Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2009-2015: G-CSC, Goethe University Frankfurt
3  * Author: Sebastian Reiter
4  *
5  * This file is part of UG4.
6  *
7  * UG4 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
8  * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 (as published by the
9  * Free Software Foundation) with the following additional attribution
10  * requirements (according to LGPL/GPL v3 §7):
11  *
12  * (1) The following notice must be displayed in the Appropriate Legal Notices
13  * of covered and combined works: "Based on UG4 (".
14  *
15  * (2) The following notice must be displayed at a prominent place in the
16  * terminal output of covered works: "Based on UG4 (".
17  *
18  * (3) The following bibliography is recommended for citation and must be
19  * preserved in all covered files:
20  * "Reiter, S., Vogel, A., Heppner, I., Rupp, M., and Wittum, G. A massively
21  * parallel geometric multigrid solver on hierarchically distributed grids.
22  * Computing and visualization in science 16, 4 (2013), 151-164"
23  * "Vogel, A., Reiter, S., Rupp, M., Nägel, A., and Wittum, G. UG4 -- a novel
24  * flexible software system for simulating pde based models on high performance
25  * computers. Computing and visualization in science 16, 4 (2013), 165-179"
26  *
27  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
28  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
30  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
31  */
33 #ifndef __H__LIB_GRID__EDGE_UTIL_IMPL__
34 #define __H__LIB_GRID__EDGE_UTIL_IMPL__
36 //#include "edge_util.h"
37 #include <stack>
38 #include <queue>
39 #include <map>
41 #include "../orientation_util.h"
42 #include "vertex_util.h"
43 namespace ug
44 {
46 template <class face_iter_t>
48  std::vector<Edge*>& edgesOut,
49  Grid& g,
50  face_iter_t facesBegin,
51  face_iter_t facesEnd)
52 {
53  using namespace std;
54  map<Edge*, int> m;
57  for(face_iter_t fiter = facesBegin; fiter != facesEnd; ++fiter)
58  {
59  g.associated_elements(edges, *fiter);
60  for(size_t i = 0; i < edges.size(); ++i)
61  ++m[edges[i]];
62  }
64  for(map<Edge*, int>::iterator iter = m.begin(); iter != m.end(); ++iter)
65  {
66  if(iter->second > 1)
67  edgesOut.push_back(iter->first);
68  }
69 }
72 template <class TAAPosVRT>
73 inline number EdgeLengthSq(const EdgeVertices* e, TAAPosVRT& aaPos)
74 {
75  return VecDistanceSq(aaPos[e->vertex(0)], aaPos[e->vertex(1)]);
76 }
79 template <class TAAPosVRT>
80 inline number EdgeLength(const EdgeVertices* e, TAAPosVRT& aaPos)
81 {
82  return VecDistance(aaPos[e->vertex(0)], aaPos[e->vertex(1)]);
83 }
86 // SplitEdge
87 // see edge_operations.h for detailed description
88 template<class TVertex>
89 TVertex* SplitEdge(Grid& grid, Edge* e, bool bConservative)
90 {
91  return SplitEdge<TVertex>(grid, grid, e, NULL, bConservative);
92 }
95 // SplitEdge
96 // see edge_operations.h for detailed description
97 template<class TVertex>
98 TVertex* SplitEdge(Grid& destGrid, Grid& srcGrid, Edge* e,
99  AVertex* paAssociatedVertices,
100  bool bConservative)
101 {
102  TVertex* newVertex;
103  if(&destGrid == &srcGrid)
104  newVertex = *destGrid.create<TVertex>(e);
105  else
106  newVertex = *destGrid.create<TVertex>();
108  if(CreateEdgeSplitGeometry(destGrid, srcGrid, e, newVertex, paAssociatedVertices))
109  {
110  if(!bConservative)
111  {
112  // erase unused elements.
