Prerequisites on Windows

Installation of UG4

Please follow the description at to obtain a copy of ug4. Below you'll find hints on how to obtain additional software which is required to build ug4.


The Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 compiler is recommended for compilation of ug4 on windows. It can be downloaded as part of the free "Express 2015 for Windows Desktop" edition of Visual Studio (

To allow for parallel compilation in the terminal one can optionally use the tool "jom" ( Extract it and add the path in which the executable lies to your path environment variable.

Install CMake on Windows

Compilation of ug4 furthermore requires the installation of CMake, which can be obtained from here (min Release 2.6).

If the option is presented to you by the installer, you should choose to install the command-line tools, too.


  • Open 'VS2015 x64 Cross Tools Command Prompt' (Start -> All Programs -> Visual Studio 2015) if you want to compile a 64bit version of ug4. If you only want to compile for 32bit, use 'VS2015 x86 Native Tools Command Prompt'.
  • Navigate to your ug4-source-code root folder
  • create a new directory called 'build' ('mkdir build').
  • Before cmake can be run and before jom can be executed one hast to initialize Visual Studios environment variables.
  • type 'cmake -G"NMake Makefiles JOM" ..\trunk -DSTATIC_BUILD=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DDIM="2;3" -DCPU=1'. This generates the makefiles required by Jom. You only have to execute cmake if you're initializing a build directory for the first time or if you want to change build options. See note below if you want to use the Visual Studio IDE directly.
  • You may enable or disable other plugins using cmake, e.g.: 'cmake ..\trunk -DSmallStrainMechanics=OFF'
  • to execute a build, type 'jom'
If you want to embed the build-process in your favorite IDE (e.g. Eclipse or Sublime) you most likely have to initialize the build environment before executing jom. You can do this by calling, e.g. '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86_amd64' before calling jom.
If you want to compile directly using the VisualStudio IDE, you should specify another builder for cmake. Create a new build directory and call, e.g. 'cmake -G"Visual Studio 2013" ...' (rest as above). This creates a visual-studio project which you can edit and compile using the Visual Studio IDE.