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namespace | ug |
| the ug namespace
template<class TAAPos > |
number | ug::AspectRatio (FaceVertices *f, TAAPos &aaPos) |
| Returns the aspect ratio of a face.
template<class TAAPos > |
number | ug::AspectRatio (Volume *vol, TAAPos &aaPos) |
template<class TElemIter , class TAAPos > |
void | ug::GetAspectRatioHistogram (std::vector< int > &histoOut, TElemIter elemsBegin, TElemIter elemsEnd, int histoSecs, TAAPos &aaPos, Grid::AttachmentAccessor< typename PtrToValueType< typename TElemIter::value_type >::base_type, Attachment< int > > *paaHistoSec=NULL) |
template<class TElemIter , class TAAPos > |
AspectRatioInfo | ug::GetAspectRatioInfo (TElemIter elemsBegin, TElemIter elemsEnd, TAAPos &aaPos) |
| Computes the AspectRatioInfo for a sample of elements.
template<class TAAPos > |
number | ug::GetMaxEdgeLength (Volume *vol, TAAPos &aaPos) |
template<class TAAPos > |
number | ug::QuadrilateralAspectRatio (FaceVertices *f, TAAPos &aaPos) |
| Returns the aspect ratio of a quadrilateral.
template<class TAAPos > |
number | ug::TetrahedronAspectRatio (Volume *vol, TAAPos &aaPos) |
template<class TAAPos > |
number | ug::TriangleAspectRatio (FaceVertices *f, TAAPos &aaPos) |
| Returns the aspect ratio of a triangle.