114  {
115  // we have to erase the faces manually
116  // collect them
117  std::vector<Face*> vFaces;
118  CollectFaces(vFaces, srcGrid, e, false);
120  // erase them
121  for(std::vector<Face*>::iterator iter = vFaces.begin();
122  iter != vFaces.end(); ++iter)
123  {
124  srcGrid.erase(*iter);
125  }
126  }
130  {
131  // we have to erase them manually
132  // collect them
133  std::vector<Volume*> vVolumes;
134  CollectVolumes(vVolumes, srcGrid, e, false);
136  // erase them
137  for(std::vector<Volume*>::iterator iter = vVolumes.begin();
138  iter != vVolumes.end(); ++iter)
139  {
140  srcGrid.erase(*iter);
141  }
142  }
143  // erase the edge
144  srcGrid.erase(e);
145  }
147  // return the new vertex
148  return newVertex;
149  }
151 // something went wrong in CreateEdgeSplitGeometry.
152 // erase the new vertex and return NULL
153  destGrid.erase(newVertex);
154  return NULL;
155 }
157 template<class TVertexPositionAttachmentAccessor>
158 typename TVertexPositionAttachmentAccessor::ValueType
159 CalculateCenter(const Edge* e, TVertexPositionAttachmentAccessor& aaPosVRT)
160 {
161  typename TVertexPositionAttachmentAccessor::ValueType v;
162 // init v with 0.
163  VecSet(v, 0);
165 // sum up
166  VecAdd(v, aaPosVRT[e->vertex(0)], aaPosVRT[e->vertex(1)]);
168 // average
169  VecScale(v, v, 0.5);
171  return v;
172 }
175 template<class TAAPosVRT, class TAAWeightVRT>
176 UG_API
177 typename TAAPosVRT::ValueType
178 CalculateCenter(const EdgeVertices* e, TAAPosVRT& aaPos, TAAWeightVRT& aaWeight)
179 {
180  typename TAAPosVRT::ValueType v;
181  typedef typename TAAWeightVRT::ValueType weight_t;
183 // init v with 0.
184  VecSet(v, 0);
186 // sum up
187  weight_t w0 = aaWeight[e->vertex(0)];
188  weight_t w1 = aaWeight[e->vertex(1)];
190  VecScaleAdd(v, w0, aaPos[e->vertex(0)], w1, aaPos[e->vertex(1)]);
192  if((w0 + w1) != 0)
193  VecScale(v, v, 1. / (number)(w0 + w1));
195  return v;
196 }
198 template <class TEdgeIterator>
199 void FixEdgeOrientation(Grid& grid, TEdgeIterator edgesBegin,
200  TEdgeIterator edgesEnd)
201 {
202  using namespace std;
203  grid.begin_marking();
205 // we'll mark all edges.
206  for(TEdgeIterator iter = edgesBegin; iter != edgesEnd; ++iter)
207  grid.mark(*iter);
209  stack<Edge*> candidates;
211 // iterate through the edges
212  for(TEdgeIterator iter = edgesBegin; iter != edgesEnd; ++iter)
213  {
214  // only marked edges have to be considered
215  if(grid.is_marked(*iter)){
216  grid.unmark(*iter);
217  candidates.push(*iter);
219  while(!candidates.empty()){
220  Edge* e =;
221  candidates.pop();
223  // iterate through all associated edges
224  for(size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i){
225  for(Grid::AssociatedEdgeIterator assIter =
226  grid.associated_edges_begin(e->vertex(i));
227  assIter != grid.associated_edges_end(e->vertex(i)); ++assIter)
228  {
229  Edge* ae = *assIter;
230  // fix orientation of marked associated edges.
231  // those edges are new candidates afterwards
232  if(grid.is_marked(ae)){
233  // the local index of the vertex over which ae is connected to e has
234  // to be different from the local index of the vertex in e.
