp | |
reference_mapping_test_bridge.cpp | |
user_data_bridge.cpp | |
► domain_bridges | |
domain_bridge.cpp | |
load_balancing_bridge.cpp | |
periodic_boundary_bridge.cpp | |
ray_tracing_bridge.cpp | |
refinement_bridge.cpp | |
selection_bridge.cpp | |
selection_bridge.h | |
transform_bridge.cpp | |
► grid_bridges | |
balancing_bridge.cpp | |
debug_bridge.cpp | |
file_io_bridge.cpp | |
grid_bridge.cpp | |
grid_bridges.cpp | |
grid_bridges.h | |
layers_bridge.cpp | |
lib_grid_bridge_old.cpp | |
misc_bridge.cpp | |
refinement_bridge.cpp | |
selector_bridge.cpp | |
subset_handler_bridge.cpp | |
► misc_bridges | |
misc_bridge.cpp | |
misc_bridge.doxygen | |
orthopoly_bridge.cpp | |
pcl_bridge.cpp | |
profiler_bridge.cpp | |
raster_bridge.cpp | |
test_bridge.cpp | |
util_bridge.cpp | |
vec_math_bridge.cpp | |
bridge.cpp | |
bridge.h | |
standard_bridges.h | |
suffix_tag.h | |
util.h | |
util_algebra_dependent.h | |
util_domain_algebra_dependent.h | |
util_domain_dependent.h | |
util_overloaded.h | |
► common | |
► allocators | |
small_object_allocator.cpp | |
small_object_allocator.h | |
small_object_allocator_impl.h | |
► math | |
► math_vector_matrix | |
math_matrix.cpp | |
math_matrix.h | |
math_matrix_functions.h | |
math_matrix_functions_common_impl.hpp | |
math_matrix_vector_functions.h | |
math_matrix_vector_functions_common_impl.hpp | |
math_symmetric_matrix.h | |
math_tensor.h | |
math_tensor_functions.h | |
math_tensor_functions_common_impl.hpp | |
math_vector.cpp | |
math_vector.h | |
math_vector_functions.h | |
math_vector_functions_common_impl.hpp | |
► misc | |
eigenvalues.cpp | |
eigenvalues.h | |
lineintersect_utils.cpp | |
lineintersect_utils.h | |
math_constants.h | |
math_util.cpp | |
math_util.h | |
math_util_impl.hpp | |
orthopoly.cpp | |
orthopoly.h | |
shapes.h | |
shapes_impl.h | |
tri_box.cpp | |
tritri.cpp | |
ugmath.h | |
ugmath_types.h | Typedefs for ugmath |
► node_tree | |
► traversers | |
traverser_collision_tree.cpp | |
traverser_collision_tree.h | |
traverser_intersect_faces.cpp | |
traverser_intersect_faces.h | |
traverser_project_point.cpp | |
traverser_project_point.h | |
boxed_group_node.cpp | |
boxed_group_node.h | |
collision_edges_node.cpp | |
collision_edges_node.h | |
collision_element_info.h | |
collision_tree_root_node.cpp | |
collision_tree_root_node.h | |
collision_triangles_node.cpp | |
collision_triangles_node.h | |
group_node.cpp | |
group_node.h | |
node.h | |
node_tree.h | |
object.h | |
octree.cpp | |
octree.h | |
traverser.cpp | |
traverser.h | |
► profiler | |
freq_adapt.cpp | |
freq_adapt.h | |
memtracker.cpp | |
memtracker.h | |
memtracker_disabled.cpp | |
profile_call.h | |
profile_node.cpp | |
profile_node.h | |
profilenode_management.cpp | |
profilenode_management.h | |
profiler.h | |
profiler_c.h | |
runtime_profile_info.cpp | |
runtime_profile_info.h | |
shiny_call_logging.cpp | |
shiny_call_logging.h | |
► space_partitioning | |
kd_tree.h | |
ntree.h | |
ntree_impl.hpp | |
ntree_iterator.h | |
ntree_traversal.h | |
ntree_traverser.h | |
► util | |
► detail | |
register_type_pair_functor.h | |
► loader | |
loader_obj.cpp | |
loader_obj.h | |
loader_util.cpp | |
loader_util.h | |
► os_dependent_impl | |
dynamic_library_util_unix.cpp | |
dynamic_library_util_win.cpp | |
file_util_posix.cpp | |
file_util_win.cpp | |
os_info_linux.cpp | |
os_info_osx.cpp | |
os_info_win.cpp | |
archivar.h | |
array_util.h | |
base64_file_writer.cpp | |
base64_file_writer.h | |
binary_buffer.cpp | |
binary_buffer.h | |
binary_buffer_impl.h | |
binary_stream.cpp | |
binary_stream.h | |
bucket_sorter.hpp | |
crc32.cpp | |
crc32.h | |
demangle.cpp | |
demangle.h | |
dynamic_library_util.h | |
empty_stream.h | |
end_boost_list.h | |
endian_detection.h | |
factory.h | |
field.h | |
field_impl.hpp | |
file_util.cpp | Implementation of OS independent file utility functions |
file_util.h | File utility functions |
flags.h | |
function_cast.h | |
hash.h | |
hash_function.h | |
hash_impl.hpp | |
hash_iterator.h | |
histogramm.cpp | |
histogramm.h | |
index_list_util.h | |
