These pages give instructions and help in setting up and compiling ug4 for VRL. simple and special usage as well for development.
- Note
- This page is at the moment a copy of some private notes that were made during the try to build ug4 for VRL at a windows pc.
there may are some bugs in displaying some path like
- C: instead of
- C: \ Path \ to \ somewhere (without whitespaces)
- if you have already downloaded ug4 you can find this page under
at the end of the file are the german original notes
An instruction for compiling ug4 for VRL under mac os x, linux x86 and x64 can be found at Build UG for VRL for Linux and Mac with a script.
- Todo:
- Make this instructions more readable / structured
Effective 2012-06-27
Installing Java (JDK) and NetBeans:
To build VRL it is necessary to install JDK >= 6.0 and NetBeans >= 7.4. For further instructions on how to compile VRL see
You need the following programs:
- git or svn
- Mingw64
- Cmake
- Boost
- DependencyWalker
- ug4 (from repository:
Installation hints:
- 1.) ug4
- create a folder
- open a terminal
- in the terminal go into the new created folder
if svn
in folder ug: (creates a folder release
) (stabil version)
if git
in folder ug: (creates a folder trunk) (current developer version) (only example , check correct command) (replace USER through your own username) git svn clone
- create in the folder (
or releases
) 2 new folders.
for the 64-bit-compilation builds32
for the 32-bit-compilation
- 2.) MSYS-Mingw (32bit) / Mingw64 (as far as remembered)
- install first the 32bit version of MSYS - MinGW -Bundle into
- install MinGW64 into
- copy
into folder C:/MinGW64/bin
and rename it into make
Building ug4 for windows
(for 32bit = x86 and 64bit = x64) &&& APPROACH: CREATING VRL-UG.jar
Effective 2012-06-27 , VRL=0.4.1
update ug4
configure ug4
configure ug4 32bit
- changing into folder with the cmake config files
- shows current configuration
Definition unit_tests.doxygen:198
- generate makefile
cmake ../trunk/ -G
configure ug4 64bit
- changing into folder with the cmake config files
- shows current configuration
- generate makefile
cmake ../trunk/ -G
compile ug4
compile ug4 32bit
- set environment variable MINGW to
- change temporal the environment variable MSYS that way that
is NO LONGER in the PATH
e.g: add "-pp" at the back. The result is that there is no real path to sh.exe
- open a new terminal (cmd)
- ( resp. e.g.
cd ../../Apps/
compile ug4 64bit
- set the environment variable MINGW to
- change the environment variable MSYS that way that sh.exe is in PATH (e.g: delete "-pp")
- open new terminal (cmd)
zip ug4
- create a folder
- create in
2 folders x64
and x86
zip ug 32bit
- copy the content (libug.dll and folder plugins) from
to windows/x86
- open in the programm
the file libug.dll
from windows/x86
- copy all additional needed .dll files (which were shown by DependencyWalker) into
- zip the content (not the folder) of
including the plugins folders to
in the folder windows/x86
- make a copy of the folder
e.g. with the name windows-libs
- delete all inside of
zip ug 64bit
- copy the content (libug.dll and folder plugins) from
to windows/x64
- open in the programm
the file libug.dll
from windows/x64
- copy all additional needed .dll files (which were shown by DependencyWalker) into
- zip the content (not the folder) of
including the plugins folders to
in the folder windows/x64
- make a copy of the folder
e.g. with the name windows-libs
- delete all inside of
Building VRL-UG
Building VRL-UG for windows
- copy the folder
into the folder VRL-UG/src/eu/mihosoft/vrl/plugin/content/natives
Building VRL-UG for other OS
- ... (repeat the above steps, modified for other OS)
Compiling VRL-UG
- open
with an IDE (like Netbeans or Eclipse)
- compile the project (e.g. via Clean & Build)
- the generated file
can be found under VRL-UG/dist
