►Nboost | |
►Nmpl | |
Cempty< list1< ug::end_boost_list > > | Specializing boost::mpl::empty so that an list<end_boost_list> appears to be empty |
Cempty< list< ug::end_boost_list > > | Lists that contain nothing but ug::end_boost_list from the start need also be regarded as empty |
Cbglp_matrix_index_map | |
CBS_traversal_tag | |
►Cbucket_sorter | |
►Cstack_ | |
Cconst_iterator | |
Cdegree_property_map< ug::UndirectedMatrix< T > > | |
Cgraph_traits< ug::BGLParallelMatrix< ug::ParallelMatrix< T > > > | |
Cgraph_traits< ug::BidirectionalMatrix< T > > | |
Cgraph_traits< ug::ParallelMatrix< ug::SparseMatrix< T > > > | |
Cgraph_traits< ug::SparseMatrix< T > > | |
Cgraph_traits< ug::UndirectedMatrix< T > > | |
Cpointee< ConstSmartPtr< T > > | |
Cpointee< SmartPtr< T > > | |
Cproperty_map< ug::BGLParallelMatrix< T >, vertex_index_t > | |
Cproperty_map< ug::BidirectionalMatrix< ug::SparseMatrix< T > >, vertex_index_t > | |
Cproperty_map< ug::ParallelMatrix< T >, vertex_index_t > | |
Cproperty_map< ug::SparseMatrix< T >, Tag > | |
Cproperty_map< ug::SparseMatrix< T >, vertex_index_t > | |
Cproperty_map< ug::UndirectedMatrix< T >, vertex_index_t > | |
CSM_adjacency_iterator | |
CSM_edge | |
CSM_edge_weight_map | |
CSM_out_edge_iterator | |
CSM_traversal_tag | |
Csparse_matrix_index_map | |
CUM_out_edge_iterator | |
►Npcl | |
►Ninterface_tags | Interface tags allow to differentiate between interfaces with different features |
Cbasic_interface_tag | |
Cordered_interface_tag | |
►Nlayout_tags | Layout tags allow to differentiate between layouts with different features |
Cmulti_level_layout_tag | Marks a layout as a multi-level layout |
Csingle_level_layout_tag | Marks a layout as a single-level layout |
CBasicInterface | You may add elements to this interface and iterate over them |
CDataTypeDirectlySupported | |
CDataTypeIndirectlySupported | |
CDataTypeTraits | |
CDataTypeTraits< char > | |
CDataTypeTraits< double > | |
CDataTypeTraits< float > | |
CDataTypeTraits< int > | |
CDataTypeTraits< long > | |
CDataTypeTraits< unsigned char > | |
CDataTypeTraits< unsigned long > | |
CDataTypeTraits< unsigned long long > | |
CFileBufferDescriptor | |
CICommunicationPolicy | Specializations are responsible to pack and unpack interface data during communication |
CIDomainDecompositionInfo | |
►CInterfaceCommunicator | Performs communication between interfaces on different processes |
CExtractorInfo | Holds information that will be passed to the extract routines |
CMultiGroupCommunicator | Communicator for simultaneous data exchange between many small groups |
CMultiLevelLayout | Standard multi-level-layout implementation |
►COrderedInterface | You may add elements to this interface and iterate over them |
CInterfaceEntry | |
CInterfaceEntryCmp | |
►CParallelArchive | |
CBuffer_stringstream | |
CBufferBinaryBuffer | |
CBufferBinaryStream | |
CBufferInterface | Internal virtual buffer interface to support different buffers |
CConstCharBuffer | |
►CProcessCommunicator | |
CCommWrapper | Holds an mpi-communicator |
Creduce_traits | Methods defined in those traits are used by ComPol_AttachmentReduce |
Creduce_traits< double > | |
Creduce_traits< float > | |
CReducer | |
CSelectionCommPol | Communicates selection-status of interface elements |
CSingleLevelLayout | Standard single-level-layout implementation |
CStandardDomainDecompositionInfo | |
Ctype_traits | Associate internally used types with an external typename |
Ctype_traits< ug::Edge > | Edge interfaces and layouts store elements of type Vertex* |
Ctype_traits< ug::Face > | Face interfaces and layouts store elements of type Vertex* |
Ctype_traits< ug::Vertex > | Vertex interfaces and layouts store elements of type Vertex* |
Ctype_traits< ug::Volume > | Volume interfaces and layouts store elements of type Vertex* |
►Nstd | |
Cless< SmartPtr< T, TFreePolicy > > | |
►Nstl_reader | |
►Nstl_reader_impl | |
CCoordWithIndex | |
CStlMesh | Convenience mesh class which makes accessing the stl data more easy |
►Nug | Ug namespace |
►Nbridge | |
►NAdaptiveTools | |
CFunctionality | |
►NAlgebraCommon | |
CFunctionality | |
CVecScaleAddClass | |
►NConstraints | |
CFunctionality | |
►NDiscAlgebra | |
CFunctionality | |
►NDomain | |
CFunctionality | |
CFunctionality2d3d | Methods that are only available for 2d and 3d are registered here |
►Ndomain_ray_tracing | |
CFunctionality | |
►NDomainDisc | |
CFunctionality | |
►NEigensolver | |
CFunctionality | |
►NElemDiscs | |
CFunctionality | |
►NEvaluate | |
CFunctionality | |
CNumberValuedUserDataEvaluator | |
CNumberValuedUserDataPointEvaluator | |
CPointEvaluatorBase | |
CPointEvaluatorFactory | This is a factory for creating a 'PointEvaluatorBase' object from user data |
CVectorValuedUserDataEvaluator | |
CVectorValuedUserDataPointEvaluator | |
►NFiniteVolume | |
CFunctionality | |
►NGridFunction | |
CFunctionality | |
►NIntegrate | |
CFunctionality | |
►NInterpolate | |
CFunctionality | |
►NLoadBalancing | |
CFunctionality | |
►Nlua | |
CConstSmartUserDataWrapper | |
CLuaParsing | |
CLuaParsing< bool > | |
CLuaParsing< const char * > | |
CLuaParsing< const std::string & > | |
CLuaParsing< const void * > | |
CLuaParsing< ConstSmartPtr< void > > | |
CLuaParsing< double > | |
CLuaParsing< float > | |
CLuaParsing< int > | |
CLuaParsing< size_t > | |
CLuaParsing< SmartPtr< void > > | |
CLuaParsing< std::string > | |
CLuaParsing< void * > | |
CRawUserDataWrapper | |
CSmartUserDataWrapper | |
CUserDataWrapper | |
►NLuaUserData | |
CFunctionality | |
►NMaxError | |
CFunctionality | |
►NMultiGrid | |
CFunctionality | |
►NObstacle | |
CFunctionality | |
►NOrdering | |
CFunctionality | |
►NOutput | |
CFunctionality | |
►NperiodicBoundary | |
CFunctionality | |
►NPreconditioner | |
CFunctionality | |
►NRefinement | |
CFunctionality | |
►NRestart | |
CFunctionality | |
►NSchur | |
CFunctionality | |
►NSelection | |
CFunctionality | |
►NSolver | |
CFunctionality | |
►NTransform | |
CFunctionality | |
►NUserDataBridge | |
CFunctionality | |
►CAlgebraTypeIDProvider | |
CAlgebraID | |
CAlgebraIDBase | |
►CRegisterAlgebraIndices | |
CRegEnd | |
CRegNext | |
CAllowName | |
CBase | |
CBase0 | |
CBase1 | |
CBase2 | |
CBase3 | |
CCake | |
CClassCastProvider | Castings from derived classes to base classes |
CClassGroupDesc | Groups classes. One of the members is the default member |
CClassHierarchy | Class Hierarchy Helper Class for UG Registry This class stores class names and their subclasses |
CClassNameNode | Node for class names |
CClassNameProvider | Name for a class |
CCLI_Functionality | |
CConstClass | |
Cconstructor_traits | |
Cconstructor_traits< T, TypeList< T1 > > | |
Cconstructor_traits< T, TypeList< T1, T2 > > | |
Cconstructor_traits< T, TypeList< T1, T2, T3 > > | |
Cconstructor_traits< T, TypeList< T1, T2, T3, T4 > > | |
Cconstructor_traits< T, TypeList< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 > > | |
Cconstructor_traits< T, TypeList< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 > > | |
Cconstructor_traits< T, TypeList< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 > > | |
Cconstructor_traits< T, TypeList< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8 > > | |
Cconstructor_traits< T, TypeList<> > | |
CConstructorProxy | |
CCreateParameterInfo | |
CCreateParameterInfo< TypeList<> > | |
CCreateParameterInfoOut | Creation of return value |
CCreateParameterInfoOut< CustomReturn > | |
CCreateParameterInfoOut< void > | Creation of void return value (template specialization) |
CCustomReturn | |
CDerived | |
CExpandLayersDesc | A helper class for ExpandLayers |
CExportedClass | This template class represents real c++ classes in the registry |
►CExportedClassBaseImpl | A base implementation with non-template methods |
CConstructorOverload | |
CExportedConstructor | Describing information for constructor |
CExportedFunction | This class describes a wrapper for a c++ - function, that is exported by ug |
CExportedFunctionBase | Base class for function/method export |
►CExportedFunctionGroup | Groups of Functions - useful to realize overloaded functions |
COverload | |
CExportedMethod | |
►CExportedMethodGroup | Groups of methods - useful to realize overloaded methods |
COverload | |
Cfunc_traits | |
Cfunc_traits< TRet(*)()> | |
Cfunc_traits< TRet(*)(P1)> | |
Cfunc_traits< TRet(*)(T1, T2)> | |
Cfunc_traits< TRet(*)(T1, T2, T3)> | |
Cfunc_traits< TRet(*)(T1, T2, T3, T4)> | |
Cfunc_traits< TRet(*)(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5)> | |
Cfunc_traits< TRet(*)(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6)> | |
Cfunc_traits< TRet(*)(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7)> | |
Cfunc_traits< TRet(*)(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8)> | |
Cfunc_traits< TRet(*)(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9)> | |
Cfunc_traits< TRet(*)(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10)> | |
Cfunc_traits< TRet(*)(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11)> | |
Cfunc_traits< TRet(*)(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12)> | |
Cfunc_traits< TRet(TClass::*)() const > | |
Cfunc_traits< TRet(TClass::*)()> | |
Cfunc_traits< TRet(TClass::*)(P1) const > | |
Cfunc_traits< TRet(TClass::*)(P1)> | |
Cfunc_traits< TRet(TClass::*)(T1, T2) const > | |
Cfunc_traits< TRet(TClass::*)(T1, T2)> | |
Cfunc_traits< TRet(TClass::*)(T1, T2, T3) const > | |
Cfunc_traits< TRet(TClass::*)(T1, T2, T3)> | |
Cfunc_traits< TRet(TClass::*)(T1, T2, T3, T4) const > | |
Cfunc_traits< TRet(TClass::*)(T1, T2, T3, T4)> | |
Cfunc_traits< TRet(TClass::*)(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5) const > | |
Cfunc_traits< TRet(TClass::*)(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5)> | |
Cfunc_traits< TRet(TClass::*)(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6) const > | |
Cfunc_traits< TRet(TClass::*)(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6)> | |
Cfunc_traits< TRet(TClass::*)(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7) const > | |
Cfunc_traits< TRet(TClass::*)(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7)> | |
Cfunc_traits< TRet(TClass::*)(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8) const > | |
Cfunc_traits< TRet(TClass::*)(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8)> | |
Cfunc_traits< TRet(TClass::*)(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9) const > | |
Cfunc_traits< TRet(TClass::*)(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9)> | |
CFunctionality | |
CFunctionProxy | |
CFunctionProxy< TFunc, void > | |
CFurtherDerived | |
CIExportedClass | Base class for exported Classes |
CIntermediate0 | |
CIntermediate1 | |
CJSONConstructible | |
CLUACompiler | |
CLuaStackCheck | |
CMessage | |
CMessageHubTest | |
CMethodProxy | |
CMethodProxy< TClass, TMethod, CustomReturn > | |
CMethodProxy< TClass, TMethod, void > | |
CMethodPtrWrapper | |
CMultipleDerived | |
CNonAllowedName1 | |
CNonAllowedName2 | |
CNonAllowedName3 | |
CNonAllowedName4 | |
►CParameterInfo | Stack holding parameter infos about a parameter stack |
CEntryType | Structure to store a data entry with additional information |
CPushType | |
CPushType< bool > | |
CPushType< const char * > | |
CPushType< const std::string & > | |
CPushType< const std::vector< bool > & > | |
CPushType< const std::vector< const char * > & > | |
CPushType< const std::vector< const TClass * > & > | |
CPushType< const std::vector< ConstSmartPtr< TClass > > & > | |
CPushType< const std::vector< double > & > | |
CPushType< const std::vector< float > & > | |
CPushType< const std::vector< int > & > | |
CPushType< const std::vector< size_t > & > | |
CPushType< const std::vector< SmartPtr< TClass > > & > | |