235  if(GetVertexIndex(ae, e->vertex(i)) == (int)i){
236  // we have to flip the orientation
237  grid.flip_orientation(ae);
238  }
240  // prepare the new candidate
241  grid.unmark(ae);
242  candidates.push(ae);
243  }
244  }
245  }
246  }
247  }
248  }
250  grid.end_marking();
251 }
254 template <class TEdgeIterator>
255 UG_API
256 void AdjustEdgeOrientationToFaceOrientation(Grid& grid, TEdgeIterator edgesBegin,
257  TEdgeIterator edgesEnd)
258 {
259  using namespace std;
261  for(TEdgeIterator iter = edgesBegin; iter != edgesEnd; ++iter){
262  Face* nbr;
263  int numNbrs = GetAssociatedFaces(&nbr, grid, *iter, 1);
264  if(numNbrs != 1)
265  continue;
267  if(!EdgeOrientationMatches(*iter, nbr)){
268  grid.flip_orientation(*iter);
269  }
270  }
271 }
273 template <class TEdgeIterator>
274 UG_API
275 void AdjustEdgeOrientationToFaceOrientation(Grid& grid, TEdgeIterator edgesBegin,
276  TEdgeIterator edgesEnd,
277  Grid::face_traits::callback considerFace)
278 {
279  using namespace std;
283  for(TEdgeIterator iter = edgesBegin; iter != edgesEnd; ++iter){
284  Edge* e = *iter;
285  grid.associated_elements(faces, e);
287  size_t numConsidered = 0;
288  Face* nbr = NULL;
289  for(size_t i = 0; i < faces.size(); ++i){
290  if(considerFace(faces[i])){
291  ++numConsidered;
292  nbr = faces[i];
293  }
294  }
296  if((numConsidered == 1) && (!EdgeOrientationMatches(e, nbr))){
297  grid.flip_orientation(e);
298  }
299  }
300 }
303 template <class TEdgeIterator, class TAAPosVRT>
304 Edge* FindShortestEdge(TEdgeIterator edgesBegin, TEdgeIterator edgesEnd,
305  TAAPosVRT& aaPos)
306 {
307 // if edgesBegin equals edgesEnd, then the list is empty and we can
308 // immediately return NULL
309  if(edgesBegin == edgesEnd)
310  return NULL;
312 // the first edge is the first candidate for the shortest edge.
313 // We compare squares to avoid computation of the square root.
314  Edge* shortestEdge = *edgesBegin;
315  number shortestLen = EdgeLengthSq(shortestEdge, aaPos);
316  ++edgesBegin;
318  for(; edgesBegin != edgesEnd; ++edgesBegin){
319  Edge* curEdge = *edgesBegin;
320  number curLen = EdgeLengthSq(curEdge, aaPos);
321  if(curLen < shortestLen){
322  shortestEdge = curEdge;
323  shortestLen = curLen;
324  }
325  }
327  return shortestEdge;
328 }
331 template <class TEdgeIterator, class TAAPosVRT>
332 Edge* FindLongestEdge(TEdgeIterator edgesBegin, TEdgeIterator edgesEnd,
333  TAAPosVRT& aaPos)
334 {
335 // if edgesBegin equals edgesEnd, then the list is empty and we can
336 // immediately return NULL
337  if(edgesBegin == edgesEnd)
338  return NULL;
340 // the first edge is the first candidate for the shortest edge.
341 // We compare squares to avoid computation of the square root.
342  Edge* longestEdge = *edgesBegin;
343  number longestLen = EdgeLengthSq(longestEdge, aaPos);
344  ++edgesBegin;
346  for(; edgesBegin != edgesEnd; ++edgesBegin){
347  Edge* curEdge = *edgesBegin;
348  number curLen = EdgeLengthSq(curEdge, aaPos);
349  if(curLen > longestLen){
350  longestEdge = curEdge;
351  longestLen = curLen;
352  }
353  }
355  return longestEdge;
356 }
357 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
358 // template <class TEdgeIterator>
359 // void RemoveDoubleEdges(Grid& grid, TEdgeIterator edgesBegin, TEdgeIterator edgesEnd)
360 // {
361 // // iterate over all edges and check whether both associated vertices are already
362 // // marked. If this is the case and a marked edge exists between those vertices,
363 // // then the current edge is a double.
