ug::MGSelector Class Reference

specialization of ISelector for grids of class MultiGrid. More...

#include <selector_multi_grid.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for ug::MGSelector:


struct  Level
class  MGSelectionIterator
struct  traits
 The traits class holds some important types for each element-type. More...

Public Types

typedef ISelector BaseClass
typedef MultiGrid grid_type
- Public Types inherited from ug::ISelector
enum  { DESELECTED = 0 , SELECTED = 1 }
typedef byte status_t

Public Member Functions

void assign_grid (MultiGrid &grid)
void assign_grid (MultiGrid *grid)
template<class TElem >
TElem * back (int level)
 returns the last selected element of the given type on the specified level. More...
template<class TElem >
traits< TElem >::iterator begin ()
template<class TElem >
traits< TElem >::const_iterator begin () const
template<class TElem >
traits< TElem >::level_iterator begin (int level)
template<class TElem >
traits< TElem >::const_level_iterator begin (int level) const
virtual void clear ()
template<class TElem >
void clear ()
void clear (int level)
template<class TElem >
void clear (int level)
virtual bool contains_edges () const
 returns true if the selector contains edges More...
virtual bool contains_faces () const
 returns true if the selector contains faces More...
virtual bool contains_vertices () const
 returns true if the selector contains vertices More...
virtual bool contains_volumes () const
 returns true if the selector contains volumes More...
void disable_element_support (uint shElements)
 disable support for element-types. More...
traits< Edge >::level_iterator edges_begin (int level)
traits< Edge >::level_iterator edges_end (int level)
bool empty () const
template<class TElem >
bool empty () const
bool empty (int level) const
template<class TElem >
bool empty (int level) const
void enable_element_support (uint shElements)
 enable support for element-types. Does not invalidate previous settings. More...
template<class TElem >
traits< TElem >::iterator end ()
template<class TElem >
traits< TElem >::const_iterator end () const
template<class TElem >
traits< TElem >::level_iterator end (int level)
template<class TElem >
traits< TElem >::const_level_iterator end (int level) const
traits< Face >::level_iterator faces_begin (int level)
traits< Face >::level_iterator faces_end (int level)
template<class TElem >
TElem * front (int level)
 returns the first selected element of the given type on the specified level. More...
virtual GridObjectCollection get_grid_objects () const
 returns a geometric object collection, containing all selected objects More...
virtual void grid_to_be_destroyed (Grid *grid)
 MGSelector (MultiGrid &grid, uint supportedElements=SE_ALL)
 MGSelector (uint supportedElements=SE_ALL)
MultiGridmulti_grid ()
template<class TElem >
size_t num () const
size_t num () const
template<class TElem >
size_t num (int level) const
size_t num (int level) const
size_t num_levels () const
void set_supported_elements (uint shElements)
 set the type of elements that shall be handled by the Selector. More...
size_t top_level () const
traits< Vertex >::level_iterator vertices_begin (int level)
traits< Vertex >::level_iterator vertices_end (int level)
traits< Volume >::level_iterator volumes_begin (int level)
traits< Volume >::level_iterator volumes_end (int level)
virtual ~MGSelector ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ug::ISelector
bool autoselection_enabled ()
virtual void broadcast_selection_states (bool deselect=false, bool includeGhosts=false)
 broadcasts the current selection More...
void deselect (GridObject *elem)
template<class TElem >
void deselect (TElem *elem)
template<class TIterator >
void deselect (TIterator iterBegin, TIterator iterEnd)
virtual void edge_created (Grid *grid, Edge *e, GridObject *pParent=NULL, bool replacesParent=false)
 Notified whenever a new element of the given type is created in the given grid. More...