mem_info.cpp | |
mem_info.h | |
mem_info_apple.cpp | |
mem_info_linux.cpp | |
message_hub.cpp | |
message_hub.h | |
message_hub_impl.hpp | |
metaprogramming_util.h | |
number_util.cpp | |
number_util.h | |
os_info.h | |
ostream_buffer_splitter.cpp | |
ostream_buffer_splitter.h | |
ostream_util.h | |
owned_pointer.h | |
parameter_parsing.cpp | |
parameter_parsing.h | |
path_provider.h | |
plugin_util.h | |
plugin_util_dynamic.cpp | |
plugin_util_embedded.cpp | |
pointer_const_array.h | |
pointer_const_array_impl.hpp | |
provider.h | |
raster.h | |
raster_impl.hpp | |
raster_kernels.h | |
section_container.h | |
section_container.hpp | |
smart_pointer.h | |
sort_util.h | |
string_concat.h | |
string_table_stream.h | |
string_util.cpp | |
string_util.h | |
stringify.h | |
table.h | |
table_impl.hpp | |
tar.h | |
trace.h | |
typename.h | |
uid.h | |
util.doxygen | |
variant.cpp | |
variant.h | |
vec_for_each.h | |
vector_util.h | |
assert.cpp | |
assert.h | |
authors.h | |
boost_serialization.h | |
boost_serialization_routines.h | |
catch_std.h | |
common.h | |
debug_id.cpp | |
debug_id.h | |
debug_print.h | |
error.cpp | |
error.h | |
log.cpp | |
log.h | |
log_impl.h | |
progress.cpp | |
progress.h | |
serialization.cpp | |
serialization.h | |
static_assert.h | |
stopwatch.h | Stopwatch class for quickly taking times |
types.h | |
ug_config.h | |
► compile_info | |
compile_info.cpp | |
compile_info.h | |
► lib_algebra | |
► active_set | |
active_set.h | |
active_set_impl.h | |
lagrange_multiplier_disc_interface.h | |
► adapter | |
scalar_matrix_adapter.hh | |
scalar_submatrix_adapter.hh | |
scalar_subvector_adapter.hh | |
scalar_vector_adapter.hh | |
slicing.h | |
► algebra_common | |
connection.h | |
core_smoothers.h | |
local_helper.h | |
matrixrow.h | |
permutation_util.cpp | |
permutation_util.h | |
sparse_vector.h | |
sparsematrix_util.h | |
unsorted_sparse_vector.h | |
vector_util.h | |
► common | |
► graph | |
graph.h | |
new_graph.h | Simple graph class |
old_graph.h | Simple graph class |
► heap | |
boxsort.h | |
boxsort2.h | |
maxheap.h | |
► matrixio | |
matrix_io.cpp | |
matrix_io.h | |
matrix_io_mtx.cpp | |
matrix_io_mtx.h | |
mm_type_code.h | |
► operations_mat | |
matrix_algebra_types.h | |
matrix_use_global_functions.h | |
matrix_use_member_functions.h | |
matrix_use_operators.h | |
matrix_use_row_functions.h | |
operations_mat.h | |
connection_viewer_input.cpp | |
connection_viewer_input.h | |
connection_viewer_output.cpp | |
connection_viewer_output.h | |
csv_gnuplot_output.h | |
gnuplot_output.h | |
index_view.h | |
operations.h | |
operations_transform.h | |
operations_vec.h | |
operations_vec_on_index_set.h | |
stl_debug.h | |
template_expressions.h | |
► cpu_algebra | |
algebra_misc.h | |
core_smoothers.h | |
sparsematrix.h | |
sparsematrix_impl.h | |
sparsematrix_print.h | |
vector.h | |
vector_impl.h | |
► gpu_algebra | |
► cuda | |
common_cuda.h | |
cuda_error.cpp | |
cuda_manager.cpp | |
cuda_manager.h | |
gpusparsematrix.h | |
gpusparsematrix_impl.h | |
gpusparsematrix_print.h | |
gpuvector.h | |
► graph_interface | |
bidirectional.h | |
bidirectional_boost.h | |
boost_util.h | |
parallel_matrix.h | |
parallel_matrix_boost.h | |
sparsematrix_boost.h | |
undirected.h | |
undirected_boost.h | |
► interface | |
blas_mat_interface.h | |
blas_vec_interface.h | |
smallalgebra_interface.h | |
sparsematrix_interface.h | |
sparsematrix_util_interface.h | |
vector_interface.h | |
► map_algebra | |
mapsparsematrix.h | |
mapsparsematrix_impl.h | |
mapsparsematrix_print.h | |
mapvector.h | |
► operator | |
► eigensolver | |
additional_math.h | |
eigensolver_interface.h | |
pinvit.h | |
power_method.h | |
smart_ptr_vector.h | |
► interface | |
constrained_linear_iterator.h | |
linear_iterator.h | |
linear_operator.h | |
linear_operator_inverse.h | |
linear_solver_profiling.h | |
matrix_operator.h | |
matrix_operator_inverse.h | |
operator.h | |
operator_inverse.h | |
pprocess.h | |
preconditioned_linear_operator_inverse.h | |
preconditioner.h | |
► linear_solver | |
► external_solvers | |
external_solvers.h | |
