void | add_ass_tuner (SmartPtr< AssemblingTuner< TAlgebra > > assTuner) |
void | set_force_regular_grid (bool bForce) |
| forces the assembling to consider the grid as regular
void | add_local_mat_to_global (matrix_type &mat, const LocalMatrix &lmat, ConstSmartPtr< DoFDistribution > dd) const |
void | add_local_vec_to_global (vector_type &vec, const LocalVector &lvec, ConstSmartPtr< DoFDistribution > dd) const |
| LocalToGlobalMapper-function calls.
| AssemblingTuner () |
| constructor
template<typename TElem > |
void | collect_selected_elements (std::vector< TElem * > &vElem, ConstSmartPtr< DoFDistribution > dd, int si) const |
| gets the element iterator from the Selector
bool | constraint_type_enabled (int type) const |
| returns if constraint type enabled
void | disable_clear_on_resize () |
void | disable_single_index_assembling () |
| sets an index for which the assembling should be carried out
bool | elem_disc_type_enabled (int type) const |
| returns if elem disc type enabled
template<typename TElem > |
bool | element_used (TElem *elem) const |
| returns if element is to be used in assembling
void | enable_constraints (int bEnableTypes) |
| enables constraints
void | enable_elem_discs (int bEnableTypes) |
| enables elem discs
void | enable_modify_solution (bool bEnable) |
| enables the usage of modify solution
int | enabled_constraints () const |
| returns flags of enabled constraints
int | enabled_elem_discs () const |
| returns flags of enabled elem discs
bool | matrix_is_const () const |
void | modify_LocalSol (LocalVector &vecMod, const LocalVector &lvec, ConstSmartPtr< DoFDistribution > dd) const |
bool | modify_solution_enabled () const |
| checks whether the assemble index is set or not
bool | regular_grid_forced () const |
| returns if assembling is to considered as regular grid
void | resize (ConstSmartPtr< DoFDistribution > dd, matrix_type &mat) const |
void | resize (ConstSmartPtr< DoFDistribution > dd, vector_type &vec) const |
| resize functions used in assemble funcs
bool | selected_elements_used () const |
| returns if only selected elements used for assembling
void | set_dirichlet_row (matrix_type &mat, const DoFIndex &ind) const |
void | set_dirichlet_val (vector_type &vec, const DoFIndex &ind, const double val) const |
void | set_mapping (ILocalToGlobalMapper< TAlgebra > *pMapper=NULL) |
| set local to global mapping
void | set_marker (BoolMarker *mark=NULL) |
| sets a marker to exclude elements from assembling
void | set_matrix_is_const (bool bCh) |
void | set_matrix_structure_is_const (bool b) |
void | set_selector (Selector *sel=NULL) |
| sets a selector of elements for assembling
void | set_single_index_assembling (const size_t index) |
bool | single_index_assembling_enabled () const |
| checks whether the assemble DoFindex is set or not
virtual | ~AssemblingTuner () |
| destructor