Creating VRL-Studio-Bundle for windows
APPROACH: CREATING A WINDOWS VRL-STUDIO-BUNDLE for 32bit = x86 and 64bit = x64 Effective 2012-06-27 , VRL=0.4.1
Create VRL-Studio
- open
with an IDE (like Netbeans or Eclipse)
- compile the project (e.g. via Clean & Build)
- the final file "VRL-UG.jar" for windows can be found under "VRL-Studio/dist-final/windows"
- copy the content of "VRL-Studio/dist-final/windows" (folder VRL-Studio) in a folder e.g. "Documents/stable-versions/EVENT/windows"
- whereby EVENT should be replaced via e.g. "2012-06-27" or an other distinctive identifier
Coping Java (JRE) into the bundle
- download from the java site the current JRE version for 32bit (i586) and for 64bit (x64)
- (notice: currentlly we use JRE 7)
- install the JRE temporally into a folder e.g. "C:/temp/jre/xYY" whereby YY = 86 or 64 depending the JRE version
- copy the folder "jre" into "Documents/stable-versions/EVENT/windows/VRL-Studio/.application"
- whereby EVENT should be replaced via e.g. "2012-06-27" or an other distinctive identifier
Supply plugins
- create a folder "plugin-updates" under
- copy all supplied plugins in the new created folder "plugin-updates"
HELP-HTML-SITES for VRL-Studio (additional informations to check)
- if help sites should be added there need to be folder named "help" under
where the help sites need to be copied into
Zip VRL-Studio
- zip the VRL-Studio folder under "Documents/stable-versions/EVENT/windows"
- rename the zip file into "" to prevent confuisions with other studio bundles for mac and linux
How to share and execute the VRL-Studio-Bundle
- copy / download the zip file "" to (almost) any place at your computer e.g. a download folder
the file "" (and don't open it only !)
- open the extracted folder and start run.bat (via double clicking on it or calling it from a terminal)
Older and other informations / hints / tips
to create a deliverable version of vrl studio, use the following instruction:
- checkout from the repositories the stable versions / tags of
- the plugins
- vrl
- vrl studio
- build the files "project".jar
- Warning
- vrl-ug has native dependencies. This is why need to compile native ug4 at each OS (operating system) and OS-bit version we want to support. For the moment these are:
- mac os x
- linux x64 + x86
- windows x64 + x86
VRL-UG for windows
- a) add a jre7-32bit for x86 and a jre7-64bit for x64 into the vrl-studio.
- these folders can be find as templates under
- C:\Apps\VRL-Studio\VRL-Studio\resources\application-template\windows\VRL-Studio.application
and are build under
- C:\Apps\VRL-Studio\VRL-Studio\dist-final\windows\VRL-Studio.application
- b) the complied version of native ug4 need to be examined with the programm dependencywalker
- copy the needed .dll files into the corresponding folder
EXAMPLE I) 32bit:
- needed .dll files: @code libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll libstdc++6.dll \endcode
- can be found under: @code C:\MinGW\bin \endcode
- copy into: @code C:\Apps\VRL-UG4\VRL-UG\src\eu\mihosoft\vrl\natives\windows\x86 \endcode
EXAMPLE II) 64bit:
- needed .dll files: @code "NONE" \endcode
- can be found under: @code "" \endcode
- copy into: @code C:\Apps\VRL-UG4\VRL-UG\src\eu\mihosoft\vrl\natives\windows\x64 \endcode
- c) after that copy \em libug4.dll and the foder \em plugins
- EXAMPLE 64bit:
- from: @code C:\Apps\ug\releases\bin64-backup \endcode
- to: @code C:\Apps\VRL-UG4\VRL-UG\src\eu\mihosoft\vrl\natives\windows\x64 \endcode
@subsubsection subsubsecVRLugAPI VRL-UG-API <br>
Can be created on any OS with a stable versions of VRL-UG and VRL-Studio.
After installing VRL-UG as plugin in VRL-Studio restart the studio and
the VRL-UG-API will be automatically generated.
@subsubsection subsubsecVRLuserData VRL-USERDATA
The plugin VRL-USERDATA needs for compiling (in an IDE) the stable versions of VRL-UG and VRL-UG-API.
