Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2010-2015: G-CSC, Goethe University Frankfurt
3  * Author: Sebastian Reiter
4  *
5  * This file is part of UG4.
6  *
7  * UG4 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
8  * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 (as published by the
9  * Free Software Foundation) with the following additional attribution
10  * requirements (according to LGPL/GPL v3 §7):
11  *
12  * (1) The following notice must be displayed in the Appropriate Legal Notices
13  * of covered and combined works: "Based on UG4 (".
14  *
15  * (2) The following notice must be displayed at a prominent place in the
16  * terminal output of covered works: "Based on UG4 (".
17  *
18  * (3) The following bibliography is recommended for citation and must be
19  * preserved in all covered files:
20  * "Reiter, S., Vogel, A., Heppner, I., Rupp, M., and Wittum, G. A massively
21  * parallel geometric multigrid solver on hierarchically distributed grids.
22  * Computing and visualization in science 16, 4 (2013), 151-164"
23  * "Vogel, A., Reiter, S., Rupp, M., Nägel, A., and Wittum, G. UG4 -- a novel
24  * flexible software system for simulating pde based models on high performance
25  * computers. Computing and visualization in science 16, 4 (2013), 165-179"
26  *
27  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
28  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
30  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
31  */
33 #ifndef __H__UGMATH__MATH_UTIL_IMPL__
34 #define __H__UGMATH__MATH_UTIL_IMPL__
36 #include <algorithm>
37 #include "common/common.h"
42 namespace ug
43 {
46 // deg_to_rad
47 template <class TNumber>
48 inline TNumber
49 deg_to_rad(TNumber deg)
50 {
51  return deg * PI / 180.;
52 }
55 // rad_to_deg
56 template <class TNumber>
57 inline TNumber
58 rad_to_deg(TNumber rad)
59 {
60  return rad * 180. / PI;
61 }
64 // urand
65 template <class TNumber>
66 TNumber
67 urand(TNumber lowerBound, TNumber upperBound)
68 {
69  long t = rand();
70  if(t == RAND_MAX)
71  t -= 1;
73  return lowerBound + (TNumber)((upperBound - lowerBound) * ((double)t / (double)RAND_MAX));
74 }
77 // clip
78 template <class TNumber>
79 TNumber
80 clip(TNumber val, TNumber lowerBound, TNumber upperBound)
81 {
82  if(val > upperBound)
83  return upperBound;
84  else if(val < lowerBound)
85  return lowerBound;
86  return val;
87 }
90 template <class TNumber>
91 inline TNumber sq(TNumber val)
92 {
93  return val * val;
94 }
97 template <class vector_t>
98 void CalculateCenter(vector_t& centerOut, const vector_t* pointSet,
99  size_t numPoints)
100 {
101  for(size_t i = 0; i < centerOut.size(); ++i)
102  centerOut[i] = 0;
104  if(numPoints > 0){
105  for(size_t i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i)
106  VecAdd(centerOut, centerOut, pointSet[i]);
108  VecScale(centerOut, centerOut, 1. / (number)numPoints);
109  }
110 }
112 template <class vector_t>
113 vector_t
114 TriangleBarycenter(const vector_t& p1, const vector_t& p2, const vector_t& p3)
115 {
116  vector_t bc;
117  VecScaleAdd(bc, 1./3., p1, 1./3., p2, 1./3., p3);
118  return bc;
119 }
122 template <class vector_t>
123 number DropAPerpendicular(vector_t& vOut, const vector_t& v,
124  const vector_t& v0, const vector_t& v1)
125 {
126 // project v onto v' on the edge (v0, v1) so that (v'-v)*(v0-v1) = 0
127  vector_t e[2];
128  VecSubtract(e[0], v, v0);
129  VecSubtract(e[1], v1, v0);
131  number d1 = VecDot(e[0], e[1]);
132  number d2 = VecDot(e[1], e[1]);
134 // avoid division by zero
135  if(fabs(d2) > SMALL)
136  {
137  // calculate the projection p'
138  number s = d1/d2;
139  VecScale(e[1], e[1], s);
140  VecAdd(vOut, v0, e[1]);
141  return s;
142  }
143  else
144  vOut = v0;
145  return 0;
146 }
149 template <class vector_t>
150 vector_t PointOnRay(const vector_t& from, const vector_t& dir, number s)
151 {
152  vector_t v = dir;
153  v *= s;
154  v += from;
155  return v;
156 }
159 template <class vector_t>
160 number ProjectPointToRay(vector_t& vOut, const vector_t& v,
161  const vector_t& from, const vector_t& dir)
162 {
163  vector_t tmpDir;
164  VecSubtract(tmpDir, v, from);
166  number d1 = VecDot(tmpDir, dir);
167  number d2 = VecDot(dir, dir);
169 // avoid division by zero
170  if(fabs(d2) > SMALL)
171  {
172  // calculate the projection p'
173  number s = d1/d2;
174  VecScale(tmpDir, dir, s);
175  VecAdd(vOut, from, tmpDir);
176  return s;
177  }
178  else{
179  vOut = from;
180  }
181  return 0;
182 }
185 template <class vector_t>
186 number ProjectPointToLine(vector_t& vOut, const vector_t& v,
187  const vector_t& from, const vector_t& to)
188 {
189  vector_t dir;
190  VecSubtract(dir, to, from);
191  return ProjectPointToRay(vOut, v, from, dir);
192 }
195 template <class vector_t>
196 inline
197 number DistancePointToLine(const vector_t& v, const vector_t& v1,
198  const vector_t& v2)
199 {
200  number t;
201  return DistancePointToLine(t, v, v1, v2);
202 }
204 template <class vector_t>
205 number DistancePointToLine(number& tOut, const vector_t& v,
206  const vector_t& v1, const vector_t& v2)
207 {
208  vector_t tmp;
209  tOut = DropAPerpendicular(tmp, v, v1, v2);
210  if(tOut > 1){
211  tOut = 1;
212  return VecDistance(v, v2);
213  }
214  else if(tOut < 0){
215  tOut = 0;
216  return VecDistance(v, v1);
217  }
218  else
219  return VecDistance(v, tmp);
220 }
223 template <class vector_t>
224 inline
225 number DistancePointToRay(const vector_t& v, const vector_t& from,
226  const vector_t& dir)
227 {
228  vector_t tmp;
229  ProjectPointToRay(tmp, v, from, dir);
230  return VecDistance(v, tmp);
231 }
233 template <class vector_t>
234 inline
235 number DistancePointToRay(vector_t& vOut, number& tOut, const vector_t& v,
236  const vector_t& from, const vector_t& dir)
237 {
238  tOut = ProjectPointToRay(vOut, v, from, dir);
239  return VecDistance(v, vOut);
240 }
242 template <class vector_t>
243 number DistancePointToTriangle(vector_t& vOut, number& bc1Out, number& bc2Out,
244  const vector_t& p, const vector_t& v1, const vector_t& v2,
245  const vector_t& v3, const vector_t& n)
246 {
247 // parameter of line-intersection and of point-ray-projection.
