Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2010-2015: G-CSC, Goethe University Frankfurt
3  * Author: Martin Rupp
4  *
5  * This file is part of UG4.
6  *
7  * UG4 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
8  * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 (as published by the
9  * Free Software Foundation) with the following additional attribution
10  * requirements (according to LGPL/GPL v3 §7):
11  *
12  * (1) The following notice must be displayed in the Appropriate Legal Notices
13  * of covered and combined works: "Based on UG4 (".
14  *
15  * (2) The following notice must be displayed at a prominent place in the
16  * terminal output of covered works: "Based on UG4 (".
17  *
18  * (3) The following bibliography is recommended for citation and must be
19  * preserved in all covered files:
20  * "Reiter, S., Vogel, A., Heppner, I., Rupp, M., and Wittum, G. A massively
21  * parallel geometric multigrid solver on hierarchically distributed grids.
22  * Computing and visualization in science 16, 4 (2013), 151-164"
23  * "Vogel, A., Reiter, S., Rupp, M., Nägel, A., and Wittum, G. UG4 -- a novel
24  * flexible software system for simulating pde based models on high performance
25  * computers. Computing and visualization in science 16, 4 (2013), 165-179"
26  *
27  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
28  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
30  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
31  */
37 #include "unsorted_sparse_vector.h"
38 #include "../small_algebra/small_algebra.h"
40 #ifdef UG_PARALLEL
41 #include "pcl/pcl.h"
44 #endif
46 namespace ug
47 {
53 // CreateAsMultiplyOf:
54 //-------------------------
77 template<typename ABC_type, typename A_type, typename B_type, typename C_type>
78 void CreateAsMultiplyOf(ABC_type &M, const A_type &A, const B_type &B, const C_type &C, double epsilonTruncation=0.0)
79 {
80  PROFILE_FUNC_GROUP("algebra");
81  UG_ASSERT(C.num_rows() == B.num_cols() && B.num_rows() == A.num_cols(), "sizes must match");
83  // create output matrix M
84  M.resize_and_clear(A.num_rows(), C.num_cols());
90  typedef typename RowType::iterator RowIterator;
91  RowType row(C.num_cols());;
93  std::vector<typename ABC_type::connection> con2;
94  //typename C_type::value_type cvalue;
96  typename ABC_type::connection c;
98  typedef typename A_type::const_row_iterator cAiterator;
99  typedef typename B_type::const_row_iterator cBiterator;
100  typedef typename C_type::const_row_iterator cCiterator;
102  // do
103  // M_{ij} = \sum_kl A_{ik} * B_{kl} * C_{lj}
104  for(size_t i=0; i < A.num_rows(); i++)
105  {
106  row.clear();
107  cAiterator itAikEnd = A.end_row(i);
108  for(cAiterator itAik = A.begin_row(i); itAik != itAikEnd; ++itAik)
109  {
110  if(itAik.value() == 0.0) continue;
112  size_t k = itAik.index();
113  cBiterator itBklEnd = B.end_row(k);
114  for(cBiterator itBkl = B.begin_row(k); itBkl != itBklEnd; ++itBkl)
115  {
116  if(itBkl.value() == 0.0) continue;
117  size_t l = itBkl.index();
118  // ab = A_{ik} * B_{kl}
119  AssignMult(ab, itAik.value(), itBkl.value());
121  cCiterator itCljEnd = C.end_row(l);
122  for(cCiterator itClj = C.begin_row(l); itClj != itCljEnd; ++itClj)
123  {
124  if(itClj.value() == 0.0) continue;
125  AddMult( row (itClj.index() ), ab, itClj.value());
126  }
127  }
128  }
130  if(epsilonTruncation != 0.0)
131  {
132  double m=0;
133  for(RowIterator it = row.begin(); it != row.end(); ++it)
134  {
135  double d = BlockNorm(it->value());
136  if(d > m) m = d;
137  }
138  m *= epsilonTruncation;
139  con2.clear();
140  for(RowIterator it = row.begin(); it != row.end(); ++it)
141  if( BlockNorm(it->value()) > m )
142  con2.push_back(*it);
143  M.set_matrix_row(i, &con2[0], con2.size());
144  }
145  else
146  M.set_matrix_row(i, row.unsorted_raw_ptr(), row.num_connections());
