Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2014-2015: G-CSC, Goethe University Frankfurt
3  * Author: Arne Nägel
4  *
5  * This file is part of UG4.
6  *
7  * UG4 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
8  * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 (as published by the
9  * Free Software Foundation) with the following additional attribution
10  * requirements (according to LGPL/GPL v3 §7):
11  *
12  * (1) The following notice must be displayed in the Appropriate Legal Notices
13  * of covered and combined works: "Based on UG4 (".
14  *
15  * (2) The following notice must be displayed at a prominent place in the
16  * terminal output of covered works: "Based on UG4 (".
17  *
18  * (3) The following bibliography is recommended for citation and must be
19  * preserved in all covered files:
20  * "Reiter, S., Vogel, A., Heppner, I., Rupp, M., and Wittum, G. A massively
21  * parallel geometric multigrid solver on hierarchically distributed grids.
22  * Computing and visualization in science 16, 4 (2013), 151-164"
23  * "Vogel, A., Reiter, S., Rupp, M., Nägel, A., and Wittum, G. UG4 -- a novel
24  * flexible software system for simulating pde based models on high performance
25  * computers. Computing and visualization in science 16, 4 (2013), 165-179"
26  *
27  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
28  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
30  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
31  */
37 #include <map>
38 #include <string>
40 // ug4 headers
42 #include "common/common.h"
54 namespace ug{
66 template <typename TImpl, typename TData, typename TGridFunction>
68 : public StdUserData<StdExplicitGridFunctionData<TImpl,TData, TGridFunction>, TData, TGridFunction::dim>
69 {
70 public:
72  static const int dim = TGridFunction::dim;
74 protected:
76  size_t m_fct;
79 protected:
81  TImpl& getImpl() {return static_cast<TImpl&>(*this);}
84  const TImpl& getImpl() const {return static_cast<const TImpl&>(*this);}
86 public:
89  (
90  SmartPtr<TGridFunction> spGridFct
91  )
92  : m_spGridFct(spGridFct)
93  {}
96  virtual bool constant() const {return false;}
100  virtual bool requires_grid_fct() const {return true;}
103  virtual bool continuous() const {return getImpl().continuous(); }
105  template <int refDim>
106  void eval(LocalVector* u, GridObject* elem,
107  const MathVector<dim> vCornerCoords[], bool bDeriv = false)
108  {
109  const int si = this->subset();
111  for(size_t s = 0; s < this->num_series(); ++s)
112  {
113  getImpl().template evaluate<refDim>(this->values(s), this->ips(s), this->time(s), si,
114  elem, vCornerCoords,
115  this->template local_ips<refDim>(s), this->num_ip(s),
116  u);
117  }
118  }
120  template <int refDim>
122  const MathVector<dim> vCornerCoords[], bool bDeriv = false)
123  {
124  const int si = this->subset();
126  for(size_t s = 0; s < this->num_series(); ++s)
127  {
128  getImpl().template evaluate<refDim>(this->values(s), this->ips(s), this->time(s), si,
129  elem, vCornerCoords,
130  this->template local_ips<refDim>(s), this->num_ip(s),
131  &(u->solution(this->time_point(s))));
132  }
133  }
135  virtual void compute(LocalVector* u, GridObject* elem,
136  const MathVector<dim> vCornerCoords[], bool bDeriv = false)
137  {
138  UG_ASSERT(elem->base_object_id() == this->dim_local_ips(),
139  "local ip dimension and reference element dimension mismatch.");
141  switch(this->dim_local_ips())
142  {
143  case 1: eval<1>(u,elem,vCornerCoords,bDeriv); break;
144  case 2: eval<2>(u,elem,vCornerCoords,bDeriv); break;
145  case 3: eval<3>(u,elem,vCornerCoords,bDeriv); break;
146  default: UG_THROW("StdExplicitGridFunctionData: Dimension not supported.");
147  }
148  }
150  virtual void compute(LocalVectorTimeSeries* u, GridObject* elem,