248  number t;
250 // first try an orthogonal projection of p onto the triangle
251  if(RayTriangleIntersection(vOut, bc1Out, bc2Out, t, v1, v2, v3, p, n))
252  { //min distance found
253  return VecDistance(vOut, p);
254  }
256 // if ortho projection is not in triangle perform edge-point distance
257  number d, tmpDist, tmpT;
258  vector_t vDir, vTmp;
259  int bestIndex = 0;
261  VecSubtract(vDir, v2, v1);
262  d = DistancePointToRay(vOut, t, p, v1, vDir);
263  bc1Out = t; bc2Out = 0;
265  VecSubtract(vDir, v3, v1);
266  tmpDist = DistancePointToRay(vTmp, tmpT, p, v1, vDir);
267  if(tmpDist < d){
268  bestIndex = 1;
269  d = tmpDist;
270  t = tmpT;
271  bc1Out = 0; bc2Out = tmpT;
272  vOut = vTmp;
273  }
275  VecSubtract(vDir, v3, v2);
276  tmpDist = DistancePointToRay(vTmp, tmpT, p, v2, vDir);
277  if(tmpDist < d){
278  bestIndex = 2;
279  d = tmpDist;
280  t = tmpT;
281  bc1Out = 1. - t; bc2Out = t;
282  vOut = vTmp;
283  }
285 // we now have to check whether the projection to an edge was
286 // orthogonal. If not we'll return the distance to a point.
287  if(t > 0 && t < 1){
288  return d;
289  }
290  else{
291  switch(bestIndex){
292  case 0:
293  if(t < 0.5){
294  vOut = v1;
295  bc1Out = 0; bc2Out = 0;
296  }
297  else{
298  vOut = v2;
299  bc1Out = 1; bc2Out = 0;
300  }
301  break;
303  case 1:
304  if(t < 0.5){
305  vOut = v1;
306  bc1Out = 0; bc2Out = 0;
307  }
308  else{
309  vOut = v3;
310  bc1Out = 0; bc2Out = 1;
311  }
312  break;
313  case 2:
314  if(t < 0.5){
315  vOut = v2;
316  bc1Out = 1; bc2Out = 0;
317  }
318  else{
319  vOut = v3;
320  bc1Out = 0; bc2Out = 1;
321  }
322  break;
323  }
324  }
326 // return the distance
327  return VecDistance(p, vOut);
328 }
331 template <class vector_t>
332 number DistancePointToPlane(const vector_t& v, const vector_t& p,
333  const vector_t& n)
334 {
335  vector_t vTmp;
336  ProjectPointToPlane(vTmp, v, p, n);
337  return VecDistance(vTmp, v);
338 }
341 template <class vector_t>
342 void ProjectPointToPlane(vector_t& vOut, const vector_t& v,
343  const vector_t& p, const vector_t& n)
344 {
345 // the vector from p to v
346  vector_t t, norm;
347  VecSubtract(t, v, p);
349  VecNormalize(norm, n);
351 // scale the normal with the dot-product with the direction
352  VecScale(t, norm, VecDot(norm, t));
354 // subtract the scaled normal from the original point
355  VecSubtract(vOut, v, t);
356 }
359 template <class vector_t>
360 bool RayPlaneIntersection(vector_t& vOut, number& tOut,
361  const vector_t& rayFrom, const vector_t& rayDir,
362  const vector_t& p, const vector_t& n)
363 {
364 // solve: t = (p-rayFrom)*n / rayDir*n
365  number denom = VecDot(rayDir, n);
366  if(fabs(denom) < SMALL_SQ)
367  return false;
369 // calculate intersection parameter
370  vector_t v;
371  VecSubtract(v, p, rayFrom);
372  tOut = VecDot(v, n) / denom;
374 // calculate intersection point
375  VecScale(v, rayDir, tOut);
376  VecAdd(vOut, rayFrom, v);
377  return true;
378 }
382 template <class vector_t>
383 bool RayRayIntersection2d(vector_t &vOut, number& t0Out, number& t1Out,
384  const vector_t &p0, const vector_t &dir0,
385  const vector_t &p1, const vector_t &dir1)
386 {
387  // we search for the intersection of the ray vFrom + tOut*vDir with the
388  // Line p0 + bcOut*(p1-p0). Intersection is true, if c0 in [0,1].