147  }
149 }
152 // AddMultiplyOf:
153 //-------------------------
166 template<typename ABC_type, typename A_type, typename B_type, typename C_type>
167 void AddMultiplyOf(ABC_type &M, const A_type &A, const B_type &B, const C_type &C, double epsilonTruncation=0.0)
168 {
169  PROFILE_FUNC_GROUP("algebra");
170  UG_ASSERT(C.num_rows() == B.num_cols(), "sizes must match: nRows(C) =" << C.num_rows()<<"!="<< B.num_cols() <<"=Cols(B)");
171  UG_ASSERT(B.num_rows() == A.num_cols(), "sizes must match: nRows(B) =" << B.num_rows()<<"!="<< A.num_cols() <<"=nCols(A)");
173  // check
174  if(M.num_rows() != A.num_rows())
175  UG_THROW("AddMultiplyOf: row sizes mismatch: M.num_rows = "<<
176  M.num_rows()<<", A.num_rows = "<<A.num_rows());
177  if(M.num_cols() != C.num_cols())
178  UG_THROW("AddMultiplyOf: column sizes mismatch: M.num_cols = "<<
179  M.num_cols()<<", C.num_cols = "<<C.num_cols());
184  typedef typename RowType::iterator RowIterator;
185  RowType row(C.num_cols());;
187  std::vector<typename ABC_type::connection> con2;
188  //typename C_type::value_type cvalue;
190  typename ABC_type::connection c;
192  typedef typename A_type::const_row_iterator cAiterator;
193  typedef typename B_type::const_row_iterator cBiterator;
194  typedef typename C_type::const_row_iterator cCiterator;
196  // do
197  // M_{ij} = \sum_kl A_{ik} * B_{kl} * C_{lj}
198  for(size_t i=0; i < A.num_rows(); i++)
199  {
200  row.clear();
201  cAiterator itAikEnd = A.end_row(i);
202  for(cAiterator itAik = A.begin_row(i); itAik != itAikEnd; ++itAik)
203  {
204  if(itAik.value() == 0.0) continue;
206  size_t k = itAik.index();
207  cBiterator itBklEnd = B.end_row(k);
208  for(cBiterator itBkl = B.begin_row(k); itBkl != itBklEnd; ++itBkl)
209  {
210  if(itBkl.value() == 0.0) continue;
211  size_t l = itBkl.index();
212  // ab = A_{ik} * B_{kl}
213  AssignMult(ab, itAik.value(), itBkl.value());
215  cCiterator itCljEnd = C.end_row(l);
216  for(cCiterator itClj = C.begin_row(l); itClj != itCljEnd; ++itClj)
217  {
218  if(itClj.value() == 0.0) continue;
219  AddMult( row (itClj.index() ), ab, itClj.value());
220  }
221  }
222  }
224  if(epsilonTruncation != 0.0)
225  {
226  double m=0;
227  for(RowIterator it = row.begin(); it != row.end(); ++it)
228  {
229  double d = BlockNorm(it->value());
230  if(d > m) m = d;
231  }
232  m *= epsilonTruncation;
233  con2.clear();
234  for(RowIterator it = row.begin(); it != row.end(); ++it)
235  if( BlockNorm(it->value()) > m )
236  con2.push_back(*it);
237  M.add_matrix_row(i, &con2[0], con2.size());
238  }
239  else
240  M.add_matrix_row(i, row.unsorted_raw_ptr(), row.num_connections());
241  }
243 }
247 // CreateAsMultiplyOf:
248 //-------------------------
257 template<typename AB_type, typename A_type, typename B_type>
258 void CreateAsMultiplyOf(AB_type &M, const A_type &A, const B_type &B)
259 {
260  PROFILE_FUNC_GROUP("algebra");
261  UG_ASSERT(B.num_rows() == A.num_cols(), "sizes must match");
263  // create output matrix M
264  M.resize_and_clear(A.num_rows(), B.num_cols());
266  // types
267  typedef typename A_type::const_row_iterator cAiterator;
268  typedef typename B_type::const_row_iterator cBiterator;
271  RowType row(B.num_cols());
273  // M_{ij} = \sum_k A_{ik} * B_{kj}
274  for(size_t i=0; i < A.num_rows(); i++)
275  {
276  row.clear();
277  cAiterator itAikEnd = A.end_row(i);
278  for(cAiterator itAik = A.begin_row(i); itAik != itAikEnd; ++itAik)
279  {
280  if(itAik.value() == 0.0) continue;
281  size_t k = itAik.index();
283  cBiterator itBklEnd = B.end_row(k);
284  for(cBiterator itBkj = B.begin_row(k); itBkj != itBklEnd; ++itBkj)
285  {
286  if(itBkj.value() == 0.0) continue;
287  size_t j = itBkj.index();
288  AddMult( row(j), itAik.value(), itBkj.value());
289  }
290  }
292  M.set_matrix_row(i, row.unsorted_raw_ptr(), row.num_connections());
293  }