151  const MathVector<dim> vCornerCoords[], bool bDeriv = false){
153  UG_ASSERT(elem->base_object_id() == this->dim_local_ips(),
154  "local ip dimension and reference element dimension mismatch.");
156  switch(this->dim_local_ips())
157  {
158  case 1: eval<1>(u,elem,vCornerCoords,bDeriv); break;
159  case 2: eval<2>(u,elem,vCornerCoords,bDeriv); break;
160  case 3: eval<3>(u,elem,vCornerCoords,bDeriv); break;
161  default: UG_THROW("StdExplicitGridFunctionData: Dimension not supported.");
162  }
163  }
165  virtual void operator() (TData& value,
166  const MathVector<dim>& globIP,
167  number time, int si) const
168  {
169  UG_THROW("StdExplicitGridFunctionData: Solution, element and local ips required "
170  "for evaluation, but not passed. Cannot evaluate.");
171  }
173  virtual void operator() (TData vValue[],
174  const MathVector<dim> vGlobIP[],
175  number time, int si, const size_t nip) const
176  {
177  UG_THROW("StdExplicitGridFunctionData: Solution, element and local ips required "
178  "for evaluation, but not passed. Cannot evaluate.");
179  }
181  template <int refDim>
182  inline void evaluate(TData vValue[],
183  const MathVector<dim> vGlobIP[],
184  number time, int si,
185  GridObject* elem,
186  const MathVector<dim> vCornerCoords[],
187  const MathVector<refDim> vLocIP[],
188  const size_t nip,
189  LocalVector* u,
190  const MathMatrix<refDim, dim>* vJT = NULL) const
191  {
192  // forward
193  getImpl().template evaluate<refDim> (vValue, vGlobIP, time, si,
194  elem, vCornerCoords, vLocIP, nip, u, vJT);
195  }
196 };
209 template<typename TGridFunction>
211 : public StdExplicitGridFunctionData<ExplicitGridFunctionValue<TGridFunction>, number, TGridFunction>
212 {
217  size_t m_fct;
220 public:
221  // world dimension of grid function
222  static const int dim = TGridFunction::dim;
224  // constructor
226  (
228  const char* cmp
229  )
230  : base_type(gf)
231  {
232  // get function id of name
233  m_fct = m_spGridFct->fct_id_by_name(cmp);
235  // check that function exists
236  if(m_fct >= m_spGridFct->num_fct())
237  UG_THROW("ExplicitGridFunctionValue: Function space does not contain"
238  " a function with name " << cmp << ".");
240  // local finite element id
241  m_lfeID = m_spGridFct->local_finite_element_id(m_fct);
242  }
244  template <int refDim>
245  inline void evaluate(number vValue[],
246  const MathVector<dim> vGlobIP[],
247  number time, int si,
248  GridObject* elem,
249  const MathVector<dim> vCornerCoords[],
250  const MathVector<refDim> vLocIP[],
251  const size_t nip,
252  LocalVector* u,
253  const MathMatrix<refDim, dim>* vJT = NULL) const
254  {
255  // reference object id
256  const ReferenceObjectID roid = elem->reference_object_id();
258  // get trial space
259  try
260  {
261  const LocalShapeFunctionSet<refDim>& rTrialSpace =
262  LocalFiniteElementProvider::get<refDim>(roid, m_lfeID);
264  // memory for shapes
265  std::vector<number> vShape;
267  // get multiindices of element
268  std::vector<DoFIndex> ind;
269  m_spGridFct->dof_indices(elem, m_fct, ind);
271  // loop ips
272  for(size_t ip = 0; ip < nip; ++ip)
273  {
274  // evaluate at shapes at ip
275  rTrialSpace.shapes(vShape, vLocIP[ip]);
277  // compute solution at integration point
278  vValue[ip] = 0.0;
279  for(size_t sh = 0; sh < vShape.size(); ++sh)
280  {
281  const number valSH = DoFRef(*m_spGridFct, ind[sh]);
282  vValue[ip] += valSH * vShape[sh];
283  }
284  }
286  }
287  UG_CATCH_THROW("ExplicitGridFunctionValue: Shape Function Set missing for"
288  " Reference Object: "<<roid<<", Trial Space: "
289  <<m_lfeID<<", refDim="<<refDim);
291  }
295 };
308 template<typename TGridFunction>
310 : public StdExplicitGridFunctionData<ExplicitGridFunctionVector<TGridFunction>, MathVector<TGridFunction::dim>, TGridFunction>