389  // We set up the system
390  // | dir0[0] , - dir1[0] | ( t0Out ) = ( (p1 - p0)[0] )
391  // | dir0[1] , - dir1[1] | ( t1Out ) = ( (p1 - p0)[1] )
393  vector_t v, b;
394  MathMatrix<2,2> m, mInv;
396  // set up matrix
397  m[0][0] = dir0[0]; m[0][1] = -1 * dir1[0];
398  m[1][0] = dir0[1]; m[1][1] = -1 * dir1[1];
400  // invert matrix
401  number det = Determinant(m);
403  // if det == 0.0 lines are parallel
404  if(det == 0.0) return false;
406  // compute inverse
407  Inverse(mInv, m);
409  // compute rhs of system
410  VecSubtract(b, p1, p0);
412  // solve system
413  MatVecMult(v, mInv, b);
415  // parameters of the intersection
416  t0Out = v[0];
417  t1Out = v[1];
419  // compute intersection point
420  vOut = p0;
421  VecScaleAppend(vOut, t0Out, dir0);
423  return true;
424 }
427 template <class vector_t>
428 bool RayLineIntersection2d(vector_t &vOut, number& bcOut, number& tOut,
429  const vector_t &p0, const vector_t &p1,
430  const vector_t &vFrom, const vector_t &vDir,
431  number sml)
432 {
433  vector_t dir0;
434  VecSubtract(dir0, p1, p0);
435  if(RayRayIntersection2d(vOut, bcOut, tOut, p0, dir0, vFrom, vDir)){
436  if(bcOut >= -sml && bcOut <= 1.+sml)
437  return true;
438  }
439  return false;
440 }
442 template <class vector_t>
443 bool LineLineIntersection2d(vector_t &vOut, number& t0Out, number& t1Out,
444  const vector_t &from0, const vector_t &to0,
445  const vector_t &from1, const vector_t &to1,
446  const number threshold)
447 {
448  vector_t dir0, dir1;
449  VecSubtract(dir0, to0, from0);
450  VecSubtract(dir1, to1, from1);
451  if(RayRayIntersection2d(vOut, t0Out, t1Out, from0, dir0, from1, dir1)){
452  if((t0Out >= -threshold) && (t0Out <= (1. + threshold))
453  && (t1Out >= -threshold) && (t1Out <= (1. + threshold)))
454  {
455  return true;
456  }
457  }
458  return false;
459 }
461 template <class vector_t>
462 bool RayRayProjection(number& t1Out, number& t2Out,
463  const vector_t& from1, const vector_t& dir1,
464  const vector_t& from2, const vector_t& dir2)
465 {
466  vector_t ab;
467  VecSubtract(ab, from2, from1);
468  number l11 = VecDot(dir1, dir1);
469  number l12 = -VecDot(dir1, dir2);
470  number l22 = VecDot(dir2, dir2);
471  number ra = VecDot(dir1, ab);
472  number rb = -VecDot(dir2, ab);
474 // l11 and l22 are always >= 0
475  if((l11 < SMALL_SQ) || (l22 < SMALL_SQ))
476  return false;
478  number tmp = l11 * l22 - l12 * l12;
479  if(fabs(tmp) < SMALL)
480  return false;
482  t2Out = (l11*rb - l12*ra) / tmp;
483  t1Out = (ra - l12*t2Out) / l11;
484  return true;
485 }
487 template <class vector_t>
488 bool LineLineProjection(number& t1Out, number& t2Out,
489  const vector_t& a1, const vector_t& a2,
490  const vector_t& b1, const vector_t& b2)
491 {
492  vector_t dirA, dirB;
493  VecSubtract(dirA, a2, a1);
494  VecSubtract(dirB, b2, b1);
496  if(RayRayProjection(t1Out, t2Out, a1, dirA, b1, dirB)){
497  if((t1Out >= 0) && (t1Out <= 1.) && (t2Out >= 0) && (t2Out <= 1.))
498  return true;
499  return false;
500  }
501  return false;
502 }
505 template <class vector_t>
506 bool RayTriangleIntersection(vector_t &vOut, number& bc1Out, number& bc2Out, number& tOut,
507  const vector_t &p0, const vector_t &p1, const vector_t &p2,
508  const vector_t &vFrom, const vector_t &vDir,
509  const number small)
510 {
511 // this piece of code is rather old and should probably be replaced by a
512 // new method to improve speed and robustness.
513 // The current implementation solves a 3x3 linear system using gaussian
514 // elimination with pivoting to find the intersection of the ray with
515 // the plane in which the triangle lies.
516 // The local coordinates r and s, that describe the position of the
517 // intersection point in the planes parameter-form, are then examined to
518 // check whether the intersection-point lies inside the triangle or not
519 // (r and s can at the same time be seen as the barycentric coordinates of
520 // the triangle).
521 // Division by zero is avoided (currently a == check is used - should be
522 // replaced by a comparision to small)
524 /*
525  p2
526  |\
527  v1| \v2
528  |____\
529  p0 v0 p1
532  r*v0 + s*v1 - t* vDir = b
534  m00 m01 m02
535  m10 m11 m12
536  m20 m21 m22
537 */
539  number m[3][3];
540  number b[3];
542  m[0][0] = p1.x() - p0.x(); m[0][1] = p2.x() - p0.x(); m[0][2] = -vDir.x(); b[0] = vFrom.x() - p0.x();
543  m[1][0] = p1.y() - p0.y(); m[1][1] = p2.y() - p0.y(); m[1][2] = -vDir.y(); b[1] = vFrom.y() - p0.y();
544  m[2][0] = p1.z() - p0.z(); m[2][1] = p2.z() - p0.z(); m[2][2] = -vDir.z(); b[2] = vFrom.z() - p0.z();
546  int i1, i2, i3, j;
547  number fac;
548  bc1Out = 0;
549  bc2Out = 0;
550  tOut = 0;
552  number dBestEntry = fabs(m[0][0]);
553  i1 = 0;
554  fac = fabs(m[1][0]);
555  if(fac > dBestEntry){
556  dBestEntry = fac;
557  i1 = 1;
558  }
560  if(fabs(m[2][0]) > dBestEntry)
561  i1 = 2;
564  if(m[i1][0]){
565  for(i2 = 0; i2 < 3; ++i2){
566  if(i2!=i1){
567  if(m[i2][0]){
568  fac = -m[i2][0]/m[i1][0];
569  for(j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
570  m[i2][j] = m[i2][j] + fac*m[i1][j];
571  b[i2] = b[i2] + fac * b[i1];
572  }
573  }
574  }
576  i2 = (i1 + 1) % 3;
577  i3 = (i1 + 2) % 3;
578  if(fabs(m[i2][1]) < fabs(m[i3][1])){
579  int ti = i2;
580  i2 = i3;
581  i3 = ti;
582  }
584  if((m[i2][1]!=0) && (m[i3][1]!=0)){
585  fac = -m[i3][1]/m[i2][1];
586  for(j = 1; j < 3; ++j)
587  m[i3][j] = m[i3][j] + fac*m[i2][j];
588  b[i3] = b[i3] + fac * b[i2];
589  }
591  //calculate tOut (t)
592  if(m[i3][2])
593  tOut = b[i3] / m[i3][2];
594  else if(b[i3] != 0)
595  return false;
597  //calculate bc2Out (s)
598  b[i2] -= tOut*m[i2][2];
599  if(m[i2][1])
600  bc2Out = b[i2] / m[i2][1];
601  else if(b[i2] != 0)
602  return false;
604  //calculate bc1Out (r)
605  b[i1] -= (tOut*m[i1][2] + bc2Out*m[i1][1]);
606  if(m[i1][0])
607  bc1Out = b[i1] / m[i1][0];
608  else if(b[i1] != 0)
609  return false;
611  if((bc1Out >=-small ) && (bc2Out >= -small ) && ((bc1Out + bc2Out) <= 1.+small))
612  {
613  vOut.x() = vFrom.x() + tOut*vDir.x();
614  vOut.y() = vFrom.y() + tOut*vDir.y();
615  vOut.z() = vFrom.z() + tOut*vDir.z();
616  return true;
617  }
618  }
619  return false;
620 }
622 template <class vector_t> inline
623 bool RayTriangleIntersection(vector_t &vOut, const vector_t &p0,
624  const vector_t &p1, const vector_t &p2,
625  const vector_t &vFrom, const vector_t &vDir)
626 {
627  number r, s, t;
628  return RayTriangleIntersection(vOut, r, s, t, p0, p1, p2, vFrom, vDir);
629 }
631 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
632 // template <class vector_t>
633 // bool RayBoxIntersection(const vector_t& rayFrom, const vector_t& rayDir,
634 // const vector_t& boxMin, const vector_t& boxMax,
635 // number* tNearOut, number* tFarOut)
636 // {
637 // number tMin = 0, tMax = 0;// initialized only to avoid mislead compiler warnings...