CPushType< const std::vector< std::string > & > | |
CPushType< const std::vector< TClass * > & > | |
CPushType< const TClass & > | |
CPushType< const TClass * > | |
CPushType< ConstSmartPtr< TClass > > | |
CPushType< double > | |
CPushType< float > | |
CPushType< int > | |
CPushType< size_t > | |
CPushType< SmartPtr< TClass > > | |
CPushType< std::string > | |
CPushType< std::vector< bool > > | |
CPushType< std::vector< const char * > > | |
CPushType< std::vector< const TClass * > > | |
CPushType< std::vector< ConstSmartPtr< TClass > > > | |
CPushType< std::vector< double > > | |
CPushType< std::vector< float > > | |
CPushType< std::vector< int > > | |
CPushType< std::vector< size_t > > | |
CPushType< std::vector< SmartPtr< TClass > > > | |
CPushType< std::vector< std::string > > | |
CPushType< std::vector< TClass * > > | |
CPushType< TClass & > | |
CPushType< TClass * > | |
►CParameterStack | A stack that can hold values together with their type-id |
CPushType | |
CPushType< bool > | |
CPushType< const char * > | |
CPushType< const std::string & > | |
CPushType< const std::vector< bool > & > | |
CPushType< const std::vector< const char * > & > | |
CPushType< const std::vector< const T * > & > | |
CPushType< const std::vector< ConstSmartPtr< T > > & > | |
CPushType< const std::vector< double > & > | |
CPushType< const std::vector< float > & > | |
CPushType< const std::vector< int > & > | |
CPushType< const std::vector< size_t > & > | |
CPushType< const std::vector< SmartPtr< T > > & > | |
CPushType< const std::vector< std::string > & > | |
CPushType< const std::vector< T * > & > | |
CPushType< const T & > | |
CPushType< const T * > | |
CPushType< ConstSmartPtr< T > > | |
CPushType< double > | |
CPushType< float > | |
CPushType< int > | |
CPushType< size_t > | |
CPushType< SmartPtr< T > > | |
CPushType< std::string > | |
CPushType< std::vector< bool > > | |
CPushType< std::vector< const char * > > | |
CPushType< std::vector< const T * > > | |
CPushType< std::vector< ConstSmartPtr< T > > > | |
CPushType< std::vector< double > > | |
CPushType< std::vector< float > > | |
CPushType< std::vector< int > > | |
CPushType< std::vector< size_t > > | |
CPushType< std::vector< SmartPtr< T > > > | |
CPushType< std::vector< std::string > > | |
CPushType< std::vector< T * > > | |
CPushType< T & > | |
CPushType< T * > | |
CToType | |
CToType< bool > | |
CToType< const char * > | |
CToType< const std::string & > | |
CToType< const std::vector< bool > & > | |
CToType< const std::vector< const char * > & > | |
CToType< const std::vector< const T * > & > | |
CToType< const std::vector< ConstSmartPtr< T > > & > | |
CToType< const std::vector< double > & > | |
CToType< const std::vector< float > & > | |
CToType< const std::vector< int > & > | |
CToType< const std::vector< size_t > & > | |
CToType< const std::vector< SmartPtr< T > > & > | |
CToType< const std::vector< std::string > & > | |
CToType< const std::vector< T * > & > | |
CToType< const T & > | |
CToType< const T * > | |
CToType< const void * > | |
CToType< ConstSmartPtr< T > > | |
CToType< ConstSmartPtr< void > > | |
CToType< double > | |
CToType< float > | |
CToType< int > | |
CToType< size_t > | |
CToType< SmartPtr< std::vector< std::pair< const void *, const ClassNameNode * > > > > | |
CToType< SmartPtr< std::vector< std::pair< ConstSmartPtr< void >, const ClassNameNode * > > > > | |
CToType< SmartPtr< std::vector< std::pair< SmartPtr< void >, const ClassNameNode * > > > > | |
CToType< SmartPtr< std::vector< std::pair< void *, const ClassNameNode * > > > > | |
CToType< SmartPtr< T > > | |
CToType< SmartPtr< void > > | |
CToType< std::string > | |
CToType< std::vector< bool > > | |
CToType< std::vector< const char * > > | |
CToType< std::vector< const T * > > | |
CToType< std::vector< ConstSmartPtr< T > > > | |
CToType< std::vector< double > > | |
CToType< std::vector< float > > | |
CToType< std::vector< int > > | |
CToType< std::vector< size_t > > | |
CToType< std::vector< SmartPtr< T > > > | |
CToType< std::vector< std::string > > | |
CToType< std::vector< T * > > | |
CToType< T & > | |
CToType< T * > | |
CToType< void * > | |
CParameterStackToTypeValueList | |
CParameterStackToTypeValueList< TypeList<>, index > | |
CPiece | |
►CRegisterAlgebraDependent | |
CRegEnd | |
CRegNext | |
CRegisterDomain1dAlgebraDependent | |
CRegisterDomain2d3dAlgebraDependent | |
CRegisterDomain2dAlgebraDependent | |
CRegisterDomain3dAlgebraDependent | |
►CRegisterDomainAlgebraDependent | |
CRegAlgebra | |
CRegEnd | |
CRegNextDomain | |
CRegNextDomainAlgebra | |
►CRegisterDomainDependent | |
CRegEnd | |
CRegNext | |
CRegistry | Registry for functions and classes that are exported to scripts and visualizations |
CSmartTest | SmartTest is a test-class which shall only be used encapsulated in a smart-pointer |
CSmartTestDerived | |
CTest | |
CTestMessage | |
CUG_REGISTRY_ERROR_FunctionOrMethodNameMissing | Exception throw, if method name has not been given |
CUGError_ClassCastFailed | |
CUGRegistryError | |
CUnregistered | |
►Ndetail | |
►NquadUtil | |
CEdgeToQuadInfo | |
Cbglp_vertex_descriptor | |
CRegisterTypePairFunctor | |
►Nfieldutil | |
CCell | |
►Nimpl | |
►NProjectVerticesToCloseEdges | |
CRecord | |
CLuaTableHandle_ | |
►Nnode_tree | |
CBoxedGroupNode | A group node featuring a bounding box |
CCollisionEdgesNode | Holds index pairs defining edges |
CCollisionElementID | |
CCollisionTreeRootNode | A group node featuring a bounding box and a set of points |
CCollisionTrianglesNode | Holds index tuples defining triangles |
CGroupNode | You can group nodes using the GroupNode |
CNode | Nodes serve as base-objects for items of wich a scene-graph consists |
CObject | An Object serves as the base-class for most of the polymorphic node-tree objects |
CTraverser | Derivates of a Traverser can be used to traverse a scenegraph |
CTraverser_CollisionTree | Enhances the Traverser base-class by methods to traverse a collision tree |
CTraverser_IntersectFaces | Traverses a node-tree and intersect a given face with the contained geometry |
CTraverser_ProjectPoint | Traverses a node-tree and projects a given point to the contained geometry |
►Nraster_kernels | |
CBlur | Kernel which blurs all values of a raster it was called on |
CCount | Kernel which counts the number of times it was run on valid data values |
CSum | Kernel which sums the values for all entries it was called on |
►Nscript | |
CLuaError | Error class thrown if an error occurs during parsing |
►Nsupport | |
CAttachedFractElem | |
CAttachedFullDimElemInfo | |
CAttachedGeneralElem | |
CCrossingVertexInfoVol | |
CVertexFracturePropertiesVol | |
CVertexFractureTripleMF | |
►Nswc_types | |
CSWCPoint | |
►Nvrl | |
►Nthreading | |
CJNIThreadException | |
CBasicTest | |
CFunctionality | |
CMessageBuffer | |
CNumberArray | |
CPrintCondUserData2d | |
CPrintUserData2d | |
CSmartPtrCls | |
CTestClass | |
CTypeAndArray | |
Cvrl_traits | |
Cvrl_traits< number > | |
Cvrl_traits< ug::MathMatrix< dim, dim > > | |
Cvrl_traits< ug::MathVector< dim > > | |
CVRLCondUserNumber | |
CVRLUserData | |
CVRLUserLinker | |
CVTest | |
CAABox | |
Cab | |
CAbsoluteMarking | Marks elements above an absolute threshold (based on S. Reiter's idea) |
CActiveSet | Active Set method |
►CAdaptionSurfaceGridFunction | |
CValueAccessor | |
CAdaptiveRegularRefiner_MultiGrid | Specialization of IRefiner for adaptive multigrid refinement with closure |
CAdjustEdgeLengthDesc | |
CAgglomeratingBase | |
CAgglomeratingIterator | |
CAgglomeratingPreconditioner | |
CAgglomeratingSolver | |
CAlgebraDebugWriter | Debug writer for connection viewer (based on algebraic information + vector positions only) |
CAlgebraicConnection | |
►CAlgebraicConvCheck | |
CCmpInfo | |
CAlgebraicSpace | |
CAlgebraID | This type is used to identify distributed objects |
CAlgebraLayouts | Extends the HorizontalAlgebraLayouts by vertical layouts |
CAlgebraType | Class describing the type of an algebra |
CAlphaMat_Expression | |
CAlphaMatVec_X_Expression | |
CAlphaVec_Expression | |
CAnalyzingSolver | |
CAnisotropicBalanceWeights | The higher the volume, the higher the weight when anisotropic refinement is used.. |
CAPosterioriCoarsening | |
CApproximationSpace | Base class for approximation spaces without type of algebra or dof distribution |
CArchivar | |
CArchiveInfo | Provides custom information for different archives |
CArteExpandFracs3D | |
CAspectRatioInfo | Holds information on the min, max, mean, and standard deviation of a sample |
CAssembledLinearOperator | Matrix operator based on the assembling of a problem |
►CAssembledMultiGridCycle | Geometric multi grid preconditioner |
CLevData | |
CLevelIndex | |
CSurfLevelMap | |
CAssembledOperator | |
CAssembledTransformingSmoother | |
CAssemblingTuner | The AssemblingTuner class combines tools to adapt the assembling routine |
CAssocElemIter | Iterator that allows to traverse associated elements of a given element |
►CAttachedElementList | A linked list of elements living in an attachment |
CEntry | |
CAttachedElementListIterator | A special iterator which allows to iterate over elements in a AttachedElementList |
CAttachment | A generic specialization of IAttachment |
Cattachment_info_traits | |
Cattachment_io_traits | |
Cattachment_io_traits< Attachment< bool > > | |
Cattachment_io_traits< Attachment< std::vector< T > > > | Serialization for std::vector<T> with type T - e. g. std::vector<bool> |
Cattachment_io_traits< Attachment< vector1 > > | |
Cattachment_io_traits< Attachment< vector2 > > | |
Cattachment_io_traits< Attachment< vector3 > > | |
Cattachment_io_traits< Attachment< vector4 > > | |
Cattachment_reduce_traits | Methods defined in those traits are used by ComPol_AttachmentReduce |
Cattachment_reduce_traits< double > | |
Cattachment_reduce_traits< float > | |
Cattachment_reduce_traits< MathVector< 1 > > | |
Cattachment_reduce_traits< MathVector< 2 > > | |
Cattachment_reduce_traits< MathVector< 3 > > | |
Cattachment_reduce_traits< MathVector< 4 > > | |
Cattachment_reduce_traits< std::vector< number > > | |
Cattachment_traits | Define the interface that enables you to use your own types as element-types in an AttachmentPipe |
Cattachment_traits< Edge *, ElementStorage< Edge > > | |
Cattachment_traits< Face *, ElementStorage< Face > > | |
Cattachment_traits< Vertex *, ElementStorage< Vertex > > | |
Cattachment_traits< Volume *, ElementStorage< Volume > > | |
Cattachment_value_traits | Define reference and const reference types for attachment values |
Cattachment_value_traits< bool > | Specialization of attachment_value_traits for the bool type |
CAttachmentAccessor | Used to access data that has been attached to an attachment pipe |
CAttachmentDataContainer | A generic specialization of IAttachedDataContainer |
CAttachmentEntry | This struct is used by AttachmentPipe in order to manage its attachments |
CAttachmentPipe | Handles data which has been attached to the pipe using callbacks for the element |
CAttachmentUnequal | This class can be used in Element callbacks |
CAutoLinearSolver | Linear solver using abstract preconditioner interface |
CAverageComponent | |
CBackwardGaussSeidel | Gauss-Seidel preconditioner for the 'backward' ordering of the dofs |
CBalanceWeightsLuaCallback | |
CBalanceWeightsRefMarks | |
CBase64FileWriter | File writer allowing selective base64 encoding of arbitrary data |
CBaseLSFS | Static interface for trial spaces |
CBaseReferenceMapping | Base class for Reference mappings helping to implement interface |
CBDF | |
►CBGLParallelMatrix | |
Cadjacency_iterator | |
Cedge | |
Cfilter_local | |
Cout_edge_iterator | |
Cvertex_iterator_ | |
CBiCGStab | BiCGStab method as a solver for linear operators |
CBidirectionalMatrix | |
