template<class TGeomBaseObj > |
bool | ug::PartitionGrid_MetisKway (SubsetHandler &shPartitionOut, Grid &grid, int numParts) |
| Partitions the elements in the grid using the METIS library.
template bool | ug::PartitionGrid_MetisKway< Edge > (SubsetHandler &, Grid &, int) |
template bool | ug::PartitionGrid_MetisKway< Face > (SubsetHandler &, Grid &, int) |
template bool | ug::PartitionGrid_MetisKway< Volume > (SubsetHandler &, Grid &, int) |
template<class TGeomBaseObj > |
bool | ug::PartitionMultiGrid_MetisKway (SubsetHandler &shPartitionOut, MultiGrid &grid, int numParts, size_t baseLevel, boost::function< int(TGeomBaseObj *, TGeomBaseObj *)> &weightFct) |
| Partitions the elements in the multi-grid using the METIS library.
template<class TGeomBaseObj > |
bool | ug::PartitionMultiGrid_MetisKway (SubsetHandler &shPartitionOut, MultiGrid &grid, int numParts, size_t baseLevel=0, int hWeight=1, int vWeight=1) |
| Partitions the elements in the multi-grid using the METIS library.
template bool | ug::PartitionMultiGrid_MetisKway< Edge > (SubsetHandler &, MultiGrid &, int, size_t, boost::function< int(Edge *, Edge *)> &) |
template bool | ug::PartitionMultiGrid_MetisKway< Edge > (SubsetHandler &, MultiGrid &, int, size_t, int, int) |
template bool | ug::PartitionMultiGrid_MetisKway< Face > (SubsetHandler &, MultiGrid &, int, size_t, boost::function< int(Face *, Face *)> &) |
template bool | ug::PartitionMultiGrid_MetisKway< Face > (SubsetHandler &, MultiGrid &, int, size_t, int, int) |
template bool | ug::PartitionMultiGrid_MetisKway< Volume > (SubsetHandler &, MultiGrid &, int, size_t, boost::function< int(Volume *, Volume *)> &) |
template bool | ug::PartitionMultiGrid_MetisKway< Volume > (SubsetHandler &, MultiGrid &, int, size_t, int, int) |
template<class TGeomBaseObj > |
bool | ug::PartitionMultiGridLevel_MetisKway (SubsetHandler &shPartitionOut, MultiGrid &mg, int numParts, size_t level) |
| Partitions the elements in the multi-grid using the METIS library.
template bool | ug::PartitionMultiGridLevel_MetisKway< Edge > (SubsetHandler &, MultiGrid &, int, size_t) |
template bool | ug::PartitionMultiGridLevel_MetisKway< Face > (SubsetHandler &, MultiGrid &, int, size_t) |
template bool | ug::PartitionMultiGridLevel_MetisKway< Volume > (SubsetHandler &, MultiGrid &, int, size_t) |
template<class TGeomBaseObj > |
bool | ug::PartitionMultiGridLevel_ParmetisKway (SubsetHandler &shPartitionOut, MultiGrid &mg, int numParts, size_t level) |
| Partitions the elements in the multi-grid using the PARMETIS library.
template bool | ug::PartitionMultiGridLevel_ParmetisKway< Edge > (SubsetHandler &, MultiGrid &, int, size_t) |
template bool | ug::PartitionMultiGridLevel_ParmetisKway< Face > (SubsetHandler &, MultiGrid &, int, size_t) |
template bool | ug::PartitionMultiGridLevel_ParmetisKway< Volume > (SubsetHandler &, MultiGrid &, int, size_t) |