638 // number t1, t2;
639 // bool bMinMaxSet = false;
641 // if(fabs(rayDir.x()) > SMALL)
642 // {
643 // //get xNear and xFar
644 // t1 = (boxMin.x() - rayFrom.x()) / rayDir.x();
645 // t2 = (boxMax.x() - rayFrom.x()) / rayDir.x();
646 // if(t1 > t2)
647 // std::swap(t1, t2);
648 // tMin = t1;
649 // tMax = t2;
650 // bMinMaxSet = true;
651 // }
652 // else
653 // {
654 // if(rayFrom.x() < boxMin.x())
655 // return false;
656 // if(rayFrom.x() > boxMax.x())
657 // return false;
658 // }
660 // if(fabs(rayDir.y()) > SMALL)
661 // {
662 // //get yNear and yFar
663 // t1 = (boxMin.y() - rayFrom.y()) / rayDir.y();
664 // t2 = (boxMax.y() - rayFrom.y()) / rayDir.y();
665 // if(t1 > t2)
666 // std::swap(t1, t2);
667 // if(bMinMaxSet)
668 // {
669 // if((t1 <= tMax) && (t2 >= tMin))
670 // {
671 // tMin = std::max(t1, tMin);
672 // tMax = std::min(t2, tMax);
673 // }
674 // else
675 // return false;
676 // }
677 // else
678 // {
679 // tMin = t1;
680 // tMax = t2;
681 // }
682 // bMinMaxSet = true;
683 // }
684 // else
685 // {
686 // if(rayFrom.y() < boxMin.y())
687 // return false;
688 // if(rayFrom.y() > boxMax.y())
689 // return false;
690 // }
692 // if(fabs(rayDir.z()) > SMALL)
693 // {
694 // //get zNear and zFar
695 // t1 = (boxMin.z() - rayFrom.z()) / rayDir.z();
696 // t2 = (boxMax.z() - rayFrom.z()) / rayDir.z();
697 // if(t1 > t2)
698 // std::swap(t1, t2);
699 // if(bMinMaxSet)
700 // {
701 // if((t1 <= tMax) && (t2 >= tMin))
702 // {
703 // tMin = std::max(t1, tMin);
704 // tMax = std::min(t2, tMax);
705 // }
706 // else
707 // return false;
708 // }
709 // else
710 // {
711 // tMin = t1;
712 // tMax = t2;
713 // }
714 // bMinMaxSet = true;
715 // }
716 // else
717 // {
718 // if(rayFrom.z() < boxMin.z())
719 // return false;
720 // if(rayFrom.z() > boxMax.z())
721 // return false;
722 // }
724 // if(bMinMaxSet)
725 // {
726 // // the ray intersects the box
727 // // lets calculate tNear and tFar and return true
728 // if(fabs(tMin) > fabs(tMax))
729 // std::swap(tMin, tMax);
730 // if(tNearOut)
731 // *tNearOut = tMin;
732 // if(tFarOut)
733 // *tFarOut = tMax;
734 // return true;
735 // }
736 // else
737 // {
738 // // the ray has no direction -> we'll check if the From-point lies inside the box
739 // if(BoxBoundProbe(rayFrom, boxMin, boxMax)){
741 // if(*tNearOut)
742 // *tNearOut = 0;
743 // if(*tFarOut)
744 // *tFarOut = 0;
745 // return true;
746 // }
747 // else
748 // return false;
749 // }
750 // }
753 template <class vector_t>
754 bool RayBoxIntersection(const vector_t& rayFrom, const vector_t& rayDir,
755  const vector_t& boxMin, const vector_t& boxMax,
756  number* tMinOut, number* tMaxOut)
757 {
758  number tMin = 0, tMax = 0;// initialized only to avoid mislead compiler warnings...