CBinaryBuffer | A Buffer for binary data |
CBinaryStream | Specialzation of std::iostream, that uses a |
CBinaryStreamBuffer | A special version of a std::streambuf, writes data directly into a buffer that is accessible at any time |
CBinghamViscosityLinker | Linker for the Bingham viscosity |
CBinomialCoefficient | |
CBinomialCoefficient< n, 0 > | |
CBinomialCoefficient< n,-1 > | |
CBinomialCoefficient< n,-2 > | |
CBinomialCoefficient< n,-3 > | |
CBinomialCoefficient< n,-4 > | |
Cblock_multiply_traits | |
Cblock_multiply_traits< DenseMatrix< T >, DenseMatrix< T > > | |
Cblock_multiply_traits< DenseMatrix< T1 >, DenseVector< T2 > > | |
Cblock_multiply_traits< number, number > | |
Cblock_multiply_traits< number, T > | |
Cblock_multiply_traits< T, number > | |
Cblock_multiply_traits< T1, T2 > | |
Cblock_traits | |
Cblock_traits< DenseMatrix< FixedArray2< number, 1, 1, TOrdering > > > | |
Cblock_traits< DenseMatrix< FixedArray2< number, 2, 2, TOrdering > > > | |
Cblock_traits< DenseMatrix< FixedArray2< number, 3, 3, TOrdering > > > | |
Cblock_traits< DenseMatrix< FixedArray2< number, TBlockSize, TBlockSize, TOrdering > > > | |
Cblock_traits< DenseMatrix< FixedArray2< TValue, TBlockSize, TBlockSize, TOrdering > > > | |
Cblock_traits< DenseMatrix< T > > | |
Cblock_traits< DenseMatrix< VariableArray2< number, TOrdering > > > | |
Cblock_traits< DenseMatrix< VariableArray2< TValue, TOrdering > > > | |
Cblock_traits< DenseVector< T > > | |
Cblock_traits< number > | |
Cblock_traits< T > | |
Cblock_traits< vector< int > > | Vector<int> has a variable size |
CBlockGaussSeidel | |
CBlockGaussSeidelIterative | |
►CBlockSliceIndexView | |
Citerator | |
CBoolMarker | Allows to mark elements |
CBoostCuthillMcKeeOrdering | |
CBoostMinimumDegreeOrdering | |
CBoundedEquidistantLagrange1D | |
CBoxPriorityQueue | Updateable priority queue class. this priority queue works on an external array of elements T |
CBoxPriorityQueue2 | Updateable priority queue class. this priority queue works on an external array of elements T |
CCellIdx | |
CCG | CG method as a solver for linear operators |
Ccgraph | |
CChainInfo | |
CClusterElementStacks | |
CCmpVrtsByHash | Can be used to compare vertices of their grids through their hash-value |
CCombinedLinearIterator | |
CCommonLocalDoFSet | |
CCommunicationScheme | CRTP Base class for communications on layout/interfaces |
CCommunicationScheme< TDerived, bool > | CRTP Base class for communications on layout/interfaces |
CCompareByAttachment | Instances can be used as compare operators, e.g., for std::sort |
CCompareDegree | Help class to provide compare operator for indices based on their degree |
CComPol_AdjustType | |
CComPol_AttachmentReduce | Performs reduce operations on the specified attachment |
CComPol_BoolMarker_AddMarks | Adds marking at extracting side |
CComPol_BoolMarker_RemoveMarks | Removes marks at extracting side, if no mark was received |
CComPol_BroadcastCoarsenMarks | |
CComPol_BroadcastRefineMarks | |
CComPol_CheckConsistency | Communication Policy to check consistency of a vector |
CComPol_CheckDistributedParentStates | |
CComPol_CopyAttachment | Copies values from a specified attachment to a stream and back |
CComPol_EnableSelectionStateBits | |
CComPol_GatherSurfaceStates | Adds marking at extracting side |
CComPol_GatherVecAttachment | Gathers the values stored in vector-attachments |
CComPol_InterfaceStatus | Exchanges information on the interface-status of connected elements |
CComPol_MatAddRowsOverlap0 | Communication Policy to copy slave couplings to master row |
CComPol_MatAddSetZeroInnerInterfaceCouplings | Comm-Pol to add matrix rows of inner-interface couplings |
CComPol_MatCopyDiag | |
CComPol_MatCopyRowsOverlap0 | Communication Policy to copy couplings between interfaces |
►CComPol_MatCreateOverlap | Highly specialized communication policy for matrix overlap creation |
CExtCon | |
CComPol_MatDistributeDiag | Communication Policy sending fractions to |
►CComPol_NewConstrainedVerticals | |
CEntry | |
CComPol_Selection | |
CComPol_Subset | |
CComPol_SynchronizeDistInfos | Communicates the distribution infos through existing interfaces |
CComPol_VecAdd | Communication Policy to add values of a vector |
CComPol_VecAddSetZero | Communication Policy to add values of a vector and reset value to zero on sending interface |
CComPol_VecCopy | Communication Policy to copy values of a vector |
CComPol_VecScaleAdd | Communication Policy to add values of a vector |
CComPol_VecScaleCopy | Communication Policy to copy scaled values of a vector |
CComPol_VecSubtract | Communication Policy to subtract values of a vector |
CComPol_VecSubtractOnlyOneSlave | Communication Policy to subtract only one slave value per master of a vector |
►CComponentGaussSeidel | ComponentGaussSeidel Preconditioner |
CDimCache | |
►CCompositeConvCheck | |
CCmpInfo | |
CNativCmpInfo | |
CCompositeSpace | Defines a composite space, (i.e., additive composition from other spaces) |
►CCompositeTimeDiscretization | Combine several time discretizations into one |
CCompositeAssTuner | |
CCompositeUserData | This is a compositum for user data defined on different subsets |
CConnectedToOneMarkedVrt | |
CConsiderAll | Callback that always returns true |
CConsiderNone | Callback that always returns false |
CConsistencyCheckClass | |
CConsistencyCheckClassSend | |
CConsistencyCheckClassSend< TVec, bool > | |
Cconst_localMatrix_from_mat_and_array | |
Cconst_ntree_element_iterator | This iterator is used by the ntree class to provide access to the elements of a given node |
CConstantDamping | Constant damping factor |
CConstAttachedElementListIterator | A special iterator which allows to iterate over elements in a AttachedElementList |
CConstGenericGridObjectIterator | Use this class as a tool to create const_iterators to your own geometric objects |
CConstMatrixRow | |
CConstrainedEdge | This edge is a sub-edge of a |
CConstrainedFace | This class stores the constraining object |
►CConstrainedLinearIterator | |
Capply_update_defect_impl | |
Capply_update_defect_impl< S, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_base_of< IPreconditioner< TAlgebra >, S > >::type > | |
CConstrainedQuadrilateral | Quadrilateral constrained by another object |
CConstrainedTriangle | Triangle constrained by another object |
CConstrainedVertex | A vertex appearing on edges or faces |
CConstrainingEdge | Elements of type |
CConstrainingFace | This class is used to store constrained geometric objects |
CConstrainingQuadrilateral | Quadrilateral constraining other objects |
CConstrainingTriangle | Triangle constraining other objects |
Cconstraint_traits | |
Cconstraint_traits< Edge > | |
Cconstraint_traits< Face > | |
Cconstraint_traits< Quadrilateral > | |
Cconstraint_traits< Triangle > | |
Cconstraint_traits< Vertex > | |
CConstructGridOfSCVFWrapper | |
CConstructGridOfSCVFWrapper< TFVGeom, 1 > | |
CConstructGridOfSCVFWrapper< TFVGeom, 2 > | |
CConstructGridOfSCVFWrapper< TFVGeom, 3 > | |
CConstructGridOfSCVWrapper | |
CConstructGridOfSCVWrapper< TFVGeom, 1 > | |
CConstructGridOfSCVWrapper< TFVGeom, 2 > | |
CConstructGridOfSCVWrapper< TFVGeom, 3 > | |
CConstScalarSubVectorAdapter | |
CConstUserMatrix | Constant matrix user data |
CConstUserNumber | Constant scalar user data |
CConstUserTensor | Constant tensor user data |
CConstUserVector | Constant vector user data |
►CConvectionShapesFullUpwind | |
CRegisterElemFunc | Functor for registering the shapes for the element-templated FV geometries |
CRegisterRefDimFunc | Functor for registering the shapes for the reference-dimension-templated FV geometries |
►CConvectionShapesLinearProfileSkewedUpwind | |
CRegisterElemFunc | Functor for registering the shapes for the element-templated FV geometries |
CRegisterRefDimFunc | Functor for registering the shapes for the reference-dimension-templated FV geometries |
►CConvectionShapesNoUpwind | |
CRegisterElemFunc | Functor for registering the shapes for the element-templated FV geometries |
CRegisterRefDimFunc | Functor for registering the shapes for the reference-dimension-templated FV geometries |
►CConvectionShapesPartialUpwind | |
CRegisterElemFunc | Functor for registering the shapes for the element-templated FV geometries |
CRegisterRefDimFunc | Functor for registering the shapes for the reference-dimension-templated FV geometries |
►CConvectionShapesSkewedUpwind | |
CRegisterElemFunc | Functor for registering the shapes for the element-templated FV geometries |
CRegisterRefDimFunc | Functor for registering the shapes for the reference-dimension-templated FV geometries |
►CConvectionShapesWeightedUpwind | |
CRegisterElemFunc | Functor for registering the shapes for the element-templated FV geometries |
CRegisterRefDimFunc | Functor for registering the shapes for the reference-dimension-templated FV geometries |
►CCopyAttachmentHandler | Handler for attachments in a multi-grid |
Cpropagate | |
Cpropagate< TElem, Dummy > | |
Cregister_as_observer | |
Cregister_as_observer< Edge, Dummy > | |
Cregister_as_observer< Face, Dummy > | |
Cregister_as_observer< Vertex, Dummy > | |
Cregister_as_observer< Volume, Dummy > | |
CCplUserData | Type based UserData |
CCPUAlgebra | |
CCPUBlockAlgebra | |
CCPUVariableBlockAlgebra | |
Ccrfv_traits | |
Ccrfv_traits< 1, 1 > | |
Ccrfv_traits< 1, 2 > | |
Ccrfv_traits< 2, 2 > | |
Ccrfv_traits< 2, 3 > | |
Ccrfv_traits< 3, 3 > | |
Ccrfv_traits< 3, 4 > | |
►CCRFVGeometry | |
CBF | Boundary face |
CCONSTRAINED_DOF | Public hanging node interface for compatibility reasons |
CSCV | Sub control volume structure |
CSCVF | Sub-Control Volume Face structure |
CCrossingVertexInfo | |
CCrouzeixRaviartBase | Crouzeix - Raviart Set |
CCrouzeixRaviartElemTransfer | |
CCrouzeixRaviartLSFS | Lagrange Shape Function Set without virtual functions and fixed order |
CCrouzeixRaviartLSFS< ReferenceHexahedron > | |
CCrouzeixRaviartLSFS< ReferencePrism > | |
CCrouzeixRaviartLSFS< ReferencePyramid > | |
CCrouzeixRaviartLSFS< ReferenceQuadrilateral > | |
CCrouzeixRaviartLSFS< ReferenceTetrahedron > | |
CCrouzeixRaviartLSFS< ReferenceTriangle > | |
CCuckooClock | |
CCUDAManager | |
CcustomLexLess | |
CCustomQuadrilateral | Concrete types share this base-type. It is not intended for direct use |
CCustomTriangle | Concrete types share this base-type. It is not intended for direct use |
CCustomVertexGroup | This class can be used if one wants to create a custom element from a set of vertices |
CCylinderCutProjector | Refines linearily except for when a refined edge intersects the given cylinder |
CCylinderProjector | Projects new vertices onto a sphere during refinement |
CDarcyVelocityLinker | Hard Coded Linker for the Darcy velocity |
CDataEvaluator | Evaluation for IElemDisc |
CDataEvaluatorBase | Helper class to evaluate data evaluation for local contributions during assembling |
►CDataExport | Data export |
CFreeFunctionFunctor | |
CFunctor | |
CFunctorBase | |
CMemberFunctionFunctor | |
CDataImport | Data import |
CDebugID | |
CDebugIDManager | |
CDebugIterator | Debugging iterator |
CDebugWriterContext | Context of a debugger writer: Keeps the debugging section etc |
CDebugWritingObject | |
CDefaultAlgebra | Singleton, providing the current default algebra |
CDegeneratedLayerManager | Gegenerated layer subset manager |
CDelaunayDebugSaver | |
►CDelaunayInfo | |
CCompareFaceInfo | |
CFaceInfo | |
CDenseMatrix | |
CDenseMatrixFromSparseMatrix | |
CDenseMatrixInverse | |
CDenseVector | |
CDependentUserData | Dependent UserData |
CDiagVanka | Diagvanka Preconditioner, description see above diagvanka_step function |
►CDimCRFVGeometry | Geometry and shape functions for 1st order Vertex-Centered Finite Volume with Crouzeix-Raviart elements |
CBF | Boundary face |