agglomerating_solver.h | |
analyzing_solver.cpp | |
analyzing_solver.h | |
auto_linear_solver.h | |
bicgstab.h | |
cg.h | |
debug_iterator.h | |
feti.cpp | |
feti.h | |
gmres.h | |
linear_solver.h | |
lu.h | |
► preconditioner | |
► projected_gauss_seidel | |
► obstacles | |
obstacle_constraint_interface.h | |
obstacle_constraint_interface_impl.h | |
obstacle_in_normal_dir.h | |
obstacle_in_normal_dir_impl.h | |
obstacles.h | |
scalar_obstacle.h | |
scalar_obstacle_impl.h | |
proj_gauss_seidel.h | |
proj_gauss_seidel_impl.h | |
proj_gauss_seidel_interface.h | |
proj_gauss_seidel_interface_impl.h | |
proj_gauss_seidel_preconds.h | |
► schur | |
parallel_progress.cpp | |
parallel_progress.h | |
schur.cpp | |
schur.h | |
schur_complement_inverse.h | |
schur_complement_inverse_interface.h | |
schur_complement_operator.cpp | |
schur_complement_operator.h | |
schur_precond.cpp | |
schur_precond.h | |
block_gauss_seidel.h | |
gauss_seidel.h | |
gpujacobi.h | |
ilu.h | |
ilut.h | |
ilut_scalar.h | |
iterator_product.h | |
jacobi.h | |
operator_inverse_iterator.h | |
pilut.h | |
preconditioners.h | |
transforming.h | |
vanka.h | |
algebra_conv_check.h | |
algebra_conv_check_impl.h | |
algebra_debug_writer.h | |
convergence_check.h | |
convergence_check_impl.h | |
damping.h | |
debug_writer.h | |
energy_convergence_check.h | |
fixed_convergence_check.h | |
matrix_operator_functions.h | |
operator_util.h | |
vector_writer.h | |
► ordering_strategies | |
► algorithms | |
boost_cuthill_mckee_ordering.h | |
boost_minimum_degree_ordering.h | |
IOrderingAlgorithm.h | |
iters.cpp | |
native_cuthill_mckee.cpp | |
native_cuthill_mckee.h | |
ordering_algorithms.h | |
SCC_ordering.h | |
topological_ordering.h | |
util.h | |
► parallelization | |
algebra_id.h | |
algebra_layouts.cpp | |
algebra_layouts.h | |
collect_matrix.h | |
communication_policies.h | |
communication_scheme.h | |
consistency_check.h | |
global_layout.cpp | |
global_layout.h | |
matrix_overlap.h | |
matrix_overlap_impl.h | |
new_layout_creator.h | |
overlap_writer.h | |
parallel_coloring.cpp | |
parallel_coloring.h | |
parallel_index_layout.cpp | |
parallel_index_layout.h | |
parallel_matrix.h | |
parallel_matrix_impl.h | |
parallel_matrix_overlap_impl.h | |
parallel_nodes.cpp | |
parallel_nodes.h | |
parallel_storage_type.h | |
parallel_vector.h | |
parallel_vector_impl.h | |
parallelization.h | |
parallelization_util.cpp | |
parallelization_util.h | |
parallelization_util_impl.h | |
row_sending_scheme.h | |
serialization.h | |
serialize_interfaces.h | |
► small_algebra | |
► lapack | |
eigenvalue2.h | |
lapack.h | |
lapack_densematrix_inverse.h | |
lapack_interface.h | |
lapack_invert.h | |
stub_lapack.c | |
► no_lapack | |
lu_decomp.h | |
no_lapack.h | |
nolapack_invert.h | |
► small_matrix | |
block_dense.h | |
densematrix.h | |
densematrix_impl.h | |
densematrix_inverse.h | |
densematrix_operations.h | |
densevector.h | |
densevector_impl.h | |
print.h | |
transpose.h | |
► storage | |
fixed_array.h | |
fixed_array_impl.h | |
fixed_array_specialization.h | |
reservable_array.h | |
reservable_array_impl.h | |
storage.h | |
variable_array.h | |
variable_array_impl.h | |
additional_math.h | |
blocks.h | |
double.h | |
small_algebra.h | |
solve_deficit.cpp | |
solve_deficit.h | |
► vector_interface | |
ivector.h | |
ivector_vec_functions.h | |
te.h | |
util.h | |
vec_functions.h | |
algebra_template_define_helper.h | |
algebra_type.cpp | |
algebra_type.h | |
cpu_algebra_types.h | |
debug_ids.cpp | |
lib_algebra.h | |
lib_algebra_impl.h | |
► lib_disc | |
► common | |
function_group.cpp | |
function_group.h | |
geometry_util.h | |
groups_util.cpp | |
groups_util.h | |
local_algebra.h | |
marking_utils.cpp | |
marking_utils.h | |
marking_utils_impl.h | |
multi_index.h | |
revision_counter.h | |
► dof_manager | |
dof_count.cpp | |
dof_count.h | |
dof_distribution.cpp | |
dof_distribution.h | |
dof_distribution_info.cpp | |
dof_distribution_info.h | |
dof_index_storage.cpp | |
dof_index_storage.h | |
function_pattern.cpp | |
function_pattern.h | |