759  number t1, t2;
760  bool bMinMaxSet = false;
762  for(size_t i = 0; i < vector_t::Size; ++i){
763  if(fabs(rayDir[i]) > SMALL)
764  {
765  //get near and far
766  t1 = (boxMin[i] - rayFrom[i]) / rayDir[i];
767  t2 = (boxMax[i] - rayFrom[i]) / rayDir[i];
768  if(t1 > t2)
769  std::swap(t1, t2);
770  if(bMinMaxSet)
771  {
772  if((t1 <= tMax) && (t2 >= tMin))
773  {
774  tMin = std::max(t1, tMin);
775  tMax = std::min(t2, tMax);
776  }
777  else
778  return false;
779  }
780  else
781  {
782  tMin = t1;
783  tMax = t2;
784  }
785  bMinMaxSet = true;
786  }
787  else if((rayFrom[i] < boxMin[i]) || (rayFrom[i] > boxMax[i]))
788  return false;
789  }
791  if(bMinMaxSet)
792  {
793  // the ray intersects the box
794  // lets calculate tNear and tFar and return true
795  if(tMin > tMax)
796  std::swap(tMin, tMax);
797  if(tMinOut)
798  *tMinOut = tMin;
799  if(tMaxOut)
800  *tMaxOut = tMax;
801  return true;
802  }
803  else
804  {
805  // the ray has no direction -> we'll check if the From-point lies inside the box
806  if(BoxBoundProbe(rayFrom, boxMin, boxMax)){
808  if(tMinOut)
809  *tMinOut = 0;
810  if(tMaxOut)
811  *tMaxOut = 0;
812  return true;
813  }
814  else{
815  if(tMinOut)
816  *tMinOut = 0;
817  if(tMaxOut)
818  *tMaxOut = 0;
819  return false;
820  }
821  }
822 }
825 template <class vector_t>
826 bool LineBoxIntersection(const vector_t& v1, const vector_t& v2,
827  const vector_t& boxMin, const vector_t& boxMax)
828 {
829  number tmin, tmax;
831  vector_t vDir;
832  VecSubtract(vDir, v2, v1);
833  if(RayBoxIntersection(v1, vDir, boxMin, boxMax, &tmin, &tmax))
834  {
835  return ((tmin * tmax < 0) || (tmin >= 0 && tmin <= 1.));
836  }
838  return false;
839 }
842 template <class vector_t>
844  const vector_t& v, const vector_t& dir,
845  const vector_t& center, number radius)
846 {
847  vector_t p;
848  number s = ProjectPointToRay(p, center, v, dir);
849  number h = VecDistance(p, center);
850  if(h > radius)
851  return 0;
852  if(h > radius - SMALL){
853  s1Out = s;
854  s2Out = s;
855  return 1;
856  }
858  number dirLen = VecLength(dir);
859  if(dirLen == 0){
860  s1Out = s2Out = 0;
861  return 0;
862  }
864  number a = sqrt(radius * radius - h * h);
866  number sa = a / dirLen;
867  s1Out = s + sa;
868  s2Out = s - sa;
869  return 2;
870 }
872 template <class vector_t>
874  const vector_t& v1, const vector_t& v2,
875  const vector_t& center, number radius)
876 {
877  vector_t dir;
878  VecSubtract(dir, v2, v1);
879  int num = RaySphereIntersection(s1Out, s2Out, v1, dir, center, radius);
881  switch(num){
882  case 0: return 0;
883  case 1: if((s1Out >= 0) && (s1Out <= 1))
884  return 1;
885  return 0;
886  case 2:{
887  if((s1Out < 0) || (s1Out > 1))
888  --num;
889  if((s2Out < 0) || (s2Out > 1))
890  --num;
891  else if(num == 1)
892  s1Out = s2Out;
893  return num;
894  }
895  }
896  return 0;
897 }
900 template <class vector_t>
901 bool BoxBoxIntersection(const vector_t& box1Min, const vector_t& box1Max,
902  const vector_t& box2Min, const vector_t& box2Max)
903 {
904  for(size_t i = 0; i < box1Min.size(); ++i){
905  if(box1Min[i] > box2Max[i] || box1Max[i] < box2Min[i])
906  return false;
907  }
909  return true;
910 }
913 template <class vector_t>
914 number TriangleArea(const vector_t& p1, const vector_t& p2, const vector_t& p3)
915 {
916  vector_t e[3];
917  VecSubtract(e[0], p2, p1);
918  VecSubtract(e[1], p3, p1);
919  GenVecCross(e[2], e[0], e[1]);
920  return 0.5 * VecLength(e[2]);
921 }
923 template <class vector_t>
924 number QuadrilateralArea(const vector_t& p1, const vector_t& p2,
925  const vector_t& p3, const vector_t& p4)
926 {
927  return TriangleArea(p1, p2, p3) + TriangleArea(p3, p4, p1);
928 }
931 template <class vector_t>
932 number GeometricApproximationDegree(vector_t& n1, vector_t& n2, vector_t& n3,
933  vector_t& tn)
934 {
935  return std::min(VecDot(n1, tn), std::min(VecDot(n2, tn), VecDot(n3, tn)));
936 }
939 template <class vector_t>
940 number TriangleQuality_Area(const vector_t& p1, const vector_t& p2,
941  const vector_t& p3)
942 {
943  number edgeSum = VecDistanceSq(p1, p2) + VecDistanceSq(p2, p3)
944  + VecDistanceSq(p1, p3);
945  if(edgeSum > SMALL)
946  {
947  // 4*sqrt(3) = 6.9282032
948  return 6.9282032 * TriangleArea(p1, p2, p3) / edgeSum;
949  }
951 // a triangle whose sides have all zero length is considered to be a bad triangle.
952  return 0;
953 }
956 // BoxBoundProbe
957 template <class vector_t>
958 bool BoxBoundProbe(const vector_t& v, const vector_t& boxMin,
959  const vector_t& boxMax)
960 {
961  for(size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i){
962  if(v[i] < boxMin[i] || v[i] > boxMax[i])
963  return false;
964  }
965  return true;
966 }
969 // PointIsInsideTriangle
970 template <class vector_t>
971 bool PointIsInsideTriangle(const vector_t& v, const vector_t& v0,
972  const vector_t& v1, const vector_t& v2)
973 {
974 // we'll check for each side of the tri, whether v and the point of
975 // the tri, that does not lie on the edge, do lie on the same side.
976  vector_t e; // the examined edge
977  vector_t edgeNorm; // the normal of the examined edge
978  vector_t tv1, tv2; // the direction of a tri-point to v
980 // We compare against a small-constant which is
981 // relative to the first edge of the triangle under examination.
982 // Note: If we do not do this in a relative fashion, sufficiently
983 // small-scale triangles will always return true!
984  VecSubtract(e, v1, v0);
985  number locSmall = VecTwoNormSq(e);
986  locSmall = locSmall * locSmall * SMALL;
987  // const number locSmall = VecTwoNorm(e) * SMALL;
989  //VecSubtract(e, v1, v0);
990  edgeNorm.x() = e.y();
991  edgeNorm.y() = -e.x();
992  VecSubtract(tv1, v2, v0);
993  VecSubtract(tv2, v, v0);
994  if(VecDot(tv1, edgeNorm) * VecDot(tv2, edgeNorm) < -locSmall)
995  return false;
997  VecSubtract(e, v2, v1);
998  edgeNorm.x() = e.y();
999  edgeNorm.y() = -e.x();
1000  VecSubtract(tv1, v0, v1);
1001  VecSubtract(tv2, v, v1);
1002  if(VecDot(tv1, edgeNorm) * VecDot(tv2, edgeNorm) < -locSmall)
1003  return false;
1005  VecSubtract(e, v0, v2);
1006  edgeNorm.x() = e.y();
1007  edgeNorm.y() = -e.x();
1008  VecSubtract(tv1, v1, v2);
1009  VecSubtract(tv2, v, v2);
1010  if(VecDot(tv1, edgeNorm) * VecDot(tv2, edgeNorm) < -locSmall)
1011  return false;
1013 // all tests succeeded. return true.