CHandledEdge | |
CSCV | Sub control volume structure |
CSCVF | Sub-Control Volume Face structure |
►CDimFEGeometry | |
CBF | Boundary face |
►CDimFV1Geometry | Geometry and shape functions for 1st order Vertex-Centered Finite Volume |
CBF | Boundary face |
CSCV | Sub control volume structure |
CSCVF | Sub-Control Volume Face structure |
►CDimFV1IBGeometry | Geometry and shape functions for 1st order Vertex-Centered Finite Volume |
CBF | Boundary face |
CSCV | Sub control volume structure |
CSCVF | Sub-Control Volume Face structure |
►CDimFVGeometry | Geometry and shape functions for any order Vertex-Centered Finite Volume |
CBF | Boundary face |
CSCV | Sub control volume structure |
CSCVF | Sub-Control Volume Face structure |
CSubElement | |
►CDimHFV1Geometry | |
CMidID | |
CNatEdgeInfo | |
CNewEdgeInfo | |
CSCV | |
CDimLocalDoFSet | |
CDimReferenceElement | Dimension dependent base class for reference elements |
CDimReferenceMapping | Virtual base class for reference mappings |
CDimReferenceMappingWrapper | Wrapper of a ReferenceElementMapping into the virtual base class |
CDiracSourceDisc | |
CDirectionalOrdering | |
Cdirichlet_iterator | |
►CDirichletBoundary | |
CCondNumberData | Grouping for subset and conditional data |
CConstNumberData | Grouping for subset and constant data |
CNumberData | Grouping for subset and non-conditional data |
COldNumberData | Grouping for subset and the data already stored in the solution |
CVectorData | Grouping for subset and non-conditional vector data |
CDistInfoSupplier | Automatically attaches ADistInfo to all elements of a grid |
►CDistributedGridManager | Manages the layouts and interfaces which are associated with a distributed grid |
►CElementInfo | Be careful when creating copies of ElementInfo |
CData | |
CEntry | |
CScheduledElement | Used to schedule an element for insertion during ordered-insertion-mode |
CDistroAdjuster | |
►CDoFCount | |
►CCnt | |
CPCnt | |
►CDoFDistribution | |
Cdim_traits | |
Ctraits | |
►CDoFDistributionInfo | |
CFctInfo | |
CDoFDistributionInfoProvider | |
CDoFIndexStorage | |
CDomain | |
Cdomain_traits | |
Cdomain_traits< 0 > | |
Cdomain_traits< 1 > | |
Cdomain_traits< 2 > | |
Cdomain_traits< 3 > | |
CDomainBalanceWeights | |
CDomainCommunicationCostWeights | |
CDomainDiscretization | Domain discretization implementing the interface |
CDomainDiscretizationBase | Generic domain discretization implementing the interface |
CDomainInfo | Describes the contents of a domain |
CDomainLoadBalancer | A small wrapper for LoadBalancer which adds comfort methods to balance and distribute domains |
CDomainPartitioner | |
CDualGraphNeighborCollector | |
CEdge | Base-class for edges |
CEdgeDescriptor | Can be used to store information about an edge and to construct an edge |
CEdgeOrientation | User data for the orientation of a line element |
CEdgeVertices | Holds the vertices of an Edge or an EdgeDescriptor |
►Celement_list_traits | Class for computing integral properties of geometric objects types in lists |
►Cmfc_num_corners_of_elem | Metafunction class for counting corners in an element type |
Capply | |
►Cmfc_num_edges_of_elem | Metafunction class for counting edges in an element type |
Capply | |
►Cmfc_num_faces_of_elem | Metafunction class for counting faces in an element type |
Capply | |
►Cmfc_num_sides_of_elem | Metafunction class for counting sides (i.e. edges or faces) in an element type |
Capply | |
►Cmfc_num_volumes_of_elem | Metafunction class for counting volumes in an element type |
Capply | |
CElementCallback | |
CElementGaussSeidel | ElementGaussSeidel Preconditioner |
CElementSideRayIntersectionWrapper | |
CElementSideRayIntersectionWrapper< TRefElem, 2, 2 > | |
CElementSideRayIntersectionWrapper< TRefElem, 3, 3 > | |
CElementStorage | This struct is used to hold GridObjects and their attachment pipes |
CElementStorageSelector | Helper class to access the correct element storage from its element type |
CElementStorageSelector< Edge > | |
CElementStorageSelector< Face > | |
CElementStorageSelector< Vertex > | |
CElementStorageSelector< Volume > | |
CElemErrorSortDesc | |
CElemProlongationBase | |
CElemRestrictionBase | |
CEllipticCylinderProjector | Projects new vertices onto a cylinder with an elliptic base |
CEmptyOStream | Specialization of std::ostream, which doesn't write anything |
CEmptyStreamBuffer | Used by EmptyStream, to send tokens into nirvana! |
CEmptyType | |
Cend_boost_list | |
CEnergyConvCheck | |
CEquidistantLagrange1D | |
CEquilibrationMarkingStrategy | Marks elements above a certain fraction of the maximum |
CErrorEvaluator | Evaluation for IElemError |
CExpectedErrorMarkingStrategy | |
CExplicitGridFunctionGradient | |
CExplicitGridFunctionValue | |
CExplicitGridFunctionVector | |
CFace | Faces are 2-dimensional objects |
Cface_type_traits | |
Cface_type_traits< 1 > | |
Cface_type_traits< 2 > | |
Cface_type_traits< 3 > | |
CFaceDescriptor | Can be queried for the edges and vertices of a face |
CFaceVertices | |
CFactorial | |
CFactorial< 1 > | |
►CFactory | A factory class which creates instances given a class-name |
CClassInfo | |
CFEGeometry | |
CFetiLayouts | Auxiliary class for handling of "FETI layouts" |
CFETISolver | Operator implementation of the FETI-DP solver |
CField | |
CFileReaderASC | |
CFileReaderSWC | |
CFileWriterSWC | |
CFinishedTester | |
CFixedArray1 | |
CFixedArray1< T, 1 > | |
CFixedArray1< T, 2 > | |
CFixedArray1< T, 3 > | |
CFixedArray1< T, 4 > | |
CFixedArray2 | |
CFixedConvergenceCheck | |
CFlag | Helps maintaining, activating and deactivating a set of flags from an enum |
CFlexGaussQuadrature | Flexible order gauss quadrature |
CFlexLagrangeLSFS | Lagrange Shape Function Set without virtual functions and flexible order |
CFlexLagrangeLSFS< ReferenceEdge > | Specialization for Edges |
CFlexLagrangeLSFS< ReferenceHexahedron > | |
CFlexLagrangeLSFS< ReferencePrism > | |
CFlexLagrangeLSFS< ReferenceQuadrilateral > | |
CFlexLagrangeLSFS< ReferenceTetrahedron > | |
CFlexLagrangeLSFS< ReferenceTriangle > | |
CFlexLagrangeLSFS< ReferenceVertex > | Specialization for Edges |
CFracturedMediaRefiner | |
CFractureInfo | Used to tell ExpandLayers_... which subsets should be regarded as layers |
CFullVertexCover | |
CFunctionGroup | |
CFunctionIndexMapping | Describes a mapping between two local index sets |
►CFunctionPattern | Describes the setup of discrete functions on a SubsetHandler |
CFunction | Internal structure to hold all functions |
Cfv1_dim_traits | Traits for Finite Volumes for a generic element of the fixed dimensionalities |
Cfv1_dim_traits< 1, 1 > | |
Cfv1_dim_traits< 1, 2 > | |
Cfv1_dim_traits< 1, 3 > | |
Cfv1_dim_traits< 2, 2 > | |
Cfv1_dim_traits< 2, 3 > | |
Cfv1_dim_traits< 3, 3 > | |
Cfv1_dim_traits_base | Base for the Traits for Finite Volumes for a generic element of the fixed dimensionalities |
Cfv1_traits | Traits for Finite Volumes (dummy implementation, s. the instantiations below) |
Cfv1_traits< ReferenceEdge, 1 > | |
Cfv1_traits< ReferenceEdge, 2 > | |
Cfv1_traits< ReferenceEdge, 3 > | |
Cfv1_traits< ReferenceHexahedron, 3 > | |
Cfv1_traits< ReferenceOctahedron, 3 > | Octahedra: the FV1 traits |
Cfv1_traits< ReferencePrism, 3 > | |
Cfv1_traits< ReferencePyramid, 3 > | Pyramids: the FV1 traits |
Cfv1_traits< ReferenceQuadrilateral, 2 > | |
Cfv1_traits< ReferenceQuadrilateral, 3 > | |
Cfv1_traits< ReferenceTetrahedron, 3 > | |
Cfv1_traits< ReferenceTriangle, 2 > | |
Cfv1_traits< ReferenceTriangle, 3 > | |
Cfv1_traits_most_common | Base class, some fields are redefined in the instantiations for particular elements |
Cfv1_traits_ReferenceEdge | |
Cfv1_traits_ReferenceFace | |
Cfv1_traits_ReferenceFace2d | |
Cfv1_traits_ReferenceFace3d | |
Cfv1_traits_ReferenceOctahedron | Octahedra: dimension-independent part of the FV1 traits |
Cfv1_traits_ReferencePyramid | Pyramids: dimension-independent part of the FV1 traits |
Cfv1_traits_ReferenceVolume | |
CFV1CondensedGeometry | Geometry and shape functions for 1st order Vertex-Centered Finite Volume |
CFV1Geometry | Geometry and shape functions for 1st order Vertex-Centered Finite Volume |
►CFV1Geometry_gen | Geometry and shape functions for 1st order Vertex-Centered Finite Volume |
CBF | Boundary face |
CSCV | Sub control volume structure |
CSCVF | Sub-Control Volume Face structure |
►CFV1IBGeometry | Geometry and shape functions for 1st order Vertex-Centered Finite Volume |
CBF | Boundary face |
CSCV | Sub control volume structure |
CSCVF | Sub-Control Volume Face structure |
►CFV1InnerBoundaryElemDisc | |
CRegisterAssemblingFuncs | |
►CRegisterPrepTimestep | |
CRegEnd | |
CRegNext | |
CShapeValues | Struct holding values of shape functions in IPs |
►CFV1ManifoldGeometry | |
CBF | |
CMidID | |
►CFVGeometry | Geometry and shape functions for any order Vertex-Centered Finite Volume |
CBF | Boundary face |
CSCV | Sub control volume structure |
CSCVF | Sub-Control Volume Face structure |
CSubElement | |
CFVGeometryBase | Base class for all FVGeometries |
Cfvho_traits | Traits for Finite Volumes of higher order |
CFVLineSourceOrSink | Base class for line sources and sinks |
CFVLineSourceOrSink< 1, TData > | |
CFVPointSourceOrSink | Base class for the point sources and sinks |
►CFVSingularSourcesAndSinks | Manager class for point and line sources and sinks |
Cline_iterator | Class of line source and sink iterator for a given scv |
Cpoint_iterator | Class of point source and sink iterator for a given scv |
CGaussJacobi10 | |
CGaussJacobi20 | |
CGaussLegendre | |
CGaussQuadBase | Wrapper to ease implementation |
CGaussQuadrature | Fixed order gauss quadrature |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceEdge, 0 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceEdge, 1 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceEdge, 10 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceEdge, 11 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceEdge, 12 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceEdge, 13 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceEdge, 14 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceEdge, 15 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceEdge, 16 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceEdge, 17 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceEdge, 18 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceEdge, 19 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceEdge, 2 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceEdge, 3 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceEdge, 4 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceEdge, 5 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceEdge, 6 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceEdge, 7 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceEdge, 8 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceEdge, 9 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceHexahedron, 0 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceHexahedron, 1 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceHexahedron, 10 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceHexahedron, 11 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceHexahedron, 2 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceHexahedron, 3 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceHexahedron, 4 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceHexahedron, 5 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceHexahedron, 6 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceHexahedron, 7 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceHexahedron, 8 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceHexahedron, 9 