This is the complete list of members for ug::Pyramid, including all inherited members.
BASE_OBJECT_ID | ug::Volume | static |
base_object_id() const | ug::Volume | inlinevirtual |
BaseClass typedef | ug::Pyramid | |
CAN_BE_SIDE | ug::Volume | static |
collapse_edge(std::vector< Volume * > &vNewVolumesOut, int edgeIndex, Vertex *newVertex, std::vector< Vertex * > *pvSubstituteVertices=NULL) | ug::Pyramid | virtual |
ConstVertexArray typedef | ug::IVertexGroup | |
container_section() const | ug::Pyramid | inlinevirtual |
create_edge(int index) | ug::Pyramid | virtual |
create_empty_instance() const | ug::Pyramid | inlinevirtual |
create_face(int index) | ug::Pyramid | virtual |
dim | ug::Volume | static |
edge_desc(int index) const | ug::Pyramid | virtual |
edge_desc(int index, EdgeDescriptor &edOut) const | ug::Pyramid | virtual |
face_desc(int index) const | ug::Pyramid | virtual |
face_desc(int index, FaceDescriptor &fdOut) const | ug::Pyramid | virtual |
get_edge_index_from_vertices(const size_t vi0, const size_t vi1) const | ug::Pyramid | virtual |
get_face_edge_index(const size_t faceInd, const size_t faceEdgeInd) const | ug::Pyramid | virtual |
get_flipped_orientation(VolumeDescriptor &vdOut) const | ug::Pyramid | virtual |
get_local_side_index(FaceVertices *f) const | ug::Volume | |
get_opposing_object(Vertex *vrt) const | ug::Pyramid | virtual |
get_opposing_side(FaceVertices *f, FaceDescriptor &fdOut) const | ug::Volume | inlinevirtual |
get_vertex_indices_of_edge(size_t &ind1Out, size_t &ind2Out, size_t edgeInd) const | ug::Pyramid | virtual |
get_vertex_indices_of_face(std::vector< size_t > &indsOut, size_t side) const | ug::Pyramid | virtual |
grid_base_object typedef | ug::Volume | |
grid_data_index() const | ug::GridObject | inline |
HAS_SIDES | ug::Volume | static |
higher_dim_base_object typedef | ug::Volume | |
is_constrained() const | ug::GridObject | inlinevirtual |
is_constraining() const | ug::GridObject | inlinevirtual |
is_regular_ref_rule(int edgeMarks) const | ug::Pyramid | virtual |
lower_dim_base_object typedef | ug::Volume | |
m_gridDataIndex | ug::GridObject | protected |
m_vertices | ug::Pyramid | protected |
num_edges() const | ug::Pyramid | virtual |
num_faces() const | ug::Pyramid | virtual |
num_sides() const | ug::Volume | inline |
NUM_VERTICES | ug::Pyramid | static |
num_vertices() const | ug::Pyramid | inlinevirtual |
operator[](size_t index) const | ug::VolumeVertices | inline |
Pyramid() | ug::Pyramid | inline |
Pyramid(const PyramidDescriptor &td) | ug::Pyramid | |
Pyramid(Vertex *v1, Vertex *v2, Vertex *v3, Vertex *v4, Vertex *v5) | ug::Pyramid | |
reference_object_id() const | ug::Pyramid | inlinevirtual |
refine(std::vector< Volume * > &vNewVolumesOut, Vertex **ppNewVertexOut, Vertex **newEdgeVertices, Vertex **newFaceVertices, Vertex *newVolumeVertex, const Vertex &prototypeVertex, Vertex **pSubstituteVertices=NULL, vector3 *corners=NULL, bool *isSnapPoint=NULL) | ug::Pyramid | virtual |
remove_constraint_link(const Vertex *vrt) | ug::GridObject | inlinevirtual |
remove_constraint_link(const Edge *e) | ug::GridObject | inlinevirtual |
remove_constraint_link(const Face *f) | ug::GridObject | inlinevirtual |
set_grid_data_index(uint index) | ug::GridObject | inlineprotected |
set_vertex(uint index, Vertex *pVrt) | ug::Pyramid | inlineprotectedvirtual |
side typedef | ug::Volume | |
sideof typedef | ug::Volume | |
size() const | ug::VolumeVertices | inline |
type_match(GridObject *pObj) | ug::Pyramid | inlinestatic |
vertex(size_t index) const | ug::Pyramid | inlinevirtual |
vertices() const | ug::Pyramid | inlinevirtual |
~GridObject() | ug::GridObject | inlinevirtual |
~IVertexGroup() | ug::IVertexGroup | inlinevirtual |
~Volume() | ug::Volume | inlinevirtual |
~VolumeVertices() | ug::VolumeVertices | inlinevirtual |