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2 * Copyright (c) 2015: G-CSC, Goethe University Frankfurt
3 * Author: Dmitry Logashenko
4 *
5 * This file is part of UG4.
6 *
7 * UG4 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
8 * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 (as published by the
9 * Free Software Foundation) with the following additional attribution
10 * requirements (according to LGPL/GPL v3 §7):
11 *
12 * (1) The following notice must be displayed in the Appropriate Legal Notices
13 * of covered and combined works: "Based on UG4 (www.ug4.org/license)".
14 *
15 * (2) The following notice must be displayed at a prominent place in the
16 * terminal output of covered works: "Based on UG4 (www.ug4.org/license)".
17 *
18 * (3) The following bibliography is recommended for citation and must be
19 * preserved in all covered files:
20 * "Reiter, S., Vogel, A., Heppner, I., Rupp, M., and Wittum, G. A massively
21 * parallel geometric multigrid solver on hierarchically distributed grids.
22 * Computing and visualization in science 16, 4 (2013), 151-164"
23 * "Vogel, A., Reiter, S., Rupp, M., Nägel, A., and Wittum, G. UG4 -- a novel
24 * flexible software system for simulating pde based models on high performance
25 * computers. Computing and visualization in science 16, 4 (2013), 165-179"
26 *
27 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
28 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
30 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
31 */
34 * Classes for user data that compute normals or project vectors to low-dimensional
35 * subsets. Note that these classes are mainly implemented for visualization purposes
36 * and cannot be used for coupling.
37 */
41#include <vector>
43// ug4 headers
44#include "common/common.h"
45#include "common/math/ugmath.h"
52namespace ug {
60template <typename TDomain>
62 : public StdUserData<OutNormCmp<TDomain>, MathVector<TDomain::dim>, TDomain::dim, void, UserData<MathVector<TDomain::dim>, TDomain::dim, void> >
65 static const int dim = TDomain::dim;
68 typedef TDomain domain_type;
71 typedef typename TDomain::grid_type grid_type;
89 (
90 SmartPtr<domain_type> spDomain,
92 const char * ss_names
93 )
94 : m_spData (spData), m_spDomain (spDomain), m_ssGrp (spDomain->subset_handler ())
95 {
96 // Parse the subset names:
97 std::vector<std::string> vssNames;
98 try
99 {
100 TokenizeString (ss_names, vssNames);
101 for (size_t k = 0; k < vssNames.size (); k++)
102 RemoveWhitespaceFromString (vssNames [k]);
103 m_ssGrp.clear ();
104 m_ssGrp.add (vssNames);
105 } UG_CATCH_THROW ("SubsetIndicatorUserData: Failed to parse subset names.");
106 }
110 (
111 SmartPtr<domain_type> spDomain,
113 )
114 : m_spData (spData), m_spDomain (spDomain), m_ssGrp (spDomain->subset_handler ())
115 {}
118 virtual bool continuous () const {return false;}
121 virtual bool requires_grid_fct () const {return m_spData->requires_grid_fct ();}
122 // Remark: Note that actually we have not enought data for that. This dependence is neglected.
