To build VRL it is necessary to install JDK >= 6.0 and NetBeans >= 7.4. For further instructions on how to compile VRL see
1) checkout/clone the VRL-UG project from quadruped: (replace USERNAME with your account name on quadruped)
Configure your native/ug4 c++ code at least once e.g. like shown in the script part: EXAMPLE OF CMAKE CONFIGURATION of native ug
1) Change the VARIABLES in the (upper part of the) scripts to paths on your computer. 2) make your script executable:
#make the script executable under unix => linux / osx
# chmod 0744
# script for automatic compilation of (native) ug (*.dylib)
# creating zip file of native ug version
# and coping of the zip file into the java project
# the source code of ug can be found at e.g. /Users/christianpoliwoda/Apps/ug4-git/trunk
# all FOLDER variables need to start and end with a backslash "/"
#position of ug build folder
#position of tmp folder on this system
#name of file that we can use for temporary output
#how many parallel compilation units for native ug should be started
# the bigger the number the more memory is need at your computer simultaneously
# 1 = NO parallel compilation (slowest compilation, fewest memory used simultaneously)
# 2 = two parallel compilation units
#place of the native compiled ug library
#ug library name
#Operating-System (OS) specific library ending
#ATTENTION: all endings need to start with a dot "."
# mac = .dylib
# windows = .dll
# linux = .a (static) .so (shared/dynamic) WE USE STATIC LIBS
#place of the vrl-ug java project
#on which OS do we operate
# on windows 64bit use /windows/x64/
# on windows 32bit use /windows/x86/
# on windows 64bit use /linux/x64/
# on windows 32bit use /linux/x86/
# on mac use /osx/
# (OPTINAL) a VRL-studio session that should be opened after starting the studio
#gehe in den ug build-ordner
#echo "cd /Users/christianpoliwoda/Apps/ug4-git/build"
#cd /Users/christianpoliwoda/Apps/ug4-git/build
echo "cd $UG_BUILD_FOLDER"
#cmake ../trunk/
##out put should look like
#-- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.2.1
#-- The CXX compiler identification is Clang 4.2.0
#-- Checking whether C compiler has -isysroot
#-- Checking whether C compiler has -isysroot - yes
#-- Checking whether C compiler supports OSX deployment target flag
#-- Checking whether C compiler supports OSX deployment target flag - yes
#-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
#-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
#-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
#-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
#-- Info: Current options:
#-- Info: TARGET: vrl (options are: ugshell, vrl, libug4, libgrid, ugplugin, gridshell, amg)
#-- Info: DIM: ALL (options are: 1, 2, 3, ALL, "1;2", "1;3", "2;3")
#-- Info: CPU: ALL (options are: 1, 2, 3, 4, VAR, ALL, "2;4", "1;3;4" , ...)
#-- Info: PRECISION: double (options are: single, double)
#-- Info: STATIC_BUILD: OFF (options are: ON, OFF)
#-- Info: DEBUG: OFF (options are: ON, OFF)
#-- Info: DEBUG_LOGS: OFF (options are: ON, OFF)
#-- Info: PARALLEL: OFF (options are: ON, OFF)
#-- Info: PCL_DEBUG_BARRIER: OFF (options are: ON, OFF)
#-- Info: PROFILER: None (options are: None, Shiny, Scalasca, Vampir, ScoreP)
#-- Info: PROFILE_PCL: OFF (options are: ON, OFF)
#-- Info: PROFILE_BRIDGE: OFF (options are: ON, OFF)
#-- Info: LAPACK: OFF (options are: ON, OFF)
#-- Info: BLAS: OFF (options are: ON, OFF)
#-- Info: METIS: OFF (options are: ON, OFF)
#-- Info: PARMETIS: OFF (options are: ON, OFF)
#-- Info: INTERNAL_BOOST: ON (options are: ON, OFF)
#-- Info: EMBEDDED_PLUGINS ON (options are: ON, OFF)
#-- Info: COMPILE_INFO ON (options are: ON, OFF)
#-- Info: External libraries (path which contains the library or ON if you used uginstall):
#-- Info: TETGEN:
#-- Info: HYPRE:
#-- Info: HLIBPRO:
#-- Info: C Compiler ID: GNU, C++ Compiler ID: Clang
#-- Info: Using CPU Matrix Algebra.
#-- Info: compiling with cxx flags: -Wall -Wsign-compare -O3 -DNDEBUG
#-- Info: compiling with c flags: -Wall -Wsign-compare -O3 -DNDEBUG
#-- Info: Using LUA2C
#-- Info: Try using internal Boost from externals/boost_1_48_0
#-- Boost version: 1.48.0
#-- Info: Including Boost from /Users/christianpoliwoda/Apps/ug-svn-trunk/externals/boost_1_48_0
#-- Info: COMPILE_INFO enabled. Causes relinking on each run of make.
