JuQueen currently provides 458.752 cores (448 Ki), with 1 GB RAM per core (total 448 Tbyte RAM)
Juqueen consists of 28 racks: 1 Rack = 32 nodeboards, 1 Nodeboard = 16 Compute Nodes.
Each Compute Node (CN) has a 16-core IBM PowerPC A2 running at 1.6 GHz with 16 Gbyte SDRAM-DDR3 of RAM in total or 1 Gbyte per core.
What to do if
JuQueen is reached via so called front-end or login nodes for interactive access and the submission of batch jobs.
These login nodes are reached via
i.e., for login there is only a generic hostname,
, from which automatically a connection either to juqueen1
or juqueen2
will be established.
It is necessary to upload the SSH key of the machine from which to connect to one of JuQueens login nodes. Normally you've already done this during the application process.
See Logging on to JuQueen (also for X11 problems).
To be able to connect to JuQueen from different machines maybe you find it useful to define one of GCSC's machines (e.g. speedo
, quadruped
, ...) as a "springboard" to one of JuQueens login nodes (so that you have to login to this machine first, then to JuQueen), see SSH Hopping.
Some additional software is only available if the appropriate module was loaded for the current session via the module
command. A short introduction to the module concept and the module
command can be found here.
module load/swap
commands to your shell configuration file (~/.bashrc
etc.).For ug4 compiling, make sure that the cmake module has been loaded. You can e.g. add
to your ~/.bashrc
file or simply execute it manually.
to your ~/.bash_profile
file or simply execute it manually. Necessary for ug4 are the modules lapack and cmake. Together with some ug4 and ugsubmit settings a useful example setting is to add those lines to you ~/.bash_profile
For JuQueen you have to "cross compile" and to do so use a specific Toolchain File. Start CMake like this
Static Builds are your choice if you want to process very large jobs. Regarding the preferred build type "static" see also Very large Jobs on JuQueen!
You can check your executable by running the (standard unix) ldd
command ("list dynamic dependencies") on it:
Answer should be not a dynamic executable
for a completely static build!
Debug builds: No special requirements for the pre-installed GCC 4.4.6 (in October 2012).
For debugging a parallel application on JuQueen see Debugging on JuQueen
You can use ugsubmit
to run your jobs on JUQUEEN. Make sure to source ug4/trunk/scripts/shell/ugbash and to export the variables
e.g. in ~/.bashrc
. (of course you have to replace '' with your real email adress...).
Not possible in the moment!
Read ugsubmit - Job Scheduling on Clusters for further instructions on unified ugsubmit
For manual job handling (not recommended, please modify ugsubmit for special needs!) see Manual Job Handling using LoadLeveler (not recommended).