125 template <int refDim>
126 inline void evaluate
127 (
128 vec_type vValue[],
129 const MathVector<dim> vGlobIP [],
130 number time,
131 int si,
132 GridObject * elem,
133 const MathVector<dim> vCornerCoords [],
134 const MathVector<refDim> vLocIP [],
135 const size_t nip,
136 LocalVector * u,
137 const MathMatrix<refDim, dim> * vJT = NULL
138 ) const
139 {
140 if (refDim == dim)
141 {
142 (* m_spData) (vValue, vGlobIP, time, si, elem, vCornerCoords, vLocIP, nip, u, vJT);
143 return;
144 }
145 if (refDim != dim - 1)
146 {
147 UG_THROW ("OutNormCmp: Wrong dimensionality of the subset.");
148 }
150 // Get the full-dim. element associated with the given side
151 typedef typename grid_dim_traits<dim>::grid_base_object fd_elem_type;
152 fd_elem_type * fd_elem = NULL;
153 int fd_si = -1;
155 typedef typename Grid::traits<fd_elem_type>::secure_container fd_elem_secure_container_type;
156 fd_elem_secure_container_type fd_elem_list;
157 grid_type& grid = * (grid_type*) (m_spDomain->grid().get ());
158 grid.associated_elements (fd_elem_list, elem);
160 if (m_ssGrp.empty ()) // no subsets specified; we assume, elem should be the bnd of the whole domain
161 {
162 if (fd_elem_list.size () == 1)
163 {
164 fd_elem = fd_elem_list[0];
165 fd_si = m_spDomain->subset_handler()->get_subset_index (fd_elem);
166 }
167 // otherwise this is no boundary of the domain and we return 0
168 }
169 else
170 {
171 for (size_t k = 0; k < fd_elem_list.size (); k++)
172 {
173 fd_elem_type * e = fd_elem_list[k];
174 int e_si = m_ssGrp.subset_handler()->get_subset_index (e);
175 if (m_ssGrp.contains (e_si))
176 {
177 if (fd_elem != NULL) // i.e. e is already the second one
178 { // this is no boundary of the subset; return 0
179 fd_elem = NULL;
180 break;
181 }
182 fd_elem = e;
183 fd_si = e_si;
184 }
185 }
186 }
187 if (fd_elem == NULL)
188 { // this is no bondary, return 0
189 for (size_t ip = 0; ip < nip; ip++) vValue[ip] = 0;
190 return;
191 }
193 // Get the coordinates of the corners of the full-dim. element
194 std::vector<MathVector<dim> > fd_elem_corner_coords (domain_traits<dim>::MaxNumVerticesOfElem);
195 CollectCornerCoordinates (fd_elem->base_object_id (), fd_elem_corner_coords,
196 *fd_elem, *m_spDomain, true);
198 // Convert the local ip coordinates (use the global coordinates as they are the same)
199 const ReferenceObjectID fd_roid = fd_elem->reference_object_id ();
201 = ReferenceMappingProvider::get<dim, dim> (fd_roid, fd_elem_corner_coords);
202 std::vector<MathVector<dim> > fd_loc_ip (nip);
203 for (size_t ip = 0; ip < nip; ip++)
204 fd_map.global_to_local(fd_loc_ip[ip], vGlobIP[ip]);
206 // Call the original UserData, get the vectors
207 (* m_spData) (&(vValue[0]), vGlobIP, time, fd_si, fd_elem, &(fd_elem_corner_coords[0]),
208 &(fd_loc_ip[0]), nip, u);
209 //TODO: Note that u is here a dummy parameter: We do not have enough data for it.
211 // Project the vectors
212 const ReferenceObjectID roid = elem->reference_object_id ();
214 = ReferenceMappingProvider::get<refDim, dim> (roid, vCornerCoords);
215 for (size_t ip = 0; ip < nip; ip++)
216 {
218 MathVector<dim> p (vValue[ip]);
220 map.jacobian (J, vLocIP[ip]);
221 OrthogProjectVec (p, J);
222 vValue[ip] -= p;
223 }
224 };
227 void operator()
228 (
229 vec_type & vValue,
230 const MathVector<dim> & globIP,
231 number time,
232 int si
233 )
234 const
235 {
236 UG_THROW("OutNormCmp: Element required for evaluation, but not passed. Cannot evaluate.");
237 }
240 void operator()
241 (
242 vec_type vValue [],
243 const MathVector<dim> vGlobIP [],
244 number time,
245 int si,
246 const size_t nip
247 ) const
248 {
249 UG_THROW("OutNormCmp: Element required for evaluation, but not passed. Cannot evaluate.");
250 }
254} // end namespace ug
258/* End of File */
parameterString p
Definition smart_pointer.h:108
T * get()
returns encapsulated pointer
Definition smart_pointer.h:197
virtual base class for reference mappings
Definition reference_mapping_provider.h:53
virtual void global_to_local(MathVector< dim > &locPos, const MathVector< worldDim > &globPos, const size_t maxIter=1000, const number tol=1e-10) const =0
map global coordinate to local coordinate
virtual void jacobian(MathMatrix< worldDim, dim > &J, const MathVector< dim > &locPos) const =0
returns jacobian
The base class for all geometric objects, such as vertices, edges, faces, volumes,...
Definition grid_base_objects.h:157
virtual ReferenceObjectID reference_object_id() const =0
Definition local_algebra.h:198
A class for fixed size, dense matrices.
Definition math_matrix.h:63
a mathematical Vector with N entries.
Definition math_vector.h:97
Projection to the outer normal for a given vector user data.
Definition dim_dim_user_data.h:63
static const int dim
the world dimension
Definition dim_dim_user_data.h:65
void evaluate(vec_type vValue[], const MathVector< dim > vGlobIP[], number time, int si, GridObject *elem, const MathVector< dim > vCornerCoords[], const MathVector< refDim > vLocIP[], const size_t nip, LocalVector *u, const MathMatrix< refDim, dim > *vJT=NULL) const
Definition dim_dim_user_data.h:127
SubsetGroup m_ssGrp
the subset group for the inner part
Definition dim_dim_user_data.h:83
MathVector< dim > vec_type
the original data type
Definition dim_dim_user_data.h:74
SmartPtr< domain_type > m_spDomain
the domain
Definition dim_dim_user_data.h:80
virtual bool requires_grid_fct() const
Returns true to get the grid element in the evaluation routine.
Definition dim_dim_user_data.h:121
SmartPtr< UserData< vec_type, dim, void > > m_spData
the original data
Definition dim_dim_user_data.h:77
TDomain domain_type
the domain type
Definition dim_dim_user_data.h:68
virtual bool continuous() const
Indicator functions are discontinuous.
Definition dim_dim_user_data.h:118
TDomain::grid_type grid_type
the grid type
Definition dim_dim_user_data.h:71
OutNormCmp(SmartPtr< domain_type > spDomain, SmartPtr< UserData< vec_type, dim, void > > spData, const char *ss_names)
Definition dim_dim_user_data.h:89
OutNormCmp(SmartPtr< domain_type > spDomain, SmartPtr< UserData< vec_type, dim, void > > spData)
Definition dim_dim_user_data.h:110
Definition std_user_data.h:63
Group of subsets.
Definition subset_group.h:51
void clear()
clear all subsets
Definition subset_group.h:116
bool empty() const
returns if function group is empty
Definition subset_group.h:119
ConstSmartPtr< ISubsetHandler > subset_handler() const
get underlying subset handler
Definition subset_group.h:72
void add(int si)
adds a subset by number to this group
Definition subset_group.cpp:64
bool contains(int si) const
returns true if subset is contained in this group
Definition subset_group.cpp:272
Type based UserData.
Definition user_data.h:143
const FunctionIndexMapping & map() const
get function mapping
Definition user_data.h:78
void CollectCornerCoordinates(std::vector< typename TAAPos::ValueType > &vCornerCoordsOut, const TElem &elem, const TAAPos &aaPos, bool clearContainer=true)
returns the corner coordinates of a geometric object
Definition domain_util_impl.h:75
void RemoveWhitespaceFromString(std::string &str)
removes all white space from a string, also within the string
Definition string_util.cpp:50
#define UG_CATCH_THROW(msg)
Definition error.h:64
#define UG_THROW(msg)
Definition error.h:57
double number
Definition types.h:124
void OrthogProjectVec(vector_t &v, const matrix_t &A)
Orthogonal projection.
Definition math_matrix_vector_functions_common_impl.hpp:251
the ug namespace
these ids are used to identify the shape of a geometric object.
Definition grid_base_objects.h:74
void TokenizeString(const string &str, vector< string > &vToken, const char delimiter)
Definition string_util.cpp:56
PointerConstArray< TElem * > secure_container
Definition grid.h:146
Definition domain_traits.h:53
Definition grid_dim_traits.h:53