| ApproximationSpace (SmartPtr< TDomain > domain) |
| constructor
| ApproximationSpace (SmartPtr< TDomain > domain, const AlgebraType &algebraType) |
| constructor passing requested algebra type
SmartPtr< TDomain > | domain () |
| Return the domain.
ConstSmartPtr< TDomain > | domain () const |
| Return the domain.
int | get_dim () const |
void | add (const char *name, const char *type) |
| adds function using string to indicate finite element type
void | add (const char *name, const char *type, const char *subsets) |
| adds function using string to indicate finite element type
void | add (const char *name, const char *type, int order) |
| adds function using string to indicate finite element type
void | add (const char *name, const char *type, int order, const char *subsets) |
| adds function using string to indicate finite element type
void | add (const std::vector< std::string > &vName, const char *type) |
| adds function using string to indicate finite element type
void | add (const std::vector< std::string > &vName, const char *type, const std::vector< std::string > &vSubsets) |
| adds function using string to indicate finite element type
void | add (const std::vector< std::string > &vName, const char *type, int order) |
| adds function using string to indicate finite element type
void | add (const std::vector< std::string > &vName, const char *type, int order, const std::vector< std::string > &vSubsets) |
| adds function using string to indicate finite element type
void | add (const std::vector< std::string > &vName, LFEID id) |
| add single solutions of LocalShapeFunctionSetID to the entire domain
void | add (const std::vector< std::string > &vName, LFEID id, const std::vector< std::string > &vSubset) |
| add single solutions of LocalShapeFunctionSetID to selected subsets
void | clear () |
| clears functions
std::vector< SmartPtr< DoFDistribution > > | dof_distributions () const |
| returns all currently created dof distributions
bool | grouped () const |
| returns if dofs are grouped
| IApproximationSpace (SmartPtr< subset_handler_type > spMGSH, SmartPtr< grid_type > spMG) |
| Constructor.
| IApproximationSpace (SmartPtr< subset_handler_type > spMGSH, SmartPtr< grid_type >, const AlgebraType &algebraType) |
| Constructor setting the grouping flag.
void | init_levels () |
| initializes all level dof distributions
void | init_surfaces () |
| initializes all surface dof distributions
void | init_top_surface () |
| initializes all top surface dof distributions
bool | might_contain_ghosts () const |
| returns if ghosts might be present on any level
bool | might_contain_ghosts (int lvl) const |
| returns if ghosts might be present on a level
size_t | num_levels () const |
| returns the number of level
void | print_layout_statistic () const |
| prints statistic on layouts
void | print_statistic () const |
| prints statistic about DoF Distribution
void | print_statistic (std::string flags) const |
| prints statistic about DoF Distribution
const RevisionCounter & | revision () const |
| returns the current revision
ConstSmartPtr< MGSubsetHandler > | subset_handler () const |
| get underlying subset handler
ConstSmartPtr< SurfaceView > | surface_view () const |
| returns the approximation space
| ~IApproximationSpace () |
| Destructor.
SmartPtr< DoFDistribution > | dof_distribution (const GridLevel &gl, bool bCreate=true) |
SmartPtr< DoFDistribution > | dd (const GridLevel &gl, bool bCreate=true) |
ConstSmartPtr< DoFDistribution > | dof_distribution (const GridLevel &gl, bool bCreate=true) const |
ConstSmartPtr< DoFDistribution > | dd (const GridLevel &gl, bool bCreate=true) const |
ConstSmartPtr< DoFDistributionInfo > | ddinfo () const |
ConstSmartPtr< DoFDistributionInfo > | dof_distribution_info () const |
SubsetGroup | all_subsets_grp_except_for (const char *names) const |
| returns subset group of all the subsets except for (by name)
int | dim (size_t fct) const |
| returns the dimension in which solution lives
int | dim_subset (int si) const |
| returns dimension of subset
ConstSmartPtr< DoFDistributionInfo > | dof_distribution_info () const |
| returns underlying info
| DoFDistributionInfoProvider () |
| constructor
| DoFDistributionInfoProvider (ConstSmartPtr< DoFDistributionInfo > spDDI) |
| constructor
FunctionGroup | fct_grp_by_name (const char *names) const |
| returns a function group to a string of functions
size_t | fct_id_by_name (const char *name) const |
| returns fct id by name
ConstSmartPtr< FunctionPattern > | function_pattern () const |
| returns the function pattern
bool | is_def_everywhere (size_t fct) const |
| returns true if the discrete function nr_fct is defined everywhere
bool | is_def_in_subset (size_t fct, int si) const |
| returns if a function is defined on a subset
size_t | max_dofs (const GridBaseObjectId gbo) const |
| returns the maximum number of dofs on a grid base object type
size_t | max_dofs (const GridBaseObjectId gbo, const int si) const |
| returns the maximum number of dofs on a grid base object on a subset
size_t | max_dofs (const int dim) const |
| returns the maximum number of dofs on grid objects in a dimension
size_t | max_dofs (const int dim, const int si) const |
| returns the maximum number of dofs in a dimension on a subset
size_t | max_dofs (const ReferenceObjectID roid) const |
| returns the maximum number of dofs on reference object type
size_t | max_fct_dofs (const size_t fct, const GridBaseObjectId gbo) const |
| returns the maximal number of dofs on a base object type for a function component
size_t | max_fct_dofs (const size_t fct, const GridBaseObjectId gbo, const int si) const |
| returns the maximum number of dofs on a grid base object on a subset for a function component
size_t | max_fct_dofs (const size_t fct, const int dim, const int si) const |
| returns the maximum number of dofs in a dimension on a subset for a function component
size_t | max_fct_dofs (const size_t fct, const ReferenceObjectID roid) const |
| returns the number of dofs on a reference object for a function component
size_t | max_fct_dofs (const size_t fct, int dim) const |
| returns the maximal number of dofs on a dimension for a function component
std::string | name (size_t fct) const |
| returns the name of the discrete function nr_fct
std::vector< std::string > | names () const |
| returns the names of the discrete functions
size_t | num_dofs (const ReferenceObjectID roid, const int si) const |
| returns the number of dofs on a Reference Object on a subset
size_t | num_fct () const |
| number of discrete functions on subset si
size_t | num_fct (int si) const |
| number of discrete functions on subset si
size_t | num_fct_dofs (const size_t fct, const ReferenceObjectID roid, const int si) const |
| returns the number of dofs on a Reference Object on a subset for a function component
int | num_subsets () const |
| returns number of subsets
size_t | offset (const ReferenceObjectID roid, const int si, const size_t fct) const |
| returns the offset for reference element, subset and function
void | print_local_dof_statistic () const |
| prints statistic on local dof distribution
void | print_local_dof_statistic (int verboseLev) const |
| prints informations
void | set_dof_distribution_info (ConstSmartPtr< DoFDistributionInfo > spDDI) |
| sets the dd info
SubsetGroup | subset_grp_by_name (const char *names) const |
| returns subset group by name
ConstSmartPtr< ISubsetHandler > | subset_handler () const |
| returns the subset handler
int | subset_id_by_name (const char *name) const |
| returns the subset id
std::string | subset_name (int si) const |
| returns subset name
const LFEID & | local_finite_element_id (size_t fct) const |
const LFEID & | lfeid (size_t fct) const |