orientation.cpp | |
orientation.h | |
► function_spaces | |
adaption_surface_grid_function.cpp | |
adaption_surface_grid_function.h | |
adaption_surface_grid_function_impl.h | |
approximation_space.cpp | |
approximation_space.h | |
dof_position_util.cpp | |
dof_position_util.h | |
error_elem_marking_strategy.h | |
error_indicator.h | |
error_indicator_util.h | |
gradient_evaluators.h | |
grid_function.cpp | |
grid_function.h | |
grid_function_coordinate_util.h | |
grid_function_global_user_data.h | |
grid_function_impl.h | |
grid_function_user_data.h | |
grid_function_user_data_explicit.h | |
grid_function_util.h | |
integrate.h | |
integrate_flux.h | |
interpolate.h | |
interpolate_inner.h | |
level_transfer.h | |
local_transfer.h | |
local_transfer_interface.cpp | |
local_transfer_interface.h | |
max_error.h | |
metric_spaces.h | |
► io | |
vtk_export_ho.h | |
vtkoutput.cpp | |
vtkoutput.h | |
vtkoutput_impl.h | |
► local_finite_element | |
► common | |
lagrange1d.h | |
polynomial1d.h | |
► crouzeix-raviart | |
crouzeix_raviart.h | |
► lagrange | |
lagrange.cpp | |
lagrange.h | |
lagrange_local_dof.cpp | |
lagrange_local_dof.h | |
lagrangep1.cpp | |
lagrangep1.h | |
► mini | |
mini.cpp | |
mini.h | |
► nedelec | |
nedelec.h | |
► piecewise_constant | |
piecewise_constant.h | |
local_dof_set.cpp | |
local_dof_set.h | |
local_finite_element_id.cpp | |
local_finite_element_id.h | |
local_finite_element_provider.cpp | |
local_finite_element_provider.h | |
local_finite_element_provider_impl.h | |
local_shape_function_set.h | |
► operator | |
► linear_operator | |
► element_gauss_seidel | |
component_gauss_seidel.h | |
element_gauss_seidel.h | |
► multi_grid_solver | |
mg_solver.cpp | |
mg_solver.h | |
mg_solver_impl.hpp | |
mg_stats.h | |
mg_stats_impl.hpp | |
► nested_iteration | |
nested_iteration.h | |
nested_iteration_impl.h | |
► subspace_correction | |
sequential_subspace_correction.h | |
► uzawa | |
uzawa.h | |
assembled_linear_operator.h | |
assembled_linear_operator_impl.h | |
average_component.h | |
level_preconditioner_interface.h | |
std_injection.h | |
std_injection_impl.h | |
std_transfer.h | |
std_transfer_impl.h | |
transfer_interface.h | |
► non_linear_operator | |
► newton_solver | |
newton.h | |
newton_impl.h | |
newton_update_interface.h | |
newtonUpdaterGeneric.h | |
► nl_gauss_seidel | |
nl_gauss_seidel.h | |
nl_gauss_seidel_impl.h | |
► nl_jacobi | |
nl_jacobi.h | |
nl_jacobi_impl.h | |
► truncated_monotone_mg | |
truncated_monotone_transfer.h | |
truncated_monotone_transfer_impl.h | |
assembled_non_linear_operator.h | |
assembled_non_linear_operator_impl.h | |
line_search.h | |
► preconditioner | |
line_smoothers.cpp | |
line_smoothers.h | |
composite_conv_check.h | |
composite_conv_check_impl.h | |
► ordering_strategies | |
► algorithms | |
cuthill_mckee.cpp | |
cuthill_mckee.h | |
directional_ordering.cpp | |
downwindorder.cpp | |
downwindorder.h | |
lexorder.cpp | |
lexorder.h | |
lexorder_comparators.cpp | |
ordering_algorithms.cpp | |
riverorder.h | |
io_grid_function_ordering.cpp | |
io_grid_points_ordering.cpp | |
io_sorted_grid_function_ordering.cpp | |
► parallelization | |
domain_distribution.h | |
domain_distribution_impl.hpp | |
domain_load_balancer.h | |
parallelization_util.cpp | |
parallelization_util.h | |
► quadrature | |
► gauss | |
gauss_quad.h | |
gauss_quad_edge.cpp | |
gauss_quad_edge.h | |
gauss_quad_hexahedron.cpp | |
gauss_quad_hexahedron.h | |
gauss_quad_octahedron.cpp | |
gauss_quad_octahedron.h | |
gauss_quad_prism.cpp | |
gauss_quad_prism.h | |
gauss_quad_pyramid.cpp | |
gauss_quad_pyramid.h | |
gauss_quad_quadrilateral.cpp | |
gauss_quad_quadrilateral.h | |
gauss_quad_tetrahedron.cpp | |
gauss_quad_tetrahedron.h | |
gauss_quad_triangle.cpp | |
gauss_quad_triangle.h | |
gauss_quad_vertex.cpp | |
gauss_quad_vertex.h | |
► gauss_jacobi | |
gauss_jacobi10.cpp | |
gauss_jacobi10.h | |
gauss_jacobi20.cpp | |
gauss_jacobi20.h | |
► gauss_legendre | |
gauss_legendre.cpp | |
gauss_legendre.h | |
► gauss_tensor_prod | |
gauss_tensor_prod.cpp | |
gauss_tensor_prod.h | |
