No Matches
Here is a list of all typedefs with links to the classes they belong to:
- w -
- weight_type : ug::GaussQuadBase< TImpl, TDim, TOrder, TNip >, ug::H1EnergyComponentSpace< TGridFunction >, ug::H1EnergyDistIntegrand< TGridFunction >, ug::H1EnergyIntegrand< TGridFunction >, ug::H1SemiComponentSpace< TGridFunction >, ug::H1SemiDistIntegrand< TGridFunction >, ug::H1SemiIntegrand< TGridFunction >, ug::IObjectWithWeights< W >, ug::L2ComponentSpace< TGridFunction >, ug::L2DistIntegrand< TGridFunction >, ug::L2Integrand< TGridFunction >, ug::L2QuotientSpace< TGridFunction >, ug::QuadratureRule< TDim >
- weighted_obj_type : ug::CompositeSpace< TGridFunction >, ug::H1EnergyComponentSpace< TGridFunction >, ug::H1SemiComponentSpace< TGridFunction >, ug::L2ComponentSpace< TGridFunction >, ug::L2QuotientSpace< TGridFunction >