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceOctahedron, 0 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceOctahedron, 1 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceOctahedron, 2 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferencePrism, 0 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferencePrism, 1 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferencePrism, 2 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferencePyramid, 0 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferencePyramid, 1 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferencePyramid, 2 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceQuadrilateral, 0 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceQuadrilateral, 1 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceQuadrilateral, 10 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceQuadrilateral, 11 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceQuadrilateral, 12 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceQuadrilateral, 13 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceQuadrilateral, 2 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceQuadrilateral, 3 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceQuadrilateral, 4 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceQuadrilateral, 5 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceQuadrilateral, 6 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceQuadrilateral, 7 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceQuadrilateral, 8 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceQuadrilateral, 9 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceTetrahedron, 0 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceTetrahedron, 1 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceTetrahedron, 2 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceTetrahedron, 3 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceTetrahedron, 4 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceTetrahedron, 5 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceTetrahedron, 6 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceTetrahedron, 7 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceTetrahedron, 8 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceTriangle, 0 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceTriangle, 1 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceTriangle, 10 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceTriangle, 11 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceTriangle, 12 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceTriangle, 2 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceTriangle, 3 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceTriangle, 4 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceTriangle, 5 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceTriangle, 6 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceTriangle, 7 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceTriangle, 8 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceTriangle, 9 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceVertex, 0 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceVertex, 1 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceVertex, 10 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceVertex, 11 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceVertex, 12 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceVertex, 13 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceVertex, 14 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceVertex, 15 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceVertex, 16 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceVertex, 17 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceVertex, 18 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceVertex, 19 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceVertex, 2 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceVertex, 3 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceVertex, 4 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceVertex, 5 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceVertex, 6 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceVertex, 7 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceVertex, 8 > | |
CGaussQuadrature< ReferenceVertex, 9 > | |
CGaussQuadratureHexahedron | |
CGaussQuadratureOctahedron | |
CGaussQuadraturePrism | |
CGaussQuadraturePyramid | |
CGaussQuadratureQuadrilateral | |
CGaussQuadratureTetrahedron | |
CGaussQuadratureTriangle | |
CGaussQuadratureVertex | |
CGaussSeidel | Gauss-Seidel preconditioner for the 'forward' ordering of the dofs |
CGaussSeidelBase | |
CGenerateOverlapClass | |
CGenericGridObjectIterator | Use this class as a tool to create iterators to your own geometric objects |
CGeometry | Grid and access to the coordinates of the vertices |
Cgeometry_traits | |
Cgeometry_traits< ConstrainedEdge > | |
Cgeometry_traits< ConstrainedQuadrilateral > | |
Cgeometry_traits< ConstrainedTriangle > | |
Cgeometry_traits< ConstrainedVertex > | |
Cgeometry_traits< ConstrainingEdge > | |
Cgeometry_traits< ConstrainingQuadrilateral > | |
Cgeometry_traits< ConstrainingTriangle > | |
Cgeometry_traits< Edge > | |
Cgeometry_traits< Face > | |
Cgeometry_traits< GridObject > | |
Cgeometry_traits< Hexahedron > | |
Cgeometry_traits< Octahedron > | |
Cgeometry_traits< Prism > | |
Cgeometry_traits< Pyramid > | |
Cgeometry_traits< Quadrilateral > | |
Cgeometry_traits< RegularEdge > | |
Cgeometry_traits< RegularVertex > | |
Cgeometry_traits< Tetrahedron > | |
Cgeometry_traits< Triangle > | |
Cgeometry_traits< Vertex > | |
Cgeometry_traits< Volume > | |
CGeomObjAttachmentSerializer | Serialization callback for grid attachments |
CGeomObjBaseTypeByDim | |
CGeomObjBaseTypeByDim< 0 > | |
CGeomObjBaseTypeByDim< 1 > | |
CGeomObjBaseTypeByDim< 2 > | |
CGeomObjBaseTypeByDim< 3 > | |
CGeomObjDataSerializer | Interface for handling serialization and deserialization of data associated with geometric objects |
►CGeomProvider | Geom Provider, holding a single instance of a geometry |
CLFEIDandQuadOrder | Struct to sort keys |
►CGlobalAttachments | Global attachments are automatically read/written from/to files and are considered during redistribution |
CAttachmentEntry | |
CAttachmentType | |
CFunctionEntry | |
CIAttachmentType | |
CIFunctionEntry | |
CGlobalFracturedMediaRefiner | |
CGlobalGridFunctionGradientData | |
CGlobalGridFunctionNumberData | |
CGlobalMarking | Mark everything if error too high and refinement allowed |
CGlobalMultiGridRefiner | |
CGlobalSubdivisionMultiGridRefiner | Specialization of the GlobalMultiGridRefiner class to incorporate subdivision refinement |
CGlobAttachmentElementUserData | |
CGMRES | GMREs method as a solver for linear operators |
►CGPUSparseMatrix | Sparse matrix for big, variable sparse matrices |
Cconst_row_iterator | |
Crow_iterator | |
CGPUVector | |
CGradientDataExport | |
CGradientEvaluator_LagrangeP1 | |
►CGrid | Manages the elements of a grid and their interconnection |
CAttachmentAccessor | Generic attachment-accessor for access to grids attachment pipes |
CEdgeAttachmentAccessor | |
CFaceAttachmentAccessor | |
Ctraits | The traits class holds some important types for each element-type |
CVertexAttachmentAccessor | |
CVolumeAttachmentAccessor | |
Cgrid_dim_traits | |
Cgrid_dim_traits< 0 > | |
Cgrid_dim_traits< 1 > | |
Cgrid_dim_traits< 2 > | |
Cgrid_dim_traits< 3 > | |
Cgrid_global_debug_info_provider | Debugging tool for function that do have no direct access to the grid |
CGridDataSerializationHandler | Serialization of data associated with grid elements |
CGridDataSerializer | Interface for handling serialization and deserialization of data associated with all geometric objects in a grid |
►CGridFunction | Numerical solutions on a grid using an algebraic vector |
Cdim_traits | |
Ctraits | Iterator traits |
CGridFunctionComponentSpace | |
CGridFunctionDebugWriter | |
CGridFunctionGradientComponentData | Retrieve component of gradient of GridFunction |
CGridFunctionGradientData | |
CGridFunctionNumberData | |
CGridFunctionOrdering | |
CGridFunctionPositionProvider | |
CGridFunctionVectorData | |
CGridFunctionVectorWriter | |
CGridFunctionVectorWriterDirichlet0 | |
CGridHeader | |
►CGridLayoutMap | Lets you access layouts by type and key |
CTypes | Defines the types that are used by a LayoutMap for a given TType |
CGridLevel | |
CGridMessage_Adaption | A message sent along with "GridRefinement" messages |
CGridMessage_Creation | |
CGridMessage_Distribution | |
CGridMessage_MultiGridChanged | A message sent by the MultiGrid, if something special happened |
CGridObject | The base class for all geometric objects, such as vertices, edges, faces, volumes, .. |
►CGridObjectCollection | Helper class that holds a collection of possibly unconnected geometric-objects |
CContainerCollection | |
Ctraits | The traits class holds some important types for each element-type |
CGridObjectInfo | |
CGridObserver | |
CGridPointsOrdering | |
►CGridReaderUGX | Grants read access to ugx files |
CGridEntry | |
CSelectorEntry | |
CSubsetHandlerEntry | |
►CGridReaderVTU | Grants read access to vtu (vtk) files |
CGridEntry | |
CSubsetHandlerEntry | |
►CGridSubsetHandler | Partitions elements of a grid into several subsets |
CSubset | |
►CGridWriterUGX | Grants write access to ugx files |
CEntry | Entries are stored for each grid |
CGridWriterVTU | Grants write access to vtu files |
CH1ComponentSpace | |
CH1DistIntegrand | Integrand for the distance of two grid functions - evaluated in the H1 norm |
CH1EnergyComponentSpace | |
CH1EnergyDistIntegrand | Integrand for the distance of two grid functions - evaluated in the norm |D \nabla u|^2 |
CH1EnergyIntegrand | Norm of a grid function, evaluated in (weighted) H1-semi norm |
CH1ErrorIntegrand | |
CH1NormIntegrand | |
CH1SemiComponentSpace | |
CH1SemiDistIntegrand | Integrand for the distance of two grid functions - evaluated in the (weighted) H1-semi norm |
CH1SemiIntegrand | Norm of a grid function, evaluated in (weighted) H1-semi norm |
CHangingNodeRefiner_Grid | Specialization of ug::HangingNodeRefiner for ug::Grid |
CHangingNodeRefiner_MultiGrid | Specialization of ug::HangingNodeRefiner for ug::MultiGrid |
CHangingNodeRefinerBase | Base class for a hanging-node refiner |
►CHash | |
CEntry | |
Chash_iterator | This iterator is used by the hash class to provide access to the elements of a given key |
Chcrfv_traits | |
Chcrfv_traits< 2, 2 > | |
Chcrfv_traits< 2, 3 > | |
Chcrfv_traits< 3, 3 > | |
Chcrfv_traits< 3, 4 > | |
►CHCRFVGeometry | |
CHandledEdge | |
CSCV | Sub control volume structure |
CSCVF | Sub-Control Volume Face structure |
Chdimfv1_traits | |
Chdimfv1_traits< 1 > | |
Chdimfv1_traits< 2 > | |
Chdimfv1_traits< 3 > | |
CHeightfield | |
CHexahedron | A volume element with 6 quadrilateral sides |
CHexahedronClass | |
CHexahedronDescriptor | Only used to initialize a hexahedron. for all other tasks you should use VolumeDescriptor |
Chfv1_traits | Traits for hanging finite volume (dummy implementation) |
Chfv1_traits< ReferenceEdge, 1 > | |
Chfv1_traits< ReferenceEdge, 2 > | |
Chfv1_traits< ReferenceEdge, 3 > | |
Chfv1_traits< ReferenceHexahedron, 3 > | |
Chfv1_traits< ReferenceOctahedron, 3 > | |
Chfv1_traits< ReferencePrism, 3 > | |
Chfv1_traits< ReferencePyramid, 3 > | |
Chfv1_traits< ReferenceQuadrilateral, 2 > | |
Chfv1_traits< ReferenceQuadrilateral, 3 > | |
Chfv1_traits< ReferenceTetrahedron, 3 > | |
Chfv1_traits< ReferenceTriangle, 2 > | |
Chfv1_traits< ReferenceTriangle, 3 > | |
Chfv1_traits_ReferenceEdge | |
Chfv1_traits_ReferenceFace | |
