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Table based solver creation. More...


function util solver CondAbort (condition, message)
function util solver CreateConvCheck (convCheckDesc, solverutil)
function util solver CreateLinearSolver (solverDesc, solverutil)
function util solver CreateLineSearch (lineSearchDesc)
function util solver CreateMGStats (mgStatsDesc)
function util solver CreateOrdering (orderingDesc, solverutil)
function util solver CreatePreconditioner (precondDesc, solverutil)
function util solver CreateSolver (solverDesc, solverutil)
function util solver CreateTransfer (transferDesc, solverutil)
function util solver PrepareSolverUtil (solverDesc, solverutil)
function util solver PrepareStep (desc, nestedStep, timeStep)
function util solver SetDebugWriter (obj, desc, defaults, solverutil)
function util solver SolveLinearProblem (domainDisc, solverDesc, outFilePrefix, startValueCB)
function util solver SolveLinearTimeProblem (domDisc, solverDesc, timeDesc, outDesc, startValueCB)
function util solver SolveNonLinearTimeProblem (domDisc, solverDesc, timeDesc, outDesc, startValueCB)

Detailed Description

Table based solver creation.

Given a (possibly nested) solver description, e.g.,

solver = {
type = "bicgstab",
precond = "ilu",
convCheck = "standard"

a call e.g. to util.solver.CreateSolver(solver) creates and returns the requested solver.

All components may either be specified through a string-id or through a descriptor. You only have to specify those components which deviate from the defaults (solver.util.defaults), the rest will be ammended.

To use a geometric multigrid preconditioner, you either have to specify an approxSpace entry in its descriptor or set 'util.solver.defaults.approxSpace' before calling any 'util.solver.Create...' method.


Several examples follow:

Example: Creating an exact solver

solver = util.solver.CreateSolver("lu")

Example: Creating a simple iterative jacobi solver

solverDesc = {
type = "linear",
precond = "jac"
solver = util.solver.CreateSolver(solverDesc)

Example: Creating a simple iterative jacobi solver with custom parameters

solverDesc = {
type = "linear",
precond = {
type = "jac",
damping = 0.5
solver = util.solver.CreateSolver(solverDesc)

Example: Creation of a bicgstab solver with geometric multigrid preconditioner

here someApproxSpace points to a previously created approximation space

solverDesc =
type = "bicgstab", -- linear solver type ["bicgstab", "cg", "linear"]
precond =
type = "gmg", -- preconditioner ["gmg", "ilu", "ilut", "jac", "gs", "sgs"]
smoother = "gs", -- gmg-smoother ["ilu", "ilut", "jac", "gs", "sgs"]
cycle = "V", -- gmg-cycle ["V", "F", "W"]
preSmooth = 3, -- number presmoothing steps
postSmooth = 3, -- number postsmoothing steps
rap = false, -- comutes RAP-product instead of assembling if true
baseLevel = 0, -- gmg - baselevel
baseSolver = { -- better options are most likely "lu" or "superlu"
type = "bicgstab",
precond = "gs",
convCheck = {
type = "standard",
iterations = 1000,
absolute = 1e-12,
reduction = 1e-10, -- higher values may suffice and may be much
-- more efficent (e.g. 1e-2, 1e-4, ...).
verbose = false
approxSpace = someApproxSpace,
convCheck = "standard"
solver = util.solver.CreateSolver(solverDesc)
location verbose
Definition checkpoint_util.lua:128
double number
Definition types.h:124

Example: Providing custom solver and preconditioner objects (advanced)

You may also provide instances of preconditioners instead of descriptor tables:

solverDesc =
type = "linear",
precond = ILU() -- for each component one can optionally supply a custom instance
solver = util.solver.CreateSolver(solverDesc)

Example: Accessing the created solvers and preconditioners (advanced)

For conveniance, all the methods will add an 'instance' entry to their respective descriptor tables, assigning the created solver component. If you thus setup a solver, e.g.

solver = {
type = "bicgstab",
precond = {
type = "ilu"

you may later access 'solver.instance' and 'solver.precond.instance'. Note that this is only possible if you specified a component through a descriptor. If you use the short form, e.g.

solver = {
type = "bicgstab",
precond = "ilu"

you will still be able to access 'solver.instance', but you can't access 'solver.precond.instance'.

