sequential_subspace_correction.h File Reference

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class  ug::customLexLess< TDomain >
class  ug::FullVertexCover< TDomain, TAlgebra >
class  ug::ILocalSubspace< TDomain, TAlgebra, TObject >
 Abstract definition for subspace V_k. More...
class  ug::ISpaceDecomposition< TDomain, TAlgebra >
 Abstract. More...
class  ug::LocalDoFSubspace< TDomain, TAlgebra, TObject >
 Abstract definition for subspace V_k (based on DoFIndex) More...
class  ug::LocalIndexSubspace< TDomain, TAlgebra, TObject >
 Concrete definition of subspace V_k (based on size_t) More...
class  ug::SequentialSubspaceCorrection< TDomain, TAlgebra >
 Sequential subspace correction preconditioner. More...
class  ug::VertexBasedSubspace< TDomain, TAlgebra >
 Collects indices on all elements with v \in Vtx(elem) More...
class  ug::VertexCenteredVankaSubspace< TDomain, TAlgebra >
 Collects indices on all elements with v \in Vtx(elem) More...


 the ug namespace


template<typename TGroupObj , typename TDomain , typename TAlgebra >
void ug::ParallelSubspaceCorrectionLoop (const typename TAlgebra::matrix_type &A, GridFunction< TDomain, TAlgebra > &c, const typename TAlgebra::vector_type &d, number omega_relax, ILocalSubspace< TDomain, TAlgebra, TGroupObj > &subspace, typename GridFunction< TDomain, TAlgebra >::template traits< TGroupObj >::const_iterator objIterBegin, typename GridFunction< TDomain, TAlgebra >::template traits< TGroupObj >::const_iterator objIterEnd)
 Abstract loop. More...
template<typename TGroupObj , typename TGroupObjIter , typename TDomain , typename TAlgebra >
void ug::SequentialSubspaceCorrectionLoop (const typename TAlgebra::matrix_type &A, GridFunction< TDomain, TAlgebra > &c, const typename TAlgebra::vector_type &d, number omega_relax, ILocalSubspace< TDomain, TAlgebra, TGroupObj > &subspace, TGroupObjIter objIterBegin, TGroupObjIter objIterEnd)
 Abstract loop over TGroupObj (forward) More...
template<typename TGroupObj , typename TDomain , typename TAlgebra >
void ug::SequentialSubspaceCorrectionLoopBackward (const typename TAlgebra::matrix_type &A, GridFunction< TDomain, TAlgebra > &c, const typename TAlgebra::vector_type &d, number omega_relax, ILocalSubspace< TDomain, TAlgebra, TGroupObj > &subspace, typename GridFunction< TDomain, TAlgebra >::template traits< TGroupObj >::const_iterator objIterBegin, typename GridFunction< TDomain, TAlgebra >::template traits< TGroupObj >::const_iterator objIterEnd)
 Abstract loop (backward) More...