Chfv1_traits_ReferenceVolume | |
►CHFV1Geometry | Geometry and shape functions for 1st order Vertex-Centered Finite Volume with the hanging nodes |
CMidID | |
CNatEdgeInfo | |
CNewEdgeInfo | |
CSCV | |
►CHFV1ManifoldGeometry | |
CBF | |
CMidID | |
CNatEdgeInfo | |
CNewEdgeInfo | |
CHorizontalAlgebraLayouts | Holds Interfaces and communicators for horizontal communication |
CHorizontalAnisotropyAdjuster | Selects additional edges to preserve layers in a grid with horizontal anisotropies |
CIApproximationSpace | Describes the ansatz spaces on a domain |
CIAssemble | Interface providing Jacobian and Defect of a discretization |
CIAttachment | Interface for attachments |
CIAttachmentDataContainer | Interface for an attachment-data-container |
CIBalanceWeights | |
CIBanachSpace | Abstract base class for (algebraic) vectors |
CIBlockJacobiPreconditioner | |
CICommunicationWeights | |
CIComponentSpace | Estimate the error (based on the difference between two grid functions) |
CIConstraint | Interface for adjustment of constraints |
CIConvectionShapes | Interface class for upwind methods |
CIConvergenceCheck | |
CICplUserData | Base class for UserData |
CIDamping | |
CIDataImport | Base class for data import |
CIDebugWriter | Base class for all debug writer |
CIDiscretizationItem | |
CIDomain | Describes a physical domain |
CIDomainConstraint | |
CIDomainDiscretization | Interface for domain discretization |
CIDomainErrorIndicator | Interface for an object that can estimate the (global) error |
CIDomainMarker | Interface for an object that can mark elements based on a strategy |
CIDWInterpolation | Class for inverse distance weighting based on a general data type |
►CIDWUserData | UserData interface for the IDW interpolation |
Cdata_item | Type of a interpolation point data item |
CIEigensolver | |
CIElemAssembleFuncs | This class encapsulates all functions related to error estimation |
CIElemDisc | |
CIElemDiscBase | Base class for all element-wise discretizations |
CIElemDiscModifier | |
CIElementMarkingStrategy | Abstract base class for element marking (in adaptive refinement) |
CIElemError | |
CIElemEstimatorFuncs | This class encapsulates all functions related to error estimation |
CIElemProlongation | |
CIElemRestriction | |
CIErrEstData | Base class for error estimator data |
CIExternalSolver | |
CIExternalSolverImplementation | |
CIFinishedCondition | |
CIFunction | |
CIGeometry | Grid and access to the coordinates of the vertices |
CIGridFunction | Base class for all Grid Functions |
CIGridFunctionSpace | Abstract base class for grid functions |
CIIdentifier | Interface to match periodic geometric elements |
CIIntegrand | Abstract integrand interface |
CIInterfaceExtrapolation | Base class for the extrapolation over an embedded boundary |
CILagrangeMultiplierDisc | |
CILevelPreconditioner | A preconditioner for the multi-grid context which is aware of the grid level it operates on |
CILinearIterator | Describes a linear iterator |
CILinearOperator | Describes a linear mapping X->Y |
CILinearOperatorInverse | Describes an inverse linear mapping X->Y |
CILineSearch | |
CILocalRemesher | |
CILocalSubspace | Abstract definition for subspace V_k |
CILocalToGlobalMapper | Interface for definition of special LocalToGlobal mappings |
CILU | ILU / ILU(beta) preconditioner |
CILUTPreconditioner | |
CILUTScalarPreconditioner | |
CIMatrixOperatorInverse | Describes an inverse linear mapping X->Y based on a matrix |
CIMultigridElementIndicators | This class encapsulates the multi-grid attachments for error estimation |
CIndCmp | |
CIndexView | |
CINewtonUpdate | General interface for data updates during Newton process |
CInnerBoundaryConstants | |
CInnerBoundaryFluxCond | Struct that holds information about the flux densities and from where to where the flux occurs |
CInnerBoundaryFluxDerivCond | |
CInt2Type | |
CInterSubsetPartitionWeighting | |
CIntervalNumberLinker | |
CInverseLinker | |
CIObjectWithWeights | |
►CIObstacleConstraint | Interface for Obstacle Constraints |
CCondNumberData | Grouping for subset and conditional data |
CConstNumberData | Grouping for subset and conditional data |
CNumberData | Grouping for subset and non-conditional data |
CVectorData | Grouping for subset and non-conditional data |
CIOperator | Describes a mapping X->Y |
CIOperatorInverse | Describes an inverse mapping X->Y |
CIOrderingAlgorithm | |
CIPartitioner | Partitioners can be used inside a LoadBalancer or separately to create partition maps |
CIPartitionPostProcessor | Allows to post-process partitions |
CIPartitionPreProcessor | Allows to pre-process data before partitioning starts |
►CIPatchRemesher | |
CProjectedPoint | |
CIPositionProvider | Interface for providing vertex positions |
CIPProcessVector | Interface for pre- and postprocess functions |
CIPreconditionedLinearOperatorInverse | Describes an inverse linear mapping X->X |
CIPreconditioner | Describes a linear iterator that is based on a matrix operator |
CIProjGaussSeidel | Interface for Projected GaussSeidel Preconditioner |
CIRefiner | The refiner interface allows to mark elements for refinement and to call refine |
CIRefMarkAdjuster | |
CIsBoundaryOrManifodFace | |
CISchurComplementInverse | |
CISelector | Base-implementation of a selector |
CIsInSubGrid | Callbacks that return true if an element is contained in a sub-grid |
CIsInSubset | Element callback that returns true, if an element is contained in a subset |
CIsMarked | Element callback that returns true, if an element is marked |
CIsNotBoundaryOrManifodFace | |
CIsNotInSubGrid | Callbacks that return true if an element is not contained in a sub-grid |
CIsNotInSubset | Element callback that returns true, if an element is not contained in a subset |
CIsNotMarked | Element callback that returns true, if an element is not marked |
CIsNotOnBoundary | Element callback that returns true, if an element does not lie on the grids boundary |
CIsNotSelected | Element callback that returns true, if an element is not selected |
CIsOnBoundary | Element callback that returns true, if an element lies on the grids boundary |
CISpaceDecomposition | Abstract |
CIsRegularSurfaceElem | Returns true if an element is a regular surface element |
CIsSelected | Element callback that returns true, if an element is selected |
CISubGrid | Instances represent a part of a grid |
►CISubsetHandler | |
Ctraits | The traits class holds some important types for each element-type |
►CIteratorProvider | |
Ctraits | |
►CIteratorProvider< MGSubsetHandler > | |
Ctraits | |
CITimeDiscretization | Time Discretization Interface |
CITimeIntegratorObserver | Abstract base class for time integration observer |
CITransferOperator | Interface for transfer routines |
CITransferPostProcess | Interface for transfer routines |
CITransformingIteration | |
CIVector | |
CIVector_AlgebraDownCastTo | |
CIVectorDebugWriter | Base class for all vector debug writer |
CIVectorWriter | Interface for modifying a vector (e.g, setting Dirichlet values, ...) |
CIVertexGroup | Base class for all classes which consist of a group of vertices |
CJacobi | Jacobi-Iteration |
►CKDTree | |
CElement | An Element represents a point with an associated data value |
CNode | |
CKDTreeDesc | |
►CKDTreeStatic | Organizes vertices in a binary-tree structure. Only for static use! |
CNode | |
CKDVertexDistance | Used by KDTreeStatic |
CL2ComponentSpace | |
CL2DistIntegrand | Integrand for the distance of two grid functions - evaluated in the (weighted) H1-semi norm |
CL2ErrorIntegrand | |
CL2Integrand | Grid function as L2 integrand |
CL2QuotientSpace | |
CLagrange1D | |
CLagrangeLDS | Lagrange DoF Set |
CLagrangeLSFS | Lagrange Shape Function Set without virtual functions and fixed order |
CLagrangeLSFS< ReferenceEdge, TOrder > | Specialization for Edges |
CLagrangeLSFS< ReferenceHexahedron, TOrder > | |
CLagrangeLSFS< ReferenceOctahedron, TOrder > | |
CLagrangeLSFS< ReferencePrism, TOrder > | |
CLagrangeLSFS< ReferencePyramid, TOrder > | |
CLagrangeLSFS< ReferenceQuadrilateral, TOrder > | |
CLagrangeLSFS< ReferenceTetrahedron, TOrder > | |
CLagrangeLSFS< ReferenceTriangle, TOrder > | |
CLagrangeLSFS< ReferenceVertex, TOrder > | Specialization for Vertex |
CLagrangeP1 | Lagrange shape functions of first order |
CLexOrdering | |
CLFEID | Identifier for Local Finite Elements |
Clg_ntree | |
Clg_ntree_traits_base | |
CLinearIteratorProduct | |
CLinearIteratorSum | |
CLinearSolver | Linear solver using abstract preconditioner interface |
CLineGaussSeidel | |
CLineVanka | |
Clinker_traits | Linker Traits |
Clinker_traits< MathMatrix< dim, dim >, number > | |
Clinker_traits< MathTensor< 4, dim >, number > | |
Clinker_traits< MathVector< dim >, MathMatrix< dim, dim > > | |
Clinker_traits< MathVector< dim >, MathVector< dim >, number > | |
Clinker_traits< MathVector< dim >, number > | |
Clinker_traits< number, number > | |
CLoadBalancer | A load-balancer redistributes grids using the specified partitioner and process-hierarchy |
►CLoaderObj | |
CMaterial | |
CObject | |
CLocalDoF | |
CLocalDoFSet | |
CLocalDoFSubspace | Abstract definition for subspace V_k (based on DoFIndex) |
►CLocalFiniteElementProvider | |
CDimLocalDoFSets | |
CLocalDoFSets | |
CLocalShapeFunctionSets | |
CLocalIndexSubspace | Concrete definition of subspace V_k (based on size_t) |
CLocalIndices | |
CLocalMarkAdjuster | Use this adjuster on top of StdHNodeAdjuster if local-marks are present |
CLocalMatrix | |
ClocalMatrix_from_col_major_and_array | |
ClocalMatrix_from_mat_and_array | |
ClocalMatrix_from_row_major_and_array | |
►CLocalSchurComplement | Operator implementation of the local Schur complement |
CStepConv | |
CLocalShapeFunctionSet | Virtual base class for local shape function sets |
CLocalShapeFunctionSetWrapper | Wrapper class implementing the LocalShapeFunctionSet interface |
CLocalToGlobalMapper | |
CLocalToGlobalMapperNLGS | |
CLocalVector | |
ClocalVector_from_array | |
CLocalVectorTimeSeries | Time series of local vectors |
CLogAssistant | |
CLognormalRandomField | |
CLSGFConstraint | Special constraint that sets functions and matrices in the outer subdomain to given values |
CLSGFDomainDiscretization | Domain discretization for the Level-Set Ghost-Fluid method |
CLSGFGlobAssembler | Global assembler based on the ghost-fluid method with a level-set function |
CLU | |
Clua_traits | Lua Traits to push/pop on lua stack |
Clua_traits< bool > | |
Clua_traits< int > | |
Clua_traits< MathMatrix< dim, dim > > | |
Clua_traits< number > | |
Clua_traits< ug::MathVector< dim > > | |
Clua_traits< void > | |
CLuaCallbackObserver | |
CLuaFunction | |
CLuaFunctionHandle | Handle for a lua reference |
CLUAParserClass | |
CLuaTableHandle | Handle for a lua reference |
CLuaUserData | Data specified in the lua script |
CLuaUserDataFactory | Factory providing LuaUserData |
CLuaUserFunction | Maps several data values to an output data value using a lua callback |
CLuaUserNumberNumberFunction | This class maps a scalar value an output scalar value using a lua callback |
►CMapSparseMatrix | Sparse matrix for big, variable sparse matrices |
Cconnection | |
Cconst_row_iterator | |
Crow_iterator | |
CMapVector | |
CMarkerPoint | |
CMarkerPointManager | |
Cmat_operations_class | |
Cmat_operations_class< vector_t, matrix_t, MATRIX_USE_GLOBAL_FUNCTIONS > | |
Cmat_operations_class< vector_t, matrix_t, MATRIX_USE_MEMBER_FUNCTIONS > | |
Cmat_operations_class< vector_t, matrix_t, MATRIX_USE_OPERATORS > | |
Cmat_operations_class< vector_t, matrix_t, MATRIX_USE_ROW_FUNCTIONS > | |
CMathMatrix | A class for fixed size, dense matrices |
CMathMatrix< 0, 0, T > | |
CMathMatrix< 0, N, T > | |
CMathMatrix< N, 0, T > | |
CMathSymmetricMatrix | A class for fixed size, dense matrices |