311 {
312 public:
313  // world dimension of grid function
314  static const int dim = TGridFunction::dim;
316 private:
321  size_t m_vfct[dim];
324 public:
326  // constructor
328  (
330  const char* cmps
331  )
332  : base_type(gf)
333  {
334  try
335  {
336  // get strings
337  std::string fctString (cmps);
339  // tokenize strings and select functions
340  std::vector<std::string> tokens;
341  TokenizeString(fctString, tokens, ',');
343  for(size_t i = 0; i < tokens.size(); ++i)
344  RemoveWhitespaceFromString(tokens[i]);
346  if((int)tokens.size() != dim)
347  UG_THROW("ExplicitGridFunctionVector: Needed " << dim << " components "
348  "in symbolic function names, but given: " << cmps << '.');
350  // get function id of name
351  for(int i = 0; i < dim; ++i)
352  {
353  m_vfct[i] = m_spGridFct->fct_id_by_name(tokens[i].c_str());
354  m_vlfeID[i] = m_spGridFct->local_finite_element_id(m_vfct[i]);
355  }
357  }
358  UG_CATCH_THROW("ExplicitGridFunctionVector: Cannot find some symbolic function name in '" << cmps << "'.");
359  }
361  template <int refDim>
362  inline void evaluate(MathVector<dim> vValue[],
363  const MathVector<dim> vGlobIP[],
364  number time, int si,
365  GridObject* elem,
366  const MathVector<dim> vCornerCoords[],
367  const MathVector<refDim> vLocIP[],
368  const size_t nip,
369  LocalVector* u,
370  const MathMatrix<refDim, dim>* vJT = NULL) const
371  {
372  // reference object id
373  const ReferenceObjectID roid = elem->reference_object_id();
375  // memory for shapes
376  std::vector<number> vShape;
378  // multiindices of element
379  std::vector<DoFIndex> ind;
381  for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
382  {
383  try
384  {
385  // get trial space
386  const LocalShapeFunctionSet<refDim>& rTrialSpace =
387  LocalFiniteElementProvider::get<refDim>(roid, m_vlfeID[d]);
389  m_spGridFct->dof_indices(elem, m_vfct[d], ind);
391  // loop ips
392  for(size_t ip = 0; ip < nip; ++ip)
393  {
394  // evaluate at shapes at ip
395  rTrialSpace.shapes(vShape, vLocIP[ip]);
397  // compute solution at integration point
398  vValue[ip][d] = 0.0;
399  for(size_t sh = 0; sh < vShape.size(); ++sh)
400  {
401  const number valSH = DoFRef(*m_spGridFct, ind[sh]);
402  vValue[ip][d] += valSH * vShape[sh];
403  }
404  }
405  }
406  UG_CATCH_THROW("ExplicitGridFunctionVector: Shape Function Set missing for"
407  " Reference Object: " << roid << ", Trial Space: "
408  << m_vlfeID << ", refDim=" <<refDim);
409  }
410  }
412  bool continuous() const
413  {
414  for(int i = 0; i < dim; ++i)
416  return false;
417  return true;
418  }
420 };
433 template <typename TGridFunction>
435 : public StdExplicitGridFunctionData<ExplicitGridFunctionGradient<TGridFunction>, MathVector<TGridFunction::dim>, TGridFunction >
436 {
441  size_t m_fct;
443  std::map<std::string, double> m_diffCoeffMap;
445 public:
446  // world dimension of grid function
447  static const int dim = TGridFunction::dim;
451  (
453  const char* cmp
454  )
455  : base_type(gf), m_diffCoeffMap()
456  {
457  // get function id of name
458  m_fct = m_spGridFct->fct_id_by_name(cmp);
460  // check that function exists
461  if(m_fct >= m_spGridFct->num_fct())
462  UG_THROW("ExplicitGridFunctionGradient: Function space does not contain"
463  " a function with name " << cmp << ".");
465  // local finite element id
466  m_lfeID = m_spGridFct->local_finite_element_id(m_fct);
467  }
469  // evaluate gradient
470  template <int refDim>
471  void evaluate(MathVector<dim> vValue[],
472  const MathVector<dim> vGlobIP[],
473  number time, int si,
474  GridObject* elem,
475  const MathVector<dim> vCornerCoords[],
476  const MathVector<refDim> vLocIP[],
477  const size_t nip,
478  LocalVector* u,