virtual void edge_to_be_erased (Grid *grid, Edge *e, Edge *replacedBy=NULL)
 Notified whenever an element of the given type is erased from the given grid. More...
virtual void edges_to_be_merged (Grid *grid, Edge *target, Edge *elem1, Edge *elem2)
 Notified when two elements of the same type are going to be merged. More...
bool elements_are_supported (uint shElements) const
 returns true if the given element-types are supported. More...
virtual void elements_to_be_cleared (Grid *grid)
void enable_autoselection (bool bEnable)
void enable_selection_inheritance (bool bEnable)
void enable_strict_inheritance (bool bEnable)
virtual void face_created (Grid *grid, Face *f, GridObject *pParent=NULL, bool replacesParent=false)
 Notified whenever a new element of the given type is created in the given grid. More...
virtual void face_to_be_erased (Grid *grid, Face *f, Face *replacedBy=NULL)
 Notified whenever an element of the given type is erased from the given grid. More...
virtual void faces_to_be_merged (Grid *grid, Face *target, Face *elem1, Face *elem2)
 Notified when two elements of the same type are going to be merged. More...
template<class TElem >
byte get_mark (TElem *elem) const
 returns the selection state of the specified elelent More...
Gridgrid () const
template<class TElem >
bool is_selected (TElem *elem) const
 returns true if an element is selected More...
 ISelector (Grid &grid, uint supportedElements=SE_ALL)
 ISelector (uint supportedElements=SE_ALL)
bool selection_inheritance_enabled ()
bool strict_inheritance_enabled ()
template<class TElem >
void unmark (TElem *elem)
 deselects an element More...
virtual void vertex_created (Grid *grid, Vertex *vrt, GridObject *pParent=NULL, bool replacesParent=false)
 Notified whenever a new element of the given type is created in the given grid. More...
virtual void vertex_to_be_erased (Grid *grid, Vertex *vrt, Vertex *replacedBy=NULL)
 Notified whenever an element of the given type is erased from the given grid. More...
virtual void vertices_to_be_merged (Grid *grid, Vertex *target, Vertex *elem1, Vertex *elem2)
 Notified when two elements of the same type are going to be merged. More...
virtual void volume_created (Grid *grid, Volume *vol, GridObject *pParent=NULL, bool replacesParent=false)
 Notified whenever a new element of the given type is created in the given grid. More...
virtual void volume_to_be_erased (Grid *grid, Volume *vol, Volume *replacedBy=NULL)
 Notified whenever an element of the given type is erased from the given grid. More...
virtual void volumes_to_be_merged (Grid *grid, Volume *target, Volume *elem1, Volume *elem2)
 Notified when two elements of the same type are going to be merged. More...
virtual ~ISelector ()
void select (GridObject *elem, byte status)
 selects an element More...
void select (GridObject *elem)
 selects an element More...
template<class TElem >
void select (TElem *elem, byte status)
 selects an element More...
template<class TElem >
void select (TElem *elem)
 selects an element More...
template<class TIterator >
void select (TIterator iterBegin, TIterator iterEnd, byte status=1)
 selects an element More...
template<class TElem >
void mark (TElem *elem)
 selects an element More...
template<class TElem >
void mark (TElem *elem, byte status)
 selects an element More...
byte get_selection_status (GridObject *elem) const
 returns the selection state of the specified elelent More...
byte get_selection_status (Vertex *vrt) const
 returns the selection state of the specified elelent More...
byte get_selection_status (Edge *edge) const
 returns the selection state of the specified elelent More...
byte get_selection_status (Face *face) const
 returns the selection state of the specified elelent More...
byte get_selection_status (Volume *vol) const
 returns the selection state of the specified elelent More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ug::GridObserver
virtual ~GridObserver ()