1014  return true;
1015 }
1017 // prevent usage with MathVector<3> (otherwise: undefined behavior due to uninit'ed edgeNorm[2]),
1018 // even if all vertices are located in the same xy plane, edgeNorm[2] might be inf or nan!
1019 template <>
1020 inline bool PointIsInsideTriangle(const MathVector<3>& v, const MathVector<3>& v0,
1021  const MathVector<3>& v1, const MathVector<3>& v2)
1022 {
1023  UG_THROW("Not implemented for 3D!");
1024  return false;
1025 }
1029 // PointIsInsideTriangle_HighAcc
1030 template <class vector_t>
1031 bool PointIsInsideTriangle_HighAcc(const vector_t& v, const vector_t& v0,
1032  const vector_t& v1, const vector_t& v2)
1033 {
1034  return PointIsInsideTriangle(v, v0, v1, v2);
1035 }
1038 // PointIsInsideQuadrilateral (for convex quads only)
1039 template <class vector_t>
1040 bool PointIsInsideQuadrilateral(const vector_t& v, const vector_t& v0,
1041  const vector_t& v1, const vector_t& v2,
1042  const vector_t& v3)
1043 {
1044 // we'll check for each side of the quad, whether v and a point of
1045 // the quad, that does not lie on the edge, do lie on the same side.
1046  vector_t e; // the examined edge
1047  vector_t edgeNorm; // the normal of the examined edge
1048  vector_t tv1, tv2; // the direction of a quad-point to v
1050 // we compare against a small-constant which is
1051 // relative to the first edge of the examined triangle
1052 // Note: If we do not do this in a relative fashion, small-scale quads
1053 // will always return true!
1054  VecSubtract(e, v1, v0);
1055  number locSmall = VecTwoNormSq(e);
1056  locSmall = locSmall * locSmall * SMALL;
1058  //VecSubtract(e, v1, v0);
1059  edgeNorm.x() = e.y();
1060  edgeNorm.y() = -e.x();
1061  VecSubtract(tv1, v2, v0);
1062  VecSubtract(tv2, v, v0);
1063  if(VecDot(tv1, edgeNorm) * VecDot(tv2, edgeNorm) < -locSmall)
1064  return false;
1066  VecSubtract(e, v2, v1);
1067  edgeNorm.x() = e.y();
1068  edgeNorm.y() = -e.x();
1069  VecSubtract(tv1, v3, v1);
1070  VecSubtract(tv2, v, v1);
1071  if(VecDot(tv1, edgeNorm) * VecDot(tv2, edgeNorm) < -locSmall)
1072  return false;
1074  VecSubtract(e, v3, v2);
1075  edgeNorm.x() = e.y();
1076  edgeNorm.y() = -e.x();
1077  VecSubtract(tv1, v0, v2);
1078  VecSubtract(tv2, v, v2);
1079  if(VecDot(tv1, edgeNorm) * VecDot(tv2, edgeNorm) < -locSmall)
1080  return false;
1082  VecSubtract(e, v0, v3);
1083  edgeNorm.x() = e.y();
1084  edgeNorm.y() = -e.x();
1085  VecSubtract(tv1, v1, v3);
1086  VecSubtract(tv2, v, v3);
1087  if(VecDot(tv1, edgeNorm) * VecDot(tv2, edgeNorm) < -locSmall)
1088  return false;
1090 // all tests succeeded. return true.
1091  return true;
1092 }
1095 // prevent usage with MathVector<3> (otherwise: undefined behavior due to uninit'ed edgeNorm[2]),
1096 // even if all vertices are located in the same xy plane, edgeNorm[2] might be inf or nan!
1097 template <>
1099  const MathVector<3>& v1, const MathVector<3>& v2,
1100  const MathVector<3>& v3)
1101 {
1102  UG_THROW("Not implemented for 3D!");
1103  return false;
1104 }
1108 // PointIsInsideTetrahedron
1109 template <class vector_t>
1110 bool PointIsInsideTetrahedron(const vector_t& v, const vector_t& v0, const vector_t& v1,
1111  const vector_t& v2, const vector_t& v3)
1112 {
1113 // we'll check for each side of the tet, whether v and the point of
1114 // the tet, that does not lie in the plane, lie on the same side.
1115  vector_t n; // the normal of the examined face
1116  vector_t e1, e2; // directions of two edges of a face
1117  number pn; // dot product of a point in the plane with the normal
1119 // we compare against a small-constant which is
1120 // relative to the first edge of the examined triangle
1121 // Note: If we do not do this in a relative fashion, small-scale quads
1122 // will always return true!
1123  VecSubtract(e2, v1, v0);
1124  number locSmall = VecTwoNormSq(e2);
1125  locSmall = locSmall * locSmall * locSmall * SMALL;
1127 // check side 0, 2, 1
1128  VecSubtract(e1, v2, v0);
1129  //VecSubtract(e2, v1, v0);
1130  VecCross(n, e1, e2);
1131  pn = VecDot(v0, n);
1132  if((VecDot(v3, n) - pn) * (VecDot(v, n) - pn) < -locSmall)
1133  return false;
1135 // check side 0, 1, 3
1136  VecSubtract(e1, v1, v0);
1137  VecSubtract(e2, v3, v0);
1138  VecCross(n, e1, e2);
1139  pn = VecDot(v0, n);
1140  if((VecDot(v2, n) - pn) * (VecDot(v, n) - pn) < -locSmall)
1141  return false;
1143 // check side 1, 2, 3
1144  VecSubtract(e1, v2, v1);
1145  VecSubtract(e2, v3, v1);
1146  VecCross(n, e1, e2);
1147  pn = VecDot(v1, n);
1148  if((VecDot(v0, n) - pn) * (VecDot(v, n) - pn) < -locSmall)
1149  return false;
1151 // check side 0, 3, 2
1152  VecSubtract(e1, v3, v0);
1153  VecSubtract(e2, v2, v0);
1154  VecCross(n, e1, e2);
1155  pn = VecDot(v0, n);
1156  if((VecDot(v1, n) - pn) * (VecDot(v, n) - pn) < -locSmall)
1157  return false;
1159 // all tests succeeded. return true.
