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Parallel computing

Parallel Computing: Howto

Parallel computing can be done on big clusters (Installation on Parallel Computers), but for beginners, it is easier to do it on their own laptop/workstation. Most of the computers nowadays have 2 or even 4 cores, so everyone has the possiblity to test parallel code. So basically 4 cores are able to execute 4 threads at once. We're doing our parallelization with MPI, so when you've installed OpenMPI or mpich, you can run ugshell's laplace example on 4 cores with

mpirun -np 4 ugshell -ex conv_diff/laplace.lua
parameterString ex
Executes the specified script.
Definition command_line_util.lua:350

Be aware that you can also run this if you don't have 4 cores. This might be handy if you want to check or debug code on 16 threads.

If you have a lot of cores (and sufficient RAM) you can also speed up compiling by using make -j4, see Make.

The recommended way to submit jobs is to use ugsubmit. See here ugsubmit - Job Scheduling on Clusters . Using ugsubmit has a lot of advantages: Its more convenient and you will be able to use your scripts on a lot of clusters.

General Information about Parallel Computing

  • Perform enough prerefinement steps (typically controlled by LUA script variable numPreRefs) that each MPI process gets at least one element of the start grid.
  • Start with small problems (but still enough prerefinement steps)
  • If you have problems, try to find out the smallest processor/refinement number it occures on.


Parallel debugging can be really complicated. There are some possibilties to do parallel debugging:

  • insert UG_DLOG()s and use (at the beginning of your script)
    GetLogAssistant():enable_file_output(true, "mylogfile_proc"..GetProcessRank())
  • TotalView, DDT : graphical debuggers. Available on most clusters
  • xprun : xprun is located at ug4/scripts/shell/xprun (just source ug4/scripts/shell/ugbash). xprun is a small script which opens N xterm terminals, and starts the program you specify in it. So when you go
    xprun 4 ugshell -ex conv_diff/laplace.lua -outproc -1
    parameterNumber outproc
    Sets the output-proc to id.
    Definition command_line_util.lua:349
    you'll have 4 terminal windows, each representing one core. When you want to do debugging, just add gdb:
    xprun 4 gdb --args ugshell -ex conv_diff/laplace.lua -outproc -1
    Now you have 4 gdbs running in 4 xterm windows, connected with mpi. See also Debugging UG4's C/C++ Code, especially the notes on .gdbinit .

General Information about Cluster Computing

Clusters are normally built as follows:

  • A small number of login nodes (1 to 32) where you are able to log in and work directly on. Here's where you checking out your code from svn, downloading other software, do configuration, setup and compiling. Therefore these nodes are pretty much "normal" computers: Typically they have 4-32 cores, decent amount of RAM, fast access to hard drive storage, internet connection, a lot of software (if you know how to configure it). Basically everything you'll expect from a workstation.
  • In contrast to this, there is a large number (96-1,000,000+) of compute nodes. These have a 4-64 cores, and something like 4-64 GB RAM, so most have 0.5 or 1 GB RAM per core when you're using all nodes. Note that these nodes do not have hard drives. If they want to access hard disc storage, they have to access it throught
  • a parallel file system, consisting of a moderate number of i/o nodes (usually much less than compute nodes) and storage.


We distinguish weak scaling and strong scaling.

  • Weak scaling : Making your problem N times larger and using N times more cores will leave execution time more or less constant.
  • Strong scaling: With the same problem size, N times more cores will make the execution time N times faster.

Both have their own difficulties if you want to obtain good scaling. For weak scaling, you will need a algorithm which has a linear complexity - that can be complicated for some problems. For strong scaling, the ratio computation/communication will get worse for big number of cores. Unfortunately, you can also get good "scaling" when you have a very slow program, since your communication won't make that much of difference then.

I/O and scaling

I/O on Clusters is limited because they are optimized for computation, not for huge storage. Because of this, you have to keep some things in mind when you want your application to scale.

  • i/o on a cluster can be slower than on your laptop
  • i/o gets REALLY slow if a lot of cores (or all) are accessing the file system. Avoid all-core-i/o.
  • This is not going to change in the next years since some parts of i/o are inherently sequential.
  • especial opening of files is inherently sequential .
  • A job that accesses too much i/o may scale well on 64 nodes but fail to do so on 16k+ cores.
  • this is true for all i/o access, even C or LUA
  • i/o is EVERYTHING file related: open, close, write, read, check existence, scan.

Note that script files are also files that need to be loaded by all cores. These are loaded with ParallelReadFile : One core loads the file and broadcasts its contents over the network. Logging is also file access. That's why standard setting is outproc = 0. outproc -1 will cause all cores to log. This will not scale on clusters.

When you need to do i/o, think about if you really need all cores to do the i/o. If you only need one core to perform a task:
if(pcl::ProcRank() == 0) { open file, write file, close file }
int ProcRank()
returns the rank of the process
Definition pcl_base.cpp:83
function util FileDummy write(...) end
function util FileDummy close() end
and in LUA
if ProcRank() == 0 then
-- open file
-- write to file
-- close file


I will again stress out that even just opening files is bad, so make sure also the opening of your files is inside that ProcRank()==0.