Non-Linear Solvers

The following listing gives an overview over available non-linear solvers and their default parameters. Pass the descriptor of a non-linear solver to


to obtain the described solved.

linSolver can be any linear solver listed in the Linear Solvers section.

convCheck can be any convergence check listed in the Convergence Checks section.

lineSearch can be any line search method listed in the Line Search section.

Currently only the Newton method is available as non-linear solver.

Newton Method

type = "newton",
convCheck = "standard",
linSolver = "bicgstab",
lineSearch = nil

Linear Solvers

The following listing gives an overview over available linear-solvers and their default parameters. Pass the descriptor of a linear solver to


to obtain the described solved.

precond can be any preconditioner listed in the Preconditioners section.

convCheck can be any convergence check listed in the Convergence Checks section.

Linear Solver

type = "linear",
precond = "ilu",
convCheck = "standard"

Conjugate Gradients

type = "cg",
precond = "ilu",
convCheck = "standard"


type = "bicgstab",
precond = "ilu",
convCheck = "standard"


The following listing gives an overview over available preconditioners and their default parameters.

Geometric Multigrid

type = "gmg",
adaptive = false,
approxSpace = nil,
baseLevel = 0,
baseSolver = "lu", -- any solver listed in the 'Solvers' section
cycle = "V",
discretization = nil, -- only necessary if the underlying matrix is not of type AssembledLinearOperator
gatheredBaseSolverIfAmbiguous = false,
preSmooth = 3,
postSmooth = 3,
rap = false,
rim = false,
emulateFullRefined = false,
smoother = "gs", -- any preconditioner listed in the 'Preconditioners' section
transfer = "std", -- any transfer listed in the 'Transfers' section
debug = false,
mgStats = nil -- any mgStats listed in the 'MGStats' section


type = "ilu",
beta = 0,
damping = 1,
sortEps = 1.e-50,
inversionEps = 1.e-8


type = "ilut",
threshold = 1e-6


type = "jac",
damping = 0.66

Gauss Seidel

type = "gs"

Block Gauss Seidel

type = "bgs"

Symmetric Gauss Seidel

type = "sgs"

Element Gauss Seidel

type = "egs"


type = "schur",
dirichletSolver = "lu",
skeletonSolver = "lu"

Convergence Checks

The following listing gives an overview over available convergence checks and their default parameters.

Standard convergence check

type = "standard",
iterations = 100,
absolute = 1e-12,
reduction = 1e-6,
verbose = true

Transfer Operators

The following listing gives an overview over available transfer operators and their default parameters.

Standard Transfer Operator

type = "std",
restrictionDamp = 1.0,
prolongationDamp = 1.0,
enableP1LagrangeOptimization = true,
debug = false

Line Search Methods

The following listing gives an overview over available line search methods and their default parameters.

Standard Line Search Method

type = "standard",
maxSteps = 10,
lambdaStart = 1,
lambdaReduce = 0.5,
acceptBest = true,
checkAll = false


The following listing gives an overview over available MGStats objects. MGStats objects are used to record statistics on individual multigrid cycles. They add some overhead, so one should only use them for debugging.


type = "standard",
filenamePrefix = "mgstats",
exitOnError = false,
writeErrVecs = false,
writeErrDiffs = false,
activeStages = nil

Function Documentation

◆ CondAbort()

function util solver CondAbort ( condition  ,

location: /home/runner/work/docs/docs/ug4/ugcore/scripts/util / solver_util.lua :576-581

function util.solver.CondAbort(condition, message)
if condition == true then
print("ERROR in util.solver: " .. message)
function table print(data, style)
function test message(msg)

◆ CreateConvCheck()

function util solver CreateConvCheck ( convCheckDesc  ,

location: /home/runner/work/docs/docs/ug4/ugcore/scripts/util / solver_util.lua :962-1011