1160  return true;
1161 }
1164 // ReflectVectorAtPlane
1165 template <class vector_t>
1166 void ReflectVectorAtPlane(vector_t& vReflectedOut, const vector_t& v,
1167  const vector_t& n, const vector_t& r0)
1168 {
1169  const number s = 2 * (VecDot(v, n) - VecDot(n, r0)) / VecDot(n, n);
1170  VecScaleAdd(vReflectedOut, 1.0, v, -s, n);
1171 }
1173 }// end of namespace
1175 #endif
parameterString p
parameterString s
A class for fixed size, dense matrices.
Definition: math_matrix.h:52
a mathematical Vector with N entries.
Definition: math_vector.h:97
MathMatrix< N, N, T >::value_type Determinant(const MathMatrix< N, N, T > &m)
Determinant of a matrix.
Definition: math_matrix_functions_common_impl.hpp:382
MathMatrix< N, M, T >::value_type Inverse(MathMatrix< N, M, T > &mOut, const MathMatrix< M, N, T > &m)
Inverse of a matrix.
Definition: math_matrix_functions_common_impl.hpp:560
#define UG_THROW(msg)
Definition: error.h:57
double number
Definition: types.h:124
void MatVecMult(vector_t_out &vOut, const matrix_t &m, const vector_t_in &v)
Matrix - Vector Multiplication.
Definition: math_matrix_vector_functions_common_impl.hpp:49
number TriangleArea(const vector_t &p1, const vector_t &p2, const vector_t &p3)
calculates the are of the triangle defined by p1, p2 and p3
Definition: math_util_impl.hpp:914
number ProjectPointToLine(vector_t &vOut, const vector_t &v, const vector_t &from, const vector_t &to)
finds the projection of v onto the line defined by from and to
Definition: math_util_impl.hpp:186
bool LineLineIntersection2d(vector_t &vOut, number &t0Out, number &t1Out, const vector_t &from0, const vector_t &to0, const vector_t &from1, const vector_t &to1, const number threshold=0)
calculates the intersection of a two lines in 2d
Definition: math_util_impl.hpp:443
bool PointIsInsideQuadrilateral(const vector_t &v, const vector_t &v0, const vector_t &v1, const vector_t &v2, const vector_t &v3)
Returns true if the point lies inside or on the boundary of a quadrilateral.
Definition: math_util_impl.hpp:1040
bool LineLineProjection(number &t1Out, number &t2Out, const vector_t &a1, const vector_t &a2, const vector_t &b1, const vector_t &b2)
calculates the closest point between the rays through the given lines.
Definition: math_util_impl.hpp:488
number QuadrilateralArea(const vector_t &p1, const vector_t &p2, const vector_t &p3, const vector_t &p4)
calculates the are of the triangle defined by p1, p2 and p3
Definition: math_util_impl.hpp:924
vector_t TriangleBarycenter(const vector_t &p1, const vector_t &p2, const vector_t &p3)
Calculates the barycenter of a triangle (1/3) * (p1+p2+p3)
Definition: math_util_impl.hpp:114
bool RayPlaneIntersection(vector_t &vOut, number &tOut, const vector_t &rayFrom, const vector_t &rayDir, const vector_t &p, const vector_t &n)
calculates the intersection of the ray rayFrom+t*rayDir and the plane (x-p)*n=0.
Definition: math_util_impl.hpp:360
bool RayBoxIntersection(const vector_t &rayFrom, const vector_t &rayDir, const vector_t &boxMin, const vector_t &boxMax, number *tNearOut=NULL, number *tFarOut=NULL)
checks if a ray is intersecting a box
Definition: math_util_impl.hpp:754
bool RayRayIntersection2d(vector_t &vOut, number &t0Out, number &t1Out, const vector_t &p0, const vector_t &dir0, const vector_t &p1, const vector_t &dir1)
calculates the intersection of two Rays in 2d
Definition: math_util_impl.hpp:383
number DistancePointToRay(const vector_t &v, const vector_t &from, const vector_t &dir)
calculates the distance of a point to a ray
Definition: math_util_impl.hpp:225
TNumber urand(TNumber lowerBound, TNumber upperBound)
uniform distributed random numbers in [lowerBound, upperBound[. Use srand to set a seed.
Definition: math_util_impl.hpp:67
number DistancePointToLine(const vector_t &v, const vector_t &v1, const vector_t &v2)
calculates the distance of a point to a line segment
Definition: math_util_impl.hpp:197
number DropAPerpendicular(vector_t &vOut, const vector_t &v, const vector_t &v0, const vector_t &v1)
finds the projection of v onto the line defined by v0 and v1
Definition: math_util_impl.hpp:123
bool PointIsInsideTriangle(const vector_t &v, const vector_t &v0, const vector_t &v1, const vector_t &v2)
Returns true if the point lies inside or on the boundary of a triangle.
Definition: math_util_impl.hpp:971
vector_t PointOnRay(const vector_t &from, const vector_t &dir, number s)
returns the point described by a relative ray coordinate
Definition: math_util_impl.hpp:150
TNumber sq(TNumber val)
returns the square of a value (val*val)
Definition: math_util_impl.hpp:91
number GeometricApproximationDegree(vector_t &n1, vector_t &n2, vector_t &n3, vector_t &tn)
the returned degree lies between 0 and 1. The closer to 1 the better.
Definition: math_util_impl.hpp:932
bool BoxBoundProbe(const vector_t &v, const vector_t &boxMin, const vector_t &boxMax)
Returns true if the point lies inside or on the boundary of the box.
Definition: math_util_impl.hpp:958
bool RayLineIntersection2d(vector_t &vOut, number &bcOut, number &tOut, const vector_t &p0, const vector_t &p1, const vector_t &vFrom, const vector_t &vDir, number sml=0)
calculates the intersection of a ray with a Line in 2d
Definition: math_util_impl.hpp:428
void CalculateCenter(vector_t &centerOut, const vector_t *pointSet, size_t numPoints)
calculates the center of a point-set
Definition: math_util_impl.hpp:98
int RaySphereIntersection(number &s1Out, number &s2Out, const vector_t &v, const vector_t &dir, const vector_t &center, number radius)
checks whether the line segment (v1, v2) intersect the given sphere.