Protected Types

typedef Grid::traits< Edge >::AttachedElementList AttachedEdgeList
typedef Grid::traits< Face >::AttachedElementList AttachedFaceList
typedef Grid::traits< Vertex >::AttachedElementList AttachedVertexList
typedef Grid::traits< Volume >::AttachedElementList AttachedVolumeList
typedef Grid::traits< Edge >::SectionContainer EdgeSectionContainer
typedef Grid::traits< Face >::SectionContainer FaceSectionContainer
typedef std::vector< Level * > LevelVec
typedef Grid::traits< Vertex >::SectionContainer VertexSectionContainer
typedef Grid::traits< Volume >::SectionContainer VolumeSectionContainer
- Protected Types inherited from ug::ISelector
typedef Grid::traits< Edge >::AttachedElementList AttachedEdgeList
typedef Grid::traits< Face >::AttachedElementList AttachedFaceList
typedef Grid::traits< Vertex >::AttachedElementList AttachedVertexList
typedef Grid::traits< Volume >::AttachedElementList AttachedVolumeList
typedef Attachment< unsigned char > AUChar
typedef Grid::traits< Edge >::SectionContainer EdgeSectionContainer
typedef Grid::traits< Face >::SectionContainer FaceSectionContainer
typedef Grid::traits< Vertex >::SectionContainer VertexSectionContainer
typedef Grid::traits< Volume >::SectionContainer VolumeSectionContainer

Protected Member Functions

void add_level ()
virtual void add_to_list (Edge *elem)
virtual void add_to_list (Face *elem)
virtual void add_to_list (Vertex *elem)
virtual void add_to_list (Volume *elem)
void cleanup ()
 This method should only be called if a complete cleanup is required. More...
void clear_lists ()
virtual void erase_from_list (Edge *elem)
virtual void erase_from_list (Face *elem)
virtual void erase_from_list (Vertex *elem)
virtual void erase_from_list (Volume *elem)
template<class TElem >
int get_section_index () const
void level_required (int newSize)
void multigrid_changed (const GridMessage_MultiGridChanged &gm)
 callback for multigrid messages More...
template<class TElem >
Grid::traits< TElem >::SectionContainersection_container (int level)
 returns the section container for the given type, subset and level More...
template<class TElem >
const Grid::traits< TElem >::SectionContainersection_container (int level) const
 returns the const section container for the given type, subset and level More...
VertexSectionContainer::iterator get_level_iterator (Vertex *o)
 returns the iterator at which the given element lies in the section container More...
EdgeSectionContainer::iterator get_level_iterator (Edge *o)
 returns the iterator at which the given element lies in the section container More...
FaceSectionContainer::iterator get_level_iterator (Face *o)
 returns the iterator at which the given element lies in the section container More...
VolumeSectionContainer::iterator get_level_iterator (Volume *o)
 returns the iterator at which the given element lies in the section container More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ug::ISelector
void disable_element_support (uint shElements)
 disable support for element-types. More...
template<class TElem >
void elems_to_be_merged (Grid *grid, TElem *target, TElem *elem1, TElem *elem2)
 helper for GridObserver callbacks. More...
void enable_element_support (uint shElements)
 enable support for element-types. Does not invalidate previous settings. More...
void mark_deselected (Edge *elem)
void mark_deselected (Face *elem)
void mark_deselected (Vertex *elem)
void mark_deselected (Volume *elem)
void mark_selected (Edge *elem, byte status)
void mark_selected (Face *elem, byte status)
void mark_selected (Vertex *elem, byte status)
void mark_selected (Volume *elem, byte status)
void set_grid (Grid *grid)
 performs grid registration / deregistration and initialisation of the observer. More...
void set_supported_elements (uint shElements)
 set the type of elements that shall be handled by the SubsetHandler. More...

Protected Attributes

AttachedEdgeList::AEntry m_aSharedEntryEDGE
AttachedFaceList::AEntry m_aSharedEntryFACE
AttachedVolumeList::AEntry m_aSharedEntryVOL
AttachedVertexList::AEntry m_aSharedEntryVRT
MessageHub::SPCallbackId m_callbackId
LevelVec m_levels
 Copy Constructor not yet implemented! More...
VertexIterator m_tmpVBegin
VertexIterator m_tmpVEnd
- Protected Attributes inherited from ug::ISelector
Grid::AttachmentAccessor< Edge, AUCharm_aaSelEDGE
Grid::AttachmentAccessor< Face, AUCharm_aaSelFACE
Grid::AttachmentAccessor< Volume, AUCharm_aaSelVOL
Grid::AttachmentAccessor< Vertex, AUCharm_aaSelVRT
AUChar m_aSelected
bool m_bAutoselectionEnabled
bool m_bSelectionInheritanceEnabled
bool m_bStrictInheritanceEnabled
pcl::InterfaceCommunicator< EdgeLayoutm_icomEDGE
pcl::InterfaceCommunicator< FaceLayoutm_icomFACE
pcl::InterfaceCommunicator< VolumeLayoutm_icomVOL
pcl::InterfaceCommunicator< VertexLayoutm_icomVRT
uint m_supportedElements