► newton_cotes | |
newton_cotes.cpp | |
newton_cotes.h | |
quad_test.cpp | |
quad_test.h | |
quadrature.h | |
quadrature_provider.cpp | |
quadrature_provider.h | |
quadrature_provider_impl.h | |
► reference_element | |
element_list_traits.h | |
reference_element.cpp | |
reference_element.h | |
reference_element_traits.h | |
reference_element_util.h | |
reference_mapping.h | |
reference_mapping_provider.cpp | |
reference_mapping_provider.h | |
reference_mapping_test.h | |
► spatial_disc | |
► constraints | |
► continuity_constraints | |
p1_continuity_constraints.cpp | |
p1_continuity_constraints.h | |
p1_continuity_constraints_impl.h | |
► dirichlet_boundary | |
lagrange_dirichlet_boundary.h | |
lagrange_dirichlet_boundary_impl.h | |
constraint_interface.h | |
► disc_util | |
consistent_gravity.h | |
conv_shape.h | |
conv_shape_interface.h | |
fe_geom.cpp | |
fe_geom.h | |
fe_geom_impl.h | |
fv1_geom.cpp | |
fv1_geom.h | |
fv1_sss.h | |
fv1_sss_impl.h | |
fv1ib_geom.h | |
fv1ib_geom_impl.h | |
fv_geom_base.h | |
fv_output.h | |
fv_util.h | |
fvcr_geom.cpp | |
fvcr_geom.h | |
fvho_geom.cpp | |
fvho_geom.h | |
geom_provider.h | |
hfv1_geom.cpp | |
hfv1_geom.h | |
hfvcr_geom.cpp | |
hfvcr_geom.h | |
► elem_disc | |
► dirac_source | |
lagrange_dirac_source.h | |
lagrange_dirac_source_impl.h | |
► inner_boundary | |
inner_boundary.h | |
inner_boundary_impl.h | |
► neumann_boundary | |
► fe | |
neumann_boundary_fe.cpp | |
neumann_boundary_fe.h | |
► fv | |
neumann_boundary_fv.cpp | |
neumann_boundary_fv.h | |
► fv1 | |
neumann_boundary_fv1.cpp | |
neumann_boundary_fv1.h | |
neumann_boundary_base.cpp | |
neumann_boundary_base.h | |
elem_disc_assemble_util.h | |
elem_disc_interface.cpp | |
elem_disc_interface.h | |
elem_disc_interface_impl.h | |
elem_modifier.h | |
elem_modifier_impl.h | |
err_est_data.h | |
err_est_data_impl.h | |
► local_to_global | |
local_to_global_mapper.h | |
► user_data | |
► common_user_data | |
common_user_data.h | |
composite_user_data.h | |
dim_dim_user_data.h | |
element_orientation_data.h | |
glob_attachment_user_data.h | |
invdist_user_data.h | |
invdist_user_data_impl.h | |
lognormal_random_field.h | |
lognormal_random_field_impl.h | |
raster_user_data.h | |
rotating_cone.h | |
rotating_velocity.h | |
subset_indicator_user_data.h | |
► linker | |
adapter.h | |
bingham_viscosity_linker.h | |
darcy_velocity_linker.h | |
interval_linker.h | |
inverse_linker.h | |
inverse_linker_impl.h | |
linker.h | |
linker_impl.h | |
linker_traits.h | |
projection_linker.h | |
scale_add_linker.h | |
scale_add_linker_impl.h | |
const_user_data.h | |
data_evaluator.cpp | |
data_evaluator.h | |
data_evaluator_impl.h | |
data_export.cpp | |
data_export.h | |
data_export_impl.h | |
data_import.h | |
data_import_impl.h | |
std_glob_pos_data.h | |
std_user_data.h | |
user_data.h | |
user_data_impl.h | |
user_function.h | |
ass_tuner.h | |
ass_tuner_impl.h | |
disc_item.h | |
dom_disc_embb.h | |
dom_disc_embb_impl.h | |
domain_disc.h | |
domain_disc_impl.h | |
domain_disc_interface.h | |
manifold_assemble_util.h | |
subset_assemble_util.cpp | |
subset_assemble_util.h | |
► time_disc | |
► time_integrator_observers | |
lua_callback_observer.hpp | |
time_integrator_observer_interface.h | |
composite_time_disc.h | |
composite_time_disc_impl.h | |
finished_conditions.hpp | |
solution_time_series.h | |
theta_time_step.h | |
theta_time_step_impl.h | |
time_disc_interface.h | |
time_integrator_subject.hpp | |
assemble_interface.h | |
domain.cpp | |
domain.h | |
domain_impl.h | |
domain_traits.h | |
domain_util.cpp | |
domain_util.h | |
domain_util_impl.h | |
lib_disc.h | |
► lib_grid | |
► algorithms | |
► extrusion | |
ArteExpandFracs3D.cpp | |
ArteExpandFracs3D.h | |
cylinder_extrusion.cpp | |
cylinder_extrusion.h | |
expand_layers.cpp | |
expand_layers.h | |
expand_layers_arte.cpp | |
expand_layers_arte.h | |
expand_layers_arte3D.cpp | |
expand_layers_arte3D.h | |
extrude.cpp | |
extrude.h | |
extrusion.h | |
support.h | |
support3D.h | |
► geom_obj_util | |
anisotropy_util.h | |
anisotropy_util_impl.h | |