#-- Info: Enabled plugins:
#-- ConvectionDiffusion,
#-- Info: Disabled plugins:
#-- d3f, LinearElastoPlasticity, Biogas,
#-- calciumDynamics, ElementQualityStatistics, GridHierarchySmoothing,
#-- LevelSet, MembranePotentialMapping, NavierStokes,
#-- NeuronPlugin, NonlinearElastoPlasticity, PlasmaMembrane,
#-- ReceptorKinetic, Sample, Template,
#-- TKDGenerator, VoltageGatedChannels, amg,
#-- StructuredGrid, jitsg, ParticleLadenFlow,
#fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
#-- Configuring done
#-- Generating done
#-- Build files have been written to: /Users/christianpoliwoda/Apps/ug4-git/build
## cmake parameter
##hier der befehl der die konfiguration erstellt damit es aussieht wie oben
#cmake ?????????? TODO
##bereich der fuer das kompelieren zustaendig ist mit zeit markern
#erzeuge ersten zeitstempel in der temporaeren datei tmp.txt
#echo "kompilieren gestartet um ..." >> /Users/christianpoliwoda/tmp/tmp.txt
#date >> /Users/christianpoliwoda/tmp/tmp.txt
echo "kompilieren gestartet um ..." >> ${TMP_DIR}${TMP_FILE}
date >> ${TMP_DIR}${TMP_FILE}
#kompiliere native ug mit 2 ausfuehrungsstraengen -j2, mit 3 -> -j3, mit 4 -> -j4, usw.
echo "make -j$THREADS"
make -j$THREADS
# store the (last) exit code -> exit code of the make command
#erzeuge zweiten zeitstempel in der temporaeren datei tmp.txt
echo "kompilieren gestopt um ..." >> ${TMP_DIR}${TMP_FILE}
date >> ${TMP_DIR}${TMP_FILE}
##zeige den inhahlt der temporaeren datei tmp.txt und loesche diese danach
#cat ${TMP_DIR}${TMP_FILE}
#check if compilation was successful
if [ $MAKE_EXIT -eq 0 ] ; then
# when make succeeds go on with building vrl-ug
echo " "
echo " make comand WAS succesful"
echo " "
echo -ne '\007'
echo -ne '\007'
##bereich der fuer das zippen und kopieren zustaendig ist
# gehe in das verzeichnis in dem die nativ kompilierte version von ug liegt
#cd /Users/christianpoliwoda/Apps/ug4-git/trunk/lib
#zippe die datei libug.dylib in die datei
#echo " zip -r libug4.dylib "
#zip -r libug4.dylib
echo " zip -r ${UG_LIB_NAME}${UG_LIB_ENDING} "
#gebe den zeitpunkt an wann zippen abgeschlossen
echo " ${UG_LIB_NAME}${UG_LIB_ENDING} -> abgeschlossen um ..." >> ${TMP_DIR}${TMP_FILE}
date >> ${TMP_DIR}${TMP_FILE}
##bereich der fuer das kopieren ins java-projekt zustaendig ist
echo "erzeuge ordnerstruktur fuer"
#cp /Users/christianpoliwoda/Apps/ug4-git/trunk/lib/ /Users/christianpoliwoda/Apps/VRL-UG4/VRL-UG/src/eu/mihosoft/vrl/plugin/content/natives/osx/
mkdir -
p ${VRL_UG_JAVA_PROJECT_FOLDER}src/eu/mihosoft/vrl/plugin/content/natives${VRL_UG_JAVA_OS_SYSTEM_FOLDER}
# cp "von/datei-name" "nach/kopie-name"
#die dort vorhandene datei wird ueberschrieben
echo "zip-datei wird ins java-projekt kopiert"
#cp /Users/christianpoliwoda/Apps/ug4-git/trunk/lib/ /Users/christianpoliwoda/Apps/VRL-UG4/VRL-UG/src/eu/mihosoft/vrl/plugin/content/natives/osx/
cp ${UG_LIB_FOLDER} ${VRL_UG_JAVA_PROJECT_FOLDER}src/eu/mihosoft/vrl/plugin/content/natives${VRL_UG_JAVA_OS_SYSTEM_FOLDER}
#kopieren fertig
echo " kopiervorgang fertig um ..." >> ${TMP_DIR}${TMP_FILE}
date >> ${TMP_DIR}${TMP_FILE}
##bereich der das kompelieren des java-projekt durch fuehrt
# gehe ins netbeans projekt
#cd /Users/christianpoliwoda/Apps/VRL-UG4/VRL-UG/
#call clean
ant clean
#building jar-file is a 2 step process
# "build" in netbeans is in ant "ant compile jar"
#call compile
ant compile
#call jar
ant jar
#kopieren fertig
echo " kompeliervorgang fertig um ..." >> ${TMP_DIR}${TMP_FILE}
date >> ${TMP_DIR}${TMP_FILE}
#zeige den inhahlt der temporaeren datei tmp.txt und loesche diese danach
# make comand was not succesful
echo " make comand was not succesful"
# make a sound if ready with all compilings
echo -ne '\007'
echo -ne '\007'
echo -ne '\007'
echo -ne '\007'
echo -ne '\007'
echo -ne '\007'
##bereich der vrl-session oeffnet
echo " oeffne vrl-studio (-session) ..."
##open /Users/christianpoliwoda/Documents/vrl-sessions/0-4-2/_tmp.vrlp
1) you need a dummy vrl-studio-consol project with vrl-ug as plugin. you can create own in the studio by clicking "file > export as console app" 2) change the paths in the scripts to paths corresponding on your system
These script is used to generate the VRL-UG-API automaticaly after build a rebuild of VRL-UG to check if the API can still be compiled.