Private Member Functions

 MGSelector (const MGSelector &sel)

Detailed Description

specialization of ISelector for grids of class MultiGrid.

A selector is a useful class, that allows the user to mark elements of a grid as selected or deselected. The selection status is maintained even if new elements are created or old ones deleted. Features like autoselection and selection_inheritance allow users to follow the creation and removal of elements in all kind of algorithms.

Please note that the selector has to be registered at a grid before it may be used. You may register it using the constructor or the method assign_grid.

This is a specialization of ISelector for the MultiGrid class.

The following methods are the most used:

  • select, deselect, is_selected (see ISelector)
  • begin, end, num, clear.

Note that the number of levels in the MGSelector always matches the number of levels in the associated multigrid. This is guaranteed through a callback mechanism.

You may specify the element-type on which begin, end, num and clear operate via a template parameter, and the level via a normal int-parameter:

MultiGrid mg;
MGSelector sel(mg);
// ... create elements and select some
// number of selected vertices on level 1
int nSelVrts = sel.num<Vertex>(1);
// total number of selected triangles
int nSelTris = sel.num<Triangle>();
// iteration over all faces
for(uint i = 0; i < sel.num_levels(); ++i){
for(FaceIterator iter = sel.begin<Face>(i);
iter != sel.end<Face>(i); ++iter){
// ...
MGSelector(uint supportedElements=SE_ALL)
Definition: selector_multi_grid.cpp:41
unsigned int uint
Definition: types.h:114
ElementStorage< Face >::SectionContainer::iterator FaceIterator
Definition: grid_base_object_traits.h:79

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ AttachedEdgeList

◆ AttachedFaceList

◆ AttachedVertexList

◆ AttachedVolumeList

◆ BaseClass

◆ EdgeSectionContainer

◆ FaceSectionContainer

◆ grid_type

◆ LevelVec

typedef std::vector<Level*> ug::MGSelector::LevelVec

◆ VertexSectionContainer

◆ VolumeSectionContainer

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MGSelector() [1/3]

ug::MGSelector::MGSelector ( uint  supportedElements = SE_ALL)

References m_pMultiGrid.

◆ MGSelector() [2/3]

ug::MGSelector::MGSelector ( MultiGrid grid,
uint  supportedElements = SE_ALL 

◆ ~MGSelector()

ug::MGSelector::~MGSelector ( )

References cleanup().

◆ MGSelector() [3/3]

ug::MGSelector::MGSelector ( const MGSelector sel)

Member Function Documentation

◆ add_level()

◆ add_to_list() [1/4]

void ug::MGSelector::add_to_list ( Edge elem)

◆ add_to_list() [2/4]

void ug::MGSelector::add_to_list ( Face elem)

◆ add_to_list() [3/4]

void ug::MGSelector::add_to_list ( Vertex elem)

◆ add_to_list() [4/4]

void ug::MGSelector::add_to_list ( Volume elem)

◆ assign_grid() [1/2]

void ug::MGSelector::assign_grid ( MultiGrid grid)

References ug::ISelector::grid().

Referenced by MGSelector().

◆ assign_grid() [2/2]

◆ back()

template<class TElem >
TElem * ug::MGSelector::back ( int  level)

returns the last selected element of the given type on the specified level.

Make sure that elements of the given type exist! Behaviour is undefined, if not.

◆ begin() [1/4]

◆ begin() [2/4]

template<class TElem >
MGSelector::traits< TElem >::const_iterator ug::MGSelector::begin

References top_level().