CMathTensor | Mathematical Tensor of rank TRank and N entries |
CMathTensor1 | |
CMathTensor2 | |
CMathTensor3 | |
CMathTensor4 | |
CMathTensor< 1, N, T > | |
CMathTensorX | |
CMathVector | Mathematical Vector with N entries |
CMathVector< 0, T > | |
CMathVector< 1, T > | |
CMathVector< 2, T > | |
CMathVector< 3, T > | |
CMathVector< 4, T > | |
Cmatrix_algebra_type_traits | |
Cmatrix_algebra_type_traits< DenseMatrix< T > > | |
Cmatrix_algebra_type_traits< DenseMatrixInverse< T > > | |
Cmatrix_algebra_type_traits< GPUSparseMatrix< T > > | |
Cmatrix_algebra_type_traits< MapSparseMatrix< T > > | |
Cmatrix_algebra_type_traits< MatrixOperator< M, X, Y > > | |
Cmatrix_algebra_type_traits< ParallelMatrix< T > > | |
Cmatrix_algebra_type_traits< SparseMatrix< T > > | |
CMatrixDiagonal | |
CMatrixDiagonalInverse | |
CMatrixFileType | Representation of a matrix exchange file format |
CMatrixIO | Generic matrix I/O functionality |
CMatrixIOMtx | Provides I/O functionality for MatrixMarket exchange file format |
CMatrixOperator | |
CMatrixRow | |
CMatrixTwoIndices | |
CMatVec_Expression | |
Cmaxheap | Updateable priority queue class. unlike most PQ implementations, we need a method to inform the PQ of updated elements thats why we cannot use priority_queue from the STL. maxheap works on an external array of elements T, note that none of the elements of m_arr[0]..m_arr[size-1] are in the heap at the begining. You can insert elements by using maxheap::insert(i); |
CMaximumDistIntegrand | |
CMaximumMarking | |
CMaxStepsFinishedCondition | |
CMeanValueMarking | |
CMemInfo | |
CMemTrackerStruct | |
►CMessageHub | Allows to register callbacks and post messages to those callbacks |
CCallbackEntry | The CallbackEntry holds the actual callback and the associated callback-id |
CCallbackId | The callback-id allows to deregister previously registered callbacks |
CError | Instances of this class are thrown if an error occurs in MessageHub |
CIMessage | This is the base class of all messages, which may be passed to callbacks |
CMGEdgeInfo | Holds information about edge relations. Used internally |
CMGFaceInfo | Holds information about face relations. Used internally |
CMGHNodeAdjuster | Makes sure that that hierarchical dependencies are considered during hnode refinement |
Cmginfo_traits | Access to connected types. used internally |
Cmginfo_traits< Edge > | Edge info traits. used internally |
Cmginfo_traits< Face > | Face info traits. used internally |
Cmginfo_traits< Vertex > | Vertex info traits. used internally |
Cmginfo_traits< Volume > | Volume info traits. used internally |
►CMGSelector | Specialization of ISelector for grids of class MultiGrid |
CLevel | |
CMGSelectionIterator | |
Ctraits | The traits class holds some important types for each element-type |
►CMGStats | Records statistics on how individual parts of a multigrid method worked |
CFuncEntry | |
CMGVertexInfo | Holds information about vertex relations. Used internally |
CMGVolumeInfo | Holds information about volume relations. Used internally |
CMGWrapper | |
CMGWrapper< Grid > | |
CMGWrapper< MultiGrid > | |
CMidID | Helper class to store dimension and id of a midpoint of a sub-element |
CMiniBubbleLDS | MiniBubble Set (2D only!) |
CMiniBubbleLSFS | Lagrange Shape Function Set without virtual functions and fixed order |
CMiniBubbleLSFS< ReferenceEdge > | |
CMiniBubbleLSFS< ReferenceHexahedron > | |
CMiniBubbleLSFS< ReferenceQuadrilateral > | |
CMiniBubbleLSFS< ReferenceTetrahedron > | |
CMiniBubbleLSFS< ReferenceTriangle > | |
CMinimalEnergyDamping | Damping computed based on the minimal energy |
CMinimalResiduumDamping | Damping computed based on the minimal residuum |
CMMTypeCode | Type representation for MatrixMarket matrix exchange files |
CMultiElementAttachmentAccessor | Accesses attachements in different element types at the same time |
CMultiGrid | |
►CMultiGridSubsetHandler | Handles subsets on a per level basis |
CSubset | |
CMultiIndex | |
CMultiIndex< 1, size_t > | |
CMultiIndex< 2, size_t > | |
CMultiIndex< 3, size_t > | |
CMultipleErrEstData | Error estimator data class for discretizations with more than one unknown |
CMultipleSideAndElemErrEstData | |
CMultiStepTimeDiscretization | Multi step time stepping scheme |
CMyVectorTraits | |
CMyVectorTraits< TVector, typename boost::enable_if_c< TVector::value_type::is_static >::type > | |
CNativeCuthillMcKeeOrdering | |
CNedelecLDS | Nedelec, i.e. the edge local dof set |
CNedelecLSFS | |
CNedelecLSFS< ReferenceTetrahedron > | Nedelec (or Whitney-1) base function set for tetrahedra |
CNedelecLSFS< ReferenceTriangle > | Nedelec (or Whitney-1) base function set for triangles |
CNestedIterationSolver | Nested iteration solver (e.g. for full multigrid) |
►CNeumannBoundaryBase | |
CData | Base class for user data |
►CNeumannBoundaryFE | |
CBNDNumberData | Conditional scalar user data |
CNumberData | Unconditional scalar user data |
CVectorData | Unconditional vector user data |
►CNeumannBoundaryFV | |
CBNDNumberData | Conditional scalar user data |
CNumberData | Unconditional scalar user data |
CVectorData | Unconditional vector user data |
►CNeumannBoundaryFV1 | |
CBNDNumberData | Conditional scalar user data |
CNumberData | Unconditional scalar user data |
CVectorData | Unconditional vector user data |
►CNeuriteProjector | |
CBPProjectionHelper | |
CBranchingPoint | |
CBranchingRegion | |
CCompareBranchingRegionEnds | |
CCompareSections | |
CCompareSomaBranchingRegionsEnd | |
CMapping | Mapping of model to surface vertices |
CNeurite | |
CSection | |
CSomaBranchingRegion | |
CSomaPoint | |
CSurfaceParams | |
►CNewLayoutCreator | |
CNewSlaveNotification | |
CNewtonCotes | |
CNewtonSolver | Newton solver for assembling based discretizations |
CNewtonUpdaterGeneric | |
CNLGaussSeidelSolver | Nonlinear GaussSeidel-method |
CNLJacobiSolver | Nonlinear Jacobi-method |
Cnon_dirichlet_iterator | |
►Cntree | The n-tree class can be used to construct space partitioning trees of dimensions 1, 2, and 3 |
CEntry | An Entry combines an element with the index to the next entry in a leaf-node's entry list |
CNode | |
Cpow | Static template implementation to raise n to the power exponent |
Cpow< n, 0 > | |
Cntree_traits | |
Cntree_traits< 1, 1, elem_t, NTreeGridData< 1 > > | |
Cntree_traits< 1, 2, elem_t, NTreeGridData< 2 > > | |
Cntree_traits< 2, 2, elem_t, NTreeGridData< 2 > > | |
Cntree_traits< 2, 3, elem_t, NTreeGridData< 3 > > | |
Cntree_traits< 3, 3, elem_t, NTreeGridData< 3 > > | |
CNTreeDesc | |
CNTreeGridData | |
COBJMaterial | Holds information about the materials in the obj-file |
►CObstacleInNormalDir | Obstacle Class for Obstacle in normal direction |
CobsDoFData | Struct to store data for a specific obstacle DoF |
COctahedron | Platonic solid with eight faces |
COctahedronClass | |
COctahedronDescriptor | Only used to initialize a octahedron. for all other tasks you should use VolumeDescripor |
COneSideP1Constraints | |
Coperation_add | |
Coperation_sub | |
COperatorInverseIterator | |
COStreamBufferSplitter | Forwards data written to this stream-buffer to other stream buffers |
COutNormCmp | Projection to the outer normal for a given vector user data |
COverlapWriter | Writes overlapping matrices and vectors |
COverlyingSubsetFinder | |
COwnedPtr | Holds and automatically deletes a pointer, similar to std::auto_ptr. USE WITH CARE! |
CP1LagrangeElemTransfer | |
CPageContainer | |
CParallelColoring | |
CParallelDualGraph | Generates the parralel dual graph of a MultiGrid as, e.g., required by Parmetis |
CParallelGlobalFracturedMediaRefiner | Adds parallel support to GlobalFracturedMediaRefiner |
CParallelGlobalSubdivisionRefiner | Adds parallel support to GlobalSubdivisionMultiGridRefiner |
CParallelHangingNodeRefiner_MultiGrid | |
CParallelHNodeAdjuster | Makes sure that that marks are propagated over process interfaces |
CParallelMatrix | Wrapper for sequential matrices to handle them in parallel |
►CParallelNodes | |
CNewSlaveNotification | |
COverlapType | |
CParallelProgress | |
CParallelShiftIdentifier | This class matches geometric elements which are parallel translated |
CParallelVector | |
►CPartitioner_DynamicBisection | Parallel bisection partitioner |
CElemList | |
CEntry | |
CTreeNode | |
CPartitionMap | Used to describe how a domain shall be distributed in a parallel environment |
CPartitionWeighting | |
CPartPreProc_RasterProjectorCoordinates | |
CPathProvider | Singleton which stores common paths and a stack of current paths |
CPeriodicAttachmentAccessor | Accesses attachements with consideration to periodic boundaries |
►CPeriodicBoundaryManager | |
CGroup | |
CPiecewiseConstantElemTransfer | |
CPiecewiseConstantLSFS | Elementwise constant shape functions |
CPILUTPreconditioner | |
CPlaneCutProjector | Calculates new positions by cutting parent edges with a plane |
CPointer2Value | |
CPointer2Value< T * > | |
CPointerConstArray | Container which holds an array of pointers |
CPolynomial1D | |
CPosAndIndex | |
CPow | |
CPow< n, 0 > | |
CPowerMethod | |
CPPP_ReplaceCoordinate | Temporarily replaces the specified coordinate in the given position attachment |
CPProcessChain | Chain of pre- or postprocess operations |
CPrimalConnection | |
►CPrimalSubassembledMatrixInverse | Operator implementation of the inverse of the Schur complement w.r.t. the "Delta unknowns" |
CStepConv | |
CPrism | A volume element with 2 triangle and 3 quadrilateral sides |
CPrismClass | |
CPrismDescriptor | Only used to initialize a prism. for all other tasks you should use VolumeDescripor |
►CProcessHierarchy | Defines how the different levels of a grid shall be distributed across the available processes |
CHLevelInfo | |
CProgress | |
CProjBackwardGaussSeidel | |
CProjectionHandler | Associates different projectors with individual subsets |
CProjectionLinker | |
CProjGaussSeidel | Projected GaussSeidel (SOR) -method |
CProjSymmetricGaussSeidel | |
CProtectSubsetPartitionWeighting | |
CProvider | Provider, holding a single instance of an object |
CPtrToValueType | |
CPtrToValueType< Edge * > | |
CPtrToValueType< Face * > | |
CPtrToValueType< Vertex * > | |
CPtrToValueType< Volume * > | |
CPyramid | A volume element with 4 triangle and 1 quadrilateral sides |
CPyramidClass | |
CPyramidDescriptor | Only used to initialize a pyramids. for all other tasks you should use VolumeDescripor |
CQuadratureRule | Quadrature rule for a Reference Dimension |
CQuadratureRuleProvider | Quadrature rules for a reference dimension |
CQuadrilateral | Face with four points |
CQuadrilateralDescriptor | Only used to initialize a quadrilateral. for all other tasks you should use FaceDescriptor |
►CRaster | Generic raster for arbitrary dimensions |
CCoordinate | |
CMultiIndex | |
CRasterLayerDesc | |
►CRasterLayers | |
Clayer_t | |
CRasterLayersProjector | |
CRasterUserData | ! |
CRayElemIntersectionRecord | |
Creference_element_traits | Traits for reference elements |
Creference_element_traits< ConstrainedEdge > | |
Creference_element_traits< ConstrainedQuadrilateral > | |
Creference_element_traits< ConstrainedTriangle > | |
Creference_element_traits< ConstrainedVertex > | |
Creference_element_traits< ConstrainingEdge > | |
Creference_element_traits< ConstrainingQuadrilateral > | |
Creference_element_traits< ConstrainingTriangle > | |
Creference_element_traits< Edge > | |
Creference_element_traits< Hexahedron > | |
Creference_element_traits< Octahedron > | |
Creference_element_traits< Prism > | |
Creference_element_traits< Pyramid > | |
Creference_element_traits< Quadrilateral > | |
Creference_element_traits< RegularEdge > | |
Creference_element_traits< RegularVertex > | |
Creference_element_traits< Tetrahedron > | |
