| THangingNodeRefiner (Grid &grid, SPRefinementProjector projector=SPNULL) |
| THangingNodeRefiner (SPRefinementProjector projector=SPNULL) |
virtual bool | adaptivity_supported () const |
| returns whether the refiner is able to perform adaptive refinement
virtual void | assign_grid (Grid &grid) |
virtual bool | coarsening_supported () const |
| returns true, if the refiner supports coarsening.
virtual Grid * | get_associated_grid () |
| DEPRECIATED! Use grid(). Has to return the associated grid. Pure virtual.
virtual int | get_local_mark (Face *f) const |
| returns the local mark of the specified face or volume.
virtual int | get_local_mark (Volume *f) const |
| returns the local mark of the specified face or volume.
virtual Grid * | grid () |
| Returns the grid associated with the refiner.
virtual void | grid_to_be_destroyed (Grid *grid) |
| HangingNodeRefiner_Grid (Grid &grid, SPRefinementProjector projector=SPNULL) |
| HangingNodeRefiner_Grid (SPRefinementProjector projector=SPNULL) |
virtual bool | local_marks_supported () const |
| returns true, if the refiner supports local marks.
virtual bool | mark (Edge *e, RefinementMark refMark=RM_REFINE) |
| Marks an edge for refinement (ignores RM_COARSEN).
virtual bool | mark (Face *f, RefinementMark refMark=RM_REFINE) |
| Marks a face for refinement (ignores RM_COARSEN).
virtual bool | mark (Vertex *v, RefinementMark refMark=RM_REFINE) |
| Marks a vertex for refinement (ignores RM_COARSEN).
virtual bool | mark (Volume *v, RefinementMark refMark=RM_REFINE) |
| Marks a volume for refinement (ignores RM_COARSEN).
virtual void | mark_local (Face *f, int localMark) |
| Marks a face or volume for local refinement.
virtual void | mark_local (Volume *f, int localMark) |
| Marks a face or volume for local refinement.
virtual | ~HangingNodeRefiner_Grid () |
void | add_ref_mark_adjuster (SPIRefMarkAdjuster adjuster) |
| Add a refmark adjuster, which will be called while marks are adjusted during refinement / coarsening.
virtual void | clear_marks () |
| clears all marks. Default implementation is empty
| HangingNodeRefinerBase (SPRefinementProjector projector=SPNULL) |
void | mark (const TIterator &iterBegin, const TIterator &iterEnd, RefinementMark refMark=RM_REFINE) |
| marks all elements between iterBegin and iterEnd.
virtual bool | mark (Edge *e, RefinementMark refMark=RM_REFINE) |
| Marks an element for refinement. Default implementation is empty.
virtual bool | mark (Face *f, RefinementMark refMark=RM_REFINE) |
| Marks an element for refinement. Default implementation is empty.
virtual bool | mark (GridObject *o, RefinementMark refMark=RM_REFINE) |
| marks the specified geometric object
virtual bool | mark (Vertex *v, RefinementMark refMark=RM_REFINE) |
| Marks an element for refinement. Default implementation is empty.
virtual bool | mark (Volume *v, RefinementMark refMark=RM_REFINE) |
| Marks an element for refinement. Default implementation is empty.
virtual void | mark_neighborhood (size_t numIterations, RefinementMark refMark, bool sideNbrsOnly) |
| Marks the neighborhood of the current selection.
bool | marked_adaptive (TElem *elem) const |
bool | marked_coarsen (TElem *elem) const |
bool | marked_refine (Edge *elem) const |
bool | marked_refine (TElem *elem) const |
bool | marked_regular (TElem *elem) const |
virtual bool | save_marks_to_file (const char *filename) |
| Writes the associated grid and marks to a file. Pure virtual.
virtual | ~HangingNodeRefinerBase () |
void | enable_node_dependency_order_1 (bool bEnable) |
| enables or disables node-dependency-order-1.
bool | node_dependency_order_1_enabled () |
| enables or disables node-dependency-order-1.
virtual RefinementMark | get_mark (Vertex *v) const |
| Returns the mark of a given element.
virtual RefinementMark | get_mark (Edge *e) const |
| Returns the mark of a given element.
virtual RefinementMark | get_mark (Face *f) const |
| Returns the mark of a given element.
virtual RefinementMark | get_mark (Volume *v) const |
| Returns the mark of a given element.
bool | coarsen () |
| Performs coarsening on the elements marked RM_COARSEN.