◆ begin() [3/4]

template<class TElem >
MGSelector::traits< TElem >::level_iterator ug::MGSelector::begin ( int  level)

◆ begin() [4/4]

template<class TElem >
MGSelector::traits< TElem >::const_level_iterator ug::MGSelector::begin ( int  level) const

◆ cleanup()

void ug::MGSelector::cleanup ( )

This method should only be called if a complete cleanup is required.

References disable_element_support(), m_callbackId, m_levels, m_pMultiGrid, ug::ISelector::m_supportedElements, and ug::ISelector::set_grid().

Referenced by assign_grid(), and ~MGSelector().

◆ clear() [1/4]

void ug::MGSelector::clear ( )

◆ clear() [2/4]

template<class TElem >
void ug::MGSelector::clear

Implements ug::ISelector.

References ug::ISelector::m_pGrid, and num_levels().

◆ clear() [3/4]

void ug::MGSelector::clear ( int  level)

◆ clear() [4/4]

template<class TElem >
void ug::MGSelector::clear ( int  level)

◆ clear_lists()

void ug::MGSelector::clear_lists ( )

References m_levels.

Referenced by grid_to_be_destroyed().

◆ contains_edges()

virtual bool ug::MGSelector::contains_edges ( ) const

returns true if the selector contains edges

Implements ug::ISelector.

◆ contains_faces()

virtual bool ug::MGSelector::contains_faces ( ) const

returns true if the selector contains faces

Implements ug::ISelector.

◆ contains_vertices()

virtual bool ug::MGSelector::contains_vertices ( ) const

returns true if the selector contains vertices

Implements ug::ISelector.

◆ contains_volumes()

virtual bool ug::MGSelector::contains_volumes ( ) const

returns true if the selector contains volumes

Implements ug::ISelector.

◆ disable_element_support()

◆ edges_begin()

traits<Edge>::level_iterator ug::MGSelector::edges_begin ( int  level)

◆ edges_end()

traits<Edge>::level_iterator ug::MGSelector::edges_end ( int  level)

◆ empty() [1/4]

bool ug::MGSelector::empty ( ) const

References num().

◆ empty() [2/4]

template<class TElem >
bool ug::MGSelector::empty

◆ empty() [3/4]

bool ug::MGSelector::empty ( int  level) const

References num().

Referenced by ug::FillDistInfos().

◆ empty() [4/4]

template<class TElem >
bool ug::MGSelector::empty ( int  level) const

◆ enable_element_support()

◆ end() [1/4]

◆ end() [2/4]

template<class TElem >
MGSelector::traits< TElem >::const_iterator ug::MGSelector::end

References top_level().

◆ end() [3/4]

template<class TElem >
MGSelector::traits< TElem >::level_iterator ug::MGSelector::end ( int  level)

◆ end() [4/4]

template<class TElem >
MGSelector::traits< TElem >::const_level_iterator ug::MGSelector::end ( int  level) const

◆ erase_from_list() [1/4]

void ug::MGSelector::erase_from_list ( Edge elem)

◆ erase_from_list() [2/4]

void ug::MGSelector::erase_from_list ( Face elem)

◆ erase_from_list() [3/4]

void ug::MGSelector::erase_from_list ( Vertex elem)

◆ erase_from_list() [4/4]

void ug::MGSelector::erase_from_list ( Volume elem)

◆ faces_begin()

traits<Face>::level_iterator ug::MGSelector::faces_begin ( int  level)

◆ faces_end()

traits<Face>::level_iterator ug::MGSelector::faces_end ( int  level)

◆ front()

template<class TElem >
TElem * ug::MGSelector::front ( int  level)

returns the first selected element of the given type on the specified level.

Make sure that elements of the given type exist! Behaviour is undefined, if not.

◆ get_grid_objects()

GridObjectCollection ug::MGSelector::get_grid_objects ( ) const

returns a geometric object collection, containing all selected objects

Implements ug::ISelector.

References ug::GridObjectCollection::add_level(), m_levels, and num_levels().