479  const MathMatrix<refDim, dim>* vJT = NULL) const
480  {
481  // reference object id
482  const ReferenceObjectID roid = elem->reference_object_id();
484  // get reference element mapping by reference object id
485  std::vector<MathMatrix<refDim, dim> > vJTTmp(nip);
486  if(vJT == NULL){
487  try{
489  = ReferenceMappingProvider::get<refDim, dim>(roid, vCornerCoords);
491  // compute transformation matrices
492  mapping.jacobian_transposed(&(vJTTmp[0]), vLocIP, nip);
494  // store tmp Gradient
495  vJT = &(vJTTmp[0]);
496  }UG_CATCH_THROW("ExplicitGridFunctionGradient: failed.");
497  }
499  // scale with coeficient
500  const int subsetInd = m_spGridFct->domain()->subset_handler()->get_subset_index(elem);
501  const char* subsetName = m_spGridFct->domain()->subset_handler()->get_subset_name(subsetInd);
503  double diffCoeff = get_subset_coeff(std::string(subsetName));
505  // get trial space
506  try{
507  const LocalShapeFunctionSet<refDim>& rTrialSpace =
508  LocalFiniteElementProvider::get<refDim>(roid, m_lfeID);
510  // storage for shape function at ip
511  std::vector<MathVector<refDim> > vLocGrad;
512  MathVector<refDim> locGrad;
514  // Reference Mapping
517  // loop ips
518  for(size_t ip = 0; ip < nip; ++ip)
519  {
520  // evaluate at shapes at ip
521  rTrialSpace.grads(vLocGrad, vLocIP[ip]);
523  // get multiindices of element
524  std::vector<DoFIndex > ind;
525  m_spGridFct->dof_indices(elem, m_fct, ind);
527  // compute grad at ip
528  VecSet(locGrad, 0.0);
529  for(size_t sh = 0; sh < vLocGrad.size(); ++sh)
530  {
531  const number valSH = DoFRef( *m_spGridFct, ind[sh]);
532  VecScaleAppend(locGrad, valSH, vLocGrad[sh]);
533  }
535  Inverse(JTInv, vJT[ip]);
536  MatVecMult(vValue[ip], JTInv, locGrad);
538  // scale with diff coeff (TODO: matrix)
539  VecScale(vValue[ip], vValue[ip], diffCoeff);
540  }
541  }
542  UG_CATCH_THROW("ExplicitGridFunctionGradient: Shape Function Set missing for"
543  " Reference Object: "<<roid<<", Trial Space: "
544  <<m_lfeID<<", refDim="<<refDim);
545  }
547  bool continuous() const { return false; }
549  void add_subset_coeff(const std::string &key, double val)
550  {
551  m_diffCoeffMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, double>(key, val));
552  }
554  double get_subset_coeff(const std::string &key) const
555  {
556  std::map<std::string, double>::const_iterator it = m_diffCoeffMap.find(key);
557  double val = (it != m_diffCoeffMap.end()) ? it->second : 1.0;
558  return val;
559  }
560 };
563 } // end namespace ug
parameterString s
const TData * values(size_t s) const
returns all values for a series
Definition: user_data.h:516
size_t num_ip(size_t s) const
returns the number of integration points
Definition: user_data.h:327
size_t num_series() const
explicitly forward some functions
Definition: user_data.h:324
const TData & value(size_t s, size_t ip) const
returns the value at ip
Definition: user_data.h:512
virtual base class for reference mappings
Definition: reference_mapping_provider.h:53
virtual void jacobian_transposed(MathMatrix< dim, worldDim > &JT, const MathVector< dim > &locPos) const =0
returns transposed of jacobian
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:436
void evaluate(MathVector< dim > vValue[], const MathVector< dim > vGlobIP[], number time, int si, GridObject *elem, const MathVector< dim > vCornerCoords[], const MathVector< refDim > vLocIP[], const size_t nip, LocalVector *u, const MathMatrix< refDim, dim > *vJT=NULL) const
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:471
bool continuous() const
returns if provided data is continuous over geometric object boundaries
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:547
void add_subset_coeff(const std::string &key, double val)
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:549