Creference_element_traits< Triangle > | |
Creference_element_traits< Vertex > | |
CReferenceEdge | |
CReferenceElement | Base class for reference elements |
CReferenceElementProvider | Provider for Reference Elements |
CReferenceHexahedron | Reference element for a hexahedron |
CReferenceMapping | |
CReferenceMapping< ReferenceEdge, TWorldDim > | |
CReferenceMapping< ReferenceHexahedron, TWorldDim > | |
CReferenceMapping< ReferenceOctahedron, TWorldDim > | |
CReferenceMapping< ReferencePrism, TWorldDim > | |
CReferenceMapping< ReferencePyramid, TWorldDim > | |
CReferenceMapping< ReferenceQuadrilateral, TWorldDim > | |
CReferenceMapping< ReferenceTetrahedron, TWorldDim > | |
CReferenceMapping< ReferenceTriangle, TWorldDim > | |
CReferenceMapping< ReferenceVertex, TWorldDim > | |
CReferenceMappingProvider | Class to provide reference mappings |
CReferenceOctahedron | |
CReferencePrism | |
CReferencePyramid | |
CReferenceQuadrilateral | |
CReferenceTetrahedron | |
CReferenceTriangle | |
CReferenceVertex | |
CRefinementProjector | Adjusts vertex coordinates during refinement |
CRegularEdge | Edges connect two vertices |
CRegularVertex | A basic vertex-type |
CReservableArray2 | |
CRevisionCounter | Class used to identify a state of adaption of a grid, approx-space, .. |
CRiverOrdering | |
CRotatingCone2d | |
CRotatingVelocity2d | |
CRowSendingScheme | |
CScalarGridFunctionData | |
CScalarLowerObstacle | Scalar Lower Obstacles |
CScalarSubVectorAdapter | |
CScalarUpperObstacle | |
CScaleAddLinker | |
CSCCOrdering | |
CSchurComplementMatrixOperator | |
CSchurComplementOperator | |
CSchurInverseWithAGammaGamma | |
CSchurInverseWithAutoFullMatrix | |
CSchurInverseWithFullMatrix | |
CSchurInverseWithOperator | |
CSchurPrecond | Operator implementation of the DD Schur complement solver |
CSCVFofSCVRayIntersectionWrapper | |
CSCVFofSCVRayIntersectionWrapper< 2, 2 > | |
CSDIRK | Singly Diagonal Implicit Runge Kutta Method |
►CSectionContainer | A container that is divided into different sections |
CSection | |
CSectionContainerSelector | Helper class to access the correct element storage from its element type |
CSectionContainerSelector< Edge > | |
CSectionContainerSelector< Face > | |
CSectionContainerSelector< Vertex > | |
CSectionContainerSelector< Volume > | |
►CSelector | Specialization of ISelector for a grid of class Grid |
Ctraits | The traits class holds some important types for each element-type |
CSequentialSubspaceCorrection | Sequential subspace correction preconditioner |
CShadowCopyAdjuster | Adjusts RM_FULL-selected quadrilaterals that cannot be fully refined |
►CSideAndElemErrEstData | Error estimator data class storing a number vector per side and per element |
CGetQuadRules | Helper struct for getting quadrature rules by use of mpl::lists |
CSideFluxErrEstData | Error estimator data class storing one scalar number per side |
CSimpleGrid | |
►CSliceIndexView | |
Citerator | |
CSlicingData | |
CSmartPtrVector | |
CSmoothPartitionBounds | Early draft. Currently only useful for prism-geometries in the d3f-wipp setting |
CSmoothProjector | Smoothes vertices during refinement |
CSoftAbort | This special error is used to perform a soft-abort e.g. during script execution |
CSomaProjector | Projects new vertices onto a sphere during refinement |
CSortedGridFunctionOrdering | |
CsortStruct | |
CSortVertexPos | |
CSparseBlockGaussSeidel | |
CSparseBlockGaussSeidel2 | |
►CSparseMatrix | Sparse matrix for big, variable sparse matrices |
Cconst_row_iterator | |
Crow_iterator | |
►CSparseVector | |
Cconst_iterator | |
Citerator | |
CSphere | |
CSphereProjector | Projects new vertices onto a sphere during refinement |
CStandardLineSearch | Standard implementation of the line search based on the "sufficient descent" |
Cstatic_type | |
Cstd_number_vector_attachment_reduce_traits | |
CStdArrayCommunicationScheme | Communication Scheme for synchronization of arrays or similar datastructures |
CStdBalanceWeights | |
CStdCoarseningMarkingStrategy | M. Breit's standard coarsening strategy |
CStdConstData | |
CStdConvCheck | |
CStdDataLinker | Combines several UserDatas to a new UserData of a specified type |
CStdDependentUserData | |
CStdExplicitGridFunctionData | |
CStdFuncIntegrand | |
CStdGlobAssembler | Global assembler based on the straightforward application of the local discretizations |
CStdGlobPosData | |
CStdHNodeAdjuster | Makes sure that elements are marked correctly so that hnode-refinement produces a valid grid |
CStdInjection | |
CStdIntegrand | Abstract integrand interface (using CRTP) |
CStdLagrangeElemTransfer | |
CStdLinConsistentGravity | Class for the computation of the standard version ('Voss-Souza-type') of the consistent gravity |
CStdLinConsistentGravityX | Class for the computation of the enhanced version ('Frolkovic-type') of the consistent gravity |
CStdRefinementMarkingStrategy | M. Breit's standard refinement strategy |
►CStdTransfer | Standard Prolongation Operator |
CTransferKey | Struct to distinguish already assembled operators |
CStdUserData | |
Cstdvector | |
CStopwatch | Stopwatch class for quickly taking times |
Cstorage_traits1 | |
Cstorage_traits1< FixedArray1< T, N > > | |
Cstorage_traits1< VariableArray1< T > > | |
►CStringTableStream | |
CRepeatedCol | |
CStrongNegativeConnectionsByBlockNorm | Adds 'strong negative connections' to graph |
CSubdivisionProjector | Applies piecewise smooth loop subdivision rules |
►CSubdivRules_PLoop | A singleton that stores all rules for a piecewise-loop subdivision surface |
CNeighborInfo | |
CSubGrid | Specializes ISubGrid for general callback classes |
CSubLocalDoFSet | |
CSubsetGroup | Group of subsets |
CSubsetHandlerSerializer | |
CSubsetIndicatorUserData | User data of a subset indicator (1 in the subset, 0 everywhere else) |
CSubsetInfo | Struct that holds information associated with subsets |
►CSurfaceView | Represents the surface view of a multi-grid hierarchy |
CConstSurfaceViewElementIterator | Const iterator to traverse the surface of a multi-grid hierarchy |
CSurfaceViewElementIterator | Iterator to traverse the surface of a multi-grid hierarchy |
Ctraits | |
CSweepLineEdge | |
CSweepLineVertex | |
CSymmetricGaussSeidel | |
CSymP1Constraints | |
CT_min | |
CTable | Useful for printing a table to the terminal or into a file |
CTargetProcInfo | |
CTarHeader | |
CTE_AlphaVec | |
CTE_VecAdd2 | |
CTE_VecAdd3 | |
CTE_VecScale | |
CTE_Vector | |
CTElemSelector | Specialization of ISelector for a subset of the elements in a grid of class Grid |
CTemporalFinishedCondition | |
CTetrahedron | Most simple volume-element |
CTetrahedronClass | |
CTetrahedronDescriptor | Only used to initialize a tetrahedron. for all other tasks you should use VolumeDescripor |
CTHangingNodeRefiner | Gives access to a hanging node refiner, depending on the grid-type |
CTHangingNodeRefiner< Grid > | |
CTHangingNodeRefiner< MultiGrid > | |
CThetaTimeStep | Theta time stepping scheme |
CTIKZElem | |
CTikzExportDesc | |
CTimeDependentSpace | Wrapper class for time dependence |
CTimeIntegratorSubject | Base class for a subject notifying observers attachment |
CTKDInfo | |
CToElementPosition | |
CTopologicalOrdering | |
CTParallelGlobalRefiner | Adds parallel support to a global refiner |
CTransferValueAccessor | |
CTRANSPOSED | This helper class is a transposed of class A |
CTraverser_FindContainingElement | |
CTraverser_FindElementsInIntersectingNodes | |
CTraverser_FindLowestLeafNodeLevel | |
CTraverser_MinMaxNumElements | Returns the minimum and maximum number of elements in all subtrees of nodes of the given level |
CTraverser_RayElementIntersection | |
CTRI | |
CTriangle | Most simple form of a face |
CTriangleDescriptor | Only used to initialize a triangle. for all other tasks you should use FaceDescriptor |
CTruncatedEquidistantLagrange1D | |
CTruncatedMonotoneTransfer | |
CTypeList | |
CTypeList< EmptyType, EmptyType, EmptyType, EmptyType, EmptyType, EmptyType, EmptyType, EmptyType, EmptyType, EmptyType, EmptyType, EmptyType > | |
CTypeValueList | |
CTypeValueList< TypeList<> > | |
CUGError | Instances of this class or of derived classes are thrown if errors arise |
CUGError_ReferenceElementMissing | Exception thrown when reference element not found |
CUGProfileNode | |
CUGProfileNodeNull | This singleton represents a UGProfileNode that has not been found |
►CUGXFileInfo | |
CGridInfo | |
CSubsetHandlerInfo | |
CSubsetInfo | |
CUID | Supplies a unique ID |
►CUndirectedMatrix | |
Cedge | |
Cmap_type | |
CUniqueFVGeomIDProvider | Singleton class that returns a new id for each type |
CUniqueTypeIDProvider | Singleton class that returns a new id for each type |
CUnsortedSparseVector | |
Cunvisited_iterator | |
CUpdateableMatrixOperator | |
Cuser_data_traits | |
Cuser_data_traits< MathMatrix< dim, dim > > | |
Cuser_data_traits< MathTensor< 4, dim > > | |
Cuser_data_traits< MathVector< dim > > | |
Cuser_data_traits< number > | |
CUserData | Type based UserData |
CUserDataDistIntegrandSq | For arbitrary UserData f and grid functions u_1 and u_2, this class (should) define the integrand (f(u_1)- f(u_2))^2 |
CUserDataInfo | Base class providing runtime-info on dimension and type |
CUserDataIntegrand | For arbitrary UserData \rho, this class defines the integrand \rho(u) |
CUserDataIntegrandSq | For arbitrary UserData f (of type TData), this class defines the integrand f^2(u) |
CUserVectorEntryAdapter | |
CUzawaBase | |
CUzawaSlicing | |
CValueDataExport | |
CValueIndicatorUserData | "Heaviside step function" based on the value of values of a further userdata |
CVanka | Vanka Preconditioner |
Cvariable_type | |
CVariableArray1 | |
CVariableArray2 | |
CVarianceMarking | |
CVarianceMarkingEta | Marks elements above a certain threshold for refinement |
CVariant | A variant can represent variables of different types |
CVector | |
Cvector_attachment_reduce_traits | |
CVectorDataExport | |
CVectorDebugWritingObject | |
CVectorProxy | |
CVectorProxyBase | Proxy struct for generic passing of any vector type |
►CVectorTimeSeries | Time series of solutions and corresponding time point |
CTimeSol | Grouping of solution and time point |
CVertex | Base-class for all vertex-types |
CVertexBasedSubspace | Collects indices on all elements with v \in Vtx(elem) |
CVertexCenteredVankaSubspace | Collects indices on all elements with v \in Vtx(elem) |
CVertexDescriptor | This descriptor is mainly useful to avoid compilation errors in templated code |
CVertexFractureProperties | |
CVertexFractureTriple | |
CVMAdd | --> documentation in vm.doxygen <–/// |
CVolume | Volumes are 3-dimensional objects |
CVolumeDescriptor | Holds a set of vertices which represent the corners of a volume element |
CVolumeVertices | Holds the vertices of a Volume or a VolumeDescriptor |
CVTKOutput | Output writer to the VTK file format |
Cxy | |
Cxyz | |
CZRayTracer | |
CAutoFreqAdaptNode | |
CAutoProfileNode | |
CCompareIndicesByClass | |
CCompareIndicesByClass2 | |
CCompileTimeAssertion | |
CCompileTimeAssertion< true > | |
CconNodeType | |
CConstSmartPtr | |
CConstSmartPtr< void > | |
►CFixedAllocator | |
CChunk | |
CFreeArrayDelete | |
CFreeDelete | |
CFreeRelease | |
CFreqAdaptNodeManager | |
►CFreqAdaptValues | |
CFreqAdaptPoint | |
CidNodeType | |
CnodeType | |
CNullSmartPtr | Used to construct empty smart pointers |
CoprNodeType | |
CProfileNodeManager | |
►CScalarMatrixAdapter | |
Cconst_row_iterator | |
Crow_iterator | |
►CScalarSubMatrixAdapter | |
Cconst_row_iterator | |
Crow_iterator | |
CScalarVectorAdapter | |
CSmallObject | |
CSmallObjectAllocator | |
CSmartPtr | |
CSmartPtr< void > | |
CSortStruct | |
CSparseMatrix | |
CStringify | |
CSystemCall | |
CVector | |
Cyy_buffer_state | |
Cyy_trans_info | |
Cyyalloc | |