◆ CreateLinearSolver()

function util solver CreateLinearSolver ( solverDesc  ,

location: /home/runner/work/docs/docs/ug4/ugcore/scripts/util / solver_util.lua :638-721

◆ CreateLineSearch()

function util solver CreateLineSearch ( lineSearchDesc  )

location: /home/runner/work/docs/docs/ug4/ugcore/scripts/util / solver_util.lua :1013-1042

◆ CreateMGStats()

function util solver CreateMGStats ( mgStatsDesc  )

location: /home/runner/work/docs/docs/ug4/ugcore/scripts/util / solver_util.lua :1045-1076

◆ CreateOrdering()

function util solver CreateOrdering ( orderingDesc  ,

location: /home/runner/work/docs/docs/ug4/ugcore/scripts/util / solver_util.lua :749-787

◆ CreatePreconditioner()

function util solver CreatePreconditioner ( precondDesc  ,

location: /home/runner/work/docs/docs/ug4/ugcore/scripts/util / solver_util.lua :791-959

◆ CreateSolver()

function util solver CreateSolver ( solverDesc  ,

Creates a solver.

solverutilYou may OPTIONALLY pass a table solverutil in which solver related information will be stored. If solverDesc is a table, you may also acacess this information through solverDesc.solverutil (even if the parameter solverutil == nil).

location: /home/runner/work/docs/docs/ug4/ugcore/scripts/util / solver_util.lua :601-636

◆ CreateTransfer()

function util solver CreateTransfer ( transferDesc  ,

location: /home/runner/work/docs/docs/ug4/ugcore/scripts/util / solver_util.lua :723-747

◆ PrepareSolverUtil()

function util solver PrepareSolverUtil ( solverDesc  ,

if solverDesc is a table, solverDesc.solverutil will be set to solverutil or initialized as an empty table. The method will then return solverDesc.solverutil. If solverDesc is not a table, the method returns solverutil or {}, if solverutil == nil.

location: /home/runner/work/docs/docs/ug4/ugcore/scripts/util / solver_util.lua :587-594

function util.solver.PrepareSolverUtil(solverDesc, solverutil)
if type(solverDesc) == "table" then
solverDesc.solverutil = solverutil or solverDesc.solverutil or {}
return solverDesc.solverutil
return solverutil or {}

◆ PrepareStep()

function util solver PrepareStep ( desc  ,
nestedStep  ,

Prepares a solution step, e.g. during nested iterations.

desca solver-desc which was used during solver-creation in one of the solver_util methods or a solverutil table, which is was also created in one of the solver_util methods or simply a table which holds a bunch of Convergence-Check descriptor tables.
nestedStep(optional) the step of the nested iteration (default: 1)
timeStep(optional) the current time step (default: 1)

location: /home/runner/work/docs/docs/ug4/ugcore/scripts/util / solver_util.lua :1147-1172

◆ SetDebugWriter()

function util solver SetDebugWriter ( obj  ,
desc  ,
defaults  ,

location: /home/runner/work/docs/docs/ug4/ugcore/scripts/util / solver_util.lua :1078-1135

◆ SolveLinearProblem()

function util solver SolveLinearProblem ( domainDisc  ,
solverDesc  ,
outFilePrefix  ,

Solves a linear problem given as a domain discretization

domDiscthe domain discretization object
solverDesca valid solver descriptor or solver object
outFilePrefix(optional) .vtk and .vec files of the solution are stored.
A, u, b, where A is the system matrix, u is the solution and b is the right hand side

location: /home/runner/work/docs/docs/ug4/ugcore/scripts/util / solver_util.lua :1181-1209

◆ SolveLinearTimeProblem()

function util solver SolveLinearTimeProblem ( domDisc  ,
solverDesc  ,
timeDesc  ,
outDesc  ,

location: /home/runner/work/docs/docs/ug4/ugcore/scripts/util / solver_util.lua :1212-1249

◆ SolveNonLinearTimeProblem()

function util solver SolveNonLinearTimeProblem ( domDisc  ,
solverDesc  ,
timeDesc  ,
outDesc  ,

location: /home/runner/work/docs/docs/ug4/ugcore/scripts/util / solver_util.lua :1252-1289