Definition: math_util_impl.hpp:843
bool RayTriangleIntersection(vector_t &vOut, number &bc1Out, number &bc2Out, number &tOut, const vector_t &p0, const vector_t &p1, const vector_t &p2, const vector_t &vFrom, const vector_t &vDir, const number small=SMALL)
calculates the intersection of a ray with a triangle
Definition: math_util_impl.hpp:506
TNumber clip(TNumber val, TNumber lowerBound, TNumber upperBound)
clips a number to the given interval [lowerBound, upperBound].
Definition: math_util_impl.hpp:80
bool LineBoxIntersection(const vector_t &v1, const vector_t &v2, const vector_t &boxMin, const vector_t &boxMax)
checks whether the given line-segment (v1, v2) intersect the given box.
Definition: math_util_impl.hpp:826
number TriangleQuality_Area(const vector_t &p1, const vector_t &p2, const vector_t &p3)
returns a value between 0 and 1. The higher the better.
Definition: math_util_impl.hpp:940
void ProjectPointToPlane(vector_t &vOut, const vector_t &v, const vector_t &p, const vector_t &n)
projects v onto the plane defined by the point p and the planes normal n.
Definition: math_util_impl.hpp:342
bool PointIsInsideTriangle_HighAcc(const vector_t &v, const vector_t &v0, const vector_t &v1, const vector_t &v2)
Returns true if the point lies inside or on a side of the given triangle.
Definition: math_util_impl.hpp:1031
TNumber deg_to_rad(TNumber deg)
Definition: math_util_impl.hpp:49
bool PointIsInsideTetrahedron(const vector_t &v, const vector_t &v0, const vector_t &v1, const vector_t &v2, const vector_t &v3)
Returns true if the point lies inside or on the boundary of a tetrahedron.
Definition: math_util_impl.hpp:1110
number DistancePointToPlane(const vector_t &v, const vector_t &p, const vector_t &n)
Calculates the distance between the specified point and the plane.
Definition: math_util_impl.hpp:332
void ReflectVectorAtPlane(vector_t &vReflectedOut, const vector_t &v, const vector_t &n, const vector_t &r0)
reflects a vector at a plane
Definition: math_util_impl.hpp:1166
bool BoxBoxIntersection(const vector_t &box1Min, const vector_t &box1Max, const vector_t &box2Min, const vector_t &box2Max)
checks whether two boxes intersect.
Definition: math_util_impl.hpp:901
int LineSphereIntersection(number &s1Out, number &s2Out, const vector_t &v1, const vector_t &v2, const vector_t &center, number radius)
Definition: math_util_impl.hpp:873
bool RayRayProjection(number &t1Out, number &t2Out, const vector_t &from1, const vector_t &dir1, const vector_t &from2, const vector_t &dir2)
Calculates the parameter values at wich two rays are closest.
Definition: math_util_impl.hpp:462
TNumber rad_to_deg(TNumber rad)
Definition: math_util_impl.hpp:58
number ProjectPointToRay(vector_t &vOut, const vector_t &v, const vector_t &from, const vector_t &dir)
finds the projection of v onto the ray defined by from and dir
Definition: math_util_impl.hpp:160
number DistancePointToTriangle(vector_t &vOut, number &bc1Out, number &bc2Out, const vector_t &p, const vector_t &v1, const vector_t &v2, const vector_t &v3, const vector_t &n)
calculates the minimal distance of a point to a triangle.
Definition: math_util_impl.hpp:243
vector_t::value_type VecLength(const vector_t &v)
returns the length of v. Slower than VecLengthSq.
Definition: math_vector_functions_common_impl.hpp:341
void VecScaleAppend(vector_t &vOut, typename vector_t::value_type s1, const vector_t &v1)
Scales a Vector and adds it to a second vector.
Definition: math_vector_functions_common_impl.hpp:126
void GenVecCross(MathVector< dim > &result, const MathVector< dim > &v_1, const MathVector< dim > &v_2)
calculates the usual cross product in 3d, and the (det, 0) vector as a cross product in 2d
Definition: math_vector_functions_common_impl.hpp:465
void VecScaleAdd(vector_t &vOut, typename vector_t::value_type s1, const vector_t &v1, typename vector_t::value_type s2, const vector_t &v2)
Scales two Vectors, adds them and returns the sum in a third vector.
Definition: math_vector_functions_common_impl.hpp:265
vector_t::value_type VecTwoNormSq(const vector_t &v)
Definition: math_vector_functions_common_impl.hpp:585
void VecNormalize(vector_t &vOut, const vector_t &v)
scales a vector_t to unit length
Definition: math_vector_functions_common_impl.hpp:501
void VecSubtract(vector_t &vOut, const vector_t &v1, const vector_t &v2)
subtracts v2 from v1 and stores the result in a vOut
Definition: math_vector_functions_common_impl.hpp:226
vector_t::value_type VecDistanceSq(const vector_t &v1, const vector_t &v2)
returns the squared distance of two vector_ts.
Definition: math_vector_functions_common_impl.hpp:351
vector_t::value_type VecDistance(const vector_t &v1, const vector_t &v2)
returns the distance of two vector_ts.
Definition: math_vector_functions_common_impl.hpp:375
void VecAdd(vector_t &vOut, const vector_t &v1, const vector_t &v2)
adds two MathVector<N>s and stores the result in a third one
Definition: math_vector_functions_common_impl.hpp:185
void VecScale(vector_t &vOut, const vector_t &v, typename vector_t::value_type s)
scales a MathVector<N>
Definition: math_vector_functions_common_impl.hpp:252
void VecCross(vector_t &vOut, const vector_t &v1, const vector_t &v2)
calculates the cross product of two Vectors of dimension 3. It makes no sense to use VecCross for vec...
Definition: math_vector_functions_common_impl.hpp:437
vector_t::value_type VecDot(const vector_t &v1, const vector_t &v2)
returns the dot-product of two vector_ts
Definition: math_vector_functions_common_impl.hpp:385
the ug namespace
const number PI
Definition: math_constants.h:45
const number SMALL
Definition: math_constants.h:41
const number SMALL_SQ
Definition: math_constants.h:42
Definition: file_io_grdecl.cpp:60