Referenced by ug::HangingNodeRefiner_MultiGrid::collect_objects_for_coarsen(), and ug::DistributeGrid().

◆ get_level_iterator() [1/4]

EdgeSectionContainer::iterator ug::MGSelector::get_level_iterator ( Edge o)

returns the iterator at which the given element lies in the section container

This method may only be called if the element is indeed selected

◆ get_level_iterator() [2/4]

FaceSectionContainer::iterator ug::MGSelector::get_level_iterator ( Face o)

returns the iterator at which the given element lies in the section container

This method may only be called if the element is indeed selected

◆ get_level_iterator() [3/4]

VertexSectionContainer::iterator ug::MGSelector::get_level_iterator ( Vertex o)

returns the iterator at which the given element lies in the section container

This method may only be called if the element is indeed selected

Referenced by erase_from_list().

◆ get_level_iterator() [4/4]

VolumeSectionContainer::iterator ug::MGSelector::get_level_iterator ( Volume o)

returns the iterator at which the given element lies in the section container

This method may only be called if the element is indeed selected

◆ get_section_index()

template<class TElem >
int ug::MGSelector::get_section_index

◆ grid_to_be_destroyed()

void ug::MGSelector::grid_to_be_destroyed ( Grid grid)

◆ level_required()

void ug::MGSelector::level_required ( int  newSize)

◆ multi_grid()

◆ multigrid_changed()

void ug::MGSelector::multigrid_changed ( const GridMessage_MultiGridChanged gm)

◆ num() [1/4]

template<class TElem >
size_t ug::MGSelector::num

References num_levels().

Referenced by empty().

◆ num() [2/4]

size_t ug::MGSelector::num ( ) const

◆ num() [3/4]

template<class TElem >
size_t ug::MGSelector::num ( int  level) const

◆ num() [4/4]

size_t ug::MGSelector::num ( int  level) const

◆ num_levels()

◆ section_container() [1/2]

template<class TElem >
Grid::traits< TElem >::SectionContainer & ug::MGSelector::section_container ( int  level)

◆ section_container() [2/2]

template<class TElem >
const Grid::traits< TElem >::SectionContainer & ug::MGSelector::section_container ( int  level) const

◆ set_supported_elements()

void ug::MGSelector::set_supported_elements ( uint  shElements)

set the type of elements that shall be handled by the Selector.

Pass an or-combination of constants enumerated in SelectorElements.

See also

References disable_element_support(), enable_element_support(), and ug::ISelector::m_supportedElements.

◆ top_level()

size_t ug::MGSelector::top_level ( ) const

Referenced by begin(), and end().

◆ vertices_begin()

traits<Vertex>::level_iterator ug::MGSelector::vertices_begin ( int  level)

◆ vertices_end()

traits<Vertex>::level_iterator ug::MGSelector::vertices_end ( int  level)

◆ volumes_begin()

traits<Volume>::level_iterator ug::MGSelector::volumes_begin ( int  level)

◆ volumes_end()

traits<Volume>::level_iterator ug::MGSelector::volumes_end ( int  level)

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_aSharedEntryEDGE

AttachedEdgeList::AEntry ug::MGSelector::m_aSharedEntryEDGE

◆ m_aSharedEntryFACE

AttachedFaceList::AEntry ug::MGSelector::m_aSharedEntryFACE

◆ m_aSharedEntryVOL

AttachedVolumeList::AEntry ug::MGSelector::m_aSharedEntryVOL

◆ m_aSharedEntryVRT

AttachedVertexList::AEntry ug::MGSelector::m_aSharedEntryVRT

◆ m_callbackId

MessageHub::SPCallbackId ug::MGSelector::m_callbackId

Referenced by assign_grid(), and cleanup().

◆ m_levels

◆ m_pMultiGrid

MultiGrid* ug::MGSelector::m_pMultiGrid

◆ m_tmpVBegin

VertexIterator ug::MGSelector::m_tmpVBegin

◆ m_tmpVEnd

VertexIterator ug::MGSelector::m_tmpVEnd

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: