bool | ug::AddExtraProcessEntriesToSubdomainLayout (size_t numIDs, IndexLayout &processMasterLayoutIn, IndexLayout &processSlaveLayoutIn, IndexLayout &subdomainMasterLayoutInOut, IndexLayout &subdomainSlaveLayoutInOut) |
bool | ug::CreateIndexLayouts_DomainDecomposition (IndexLayout &processLayoutOut, IndexLayout &subdomainLayoutOut, DoFDistribution &dofDistr, GridLayoutMap &layoutMap, int keyType, int level, pcl::IDomainDecompositionInfo *ddInfoIn) |
bool | ug::CreateLevelIndexLayout (IndexLayout &layoutOut, DoFDistribution &dofDistr, GridLayoutMap &layoutMap, int keyType, int level) |
| creates the index layout for a level given a GridLayoutMap
bool | ug::CreateSurfaceIndexLayout (IndexLayout &layoutOut, DoFDistribution &dofDistr, GridLayoutMap &layoutMap, int keyType, MultiGrid &mg, DistributedGridManager &dGrMgr) |
| creates the index layout for a level given a GridLayoutMap
void | ug::FindPositionInInterfaces (std::vector< std::pair< int, size_t > > &vIndexInterface, const IndexLayout &layout, size_t index) |
| returns in a vector all appearencies of an index in a layout
void | ug::PermuteIndicesInIndexLayout (IndexLayout &layout, const std::vector< size_t > &vIndNew) |
| permutes an IndexLayout for the permutation of indices