Here is a list of all typedefs with links to the classes they belong to:
- v -
- V_t : ug::BoostCuthillMcKeeOrdering< TAlgebra, O_t >, ug::BoostMinimumDegreeOrdering< TAlgebra, O_t >, ug::DirectionalOrdering< TAlgebra, TDomain, O_t >, ug::IOrderingAlgorithm< TAlgebra, O_t >, ug::LexOrdering< TAlgebra, TDomain, O_t >, ug::NativeCuthillMcKeeOrdering< TAlgebra, O_t >, ug::RiverOrdering< TAlgebra, TDomain, O_t >, ug::SCCOrdering< TAlgebra, O_t >, ug::TopologicalOrdering< TAlgebra, O_t >
- Value : ug::ComPol_AttachmentReduce< TLayout, TAttachment >, ug::ComPol_CopyAttachment< TLayout, TAttachment >, ug::ComPol_GatherVecAttachment< TLayout, TAttachment >
- value_index_map : boost::bucket_sorter< BucketType, ValueType, Bucket, ValueIndexMap >
- value_t : pcl::reduce_traits< TValue >, pcl::reduce_traits< double >, pcl::reduce_traits< float >, ug::attachment_reduce_traits< TValue >, ug::attachment_reduce_traits< double >, ug::attachment_reduce_traits< float >, ug::Hash< TKey, TValue >, ug::hash_iterator< TKey, TValue, TEntry >, ug::MGSelector::traits< TElem >, ug::std_number_vector_attachment_reduce_traits, ug::vector_attachment_reduce_traits< dim >
- value_type : boost::bglp_matrix_index_map< T >, boost::bucket_sorter< BucketType, ValueType, Bucket, ValueIndexMap >::stack_< Iter_, IndexValueMap_ >, boost::bucket_sorter< BucketType, ValueType, Bucket, ValueIndexMap >, boost::degree_property_map< ug::UndirectedMatrix< T > >, boost::graph_traits< ug::BidirectionalMatrix< T > >, boost::property_map< ug::ParallelMatrix< T >, vertex_index_t >, boost::SM_adjacency_iterator< T >, boost::SM_edge_weight_map< T, M >, boost::SM_out_edge_iterator< T, out >, boost::sparse_matrix_index_map< T >, boost::UM_out_edge_iterator< T >, ScalarMatrixAdapter< AT, ST >, ScalarSubMatrixAdapter< AT, ST, R, C >, ScalarVectorAdapter< AT, ST >, SparseMatrix< T >, TE_TRANSPOSED< T >, ug::ActiveSet< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::AssemblingTuner< TAlgebra >, ug::attachment_io_traits< TAttachment >, ug::attachment_io_traits< Attachment< bool > >, ug::attachment_io_traits< Attachment< std::vector< T > > >, ug::attachment_io_traits< Attachment< vector1 > >, ug::attachment_io_traits< Attachment< vector2 > >, ug::attachment_io_traits< Attachment< vector3 > >, ug::attachment_io_traits< Attachment< vector4 > >, ug::const_ntree_element_iterator< elem_t, entry_t >, ug::ConstGenericGridObjectIterator< TValue, TBaseIterator, TConstBaseIterator >, ug::ConstMatrixRow< TMatrix >, ug::ConstScalarSubVectorAdapter< InVT, ST >, ug::DenseMatrix< TStorage >, ug::DenseVector< TStorage >, ug::DirichletBoundary< TDomain, TAlgebra >::CondNumberData, ug::DirichletBoundary< TDomain, TAlgebra >::ConstNumberData, ug::DirichletBoundary< TDomain, TAlgebra >::NumberData, ug::DirichletBoundary< TDomain, TAlgebra >::OldNumberData, ug::DirichletBoundary< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::DirichletBoundary< TDomain, TAlgebra >::VectorData, ug::FixedArray1< T, n >, ug::FixedArray1< T, 1 >, ug::FixedArray1< T, 2 >, ug::FixedArray1< T, 3 >, ug::FixedArray1< T, 4 >, ug::FixedArray2< T, rowsT, colsT, T_ordering >, ug::GenericGridObjectIterator< TValue, TBaseIterator >, ug::GPUSparseMatrix< TValueType >, ug::GPUVector< TValueType >, ug::GridFunctionVectorWriter< TGridFunction, TVector >, ug::GridFunctionVectorWriterDirichlet0< TGridFunction >, ug::hash_iterator< TKey, TValue, TEntry >, ug::Int2Type< N >, ug::IObstacleConstraint< TDomain, TAlgebra >::CondNumberData, ug::IObstacleConstraint< TDomain, TAlgebra >::ConstNumberData, ug::IObstacleConstraint< TDomain, TAlgebra >::NumberData, ug::IObstacleConstraint< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::IObstacleConstraint< TDomain, TAlgebra >::VectorData, ug::IProjGaussSeidel< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::LocalMatrix, ug::LocalVector, ug::MapSparseMatrix< TValueType >, ug::MapVector< TValueType >, ug::MathMatrix< N, M, T >, ug::MathMatrix< 0, 0, T >, ug::MathMatrix< 0, N, T >, ug::MathMatrix< N, 0, T >, ug::MathSymmetricMatrix< N, T >, ug::MathTensor< TRank, N, T >, ug::MathTensor< 1, N, T >, ug::MathTensorX< TEntry, N >, ug::MathVector< N, T >, ug::MathVector< 0, T >, ug::MathVector< 1, T >, ug::MathVector< 2, T >, ug::MathVector< 3, T >, ug::MathVector< 4, T >, ug::MatrixRow< TMatrix >, ug::MGSelector::MGSelectionIterator< TElem, TMGSelector, TLevelIterator >, ug::NLGaussSeidelSolver< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::ObstacleInNormalDir< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::ParallelVector< TVector >, ug::ReservableArray2< T, T_ordering >, ug::ScalarLowerObstacle< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::ScalarSubVectorAdapter< InVT, ST >, ug::ScalarUpperObstacle< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::SectionContainer< TValue, TContainer >, ug::SparseMatrix< TValueType >, ug::SparseVector< T >, ug::StdArrayCommunicationScheme< TArray >, ug::TE_TRANSPOSED< T >, ug::UndirectedMatrix< T >, ug::UnsortedSparseVector< TValue >, ug::VariableArray1< T >, ug::VariableArray2< T, T_ordering >, ug::Vector< TValueType >, Vector< TValueType >
- Values : ug::AdaptionSurfaceGridFunction< TDomain >
- ValueType : ug::Attachment< T >, ug::AttachmentAccessor< TElem, TAttachment, TElemHandler >, ug::AttachmentDataContainer< T >, ug::MultiElementAttachmentAccessor< TAttachment >, ug::PeriodicAttachmentAccessor< TElem, TAttachment >
- vd : ug::RiverOrdering< TAlgebra, TDomain, O_t >
- vd_t : ug::SCCOrdering< TAlgebra, O_t >, ug::TopologicalOrdering< TAlgebra, O_t >
- vdwo_type : ug::DebugIterator< TAlgebra >
- vec_type : ug::block_traits< number >, ug::block_traits< T >, ug::OutNormCmp< TDomain >
- VecAttachedFractFaceEdgeSudo : ug::ArteExpandFracs3D
- VecAttachedFractManifElemInfo : ug::support::AttachedFullDimElemInfo< FULLDIM_ELEM, MANIFELM, LOWDIMELM, INDEX_TXP >
- VecAttachedGenerFaceEdgeSudo : ug::ArteExpandFracs3D
- VecAttachedGenerManifElemInfo : ug::support::AttachedFullDimElemInfo< FULLDIM_ELEM, MANIFELM, LOWDIMELM, INDEX_TXP >
- VecAttachedVolumeElemInfo : ug::ArteExpandFracs3D
- VecMap : ug::ComPol_InterfaceStatus< TLayout >
- VecPairSudoBool : ug::ArteExpandFracs3D
- VecPairTB : ug::support::VertexFracturePropertiesVol< T, ATT_ELEM >
- VecSegmentVolElmInfo : ug::ArteExpandFracs3D
- Vector : ug::ComPol_GatherVecAttachment< TLayout, TAttachment >