@subsection subsecStructuringPlugins Structuring the plugins
After creating the "plugin".jar files they need to be copied into:
- "OS"/plugin-updates
- example: linux/plugin-updates
@subsection subsecCopyPluginUpdatesIntoStudio Coping plugin-updates into VRL-Studio
copy the folder "OS"/plugin-updates into:
@code "pfad/zum/repo"/VRL-Studio/VRL-Studio/dist-final/"OS"/VRL-Studio/.application/resources/studio-resources/property-folder-template \endcode
@code /Users/christianpoliwoda/Apps/VRL-Studio/VRL-Studio/dist-final/linux/VRL-Studio/.application/resources/studio-resources/property-folder-template \endcode
\warning MAC
@code "path/to/repo"/VRL-Studio/VRL-Studio/dist-final/osx/ \endcode
- in folder \c osx right click VRL-Studio and choose in the context / popup menu "show package content"
- navigate to:
@code /Contents/Resources/Java/resources/studio-resources/property-folder-template \endcode
Example on MAC: complete path
@code /Users/christianpoliwoda/Apps/VRL-Studio/VRL-Studio/dist-final/osx/ \endcode
@subsection subsecZipVRLstudios Zip VRL-Studio
- create for each OS a zip file under:
@code "pfad/zum/repo"/VRL-Studio/VRL-Studio/dist-final/"OS"/ \endcode
- rename the zip files into:
@code VRL-Studio-"OS".zip \endcode
@code /Users/christianpoliwoda/Apps/VRL-Studio/VRL-Studio/dist-final/linux/ \endcode
<h3> notice </h3>
folder stucture:
- ug/builds
- ug/builds32
- ug/releases
- ug/trunk
in builds:
@code cmake ../trunk/ -G"MinGW Makefiles" -DTARGET=vrl -DLAPACK=OFF -DBLAS=OFF -DINTERNAL_BOOST=OFF -DCMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS=-Wl,--kill-at \endcode
this command sets (my) needed compiling options.
<tt> -DCMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS=-Wl,–kill-at </tt> removes all <tt> @("at") </tt> signs
which where added at native methods of <strong>ug4</strong>.
the following programms need to be
- installed at the OS
- and entered in the PATH variable
- java jdk
- boost
- cmake
- mingw
- mingw64 (
\notice java needs to be entered before the windows system variables in the path variable.
otherwise you get a message JNI couldn't be found.
to start the compilation:
@code mingw32-make \endcode
<h3> notice </h3>
in VRL-UG4/VRL-UG/src/eu/mihosoft/vrl/natives /windows/x64 and or /windows/x68
additional libs should be added in above named folders.
which libs these are you can find out with the programm dependencywalker,
if you open libug4.dll in it.
e.g. you find libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll and libstdc++-6.dll under MinGW/bin
if you want to deliver the vrl-studio with your version of java jre
you need to copy your jre7 folder of your java installation into:
@code \VRL-Studio\VRL-Studio\resources\application-template\windows\VRL-Studio\.application \endcode
after that you need to change the starting scripts (run.bat and run-no3d.bat) in:
@code \VRL-Studio\VRL-Studio\resources\application-template\windows\VRL-Studio \endcode
from: @code start /realtime java ......(additional entries) \endcode
to: @code start /realtime jre7/bin/java ......(additional entries) \endcode
<h3> notice </h3>
@code cmake ../trunk -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-fPIC -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-fPIC -DCMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS=-Wl,--kill-at \endcode
to solve a problem that can occur at starting vrl-studio with vrl-ug plugin on windows 32bit.
you need to use above command for native ug (c++)
<h3> notice </h3>
alternative makefile under windos with internal boost if directly checkout with svn
@code cmake ../ug4.0.0/ -G"MSYS Makefiles" -DLAPACK=OFF -DBLAS=OFF -DTARGET=vrl -DCMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS=-Wl,--kill-at
in folder ug: (creates a folder releases)