debug_util.cpp File Reference


class  ug::ComPol_CheckDistributedParentStates< TLayout >


 the ug namespace


#define FAILED_CHECK(elem, msg)


enum  ug::ConstraintTypes { ug::CT_NONE = 0 , ug::CT_CONSTRAINING = 1 , ug::CT_CONSTRAINED = 1 << 1 }


template<class TElem >
static bool ug::CheckDistributedObjectConstraintTypes (MultiGrid &mg)
 Checks whether distributed objects have the same type on all processes. More...
bool ug::CheckDistributedParentTypes (MultiGrid &mg)
 Check whether local parent types match the type of the actual parent element. More...
bool ug::CheckHangingNodeConsistency (Grid &g)
 checks whether all constraining and constrained objects are correctly connected. More...
bool ug::CheckHangingNodeConsistency (MultiGrid &mg)
 checks whether a multigrid is a valid haging vertex grid. More...
template<typename T >
void ug::CheckHangingNodeConstrainingFace (bool isConsistent, Grid &g, T iter, T end)
template<class TElem >
bool ug::CheckLocalParentTypes (MultiGrid &mg)
void ug::CheckMultiGridConsistency (MultiGrid &mg)
 Checks whether parent child connections in a multi-grid are correct. More...
template<class TElem >
static void ug::CheckMultiGridConsistencyImpl (MultiGrid &mg)
template<class TElem >
static std::string ug::ElementDebugInfo_IMPL (const Grid &grid, TElem *e)
template<class TGeomObj >
void ug::PrintAttachmentInfo (Grid &grid)
 prints information on all attachments of the specified grid More...
void ug::PrintElementNumbers (const GridObjectCollection &goc)
 prints how many elements of each type exist in the goc. More...
void ug::PrintGridElementNumbers (Grid &grid)
 prints how many elements of each type exist in the grid. More...
void ug::PrintGridElementNumbers (GridSubsetHandler &sh)
 prints how many elements of each type exist in the subset handler. More...
void ug::PrintGridElementNumbers (MultiGrid &mg)
 prints how many elements of each type exist in the multi grid. More...
bool ug::CheckElementConsistency (MultiGrid &mg, Edge *e)
 Checks whether associated elements and associated constrained/constraining objects are fine. More...
bool ug::CheckElementConsistency (MultiGrid &mg, Face *f)
 Checks whether associated elements and associated constrained/constraining objects are fine. More...
bool ug::CheckElementConsistency (MultiGrid &mg, Vertex *v)
 Checks whether associated elements and associated constrained/constraining objects are fine. More...
std::string ug::ElementDebugInfo (const Grid &grid, GridObject *e)
 Returns a string containing information on the given element. More...

Macro Definition Documentation


#define FAILED_CHECK (   elem,
{UG_ERR_LOG("CheckHangingNodeConsistency: " << msg << endl);\
UG_ERR_LOG(" at: " << GetGridObjectCenter(g, elem));\
if(MultiGrid* mg = dynamic_cast<MultiGrid*>(&g))\
{UG_ERR_LOG(" on level " << mg->get_level(elem));}\
isConsistent = false;\
vector3 GetGridObjectCenter(Grid &g, TElem *elem)
Returns the center of the given element (SLOW - for debugging only!)
Definition: debug_util_impl.hpp:47
#define UG_ERR_LOG(msg)
Definition: log.h:383