Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2014-2015: G-CSC, Goethe University Frankfurt
3  * Author: Sebastian Reiter
4  *
5  * This file is part of UG4.
6  *
7  * UG4 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
8  * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 (as published by the
9  * Free Software Foundation) with the following additional attribution
10  * requirements (according to LGPL/GPL v3 §7):
11  *
12  * (1) The following notice must be displayed in the Appropriate Legal Notices
13  * of covered and combined works: "Based on UG4 (".
14  *
15  * (2) The following notice must be displayed at a prominent place in the
16  * terminal output of covered works: "Based on UG4 (".
17  *
18  * (3) The following bibliography is recommended for citation and must be
19  * preserved in all covered files:
20  * "Reiter, S., Vogel, A., Heppner, I., Rupp, M., and Wittum, G. A massively
21  * parallel geometric multigrid solver on hierarchically distributed grids.
22  * Computing and visualization in science 16, 4 (2013), 151-164"
23  * "Vogel, A., Reiter, S., Rupp, M., Nägel, A., and Wittum, G. UG4 -- a novel
24  * flexible software system for simulating pde based models on high performance
25  * computers. Computing and visualization in science 16, 4 (2013), 165-179"
26  *
27  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
28  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
30  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
31  */
36 #include "lib_grid/multi_grid.h"
40 namespace ug{
52 template<typename TElem>
56  number& min, number& max, number& sum, number& errSq, size_t& numElem,
57  number& minLocal, number& maxLocal, number& sumLocal, size_t& numElemLocal
58 )
59 {
60  typedef typename DoFDistribution::traits<TElem>::const_iterator const_iterator;
62 // reset maximum of error
63  max = 0.0, min = std::numeric_limits<number>::max();
64  sum = 0.0;
65  errSq = 0.0;
66  numElem = 0;
68 // get element iterator
69  const_iterator iter = dd->template begin<TElem>();
70  const_iterator iterEnd = dd->template end<TElem>();
72 // loop all elements to find the maximum of the error
73  for (; iter != iterEnd; ++iter)
74  {
75  // get element
76  TElem* elem = *iter;
78  const number elemEta2 = aaError2[elem];
80  // if no error value exists: ignore (might be newly added by refinement);
81  // newly added elements are supposed to have a negative error estimator
82  if (aaError2[elem] < 0) UG_THROW("error value invalid!");//continue;
85  const number elemEta = sqrt(aaError2[elem]);
87  // search for maximum and minimum
88  if (elemEta > max) max = elemEta;
89  if (elemEta < min) min = elemEta;
91  // sum up total error
92  sum += elemEta;
93  errSq += elemEta2;
94  ++numElem;
95  }
97  // set local variables
98  maxLocal = max;
99  minLocal = min;
100  sumLocal = sum;
101 #ifdef UG_PARALLEL
102  number errLocal = errSq;
103 #endif
104  numElemLocal = numElem;
106 #ifdef UG_PARALLEL
107  if (pcl::NumProcs() > 1)
108  {
110  max = com.allreduce(maxLocal, PCL_RO_MAX);
111  min = com.allreduce(minLocal, PCL_RO_MIN);
112  sum = com.allreduce(sumLocal, PCL_RO_SUM);
113  errSq = com.allreduce(errLocal, PCL_RO_SUM);
114  numElem = com.allreduce(numElemLocal, PCL_RO_SUM);
115  }
116 #endif
117  UG_LOG(" +++++ Error indicator on " << numElem << " elements +++++\n");
118  UG_LOG(" +++ Element errors: maxEta=" << max << ", minEta="
119  << min << ", sumEta=" << sum << ", sumEtaSq=" << errSq << ".\n");
121  return (sum/numElem);
122 }
133 template<typename TElem>
137  number& min, number& max, number& totalErr, size_t& numElem,