365 // grid.begin_marking();
367 // // the first is the double, the second the original
368 // std::vector<std::pair<Edge*, Edge*> > doubles;
369 // std::vector<Edge*> edges;
371 // for(TEdgeIterator iter = edgesBegin; iter != edgesEnd; ++iter){
372 // Edge* e = *iter;
373 // if(!grid.is_marked(e)){
374 // // check whether both vertices are marked
375 // Vertex* v0 = e->vertex(0);
376 // Vertex* v1 = e->vertex(1);
378 // bool isDouble = false;
380 // if(grid.is_marked(v0) && grid.is_marked(v1)){
381 // // a necessary condition is met. However not yet sufficient.
382 // // find marked edge between v0 and v1.
383 // CollectAssociated(edges, grid, v0);
384 // for(size_t i = 0; i < edges.size(); ++i){
385 // Edge* te = edges[i];
386 // if((te->vertex(0) == v1 || te->vertex(1) == v1)
387 // && grid.is_marked(te))
388 // {
389 // // e is a double
390 // isDouble = true;
391 // doubles.push_back(std::make_pair(e, te));
392 // break;
393 // }
394 // }
395 // }
397 // // finally mark e and its vertices (every processed edge is marked).
398 // if(!isDouble){
399 // grid.mark(e);
400 // grid.mark(v0);
401 // grid.mark(v1);
402 // }
403 // }
404 // }
406 // grid.end_marking();
408 // // now erase all doubles
409 // for(size_t i = 0; i < doubles.size(); ++i){
410 // // this allows listeners to take actions
411 // grid.objects_will_be_merged(doubles[i].second, doubles[i].second,
412 // doubles[i].first);
413 // grid.erase(doubles[i].first);
414 // }
415 // }
418 template <class EdgeIterator, class TAAPos>
420  EdgeIterator edgesEnd, TAAPos& aaPos)
421 {
422  using namespace std;
424 // helper to collect neighbors
425  Face* nbrFaces[2];
426  vector<Edge*> edges;
428 // flipCandidates
429  queue<Edge*> candidates;
431 // sadly we can't use marking. Thats why we attach a simple byte to the edges,
432 // which will tell whether an edge is already a candidate.
433  AByte aIsCandidate;
434  grid.attach_to_edges_dv(aIsCandidate, 0, false);
435  Grid::AttachmentAccessor<Edge, AByte> aaIsCandidate(grid, aIsCandidate);
437 // set up candidate array
438  for(EdgeIterator iter = edgesBegin; iter != edgesEnd; ++iter){
439  aaIsCandidate[*iter] = 1;
440  candidates.push(*iter);
441  }
444  while(!candidates.empty()){
445  Edge* e = candidates.front();
446  candidates.pop();
447  aaIsCandidate[e] = 0;
449  // we only perform swaps on regular manifolds.
450  if(GetAssociatedFaces(nbrFaces, grid, e, 2) == 2){
451  // make sure that both neighbors are triangles
452  if(nbrFaces[0]->num_vertices() != 3 || nbrFaces[1]->num_vertices() != 3)
453  continue;
455  // check whether a swap would make the edge shorter.
456  Vertex* conVrt0 = GetConnectedVertex(e, nbrFaces[0]);
457  Vertex* conVrt1 = GetConnectedVertex(e, nbrFaces[1]);
458  if(VertexDistanceSq(conVrt0, conVrt1, aaPos) < EdgeLengthSq(e, aaPos))
459  {
460  // it'll be shorter
461  // now make sure that associated triangles won't flip
462  //todo: add support for 2d position attachments
463  vector3 n0, n1;
464  CalculateNormal(n0, nbrFaces[0], aaPos);
465  CalculateNormal(n1, nbrFaces[1], aaPos);
466  number oldDot = VecDot(n0, n1);
468  FaceDescriptor ntri;
469  ntri.set_num_vertices(3);
470  ntri.set_vertex(0, e->vertex(0));
471  ntri.set_vertex(1, conVrt1);
472  ntri.set_vertex(2, conVrt0);
473  CalculateNormal(n0, &ntri, aaPos);
475  ntri.set_vertex(0, e->vertex(1));
476  ntri.set_vertex(1, conVrt0);
477  ntri.set_vertex(2, conVrt1);
478  CalculateNormal(n1, &ntri, aaPos);
480  number newDot = VecDot(n0, n1);
482  // if both have the same sign, we're fine!
483  if(oldDot * newDot < 0){
484  continue;// not fine!
485  }
487  // ok - everything is fine. Now swap the edge
488  e = SwapEdge(grid, e);
490  UG_ASSERT(e, "SwapEdge did not produce a new edge.");
492  // all edges of associated triangles are candidates again (except e)
493  GetAssociatedFaces(nbrFaces, grid, e, 2);
494  for(size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i){
495  CollectAssociated(edges, grid, nbrFaces[i]);
496  for(size_t j = 0; j < edges.size(); ++j){
497  if(edges[j] != e && (!aaIsCandidate[edges[j]])){
498  candidates.push(edges[j]);
499  aaIsCandidate[edges[j]] = 1;
500  }
501  }
502  }
503  }
504  }
505  }
507  grid.detach_from_edges(aIsCandidate);
508 }
511 template <class vector_t, class TAAPos>
512 UG_API bool
513 ContainsPoint(const EdgeVertices* e, const vector_t& p, TAAPos aaPos)
514 {
515  number center = (aaPos[e->vertex(0)].x() + aaPos[e->vertex(1)].x()) / 2.;
516  number rad = fabs(aaPos[e->vertex(1)].x() - aaPos[e->vertex(0)].x()) / 2.;
518  return (fabs(p.x() - center) < rad + SMALL);
519 }
522 template <class TAAPosVRT>
523 number CalculateAverageEdgeLength(Grid& grid, TAAPosVRT& aaPos)
524 {
525  ConstEdgeIterator eit = grid.begin<Edge>();
526  ConstEdgeIterator eit_end = grid.end<Edge>();
527  number avg_length = 0.;
528  for (; eit != eit_end; ++eit) {
529  avg_length += EdgeLength(*eit, aaPos);
530  }
531  return avg_length / grid.num_edges();
532 }
535 }// end of namespace
537 #endif
parameterString p
Base-class for edges.
Definition: grid_base_objects.h:397
holds the vertices of an Edge or an EdgeDescriptor.
Definition: grid_base_objects.h:362
virtual Vertex * vertex(size_t index) const
Definition: grid_base_objects.h:366
Can be queried for the edges and vertices of a face.
Definition: grid_base_objects.h:684
void set_num_vertices(uint numVertices)
Definition: grid_base_objects.h:705
void set_vertex(uint index, Vertex *vrt)
Definition: grid_base_objects.h:706
Faces are 2-dimensional objects.
Definition: grid_base_objects.h:510
the generic attachment-accessor for access to grids attachment pipes.
Definition: grid.h:182
Manages the elements of a grid and their interconnection.
Definition: grid.h:132
EdgeContainer::iterator AssociatedEdgeIterator
used to iterate over associated edges of vertices, faces and volumes
Definition: grid.h:249
void end_marking()
ends a marking sequence. Call this method when you're done with marking.
Definition: grid.cpp:1285
AssociatedEdgeIterator associated_edges_begin(Vertex *vrt)
DO NOT INVOKE! Subject to change.
Definition: grid.cpp:882
bool option_is_enabled(uint option) const
see set_options for a description of valid parameters.
Definition: grid.cpp:721
void unmark(GridObject *obj)
unmarks the object. Calls are only valid between calls to Grid::begin_marking and Grid::end_marking.
Definition: grid_impl.hpp:808
bool is_marked(GridObject *obj) const
returns true if the object is marked, false if not.
Definition: grid_impl.hpp:843
AssociatedEdgeIterator associated_edges_end(Vertex *vrt)
DO NOT INVOKE! Subject to change.
Definition: grid.cpp:892
void attach_to_edges_dv(TAttachment &attachment, const typename TAttachment::ValueType &defaultValue)
Definition: grid.h:756
void mark(GridObject *obj)
marks the object. Calls are only valid between calls to Grid::begin_marking and Grid::end_marking.
Definition: grid_impl.hpp:773
void flip_orientation(Edge *e)
flips the orientation of an edge.
Definition: grid.cpp:535
void erase(GridObject *geomObj)
Definition: grid.cpp:459
void begin_marking()
begin marking.
Definition: grid.cpp:1262
geometry_traits< TGeomObj >::iterator begin()
Definition: grid_impl.hpp:164
void detach_from_edges(IAttachment &attachment)
Definition: grid.h:788
void associated_elements(traits< Vertex >::secure_container &elemsOut, TElem *e)
Puts all elements of type TAss which are contained in 'e' or which contain 'e' into elemsOut.
Definition: grid_impl.hpp:466
size_t num_edges() const
Definition: grid.h:552
geometry_traits< TGeomObj >::iterator create(GridObject *pParent=NULL)
create a custom element.
Definition: grid_impl.hpp:69
geometry_traits< TGeomObj >::iterator end()
Definition: grid_impl.hpp:175
Container which holds an array of pointers.
Definition: pointer_const_array.h:84
size_t size() const
returns the size of the associated array.
Definition: pointer_const_array_impl.hpp:106
Base-class for all vertex-types.
Definition: grid_base_objects.h:231
Edge * SwapEdge(Grid &grid, Edge *e)
swaps e and thus reconnects its two adjacent triangles.
Definition: edge_util.cpp:793
TVertex * SplitEdge(Grid &grid, Edge *e, bool bConservative=false)
inserts new triangles and one new vertex by splitting the specified edge.
Definition: edge_util_impl.hpp:89
void GetInnerEdgesOfFaceSoup(std::vector< Edge * > &edgesOut, Grid &g, face_iter_t facesBegin, face_iter_t facesEnd)
Definition: edge_util_impl.hpp:47
UG_API void MinimizeEdgeLength_SwapsOnly(Grid &grid, EdgeIterator edgesBegin, EdgeIterator edgesEnd, TAAPos &aaPos)
Transforms the given edge-set so that the sum of the length the edges is minimized.
Definition: edge_util_impl.hpp:419
int CalculateNormal(vector3 &vNormOut, Grid &grid, Edge *e, Grid::AttachmentAccessor< Vertex, APosition > &aaPos, Grid::AttachmentAccessor< Face, ANormal > *paaNormFACE)
Calculates the normal of the given edge.
Definition: edge_util.cpp:314
number CalculateAverageEdgeLength(Grid &grid, TAAPosVRT &aaPos)
Returns the average length of edges in the given grid.
Definition: edge_util_impl.hpp:523
bool CreateEdgeSplitGeometry(Grid &destGrid, Grid &srcGrid, Edge *e, Vertex *newVertex, AVertex *paAssociatedVertices)
given an edge and a vertex (the split-vertex) this method constructs the split-geometry.
Definition: edge_util.cpp:591
UG_API Edge * FindShortestEdge(TEdgeIterator edgesBegin, TEdgeIterator edgesEnd, TAAPosVRT &aaPos)
Returns the shortest edge in a list of edges.
Definition: edge_util_impl.hpp:304
int GetAssociatedFaces(Face **facesOut, Grid &grid, Edge *e, int maxNumFaces)
writes associated faces of e to facesOut.
Definition: edge_util.cpp:186
UG_API void AdjustEdgeOrientationToFaceOrientation(Grid &grid, TEdgeIterator edgesBegin, TEdgeIterator edgesEnd)
Orientates boundary edges in the given edge set to the orientation of associated faces.
Definition: edge_util_impl.hpp:256
UG_API number EdgeLengthSq(const EdgeVertices *e, TAAPosVRT &aaPos)
Calculates the squared length of the given edge.
Definition: edge_util_impl.hpp:73
UG_API void FixEdgeOrientation(Grid &grid, TEdgeIterator edgesBegin, TEdgeIterator edgesEnd)
creates uniform orientation of neighboured edges.
Definition: edge_util_impl.hpp:199
UG_API number EdgeLength(const EdgeVertices *e, TAAPosVRT &aaPos)
Calculates the length of the given edge.
Definition: edge_util_impl.hpp:80
UG_API bool ContainsPoint(const EdgeVertices *e, const vector_t &p, TAAPos aaPos)
Returns true if the given point lies on the given edge.
Definition: edge_util_impl.hpp:513
void CollectVolumes(std::vector< Volume * > &vVolumesOut, Grid &grid, Vertex *vrt, bool clearContainer)
Collects all volumes that exist in the given grid which contain the given vertex.
Definition: grid_util.cpp:592
void CollectFaces(std::vector< Face * > &vFacesOut, Grid &grid, Vertex *vrt, bool clearContainer)
Collects all faces that exist in the given grid which contain the given vertex.
Definition: grid_util.cpp:458
UG_API void CollectAssociated(std::vector< Vertex * > &vVertexOut, Grid &grid, GridObject *obj, bool clearContainer=true)
Definition: grid_util_impl.hpp:169
int GetVertexIndex(EdgeVertices *e, Vertex *v)
returns the index at which vertex v is found in the given edge
Definition: vertex_util.cpp:44
UG_API number VertexDistanceSq(Vertex *v0, Vertex *v1, TAAPos &aaPos)
Returns the squared distance between two vertices.
Definition: vertex_util_impl.hpp:47
Vertex * GetConnectedVertex(Edge *e, Vertex *v)
returns the vertex that is connected to v via e.
Definition: vertex_util.cpp:78
Definition: grid_constants.h:82
Definition: grid_constants.h:83
Definition: grid_constants.h:71
#define UG_ASSERT(expr, msg)
Definition: assert.h:70
#define UG_API
Definition: ug_config.h:65
double number
Definition: types.h:124
void CalculateCenter(vector_t &centerOut, const vector_t *pointSet, size_t numPoints)
calculates the center of a point-set
Definition: math_util_impl.hpp:98
void VecSet(vector_t &vInOut, typename vector_t::value_type s)
Set each vector component to scalar (componentwise)
Definition: math_vector_functions_common_impl.hpp:539
void VecScaleAdd(vector_t &vOut, typename vector_t::value_type s1, const vector_t &v1, typename vector_t::value_type s2, const vector_t &v2)
Scales two Vectors, adds them and returns the sum in a third vector.
Definition: math_vector_functions_common_impl.hpp:265
vector_t::value_type VecDistanceSq(const vector_t &v1, const vector_t &v2)
returns the squared distance of two vector_ts.
Definition: math_vector_functions_common_impl.hpp:351
vector_t::value_type VecDistance(const vector_t &v1, const vector_t &v2)
returns the distance of two vector_ts.
Definition: math_vector_functions_common_impl.hpp:375
void VecAdd(vector_t &vOut, const vector_t &v1, const vector_t &v2)
adds two MathVector<N>s and stores the result in a third one
Definition: math_vector_functions_common_impl.hpp:185
void VecScale(vector_t &vOut, const vector_t &v, typename vector_t::value_type s)
scales a MathVector<N>
Definition: math_vector_functions_common_impl.hpp:252
vector_t::value_type VecDot(const vector_t &v1, const vector_t &v2)
returns the dot-product of two vector_ts
Definition: math_vector_functions_common_impl.hpp:385
int num_vertices(ug::BidirectionalMatrix< T > const &M)
Definition: bidirectional_boost.h:70
Definition: smart_pointer.h:814
the ug namespace
const number SMALL
Definition: math_constants.h:41
Edge * FindLongestEdge(TEdgeIterator edgesBegin, TEdgeIterator edgesEnd, TAAPosVRT &aaPos)
Definition: edge_util_impl.hpp:332
ElementStorage< Edge >::SectionContainer::iterator EdgeIterator
Definition: grid_base_object_traits.h:76
ElementStorage< Edge >::SectionContainer::const_iterator ConstEdgeIterator
Definition: grid_base_object_traits.h:77
bool EdgeOrientationMatches(EdgeVertices *ev, Face *f)
checks if the edge-orientation of the edge and the face matches.
Definition: orientation_util.cpp:37
boost::function< bool(base_object *)> callback
callback type for the elements base type.
Definition: grid.h:150