void | ug::CollectAssociated (std::vector< Edge * > &vEdgesOut, Grid &grid, GridObject *obj, bool clearContainer=true) |
void | ug::CollectAssociated (std::vector< Face * > &vFacesOut, Grid &grid, Face *vol, bool clearContainer=true) |
| Collects all faces. (Returns the face itself) More...
void | ug::CollectAssociated (std::vector< Face * > &vFacesOut, Grid &grid, GridObject *obj, bool clearContainer=true) |
void | ug::CollectAssociated (std::vector< Face * > &vFacesOut, Grid &grid, Vertex *vrt, bool clearContainer=true) |
UG_API void | ug::CollectAssociated (std::vector< Vertex * > &vVertexOut, Grid &grid, GridObject *obj, bool clearContainer=true) |
void | ug::CollectAssociated (std::vector< Volume * > &vVolumesOut, Grid &grid, GridObject *obj, bool clearContainer=true) |
void | ug::CollectAssociated (std::vector< Volume * > &vVolumesOut, Grid &grid, Vertex *vrt, bool clearContainer=true) |
void | ug::CollectAssociated (std::vector< Volume * > &vVolumesOut, Grid &grid, Volume *vol, bool clearContainer=true) |
| Collects all volumes. (Returns the volume itself) More...
UG_API void | ug::CollectEdgesSorted (std::vector< Edge * > &vEdgesOut, Grid &grid, Edge *e, bool clearContainer=true) |
| Collects all edges that exist in the given grid are part of the given edge in the order defined by the reference elements. More...
UG_API void | ug::CollectEdgesSorted (std::vector< Edge * > &vEdgesOut, Grid &grid, Face *f, bool clearContainer=true) |
| Collects all edges that exist in the given grid are part of the given face in the order defined by the reference elements. More...
void | ug::CollectEdgesSorted (std::vector< Edge * > &vEdgesOut, Grid &grid, GridObject *obj, bool clearContainer=true) |
UG_API void | ug::CollectEdgesSorted (std::vector< Edge * > &vEdgesOut, Grid &grid, Vertex *v, bool clearContainer=true) |
| Collects all edges of a vertex, thus, none. More...
UG_API void | ug::CollectEdgesSorted (std::vector< Edge * > &vEdgesOut, Grid &grid, Volume *v, bool clearContainer=true) |
| Collects all edges that exist in the given grid are part of the given volume in the order defined by the reference elements. More...
UG_API void | ug::CollectFaces (std::vector< Face * > &vFacesOut, Grid &grid, Face *v, bool clearContainer=true) |
| Collects all faces. (Returns the face itself) More...
void | ug::CollectFaces (std::vector< Face * > &vFacesOut, Grid &grid, Vertex *vrt, bool clearContainer) |
| Collects all faces that exist in the given grid which contain the given vertex. More...
UG_API void | ug::CollectFacesSorted (std::vector< Face * > &vFacesOut, Grid &grid, Edge *e, bool clearContainer=true) |
| Collects all face that exist in the given grid are part of the given edge in the order defined by the reference elements. More...
UG_API void | ug::CollectFacesSorted (std::vector< Face * > &vFacesOut, Grid &grid, Face *f, bool clearContainer=true) |
| Collects all face that exist in the given grid are part of the given face in the order defined by the reference elements. More...
void | ug::CollectFacesSorted (std::vector< Face * > &vFacesOut, Grid &grid, GridObject *obj, bool clearContainer=true) |
UG_API void | ug::CollectFacesSorted (std::vector< Face * > &vFacesOut, Grid &grid, Vertex *v, bool clearContainer=true) |
| Collects all Faces of a Vertex, thus, none. More...
UG_API void | ug::CollectFacesSorted (std::vector< Face * > &vFacesOut, Grid &grid, Volume *v, bool clearContainer=true) |
| Collects all face that exist in the given grid are part of the given volume in the order defined by the reference elements. More...
UG_API void | ug::CollectVertices (std::vector< Vertex * > &vVertexOut, Grid &grid, GridObject *obj, bool clearContainer=true) |
void | ug::CollectVolumes (std::vector< Volume * > &vVolumesOut, Grid &grid, Vertex *vrt, bool clearContainer=true) |
| Collects all volumes that exist in the given grid which contain the given vertex. More...
UG_API void | ug::CollectVolumes (std::vector< Volume * > &vVolumesOut, Grid &grid, Volume *v, bool clearContainer=true) |
| Collects all volumes. (Returns the volume itself) More...
template<class TVrtContainer1 , class TVrtContainer2 > |
UG_API bool | ug::CompareVertexContainer (const TVrtContainer1 &con1, const TVrtContainer2 &con2) |
| compares vertices in a container More...
UG_API bool | ug::CompareVertices (const EdgeVertices *ev1, const EdgeVertices *ev2) |
| Checks whether ev1 and ev2 contain the same vertices. More...
bool | ug::CompareVertices (const FaceVertices *fv1, const FaceVertices *fv2) |
| Checks whether fv1 and fv2 contain the same vertices. More...
bool | ug::CompareVertices (const VolumeVertices *vv1, const VolumeVertices *vv2) |
| Checks whether vv1 and vv2 contain the same vertices. More...
bool | ug::EdgeContains (EdgeVertices *e, Vertex *vrt) |
bool | ug::EdgeContains (EdgeVertices *e, Vertex *vrt1, Vertex *vrt2) |
bool | ug::FaceContains (Face *f, EdgeVertices *ev) |
| returns true if the given face contains the two given vertices More...
bool | ug::FaceContains (FaceVertices *f, Vertex *v) |
| returns true if the given face contains the given vertex More...
Vertex * | ug::GetVertex (Edge *e, size_t i) |
| returns the i'th vertex of an edge More...
Vertex * | ug::GetVertex (Face *f, size_t i) |
| returns the i'th vertex of a face More...
Vertex * | ug::GetVertex (Vertex *v, size_t i) |
| returns the i'th vertex of a vertex More...
Vertex * | ug::GetVertex (Volume *v, size_t i) |
| returns the i'th vertex of a volume More...
bool | ug::VertexGroupsMatch (const IVertexGroup *elem, const IVertexGroup &desc) |
| Checks whether two vertex groups contain the same vertices. More...
bool | ug::VertexGroupsMatch (const Vertex *elem, const IVertexGroup &desc) |
| specialization of VertexGroupsMatch for single Vertex More...
bool | ug::VolumeContains (Volume *v, EdgeVertices *ev) |
| returns true if the given volume contains the given edge More...
bool | ug::VolumeContains (Volume *v, FaceVertices *fv) |
| returns true if the given volume contains the given face More...
bool | ug::VolumeContains (VolumeVertices *v, Vertex *vrt) |
| returns true if the given volume contains the given vertex More...
UG_API void | ug::CollectAssociated (std::vector< Vertex * > &vVertexOut, Grid &grid, Vertex *v, bool clearContainer=true) |
| Collects all vertices. More...
void | ug::CollectVertices (std::vector< Vertex * > &vVertexOut, Grid &grid, Vertex *v, bool clearContainer) |
| Collects all vertices. More...
UG_API void | ug::CollectAssociated (std::vector< Vertex * > &vVertexOut, Grid &grid, Edge *e, bool clearContainer=true) |
| Collects all vertices. More...
void | ug::CollectVertices (std::vector< Vertex * > &vVertexOut, Grid &grid, Edge *e, bool clearContainer) |
| Collects all vertices. More...
UG_API void | ug::CollectAssociated (std::vector< Vertex * > &vVertexOut, Grid &grid, Face *f, bool clearContainer=true) |
| Collects all vertices. More...
void | ug::CollectVertices (std::vector< Vertex * > &vVertexOut, Grid &grid, Face *f, bool clearContainer) |
| Collects all vertices. More...
void | ug::CollectAssociated (std::vector< Vertex * > &vVertexOut, Grid &grid, Volume *v, bool clearContainer=true) |
| Collects all vertices. More...
void | ug::CollectVertices (std::vector< Vertex * > &vVertexOut, Grid &grid, Volume *v, bool clearContainer) |
| Collects all vertices. More...
size_t | ug::NumVertices (Edge *elem) |
| Returns the number of vertices of the given geometric object. More...
size_t | ug::NumVertices (Face *elem) |
| Returns the number of vertices of the given geometric object. More...
size_t | ug::NumVertices (Vertex *elem) |
| Returns the number of vertices of the given geometric object. More...
size_t | ug::NumVertices (Volume *elem) |
| Returns the number of vertices of the given geometric object. More...
void | ug::CollectAssociated (std::vector< Edge * > &vEdgesOut, Grid &grid, Vertex *vrt, bool clearContainer=true) |
| Collects all edges which exist in the given grid and which are part of the given vertex. More...
void | ug::CollectEdges (std::vector< Edge * > &vEdgesOut, Grid &grid, Vertex *vrt, bool clearContainer) |
| Collects all edges which exist in the given grid and which are part of the given vertex. More...
void | ug::CollectAssociated (std::vector< Edge * > &vEdgesOut, Grid &grid, Edge *e, bool clearContainer=true) |
| Collects all edges that exist in the given grid are part of the given edge. More...
UG_API void | ug::CollectEdges (std::vector< Edge * > &vEdgesOut, Grid &grid, Edge *e, bool clearContainer=true) |
| Collects all edges that exist in the given grid are part of the given edge. More...
void | ug::CollectAssociated (std::vector< Edge * > &vEdgesOut, Grid &grid, Face *f, bool clearContainer=true) |
| Collects all edges that exist in the given grid are part of the given face. More...
UG_API void | ug::CollectEdges (std::vector< Edge * > &vEdgesOut, Grid &grid, Face *f, bool clearContainer=true) |
| Collects all edges that exist in the given grid are part of the given face. More...
void | ug::CollectAssociated (std::vector< Edge * > &vEdgesOut, Grid &grid, Volume *v, bool clearContainer=true) |
| Collects all edges that exist in the given grid are part of the given volume. More...
UG_API void | ug::CollectEdges (std::vector< Edge * > &vEdgesOut, Grid &grid, Volume *v, bool clearContainer=true) |
| Collects all edges that exist in the given grid are part of the given volume. More...
void | ug::CollectAssociated (std::vector< Face * > &vFacesOut, Grid &grid, Edge *e, bool clearContainer=true) |
| Collects all faces that exist in the given grid which contain the given edge. More...
void | ug::CollectFaces (std::vector< Face * > &vFacesOut, Grid &grid, Edge *e, bool clearContainer) |
| Collects all faces that exist in the given grid which contain the given edge. More...
void | ug::CollectAssociated (std::vector< Face * > &vFacesOut, Grid &grid, Volume *v, bool clearContainer=true) |
| Collects all faces that exist in the given grid are part of the given volume. More...
UG_API void | ug::CollectFaces (std::vector< Face * > &vFacesOut, Grid &grid, Volume *v, bool clearContainer=true) |
| Collects all faces that exist in the given grid are part of the given volume. More...
void | ug::CollectAssociated (std::vector< Volume * > &vVolumesOut, Grid &grid, Edge *e, bool clearContainer=true) |
| Collects all volumes that exist in the given grid which contain the given edge. More...
void | ug::CollectVolumes (std::vector< Volume * > &vVolumesOut, Grid &grid, Edge *e, bool clearContainer) |
| Collects all volumes that exist in the given grid which contain the given edge. More...
void | ug::CollectAssociated (std::vector< Volume * > &vVolumesOut, Grid &grid, Face *f, bool clearContainer=true, bool ignoreAssociatedVolumes=false) |
| Collects all volumes that exist in the given grid which contain the given face. More...
void | ug::CollectAssociated (std::vector< Volume * > &vVolumesOut, Grid &grid, FaceDescriptor &fd, bool clearContainer=true) |
| Collects all volumes that exist in the given grid which contain the given face. More...
void | ug::CollectVolumes (std::vector< Volume * > &vVolumesOut, Grid &grid, Face *f, bool clearContainer, bool ignoreAssociatedVolumes) |
| Collects all volumes that exist in the given grid which contain the given face. More...
void | ug::CollectVolumes (std::vector< Volume * > &vVolumesOut, Grid &grid, FaceDescriptor &fd, bool clearContainer) |
| Collects all volumes that exist in the given grid which contain the given face. More...