edge_util.cpp | |
edge_util.h | |
edge_util_impl.hpp | |
face_util.cpp | |
face_util.h | |
face_util_impl.hpp | |
geom_obj_util.h | |
misc_util.cpp | |
misc_util.h | |
misc_util_impl.hpp | |
vertex_util.cpp | |
vertex_util.h | |
vertex_util_impl.hpp | |
volume_util.cpp | |
volume_util.h | |
volume_util_impl.hpp | |
► graph | |
dual_graph.h | |
graph.h | |
► grid_generation | |
grid_generation.h | |
horizontal_layers_mesher.cpp | |
horizontal_layers_mesher.h | |
icosahedron.cpp | |
icosahedron.h | |
tetrahedralization.cpp | |
tetrahedralization.h | |
triangle_fill.cpp | |
triangle_fill.h | |
triangle_fill_sweep_line.cpp | |
triangle_fill_sweep_line.h | |
triangle_fill_sweep_line_impl.hpp | |
► projections | |
overlying_subset_finder.hpp | |
z_ray_tracer.hpp | |
► remeshing | |
delaunay_info.cpp | |
delaunay_info.h | |
delaunay_info_impl.h | |
delaunay_triangulation.cpp | |
delaunay_triangulation.h | |
edge_length_adjustment.cpp | |
edge_length_adjustment.h | |
edge_length_adjustment_extended.cpp | |
edge_length_adjustment_extended.h | |
grid_adaption.cpp | |
grid_adaption.h | |
resolve_intersections.h | |
resolve_intersections_impl.hpp | |
simple_grid.cpp | |
simple_grid.h | |
simple_grid_impl.hpp | |
simplification.h | |
simplify_polychain.h | |
smooth_remeshing.cpp | |
► smoothing | |
manifold_smoothing.h | |
► space_partitioning | |
lg_ntree.h | |
► subdivision | |
subdivision_loop.cpp | |
subdivision_loop.h | |
subdivision_rules_piecewise_loop.cpp | |
subdivision_rules_piecewise_loop.h | |
subdivision_volumes.cpp | |
subdivision_volumes.h | |
► tkd | |
tkd_info.cpp | |
tkd_info.h | |
tkd_util.cpp | |
tkd_util.h | |
► trees | |
kd_tree_static.h | |
kd_tree_static_impl.hpp | |
octree.h | |
octree_impl.hpp | |
► unit_tests | |
check_associated_elements.cpp | |
check_associated_elements.h | |
algorithms.h | |
attachment_util.h | |
attachment_util_impl.hpp | |
bounding_box_util.h | |
crease_util.h | |
crease_util_impl.h | |
debug_util.cpp | |
debug_util.h | |
debug_util_impl.hpp | |
deg_layer_mngr.h | |
deg_layer_mngr_impl.h | |
duplicate.h | |
element_angles.h | |
element_aspect_ratios.h | |
element_side_util.cpp | |
element_side_util.h | |
element_visitor_util.h | |
extruder_util.h | |
extruder_util_impl.hpp | |
field_util.cpp | |
field_util.h | |
field_util_impl.h | |
grid_statistics.cpp | |
grid_statistics.h | |
grid_util.h | |
heightfield_util.cpp | |
heightfield_util.h | |
hexahedron_util.cpp | |
hexahedron_util.h | |
isolated_elements.h | |
mark_util.h | |
mark_util_impl.h | |
multi_grid_util.h | |
multi_grid_util_impl.hpp | |
normal_calculation.h | |
normal_calculation_impl.h | |
orientation_util.cpp | |
orientation_util.h | |
orientation_util_impl.hpp | |
polychain_util.cpp | |
polychain_util.h | |
polychain_util_impl.hpp | |
problem_detection_util.cpp | |
problem_detection_util.h | |
problem_detection_util_impl.h | |
quadrialteral_util_impl.h | |
quadrilateral_util.cpp | |
quadrilateral_util.h | |
quality_util.cpp | |
quality_util.h | |
raster_layer_util.cpp | |
raster_layer_util.h | |
ray_element_intersection_util.cpp | |
ray_element_intersection_util.h | |
refinement_mark_util.h | |
refinement_mark_util_impl.h | |
remove_duplicates_util.h | |
selection_util.cpp | |
selection_util.h | |
selection_util_impl.hpp | |
serialization.cpp | |
serialization.h | |
serialization_impl.hpp | |
subset_color_util.cpp | |
subset_color_util.h | |
subset_dim_util.cpp | |
subset_dim_util.h | |
subset_util.cpp | |
subset_util.h | |
subset_util_impl.hpp | |
volume_calculation.h | |
volume_calculation_impl.hpp | |
► attachments | |
attached_list.h | |
attachment_info_traits.h | |
attachment_io_traits.h | |
attachment_pipe.h | |
attachment_pipe.hpp | |
page_container.h | |
page_container_impl.h | |
► callbacks | |
basic_callbacks.h | |
callbacks.h | |
element_callback_interface.h | |
selection_callbacks.h | |
subset_callbacks.h | |
topology_callbacks.h | |
► file_io | |
file_io.cpp | |
file_io.h | |
file_io_2df.cpp | |
file_io_2df.h | |
file_io_art.cpp | |
file_io_art.h | |
file_io_asc.cpp | |
file_io_asc.h | |
file_io_dump.cpp | |
file_io_dump.h | |
file_io_grdecl.cpp | |
file_io_grdecl.h | |
file_io_impl.h | |
file_io_lgb.cpp | |
file_io_lgb.h | |
file_io_lgm.cpp | |
file_io_lgm.h | |
file_io_msh.cpp | |
file_io_msh.h | |
file_io_ncdf.cpp | |
file_io_ncdf.h | |
file_io_ng.cpp | |
file_io_ng.h | |
file_io_obj.cpp | |
file_io_obj.h | |
file_io_stl.cpp | |
file_io_stl.h | |
file_io_swc.cpp | |
file_io_swc.h | |
file_io_tetgen.cpp | |
file_io_tetgen.h | |
file_io_tikz.cpp | |
file_io_tikz.h | |
file_io_txt.cpp | |
file_io_txt.h | |
file_io_ug.cpp | |
file_io_ug.h | |
file_io_ugx.cpp | |
file_io_ugx.h | |
file_io_ugx_impl.hpp | |
file_io_vtu.cpp | |
file_io_vtu.h | |
file_io_vtu_impl.h | |
stl_reader.h | Provides functions to read stl files into user provided arrays |
► grid | |
element_storage.h | |
generic_grid_object_iterator.h | |
geometry.h | |
grid.cpp | |
grid.h | |
grid_base_object_traits.h | |
grid_base_objects.cpp | |
grid_base_objects.h | |
grid_connection_managment.cpp | |
grid_constants.h | |
grid_impl.hpp | |
grid_object_collection.cpp | |
grid_object_collection.h | |
grid_object_collection_impl.hpp | |
grid_observer.h | |
grid_util.cpp | |
grid_util.h | |
grid_util_impl.hpp | |
neighborhood.cpp | |
neighborhood.h | |
neighborhood_util.cpp | |
neighborhood_util.h | |
neighborhood_util_impl.hpp | |
sub_grid.h | |
► grid_objects | |
► lookup_table_generator | |
lookup_table_generator.cpp | |
constraint_traits.h | |
grid_dim_traits.h | |
grid_object_ids.h | |
grid_objects.h | |
grid_objects_0d.h | |
grid_objects_1d.cpp | |
grid_objects_1d.h | |
grid_objects_2d.cpp | |
grid_objects_2d.h | |
grid_objects_3d.cpp | |
grid_objects_3d.h | |
hexahedron_rules.cpp | |
hexahedron_rules.h | |
octahedron_rules.cpp | |
octahedron_rules.h | |
prism_rules.cpp | |
prism_rules.h | |
prism_rules_impl.h | |
pyramid_rules.cpp | |
pyramid_rules.h | |
pyramid_rules_impl.h | |
rule_util.cpp | |
rule_util.h | |
tetrahedron_rules.cpp | |
tetrahedron_rules.h | |
► iterators | |
associated_elements_iterator.h | |
lg_for_each.h | |
► parallelization | |
► deprecated | |
load_balancing.cpp | |
load_balancing.h | |
load_balancing_impl.hpp | |
► parallel_refinement | |
parallel_global_fractured_media_refiner.cpp | |
parallel_global_fractured_media_refiner.h | |
parallel_global_refiner_t.h | |
parallel_global_refiner_t_impl.hpp | |
parallel_global_subdivision_refiner.cpp | |
parallel_global_subdivision_refiner.h | |
parallel_hanging_node_refiner_multi_grid.cpp | |
parallel_hanging_node_refiner_multi_grid.h | |
parallel_hnode_adjuster.cpp | |
parallel_hnode_adjuster.h | |
parallel_refinement.h | |
► partition_post_processors | |
cluster_element_stacks.h | |
smooth_partition_bounds.h | |
► partition_pre_processors | |
apply_raster_coordinates.h | |
replace_coordinate.h | |
► util | |
attachment_operations.hpp | |
compol_attachment_reduce.h | |
compol_boolmarker.h | |
compol_copy_attachment.h | |
compol_gather_vec_attachment.h | |
compol_interface_status.h | |
compol_selection.h | |
compol_subset.h | |
parallel_callbacks.h | |
parallel_dual_graph.h | |
parallel_dual_graph_impl.hpp | |
parallel_subset_util_impl.hpp | |
partition_weighting_callbacks.h | |
balance_weights_ref_marks.h | |
broadcast.cpp | |
broadcast.h | |
distributed_grid.cpp | |
distributed_grid.h | |
distributed_grid_impl.hpp | |
distribution.cpp | |
distribution.h | |
distro_adjuster.h | |
gather_grid.cpp | |
gather_grid.h | |
grid_object_id.h | |
load_balancer.cpp | |
load_balancer.h | |
load_balancer_util.cpp | |
load_balancer_util.h | |
parallel_grid_layout.cpp | |
parallel_grid_layout.h | |
parallel_grid_layout_impl.hpp | |
parallelization_util.cpp | |
parallelization_util.h | |
parallelization_util_impl.hpp | |
partitioner.h | |
partitioner_dynamic_bisection.cpp | |
partitioner_dynamic_bisection.h | |
process_hierarchy.h | |
► refinement | |
► projectors | |
cylinder_cut_projector.h | |
cylinder_projector.h | |
elliptic_cylinder_projector.cpp | |
elliptic_cylinder_projector.h | |
neurite_projector.cpp | |
neurite_projector.h | |
plane_cut_projector.h | |