type of the shape functions
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:442
double get_subset_coeff(const std::string &key) const
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:554
static const int dim
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:447
ExplicitGridFunctionGradient(SmartPtr< TGridFunction > gf, const char *cmp)
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:451
std::map< std::string, double > m_diffCoeffMap
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:443
size_t m_fct
component of the function
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:441
StdExplicitGridFunctionData< ExplicitGridFunctionGradient< TGridFunction >, MathVector< TGridFunction::dim >, TGridFunction > base_type
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:437
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:212
bool continuous() const
returns if provided data is continuous over geometric object boundaries
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:293
StdExplicitGridFunctionData< ExplicitGridFunctionValue< TGridFunction >, number, TGridFunction > base_type
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:213
void evaluate(number vValue[], const MathVector< dim > vGlobIP[], number time, int si, GridObject *elem, const MathVector< dim > vCornerCoords[], const MathVector< refDim > vLocIP[], const size_t nip, LocalVector *u, const MathMatrix< refDim, dim > *vJT=NULL) const
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:245
ExplicitGridFunctionValue(SmartPtr< TGridFunction > gf, const char *cmp)
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:226
type of the shape functions
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:218
static const int dim
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:222
size_t m_fct
component of the function
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:217
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:311
bool continuous() const
returns if provided data is continuous over geometric object boundaries
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:412
ExplicitGridFunctionVector(SmartPtr< TGridFunction > gf, const char *cmps)
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:328
LFEID m_vlfeID[dim]
types of the shape functions
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:322
static const int dim
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:314
StdExplicitGridFunctionData< ExplicitGridFunctionVector< TGridFunction >, MathVector< TGridFunction::dim >, TGridFunction > base_type
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:317
void evaluate(MathVector< dim > vValue[], const MathVector< dim > vGlobIP[], number time, int si, GridObject *elem, const MathVector< dim > vCornerCoords[], const MathVector< refDim > vLocIP[], const size_t nip, LocalVector *u, const MathMatrix< refDim, dim > *vJT=NULL) const
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:362
size_t m_vfct[dim]
components of the function
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:321
The base class for all geometric objects, such as vertices, edges, faces, volumes,...
Definition: grid_base_objects.h:157
virtual int base_object_id() const =0
virtual ReferenceObjectID reference_object_id() const =0
const MathVector< dim > & ip(size_t s, size_t ip) const
returns global ip
Definition: user_data.h:401
int dim_local_ips() const
returns current local ip dimension
Definition: user_data.h:372
int subset() const
returns the subset of evaluation
Definition: user_data.h:273
number time() const
get the current evaluation time
Definition: user_data.h:285
const MathVector< dim > * ips(size_t s) const
returns global ips
Definition: user_data.h:398
Identifier for Local Finite Elements.