bool | debugging_enabled () const |
void | enable_debugging (bool enable) |
int | get_local_edge_mark (Face *f, Edge *e) const |
| returns the local mark of the specified edge of the given face
int | get_local_edge_mark (Volume *vol, Edge *e) const |
| returns the local mark of the specified edge of the given volume
int | get_local_face_mark (Volume *vol, Face *f) const |
| returns the local mark of the specified face of the given volume
virtual RefinementMark | get_mark (GridObject *o) const |
| returns the mark of the specified geometric object
| IRefiner (SPRefinementProjector projector=SPNULL) |
template<class TIterator > |
void | mark (const TIterator &iterBegin, const TIterator &iterEnd, RefinementMark refMark=RM_REFINE) |
| marks all elements between iterBegin and iterEnd.
void | mark_neighborhood (size_t numIterations) |
| marks the neighborhood of currently marked elements.
template<class TElem > |
bool | marked_closure (TElem *elem) const |
template<class TElem > |
bool | marked_full (TElem *elem) const |
template<class TElem > |
bool | marked_local (TElem *elem) const |
size_t | num_marked_edges () |
| returns the number of (globally) marked edges on all levels of the hierarchy
size_t | num_marked_edges (std::vector< int > &numMarkedEdgesOut) |
| returns the number of (globally) marked edges on all levels of the hierarchy
size_t | num_marked_elements () |
| returns the number of (globally) marked grid-objects of highest dimension
size_t | num_marked_elements (std::vector< int > &numMarkedElemsOut) |
| returns the number of (globally) marked grid-objects of highest dimension
size_t | num_marked_faces () |
| returns the number of (globally) marked faces on all levels of the hierarchy
size_t | num_marked_faces (std::vector< int > &numMarkedFacesOut) |
| returns the number of (globally) marked faces on all levels of the hierarchy
size_t | num_marked_volumes () |
| returns the number of (globally) marked volumes on all levels of the hierarchy
size_t | num_marked_volumes (std::vector< int > &numMarkedVolsOut) |
| returns the number of (globally) marked volumes on all levels of the hierarchy
SPRefinementProjector | projector () |
void | refine () |
| Performs refinement on the marked elements.
void | set_adjusted_marks_debug_filename (const char *filename) |
| sets a filename to which adjusted marks are saved during refinement / coarsening
void | set_projector (SPRefinementProjector projector) |
virtual | ~IRefiner () |
void | adaption_begins () |
| notifies all listeners of the associated message-hub, that adaption begins / ends.
void | adaption_ends () |
| notifies all listeners of the associated message-hub, that adaption begins / ends.
virtual void | elements_to_be_cleared (Grid *grid) |
virtual | ~GridObserver () |
virtual void | vertex_created (Grid *grid, Vertex *vrt, GridObject *pParent=NULL, bool replacesParent=false) |
| Notified whenever a new element of the given type is created in the given grid.
virtual void | edge_created (Grid *grid, Edge *e, GridObject *pParent=NULL, bool replacesParent=false) |
| Notified whenever a new element of the given type is created in the given grid.
virtual void | face_created (Grid *grid, Face *f, GridObject *pParent=NULL, bool replacesParent=false) |
| Notified whenever a new element of the given type is created in the given grid.
virtual void | volume_created (Grid *grid, Volume *vol, GridObject *pParent=NULL, bool replacesParent=false) |
| Notified whenever a new element of the given type is created in the given grid.
virtual void | vertex_to_be_erased (Grid *grid, Vertex *vrt, Vertex *replacedBy=NULL) |
| Notified whenever an element of the given type is erased from the given grid.
virtual void | edge_to_be_erased (Grid *grid, Edge *e, Edge *replacedBy=NULL) |
| Notified whenever an element of the given type is erased from the given grid.
virtual void | face_to_be_erased (Grid *grid, Face *f, Face *replacedBy=NULL) |
| Notified whenever an element of the given type is erased from the given grid.
virtual void | volume_to_be_erased (Grid *grid, Volume *vol, Volume *replacedBy=NULL) |
| Notified whenever an element of the given type is erased from the given grid.
virtual void | vertices_to_be_merged (Grid *grid, Vertex *target, Vertex *elem1, Vertex *elem2) |
| Notified when two elements of the same type are going to be merged.
virtual void | edges_to_be_merged (Grid *grid, Edge *target, Edge *elem1, Edge *elem2) |
| Notified when two elements of the same type are going to be merged.
virtual void | faces_to_be_merged (Grid *grid, Face *target, Face *elem1, Face *elem2) |
| Notified when two elements of the same type are going to be merged.
virtual void | volumes_to_be_merged (Grid *grid, Volume *target, Volume *elem1, Volume *elem2) |
| Notified when two elements of the same type are going to be merged.