138  number& minLocal, number& maxLocal, number& totalErrLocal, size_t& numElemLocal
139 )
140 {
141  typedef typename DoFDistribution::traits<TElem>::const_iterator const_iterator;
143 // reset maximum of error
144  max = 0.0, min = std::numeric_limits<number>::max();
145  totalErr = 0.0;
146  numElem = 0;
148 // get element iterator
149  const_iterator iter = dd->template begin<TElem>();
150  const_iterator iterEnd = dd->template end<TElem>();
152 // loop all elements to find the maximum of the error
153  for (; iter != iterEnd; ++iter)
154  {
155  // get element
156  TElem* elem = *iter;
158  // if no error value exists: ignore (might be newly added by refinement);
159  // newly added elements are supposed to have a negative error estimator
160  if (aaError[elem] < 0) continue;
162  // search for maximum and minimum
163  if (aaError[elem] > max) max = aaError[elem];
164  if (aaError[elem] < min) min = aaError[elem];
166  // sum up total error
167  totalErr += aaError[elem];
168  ++numElem;
169  }
171  // set local variables
172  maxLocal = max;
173  minLocal = min;
174  totalErrLocal = totalErr;
175  numElemLocal = numElem;
177 #ifdef UG_PARALLEL
178  if (pcl::NumProcs() > 1)
179  {
181  max = com.allreduce(maxLocal, PCL_RO_MAX);
182  min = com.allreduce(minLocal, PCL_RO_MIN);
183  totalErr = com.allreduce(totalErrLocal, PCL_RO_SUM);
184  numElem = com.allreduce(numElemLocal, PCL_RO_SUM);
185  }
186 #endif
187  UG_LOG(" +++++ Error indicator on " << numElem << " elements +++++\n");
188  UG_LOG(" +++ Element errors: maxEtaSq=" << max << ", minEtaSq="
189  << min << ", sumEtaSq=" << totalErr << ".\n");
190 }
194 template<typename TElem>
198  number& min, number& max, number& totalErr, size_t& numElem
200 )
201 {
202  number minLocal, maxLocal, totalErrLocal;
203  size_t numElemLocal;
204  ComputeMinMax(aaError2, dd, min, max, totalErr, numElem, minLocal, maxLocal, totalErrLocal, numElemLocal);
205 }
221 template<typename TElem>
223  IRefiner& refiner,
225  number TOL,
226  number refineFrac, number coarseFrac,
227  int maxLevel)
228 {
229  typedef typename DoFDistribution::traits<TElem>::const_iterator const_iterator;
231 // compute minimal/maximal/ total error and number of elements
232  number min, max, totalErr;
233  size_t numElem;
234  ComputeMinMaxTotal(aaError, dd, min, max, totalErr, numElem);
236 // check if total error is smaller than tolerance. If that is the case we're done
237  if(totalErr < TOL)
238  {
239  UG_LOG(" +++ Total error "<<totalErr<<" smaller than TOL ("<<TOL<<"). done.");
240  return;
241  }
243 // Compute minimum
244  number minErrToRefine = max * refineFrac;
245  UG_LOG(" +++ Refining elements if error greater " << refineFrac << "*" << max <<
246  " = " << minErrToRefine << ".\n");
247  number maxErrToCoarse = min * (1 + coarseFrac);
248  if(maxErrToCoarse < TOL/numElem) maxErrToCoarse = TOL/numElem;
249  UG_LOG(" +++ Coarsening elements if error smaller " << maxErrToCoarse << ".\n");
251 // reset counter
252  int numMarkedRefine = 0, numMarkedCoarse = 0;
254  const_iterator iter = dd->template begin<TElem>();
255  const_iterator iterEnd = dd->template end<TElem>();
257 // loop elements for marking
258  for(; iter != iterEnd; ++iter)
259  {
260  // get element
261  TElem* elem = *iter;
263  // marks for refinement
264  if(aaError[elem] >= minErrToRefine)
265  if(dd->multi_grid()->get_level(elem) <= maxLevel)
266  {
267  refiner.mark(elem, RM_REFINE);
268  numMarkedRefine++;
269  }
271  // marks for coarsening
272  if(aaError[elem] <= maxErrToCoarse)
273  {
274  refiner.mark(elem, RM_COARSEN);
275  numMarkedCoarse++;
276  }
277  }
279 #ifdef UG_PARALLEL
280  if(pcl::NumProcs() > 1)
281  {
282  UG_LOG(" +++ Marked for refinement on Proc "<<pcl::ProcRank()<<": " << numMarkedRefine << " Elements.\n");
283  UG_LOG(" +++ Marked for coarsening on Proc "<<pcl::ProcRank()<<": " << numMarkedCoarse << " Elements.\n");
285  int numMarkedRefineLocal = numMarkedRefine, numMarkedCoarseLocal = numMarkedCoarse;
286  numMarkedRefine = com.allreduce(numMarkedRefineLocal, PCL_RO_SUM);
287  numMarkedCoarse = com.allreduce(numMarkedCoarseLocal, PCL_RO_SUM);
288  }
289 #endif
291  UG_LOG(" +++ Marked for refinement: " << numMarkedRefine << " Elements.\n");
292  UG_LOG(" +++ Marked for coarsening: " << numMarkedCoarse << " Elements.\n");
293 }
311 template<typename TElem>
314  IRefiner& refiner,
316  number tol,
317  int maxLevel
318 )
319 {
320  typedef typename DoFDistribution::traits<TElem>::const_iterator const_iterator;
322 // compute minimal/maximal/ total error and number of elements
323  number min, max, totalErr;
324  size_t numElem;
325  ComputeMinMaxTotal(aaError, dd, min, max, totalErr, numElem);
327 // check if total error is smaller than tolerance; if that is the case we're done
328  if (totalErr < tol)
329  {
330  UG_LOG(" +++ Total error "<<totalErr<<" smaller than TOL (" << tol << "). "
331  "No refinement necessary." << std::endl);
332  return;
333  }
335 // compute minimum
336  //number minErrToRefine = max * refineFrac;
337  number minErrToRefine = tol / numElem;
338  UG_LOG(" +++ Refining elements if error greater " << tol << "/" << numElem <<
339  " = " << minErrToRefine << ".\n");
341 // reset counter
342  size_t numMarkedRefine = 0;
344  const_iterator iter = dd->template begin<TElem>();
345  const_iterator iterEnd = dd->template end<TElem>();
347 // loop elements for marking
348  for (; iter != iterEnd; ++iter)
349  {
350  // get element
351  TElem* elem = *iter;
353  // if no error value exists: ignore (might be newly added by refinement);
354  // newly added elements are supposed to have a negative error estimator
355  if (aaError[elem] < 0) continue;
357  // marks for refinement
358  if (aaError[elem] >= minErrToRefine)
359  if (dd->multi_grid()->get_level(elem) < maxLevel)
360  {
361  refiner.mark(elem, RM_REFINE);
362  numMarkedRefine++;
363  }
364  }
366 #ifdef UG_PARALLEL
367  if (pcl::NumProcs() > 1)
368  {
370  size_t numMarkedRefineLocal = numMarkedRefine;
371  numMarkedRefine = com.allreduce(numMarkedRefineLocal, PCL_RO_SUM);
372  }
373 #endif
375  UG_LOG(" +++ Marked for refinement: " << numMarkedRefine << " elements.\n");
376 }
393 template<typename TElem>
396  ug::Attachment<number> >& aaError,
397  IRefiner& refiner,
399  number TOL,
400  number safety,
401  int minLevel = 0
402 )
403 {
404  typedef typename DoFDistribution::traits<TElem>::const_iterator const_iterator;
406 // compute minimal/maximal/ total error and number of elements
407  number min, max, totalErr;
408  size_t numElem;
409  ComputeMinMaxTotal(aaError, dd, min, max, totalErr, numElem);
411 // compute maximum
412  //number maxErrToCoarse = min * (1+coarseFrac);
413  //if (maxErrToCoarse < TOL/numElem) maxErrToCoarse = TOL/numElem;
414  number maxErrToCoarse = TOL / numElem / 4.0 / safety; // = tol_per_elem / (2^2*safety_factor)
415  UG_LOG(" +++ Coarsening elements if avg child error smaller than "<< maxErrToCoarse << ".\n");
417 // reset counter
418  size_t numMarkedCoarse = 0;
420  const_iterator iter = dd->template begin<TElem>();
421  const_iterator iterEnd = dd->template end<TElem>();
423 // loop elements for marking
424  for (; iter != iterEnd; ++iter)
425  {
426  // get element
427  TElem* elem = *iter;
429  // ignore if already marked for coarsening
430  if (refiner.get_mark(elem) & RM_COARSEN) continue;
432  // ignore if level too low
433  if (dd->multi_grid()->get_level(elem) <= minLevel)
434  continue;
436  // get parent
437  TElem* parent = dynamic_cast<TElem*>(dd->multi_grid()->get_parent(elem));
438  if (!parent) continue; // either dynamic casting failed or parent does not exist
440  // sum up error values over all children of parent
441  number sum = 0.0;
442  size_t cnt = 0;
443  size_t nCh = dd->multi_grid()->num_children<TElem>(parent);
444  for (size_t ch = 0; ch < nCh; ch++)
445  {
446  TElem* child = dd->multi_grid()->get_child<TElem>(parent, ch);
448  // if no error value exists: ignore (might be newly added by refinement);
449  // newly added elements are supposed to have a negative error estimator
450  if (aaError[child] < 0) continue;
452  sum += aaError[child];
453  cnt++;
454  }
456  // marks for coarsening
457  if (sum/cnt <= maxErrToCoarse)
458  {
459  for (size_t ch = 0; ch < nCh; ch++)
460  {
461  TElem* child = dd->multi_grid()->get_child<TElem>(parent, ch);
462  if (refiner.get_mark(child) & RM_COARSEN) continue;
463  refiner.mark(child, RM_COARSEN);
464  numMarkedCoarse++;
465  }
466  }
467  }
469 #ifdef UG_PARALLEL
470  if (pcl::NumProcs() > 1)
471  {
473  size_t numMarkedCoarseLocal = numMarkedCoarse;
474  numMarkedCoarse = com.allreduce(numMarkedCoarseLocal, PCL_RO_SUM);
475  }
476 #endif
478  UG_LOG(" +++ Marked for coarsening: " << numMarkedCoarse << " Elements.\n");
479 }
496 template<typename TElem>
498  IRefiner& refiner,
500  number refTol,
501  number coarsenTol,
502  int minLevel,
503  int maxLevel,
504  bool refTopLvlOnly = false)
505 {
506  typedef typename DoFDistribution::traits<TElem>::const_iterator const_iterator;
508  int numMarkedRefine = 0, numMarkedCoarse = 0;
509  const_iterator iter = dd->template begin<TElem>();
510  const_iterator iterEnd = dd->template end<TElem>();
511  const MultiGrid* mg = dd->multi_grid().get();
512  int topLvl = 0;
513  if(mg)
514  topLvl = (int)mg->top_level();
515  else
516  refTopLvlOnly = false;
518 // loop elements for marking
519  for(; iter != iterEnd; ++iter)
520  {
521  TElem* elem = *iter;
523  // marks for refinement
524  if((refTol >= 0)
525  && (aaError[elem] > refTol)
526  && (dd->multi_grid()->get_level(elem) < maxLevel)
527  && ((!refTopLvlOnly) || (mg->get_level(elem) == topLvl)))
528  {
529  refiner.mark(elem, RM_REFINE);
530  numMarkedRefine++;
531  }
533  // marks for coarsening
534  if((coarsenTol >= 0)
535  && (aaError[elem] < coarsenTol)
536  && (dd->multi_grid()->get_level(elem) > minLevel))
537  {
538  refiner.mark(elem, RM_COARSEN);
539  numMarkedCoarse++;
540  }
541  }
543 #ifdef UG_PARALLEL
544  if(pcl::NumProcs() > 1)
545  {
546  UG_LOG(" +++ Marked for refinement on Proc "<<pcl::ProcRank()<<": " << numMarkedRefine << " Elements.\n");
547  UG_LOG(" +++ Marked for coarsening on Proc "<<pcl::ProcRank()<<": " << numMarkedCoarse << " Elements.\n");
549  int numMarkedRefineLocal = numMarkedRefine, numMarkedCoarseLocal = numMarkedCoarse;
550  numMarkedRefine = com.allreduce(numMarkedRefineLocal, PCL_RO_SUM);
551  numMarkedCoarse = com.allreduce(numMarkedCoarseLocal, PCL_RO_SUM);
552  }
553 #endif
555  UG_LOG(" +++ Marked for refinement: " << numMarkedRefine << " Elements.\n");
556  UG_LOG(" +++ Marked for coarsening: " << numMarkedCoarse << " Elements.\n");
557 }
559 }// end of namespace
561 #endif
Definition: smart_pointer.h:296
const T * get() const
Definition: smart_pointer.h:409
Definition: pcl_process_communicator.h:70
void allreduce(const void *sendBuf, void *recBuf, int count, DataType type, ReduceOperation op) const
performs MPI_Allreduce on the processes of the communicator.
Definition: pcl_process_communicator.cpp:318
the generic attachment-accessor for access to grids attachment pipes.
Definition: grid.h:182
The refiner interface allows to mark elements for refinement and to call refine.
Definition: refiner_interface.h:67
virtual bool mark(Vertex *v, RefinementMark refMark=RM_REFINE)
Marks an element for refinement. Default implementation is empty.
Definition: refiner_interface.h:103
virtual RefinementMark get_mark(Vertex *v) const
Returns the mark of a given element. Default returns RM_REFINE.
Definition: refiner_interface.h:198
Definition: multi_grid.h:72
int get_level(TElem *elem) const
Definition: multi_grid.h:206
size_t top_level() const
index of the highest level.
Definition: multi_grid_impl.hpp:86
Const iterator to traverse the surface of a multi-grid hierarchy.
Definition: surface_view.h:237
the element is coarsened (only valid for adaptive multi-grid refinement)
Definition: refiner_interface.h:56
Definition: refiner_interface.h:55
#define PCL_RO_SUM
Definition: pcl_methods.h:63
int ProcRank()
returns the rank of the process
Definition: pcl_base.cpp:83
#define PCL_RO_MAX
Definition: pcl_methods.h:61
#define PCL_RO_MIN
Definition: pcl_methods.h:62
int NumProcs()
returns the number of processes
Definition: pcl_base.cpp:91
#define UG_THROW(msg)
Definition: error.h:57
#define UG_LOG(msg)
Definition: log.h:367
double number
Definition: types.h:124
the ug namespace
void ComputeMinMax(MultiGrid::AttachmentAccessor< TElem, ug::Attachment< number > > &aaError, ConstSmartPtr< DoFDistribution > dd, number &min, number &max, number &totalErr, size_t &numElem, number &minLocal, number &maxLocal, number &totalErrLocal, size_t &numElemLocal)
helper function that computes min/max and total of error indicators
Definition: error_indicator_util.h:135
void MarkElements(MultiGrid::AttachmentAccessor< TElem, ug::Attachment< number > > &aaError, IRefiner &refiner, ConstSmartPtr< DoFDistribution > dd, number TOL, number refineFrac, number coarseFrac, int maxLevel)
marks elements according to an attached error value field
Definition: error_indicator_util.h:222
void MarkElementsAbsolute(MultiGrid::AttachmentAccessor< TElem, ug::Attachment< number > > &aaError, IRefiner &refiner, ConstSmartPtr< DoFDistribution > dd, number refTol, number coarsenTol, int minLevel, int maxLevel, bool refTopLvlOnly=false)
marks elements according to an attached error value field
Definition: error_indicator_util.h:497
void MarkElementsForCoarsening(MultiGrid::AttachmentAccessor< TElem, ug::Attachment< number > > &aaError, IRefiner &refiner, ConstSmartPtr< DoFDistribution > dd, number TOL, number safety, int minLevel=0)
marks elements for coarsening according to an attached error value field
Definition: error_indicator_util.h:395
number ComputeAvg(MultiGrid::AttachmentAccessor< TElem, ug::Attachment< number > > &aaError2, ConstSmartPtr< DoFDistribution > dd, number &min, number &max, number &sum, number &errSq, size_t &numElem, number &minLocal, number &maxLocal, number &sumLocal, size_t &numElemLocal)
helper function that computes min/max and total of error indicators
Definition: error_indicator_util.h:54
void ComputeMinMaxTotal(MultiGrid::AttachmentAccessor< TElem, ug::Attachment< number > > &aaError2, ConstSmartPtr< DoFDistribution > dd, number &min, number &max, number &totalErr, size_t &numElem)
helper function that computes min/max and total of error indicators
Definition: error_indicator_util.h:196
void MarkElementsForRefinement(MultiGrid::AttachmentAccessor< TElem, ug::Attachment< number > > &aaError, IRefiner &refiner, ConstSmartPtr< DoFDistribution > dd, number tol, int maxLevel)
marks elements according for refinement to an attached error value field
Definition: error_indicator_util.h:313