There is also a construct to help you with this: instead of io.open, use io.open_ONE("bla.txt", "w", 0). This will open the file only on core 0, all others get "dummy" file handles. If you really need to open files on all cores, use io.open_ALL, since io.open will give you a warning if it is called on a core which is not 0.

If you really want to do i/o on all cores (like writing a solution) in C/C++, you can use

  • ParallelReadFile: Read a file on one core and distribute to all (using MPI_Broadcast)
  • WriteCombinedParallelFile and ReadCombinedParallelFile: Write and Read different data for each core (using MPI File I/O).
See also
ParallelReadFile WriteCombinedParallelFile ReadCombinedParallelFile

Input and Output

When you're starting a lot of jobs, you can get a problem with your output. When you use ugshell like normal, and output data normally, you might overwrite the output data from one job with the output data of another. That's why, if you are using ugsubmit (ugsubmit - Job Scheduling on Clusters) the job information is stored in a subdirectory of your current directory (or in a subdirectory of the directory you specified with the ugsubmit option -dir) and it's also executed in that subdirectory. Another solution to this problem is to rename your output files accordingly. Please also note that you want to specify an output directory for your results, see this example:

outdir = util.GetParam("-outdir", "", "output directory")
fileext = discName.."_procs"..GetNumProcesses().."_numRefs"..numRefs
GetLogAssistant():enable_file_output(true, outdir..filename)
if GetProcessRank() == 0 then
util.writeFileStats(stats, outdir.."stats.txt")
WriteGridFunctionToVTK(u, outdir.."Solution")
parameterNumber numRefs
function util writeFileStats(stats, filename, seperator)
Definition lexer.cpp:997
Think about where you save data and where you get data from. Try if your script is also working from other directories.

ugsubmit in other scripts

You can use ugsubmit in other scripts. Lets say you have a script myapp/myscript.lua, and you want to run this script with numRefs = 4 .. 8, parameters co2start = {0.1, 0.2, 0.3}, param2 = {-1, 0, 1}, useExtendedModel = {true, false}.

First thing is you have to adjust your script (if not already done) so it takes the input from the command line, e.g.

ugshell -ex myapp/myscript.lua -numRefs 4 -co2start 0.2 -param2 1 -useExtendedModel

For this, you use util.HasParamOption, util.GetParam, and util.GetParamNumber, so in your script:

-- beginning of the script
co2start = util.GetParamNumber("-co2start", 1, "start co2 concentration") --- 1 is default value
param2 = util.GetParamNumber("-param2", 0, "parameter 2 for the model") --- 0 is default value
useExtendedModel = util.HasParamOption("-useExtendedModel", "if true, use extended model (nonlinear)") --- false is default value
numRefs = util.GetParamNumber("-numRefs", 4, "number of refinements")
-- rest of the script

Then you can use a bash named e.g. myLargeRun.sh script like this

for numRefs in 4 5 6 7 8
for co2start in 0.1 0.2 0.3
for param2 in -1 0 1
ugsubmit 64 --- ugshell -ex myapp/myscript.lua -numRefs $numRefs -co2start $co2start -param2 $param2 -useExtendedModel
ugsubmit 64 --- ugshell -ex myapp/myscript.lua -numRefs $numRefs -co2start $co2start -param2 $param2

Now when you run myLargeRun.sh (bash myLargeRun.sh) the script starts a total of 5*3*3*2 = 60 jobs with ugsubmit.

Note that you can use your myLargeRun.sh also on other clusters! So once set up, you save a lot of work with ugsubmit and bash.

A directory for your results

Here's a bash script to create a run directory which is named by the current date so that you can use it with outdir (see Input and Output)

# create a variable with the date e.g. $HOME/results/run_2013-11-05-09.55.26
myOutDir=$HOME/results/run_`date +%Y-%m-%d-%H.%M.%S``
mkdir $HOME/results
mkdir $myOutDir
for i in {3..6}
ugsubmit 64 --- ugshell -ex mycheck.lua -outdir $myOutDir/ -logtofile $myOutDir/mycheck${i} -numRefs $i
parameterString logtofile
Output will be written to the specified file.
Definition command_line_util.lua:351

A simple method to produce combined statistics

(see also stats_util.lua)

-- needs ug_load_script("ug_util.lua")
if GetProcessRank() == 0 then
stats = {
{ "procs", GetNumProcesses() },
{ "numRefs", numRefs },
{ "param1", param1},
{ "dim", dim},
{ "gridName", gridName},
{ "concentration", integrate_conc( elemDisc_rna_ribo:value(), "rna_ribo_3d" , u, time, false ) },
{ "date", os.date("y%Ym%md%d") },
{ "SVN Revision", GetSVNRevision()},
{"commandline", util.GetCommandLine() } }
util.writeFileStats(stats, outdir.."stats.txt")
string GetSVNRevision()
Definition misc_bridge.cpp:416
string GetBuildHostname()
Definition misc_bridge.cpp:431

This will produce a file named "stats.txt" in the outdir, where each run can save the values it produced by appending it to the file. At the end you will have a table which is readable by Excel or (Mac) Numbers.