- vector_t : ug::DelaunayInfo< TAAPos >, ug::DomainRayTracer, ug::Geometry< dim, attachmentDim >, ug::GradientEvaluator_LagrangeP1< TFunction >, ug::IGeometry< dim >, ug::lg_ntree_traits_base< tree_dim, world_dim, elem_t_, common_data_t_ >, ug::ntree< tree_dim, world_dim, TElem, TCommonData >, ug::ntree_traits< tree_dim, world_dim, elem_t, common_data_t >, ug::ntree_traits< 1, 1, elem_t, NTreeGridData< 1 > >, ug::ntree_traits< 1, 2, elem_t, NTreeGridData< 2 > >, ug::ntree_traits< 2, 2, elem_t, NTreeGridData< 2 > >, ug::ntree_traits< 2, 3, elem_t, NTreeGridData< 3 > >, ug::ntree_traits< 3, 3, elem_t, NTreeGridData< 3 > >, ug::Partitioner_DynamicBisection< TElem, dim >, ug::PartPreProc_RasterProjectorCoordinates< dim >, ug::PPP_ReplaceCoordinate< dim >, ug::Traverser_FindContainingElement< tree_t >, ug::Traverser_FindElementsInIntersectingNodes< tree_t >, ug::Traverser_RayElementIntersection< tree_t >
- vector_type : ug::ActiveSet< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::AgglomeratingBase< TBase, TAlgebra >, ug::AgglomeratingIterator< TAlgebra >, ug::AgglomeratingPreconditioner< TAlgebra >, ug::AgglomeratingSolver< TAlgebra >, ug::AlgebraDebugWriter< TAlgebra >, ug::AlgebraicSpace< TGridFunction >, ug::AssembledLinearOperator< TAlgebra >, ug::AssembledMultiGridCycle< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::AssembledOperator< TAlgebra >, ug::AssembledTransformingSmoother< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::AssemblingTuner< TAlgebra >, ug::AutoLinearSolver< TVector >, ug::BackwardGaussSeidel< TAlgebra >, ug::BDF< TAlgebra >, ug::BiCGStab< TVector >, ug::BlockGaussSeidel< TAlgebra, backward, forward >, ug::BlockGaussSeidelIterative< TAlgebra, backward, forward >, ug::bridge::AlgebraCommon::VecScaleAddClass< TAlgebra >, ug::CG< TVector >, ug::ComponentGaussSeidel< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::CompositeTimeDiscretization< TAlgebra >, ug::ConstrainedLinearIterator< TDomain, TAlgebra, TLinIt, typename >, ug::CPUAlgebra, ug::CPUBlockAlgebra< TBlockSize >, ug::CPUVariableBlockAlgebra, ug::DebugIterator< TAlgebra >, ug::DebugWritingObject< TAlgebra >, ug::DiagVanka< TAlgebra >, ug::DirichletBoundary< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::DomainDiscretization< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::DomainDiscretizationBase< TDomain, TAlgebra, TGlobAssembler >, ug::ElementGaussSeidel< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::FetiLayouts< TAlgebra >, ug::FETISolver< TAlgebra >, ug::GaussSeidel< TAlgebra >, ug::GaussSeidelBase< TAlgebra >, ug::GMRES< TVector >, ug::GPUVector< TValueType >, ug::GridFunction< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::GridFunctionDebugWriter< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::GridFunctionVectorWriter< TGridFunction, TVector >, ug::GridFunctionVectorWriterDirichlet0< TGridFunction >, ug::IAssemble< TAlgebra >, ug::IBlockJacobiPreconditioner< TAlgebra >, ug::IConstraint< TAlgebra >, ug::IDebugWriter< TAlgebra >, ug::IDomainConstraint< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::IDomainDiscretization< TAlgebra >, ug::IDomainErrorIndicator< TAlgebra >, ug::IExternalSolver< TAlgebra >, ug::IGridFunctionSpace< TGridFunction >, ug::IInterfaceExtrapolation< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::ILineSearch< TVector >, ug::ILocalSubspace< TDomain, TAlgebra, TObject >, ug::ILocalToGlobalMapper< TAlgebra >, ug::ILU< TAlgebra >, ug::ILUTPreconditioner< TAlgebra >, ug::ILUTScalarPreconditioner< TAlgebra >, ug::IObstacleConstraint< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::IPProcessVector< TVector >, ug::IPreconditioner< TAlgebra >, ug::IProjGaussSeidel< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::ISchurComplementInverse< TAlgebra >, ug::ISpaceDecomposition< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::ITimeDiscretization< TAlgebra >, ug::ITransferOperator< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::ITransferPostProcess< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::ITransformingIteration< TAlgebra, TDerived >, ug::IVectorDebugWriter< TVector >, ug::Jacobi< TAlgebra >, ug::LinearSolver< TVector >, ug::LineGaussSeidel< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::LineVanka< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::LocalDoFSubspace< TDomain, TAlgebra, TObject >, ug::LocalIndexSubspace< TDomain, TAlgebra, TObject >, ug::LocalSchurComplement< TAlgebra >, ug::LocalToGlobalMapper< TAlgebra >, ug::LocalToGlobalMapperNLGS< TAlgebra >, ug::LSGFConstraint< TDomain, TAlgebra, TExtrapolation >, ug::LSGFDomainDiscretization< TDomain, TAlgebra, TExtrapolation >, ug::LSGFGlobAssembler< TDomain, TAlgebra, TExtrapolation >, ug::LU< TAlgebra >, ug::MapVector< TValueType >, ug::MultiStepTimeDiscretization< TAlgebra >, ug::NestedIterationSolver< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::NewtonSolver< TAlgebra >, ug::NewtonUpdaterGeneric< TVector >, ug::NLGaussSeidelSolver< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::NLJacobiSolver< TAlgebra >, ug::ObstacleInNormalDir< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::OneSideP1Constraints< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::OperatorInverseIterator< TAlgebra >, ug::OverlapWriter< TAlgebra >, ug::ParallelVector< TVector >, ug::PILUTPreconditioner< TAlgebra >, ug::PINVIT< TAlgebra >, ug::PowerMethod< TAlgebra >, ug::PProcessChain< TVector >, ug::PrimalSubassembledMatrixInverse< TAlgebra >, ug::ProjBackwardGaussSeidel< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::ProjGaussSeidel< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::ProjSymmetricGaussSeidel< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::ScalarLowerObstacle< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::ScalarUpperObstacle< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::SchurComplementOperator< TAlgebra >, ug::SchurInverseWithAGammaGamma< TAlgebra >, ug::SchurInverseWithAutoFullMatrix< TAlgebra >, ug::SchurInverseWithFullMatrix< TAlgebra >, ug::SchurInverseWithOperator< TAlgebra >, ug::SchurPrecond< TAlgebra >, ug::SDIRK< TAlgebra >, ug::SequentialSubspaceCorrection< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::SparseBlockGaussSeidel2< TAlgebra, backward, forward >, ug::SparseBlockGaussSeidel< TAlgebra, backward, forward >, ug::StandardLineSearch< TVector >, ug::StdGlobAssembler< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::StdInjection< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::StdTransfer< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::SymmetricGaussSeidel< TAlgebra >, ug::SymP1Constraints< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::TE_VecScale< T >, ug::TE_Vector< T >, ug::ThetaTimeStep< TAlgebra >, ug::TruncatedMonotoneTransfer< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::UzawaBase< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::Vanka< TAlgebra >, ug::Vector< TValueType >, ug::VectorDebugWritingObject< TVector >, ug::VectorTimeSeries< TVector >, ug::VertexBasedSubspace< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::VertexCenteredVankaSubspace< TDomain, TAlgebra >, Vector< TValueType >
- vector_type_local : ug::ILocalSubspace< TDomain, TAlgebra, TObject >, ug::LocalDoFSubspace< TDomain, TAlgebra, TObject >, ug::LocalIndexSubspace< TDomain, TAlgebra, TObject >
- vector_value : ug::ILUTPreconditioner< TAlgebra >
- vector_value_type : ug::PINVIT< TAlgebra >, ug::PowerMethod< TAlgebra >
- VectorDataIterator : ug::VTKOutput< TDim >
- VecVertFracTrip : ug::ArteExpandFracs3D
- velocity_type : ug::H1EnergyComponentSpace< TGridFunction >
- vertex_attachment_accessor_type : ug::DoFIndexStorage
- vertex_descriptor : boost::bglp_matrix_index_map< T >, boost::graph_traits< ug::BGLParallelMatrix< ug::ParallelMatrix< T > > >, boost::graph_traits< ug::BidirectionalMatrix< T > >, boost::graph_traits< ug::ParallelMatrix< ug::SparseMatrix< T > > >, boost::graph_traits< ug::SparseMatrix< T > >, boost::graph_traits< ug::UndirectedMatrix< T > >, boost::SM_edge_weight_map< T, M >, boost::sparse_matrix_index_map< T >, ug::BGLParallelMatrix< T >
- vertex_index_type : boost::bglp_matrix_index_map< T >, boost::sparse_matrix_index_map< T >
- vertex_iterator : boost::graph_traits< ug::BGLParallelMatrix< ug::ParallelMatrix< T > > >, boost::graph_traits< ug::BidirectionalMatrix< T > >, boost::graph_traits< ug::ParallelMatrix< ug::SparseMatrix< T > > >, boost::graph_traits< ug::SparseMatrix< T > >, boost::graph_traits< ug::UndirectedMatrix< T > >, ug::BGLParallelMatrix< T >
- vertex_list : ug::ProtectSubsetPartitionWeighting
- Vertex_t : ug::BoostCuthillMcKeeOrdering< TAlgebra, O_t >
- vertex_traits : ug::Grid
- VertexAttachmentPipe : ug::Grid
- VertexConstIterator : ug::GridFunctionOrdering< TDomain, TAlgebra >, ug::SortedGridFunctionOrdering< TDomain, TAlgebra >
- VertexContainer : ug::Grid
- VertexInfo : ug::MultiGrid
- VertexSectionContainer : ug::GridSubsetHandler, ug::ISelector, ug::ISubsetHandler, ug::MGSelector, ug::MultiGridSubsetHandler, ug::Selector
- VertexVec : ug::KDTreeStatic< TPositionAttachment, numDimensions, TVector >
- VertFracTrip : ug::ArteExpandFracs3D
- vertices_size_type : boost::graph_traits< ug::BGLParallelMatrix< ug::ParallelMatrix< T > > >, boost::graph_traits< ug::BidirectionalMatrix< T > >, boost::graph_traits< ug::ParallelMatrix< ug::SparseMatrix< T > > >, boost::graph_traits< ug::SparseMatrix< T > >, boost::graph_traits< ug::UndirectedMatrix< T > >
- VertxFracPropts : ug::ArteExpandFracs3D
- vIt_t : ug::SCCOrdering< TAlgebra, O_t >
- volume_attachment_accessor_type : ug::DoFIndexStorage
- volume_traits : ug::Grid
- VolumeAttachmentPipe : ug::Grid
- VolumeContainer : ug::Grid
- VolumeInfo : ug::MultiGrid
- VolumeSectionContainer : ug::GridSubsetHandler, ug::ISelector, ug::ISubsetHandler, ug::MGSelector, ug::MultiGridSubsetHandler, ug::Selector
- VrtxFracProptsStatus : ug::ArteExpandFracs3D