Definition: local_finite_element_id.h:98
static bool continuous(const LFEID &id, bool bCreate=true)
returns if a Local Shape Function Set is continuous
Definition: local_finite_element_provider.cpp:749
virtual base class for local shape function sets
Definition: local_shape_function_set.h:70
virtual void grads(grad_type *vGrad, const MathVector< dim > &x) const =0
returns all gradients evaluated at a point
virtual void shapes(shape_type *vShape, const MathVector< dim > &x) const =0
returns all shape functions evaluated at a point
Definition: local_algebra.h:198
time series of local vectors
Definition: solution_time_series.h:167
const LocalVector & solution(size_t i) const
returns the local vector for the i'th time point
Definition: solution_time_series.h:182
A class for fixed size, dense matrices.
Definition: math_matrix.h:52
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:69
size_t m_fct
component of function
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:76
void evaluate(TData vValue[], const MathVector< dim > vGlobIP[], number time, int si, GridObject *elem, const MathVector< dim > vCornerCoords[], const MathVector< refDim > vLocIP[], const size_t nip, LocalVector *u, const MathMatrix< refDim, dim > *vJT=NULL) const
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:182
const TImpl & getImpl() const
const access to implementation
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:84
TImpl & getImpl()
access to implementation
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:81
virtual void compute(LocalVectorTimeSeries *u, GridObject *elem, const MathVector< dim > vCornerCoords[], bool bDeriv=false)
compute values (and derivatives iff compDeriv == true, but only for the 'current' time point)
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:150
StdExplicitGridFunctionData(SmartPtr< TGridFunction > spGridFct)
common constructor
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:89
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:77
virtual void operator()(TData &value, const MathVector< dim > &globIP, number time, int si) const
returns value for a global position
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:165
virtual bool requires_grid_fct() const
returns if grid function is needed for evaluation
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:100
void eval(LocalVector *u, GridObject *elem, const MathVector< dim > vCornerCoords[], bool bDeriv=false)
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:106
virtual void compute(LocalVector *u, GridObject *elem, const MathVector< dim > vCornerCoords[], bool bDeriv=false)
compute values (and derivatives iff compDeriv == true)
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:135
virtual bool continuous() const
returns if provided data is continuous over geometric object boundaries
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:103
static const int dim
world dimension of grid function
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:72
SmartPtr< TGridFunction > m_spGridFct
grid function
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:75
void eval(LocalVectorTimeSeries *u, GridObject *elem, const MathVector< dim > vCornerCoords[], bool bDeriv=false)
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:121
virtual bool constant() const
returns if data is constant
Definition: grid_function_user_data_explicit.h:96
Definition: std_user_data.h:63
MathMatrix< N, M, T >::value_type Inverse(MathMatrix< N, M, T > &mOut, const MathMatrix< M, N, T > &m)
Inverse of a matrix.
Definition: math_matrix_functions_common_impl.hpp:560
static const int dim
void RemoveWhitespaceFromString(std::string &str)
removes all white space from a string, also within the string
Definition: string_util.cpp:50
#define UG_ASSERT(expr, msg)
Definition: assert.h:70
#define UG_CATCH_THROW(msg)
Definition: error.h:64
#define UG_THROW(msg)
Definition: error.h:57
double number
Definition: types.h:124
void MatVecMult(vector_t_out &vOut, const matrix_t &m, const vector_t_in &v)
Matrix - Vector Multiplication.
Definition: math_matrix_vector_functions_common_impl.hpp:49
void VecScaleAppend(vector_t &vOut, typename vector_t::value_type s1, const vector_t &v1)
Scales a Vector and adds it to a second vector.
Definition: math_vector_functions_common_impl.hpp:126
void VecSet(vector_t &vInOut, typename vector_t::value_type s)
Set each vector component to scalar (componentwise)
Definition: math_vector_functions_common_impl.hpp:539
void VecScale(vector_t &vOut, const vector_t &v, typename vector_t::value_type s)
scales a MathVector<N>
Definition: math_vector_functions_common_impl.hpp:252
the ug namespace
these ids are used to identify the shape of a geometric object.
Definition: grid_base_objects.h:74
number & DoFRef(TMatrix &mat, const DoFIndex &iInd, const DoFIndex &jInd)
Definition: multi_index.h:276
void TokenizeString(const string &str, vector< string > &vToken, const char delimiter)
Definition: string_util.cpp:56