projection_handler.cpp | |
projection_handler.h | |
projectors.h | |
raster_layers_projector.h | |
refinement_projector.h | |
smooth_projector.cpp | |
smooth_projector.h | |
soma_projector.h | |
sphere_projector.h | |
subdivision_projector.cpp | |
subdivision_projector.h | |
► ref_mark_adjusters | |
horizontal_anisotropy_adjuster.cpp | |
horizontal_anisotropy_adjuster.h | |
local_mark_adjuster.cpp | |
local_mark_adjuster.h | |
mg_hnode_adjuster.cpp | |
mg_hnode_adjuster.h | |
shadow_copy_adjuster.cpp | |
shadow_copy_adjuster.h | |
std_hnode_adjuster.cpp | |
std_hnode_adjuster.h | |
adaptive_regular_mg_refiner.cpp | |
adaptive_regular_mg_refiner.h | |
fractured_media_refiner.cpp | |
fractured_media_refiner.h | |
global_fractured_media_refiner.cpp | |
global_fractured_media_refiner.h | |
global_multi_grid_refiner.cpp | |
global_multi_grid_refiner.h | |
global_subdivision_multi_grid_refiner.cpp | |
global_subdivision_multi_grid_refiner.h | |
hanging_node_refiner_base.cpp | |
hanging_node_refiner_base.h | |
hanging_node_refiner_grid.cpp | |
hanging_node_refiner_grid.h | |
hanging_node_refiner_multi_grid.cpp | |
hanging_node_refiner_multi_grid.h | |
hanging_node_refiner_t.h | |
ref_mark_adjuster_interface.h | |
refiner_factory.hpp | |
refiner_interface.cpp | |
refiner_interface.h | |
regular_refinement.cpp | |
regular_refinement.h | |
► tools | |
bool_marker.cpp | |
bool_marker.h | |
copy_attachment_handler.h | |
creator_grid_util.h | |
grid_level.cpp | |
grid_level.h | |
marker_points.cpp | |
marker_points.h | |
partition_map.cpp | |
partition_map.h | |
periodic_boundary_manager.cpp | |
periodic_boundary_manager.h | |
periodic_boundary_manager_impl.hpp | |
selector_grid.cpp | |
selector_grid.h | |
selector_grid_elem.h | |
selector_grid_impl.hpp | |
selector_interface.cpp | |
selector_interface.h | |
selector_interface_impl.hpp | |
selector_multi_grid.cpp | |
selector_multi_grid.h | |
selector_multi_grid_impl.hpp | |
subset_group.cpp | |
subset_group.h | |
subset_handler_grid.cpp | |
subset_handler_grid.h | |
subset_handler_grid_impl.hpp | |
subset_handler_interface.cpp | |
subset_handler_interface.h | |
subset_handler_interface_impl.hpp | |
subset_handler_multi_grid.cpp | |
subset_handler_multi_grid.h | |
subset_handler_multi_grid_impl.hpp | |
surface_view.cpp | |
surface_view.h | |
surface_view_impl.hpp | |
tools.h | |
boost_class_serialization_exports.h | |
common_attachments.cpp | |
common_attachments.h | |
common_attachments_impl.hpp | |
global_attachments.h | |
grid_debug.cpp | |
grid_debug.h | |
lg_base.h | |
lib_grid.h | |
lib_grid_messages.cpp | |
lib_grid_messages.h | |
multi_grid.cpp | |
multi_grid.h | |
multi_grid_child_info.h | |
multi_grid_impl.hpp | |
selector.h | |
subset_handler.h | |
► pcl | |
parallel_archive.cpp | |
parallel_archive.h | |
parallel_file.cpp | |
parallel_file.h | |
pcl.h | |
pcl_base.cpp | |
pcl_base.h | |
pcl_comm_world.cpp | |
pcl_comm_world.h | |
pcl_communication_structs.h | |
pcl_datatype.h | |
pcl_debug.h | |
pcl_domain_decomposition.h | |
pcl_interface_communicator.h | |
pcl_interface_communicator_impl.hpp | |
pcl_layout_tests.h | |
pcl_layout_util.h | |
pcl_methods.cpp | |
pcl_methods.h | |
pcl_multi_group_communicator.cpp | |
pcl_multi_group_communicator.h | |
pcl_multi_group_communicator_impl.hpp | |
pcl_process_communicator.cpp | |
pcl_process_communicator.h | |
pcl_process_communicator_impl.hpp | |
pcl_profiling.h | |
pcl_reduce_traits.h | |
pcl_tostring.h | |
pcl_util.cpp | |
pcl_util.h | |
pcl_util_impl.h | |
► registry | |
class.cpp | |
class.h | |
class_helper.cpp | |
class_helper.h | |
class_name_provider.cpp | |
class_name_provider.h | |
class_name_provider_impl.h | |
error.h | |
function_traits.h | |
global_function.cpp | |
global_function.h | |
param_to_type_value_list.h | |
parameter_stack.h | |
registry.cpp | |
registry.h | |
registry_impl.h | |
registry_util.cpp | |
registry_util.h | |
► ug_shell | |
clock_fix.cpp | |
completion.cpp | |
completion.h | |
main.cpp | |
shell.cpp | |
shell.h | |
ugshell_main.cpp | |
ugshell_main.h | |
ug.cpp | |
ug.h | |
ugbase.h | |