uginstall - Scripts for installation
UG4 is no longer available through SVN. Instead it is now available with git from The hints below may still be partially useful to some.

uginstall is a number of small shell scripts to install some software without having root. By now, it is very preliminary and not guaranteed to work on all machines.

To be able to use uginstall and the software it installs, you have to use the BASH Tools. See there for setup.

Before installing something, make sure things aren't already installed by some other user by checking the appropriate commands in the terminal (gcc –version and cmake –version).

After source ~/.bashrc you can use, e.g.

uginstall doxygen

which installs doxygen 1.8 in ~/local/doxygen. Here again, you'll have to use source ~/.bashrc. If you want to uninstall doxygen, just delete ~/local/doxygen/.

Please do always make sure that you comply with the licence of the software you are using. uginstall will print you a yes/no question to accept licences, so it is your responsiblity to make sure you use the software in the right context. Also cite software you are using.

Syntax is

uginstall <APP> [-fromSvn] [-svnServer <address>] [-fromMac] [-macServer <address>]

Where APP can be

cmake 2.8.12
doxygen 1.8.7
gcc 4.4
gmp 4.3.2
gnuplot 4.6.0
GotoBLAS2 1.13
Metis 5.0.2
mpfr 2.4.2
mpc 0.8.1
OpenMPI 1.6
ParaView 3.14.1-Linux-32bit
ParMetis 4.0.2
SuperLU 4.3
HYPRE 2.9.0b
scons 2.3.1
boost 1.56.0
hlibpro 2.0.1
tbb 4.2
ANN 1.1.2
LUA 5.1.4
Definition: boost_serialization_routines.h:49
Definition: unit_tests.doxygen:198

uginstall steps

Following steps are made for each installation of a programm APP:

  • create folder $HOME/local/
  • create folder $HOME/local/APP
  • download source archive from internet, save in $HOME/local//APP
  • extract file, store in $HOME/local/APP/version
  • configure the program (depending on the program, sometimes depending on platform)
  • install libraries in $HOME/local/APP/lib and lib64, binaries in $HOME/local/APP/bin includes in $HOME/local/APP/include ...
  • create a symbolic link from $HOME/local/APP/used to $HOME/local/APP/version

uginstall_config will then set PATH, LDFLAGS, LD_RUN_PATH, LIBRARY_PATH, and LD_LIBRARY_PATH so you can use the program and the libs. You might need to open up a new console to reset these variables.

You can change the install path in the file uginstall_path .

Other access

Sometimes it is not possible to access the internet from a cluster. With the option -fromSvn, uginstall downloads the source archive from a server at the G-CSC named AG Queisser via

scp -r software@$softwareServer:Software/uginstall/$filename $destination

softwareServer is set to by default. You can change this with -macServer x.x.x.x . It is also possible to download the archives from our svn server, with the option -fromSvn, then uginstall uses

svn export svn://$svnServer/misc/uginstall/$filename $destination

svnServer is set to by default. You can change this with -svnServer.

This is especially usefull when clusters do not allow internet connections and you have to use SVN tunneling. So you connect to your cluster with


and there you can use uginstall with

uginstall SuperLU -svnServer localhost:5337

Using uginstall in Cmake Files

You can use uginstall also in cmake files. e.g. in the plugin experimental/superlu, when the plugin is activated with cmake -DSuperLU=ON .., it automatically installs the SuperLU library. This is done with


See for documentation the superlu cmake file and cmake/ug_plugin_includes.cmake .

Add Programs

If you want to add programs to the list, you have to add it to the files uginstall and uginstall_config.

To make it possible to use it on clusters which don't allow internet acces, also add the source archive to /Users/software/Software/uginstall/ on the Software Server (MacPro AG Queisser) and to the SVN svn:// .