Introduction to ug4's Domain class

The ug::Domain class holds a grid (ug::MultiGrid), which stores the elements on which discretization is performed, a SubsetHandler (ug::MGSubsetHandler), which stores a partition of the grid into different subsets, and holds a position attachment, which provides coordinates in the vertices of the grid. The domain class is defined in ugbase/lib_disc/domain.h

libGrid - Overview gives more information on the ug::MultiGrid and related classes.

The domain class is actually a template class, depending on the space-dimension and the grid type. While the grid-type for now is fixed to ug::MultiGrid (supports adaptivity, mixed element types, parallelization, ...), the dimension is used to define the number of coordinates, that the grid's position attachment carries.

A Domain defines a couple of types:

  • grid_type: The type of grid on which the domain operates. For now ug::MultiGrid.
  • subset_handler_type: The type of the subset handler which partitions the grid. Currently ug::MGSubsetHandler.
  • position_type: The class which represents vertex-coordinates. This is ug::MathVector<dim>.
  • position_attachment_type: The attachment, which associates the coordinates with the vertices of the grid. This is ug::Attachment<position_type> (== Attachment<MathVector<dim> >)
  • position_accessor_type: The type of the attachment accessor, with which one can access the coordinates of vertices. This is ug::Grid::VertexAttachmentAccessor<position_attachment_type>.

Furthermore the Domain defines the constant dim, which simply equals the dimension template argument of the domain.

Methods which operate on a domain are template methods, most of which simply take a template parameter TDomain. In the following we'll develop a simple method CalculateDomainCenter to demonstrate how the domain class can be used. Note that center in this example simply means the average of all vertex positions:

namespace ug{
template <class TDomain>
typename TDomain::position_type
CalculateDomainCenter(TDomain& dom)
// ...
}// end of namespace
the ug namespace

The method returns a ug::MathVector<1>, ug::MathVector<2>, or ug::MathVector<3> (ug::vector1, ug::vector2, or ug::vector3) depending on the domains dimension.

We'll iterate over all vertices of the grid and average their coordinates. For this we'll first retrieve the domain's grid and the domain's position accessor. We'll then access the vertices in the grid through iterators and sum their corrdinates. When this is done, we'll divide the sum through the number of grid-vertices to retrieve the center.

typename TDomain::grid_type& grid = dom.grid();
typename TDomain::position_accessor_type& aaPos = dom.position_accessor();
typename TDomain::position_type center;
VecSet(center, 0);
if(grid.num<Vertex>() == 0)
return center;
for(VertexIterator iter = grid.begin<Vertex>();
iter != grid.end<Vertex>(); ++iter)
Vertex* vrt = *iter;
VecAdd(center, center, aaPos[vrt]);
VecScale(center, center, 1. / (number)grid.num<Vertex>());
return center;
double number
Definition: types.h:124
void VecSet(vector_t &vInOut, typename vector_t::value_type s)
Set each vector component to scalar (componentwise)
Definition: math_vector_functions_common_impl.hpp:539
void VecAdd(vector_t &vOut, const vector_t &v1, const vector_t &v2)
adds two MathVector<N>s and stores the result in a third one
Definition: math_vector_functions_common_impl.hpp:185
void VecScale(vector_t &vOut, const vector_t &v, typename vector_t::value_type s)
scales a MathVector<N>
Definition: math_vector_functions_common_impl.hpp:252
ElementStorage< Vertex >::SectionContainer::iterator VertexIterator
This Iterator will be used as base-class for iterators of specialized geometric objects.
Definition: grid_base_object_traits.h:73

ug::VecSet, ug::VecAdd and ug::VecScale are thereby methods to perform basic vec-math operations. Their first argument is always the target-value, where the result shall be stored. They are defined in ugbase/common/math/math_vector_matrix/math_vector_functions.h

aaPos[vrt] returns a TDomain::position_type (vector1, vector2 or vector3)

number is ug4's floating point type and either float (single precision) or double (double precision). The floating-point type can be set through a cmake parameter. The default is double precision.

libGrid - Overview gives more information on how to access elements of grids and on the different element types them selves.