295 }
299 // MatAdd:
300 //-------------------------
308 template<typename matrix_type>
309 void MatAdd(matrix_type &M, number alpha1, const matrix_type &A, number alpha2, const matrix_type &B)
310 {
311  PROFILE_FUNC_GROUP("algebra");
312  UG_ASSERT(A.num_rows() == B.num_rows() && A.num_cols() == B.num_cols(), "sizes must match");
313  typedef typename matrix_type::const_row_iterator criterator;
315  // create output matrix M
316  if(&M != &A)
317  M.resize_and_clear(A.num_rows(), A.num_cols());
319  // types
320  std::vector<typename matrix_type::connection > con; con.reserve(10);
322  typename matrix_type::connection c;
323  for(size_t i=0; i < A.num_rows(); i++)
324  {
325  con.clear();
326  criterator itA = A.begin_row(i), endA = A.end_row(i);
327  criterator itB = B.begin_row(i), endB = B.end_row(i);
329  while(itA != endA && itB != endB)
330  {
331  if(itA.index() == itB.index())
332  {
333  c.dValue = alpha1 * itA.value() + alpha2 * itB.value();
334  c.iIndex = itA.index();
335  ++itA; ++itB;
336  }
337  else if (itA.index() < itB.index())
338  {
339  c.dValue = itA.value();
340  c.dValue *= alpha1;
341  c.iIndex = itA.index();
342  ++itA;
343  }
344  else
345  {
346  c.dValue = itB.value();
347  c.dValue *= alpha2;
348  c.iIndex = itB.index();
349  ++itB;
350  }
351  con.push_back(c);
352  }
353  while(itA != endA)
354  {
355  c.dValue = itA.value();
356  c.dValue *= alpha1;
357  c.iIndex = itA.index();
358  ++itA;
359  con.push_back(c);
360  }
361  while(itB != endB)
362  {
363  c.dValue = itB.value();
364  c.dValue *= alpha2;
365  c.iIndex = itB.index();
366  ++itB;
367  con.push_back(c);
368  }
370  M.set_matrix_row(i, &con[0], con.size());
371  }
372  M.defragment();
373 }
382 template<typename matrix_type>
383 void MatAddNonDirichlet(matrix_type &M, number alpha1, const matrix_type &A, number alpha2, const matrix_type &B)
384 {
385  PROFILE_FUNC_GROUP("algebra");
386  UG_ASSERT(A.num_rows() == B.num_rows() && A.num_cols() == B.num_cols(), "sizes must match");
387  typedef typename matrix_type::const_row_iterator criterator;
389  // create output matrix M
390  if(&M != &A)
391  M.resize_and_clear(A.num_rows(), A.num_cols());
393  // types
394  std::vector<typename matrix_type::connection > con; con.reserve(10);
396  typename matrix_type::connection c;
397  for(size_t i=0; i < A.num_rows(); i++)
398  {
399  con.clear();
400  {
401  criterator itA = A.begin_row(i), endA = A.end_row(i);
402  criterator itB = B.begin_row(i), endB = B.end_row(i);
404  // copy only A for dirichlet rows
405  // -> create a pattern Pii
406  typedef typename matrix_type::value_type value_type;
407  const value_type &Aii = A(i,i);
408  value_type Pii = 1.0;
411  UG_ASSERT (GetRows(Aii)==GetRows(Pii), "Huhh: Numbers of rows does not match!");
412  for(size_t alpha = 0; alpha < (size_t) GetRows(Aii); ++alpha)
413  {
414  if (IsDirichletRow(A, i, alpha)) BlockRef(Pii, alpha, alpha) = 0.0;
415  }
418  // proceed as usual
419  while(itA != endA && itB != endB)
420  {
421  // add this value: Bij:=Pii*Bij
422  value_type Bij(Pii*itB.value());
423  // UG_LOG("Bij =" << Bij << "," << "Pii=" << Pii);
425  if(itA.index() == itB.index())
426  {
427  c.dValue = alpha1 * itA.value() + alpha2 * Bij;
428  c.iIndex = itA.index();
429  ++itA; ++itB;
430  }
431  else if (itA.index() < itB.index())
432  {
433  c.dValue = itA.value();
434  c.dValue *= alpha1;
435  c.iIndex = itA.index();
436  ++itA;
437  }
438  else
439  {
440  c.dValue = Bij;
441  c.dValue *= alpha2;
442  c.iIndex = itB.index();
443  ++itB;
444  }
445  con.push_back(c);
446  }
447  while(itA != endA)
448  {
449  c.dValue = itA.value();
450  c.dValue *= alpha1;
451  c.iIndex = itA.index();
452  ++itA;
453  con.push_back(c);
454  }
455  while(itB != endB)
456  {
457  value_type Bij(Pii*itB.value());
459  c.dValue = Bij;
460  c.dValue *= alpha2;
461  c.iIndex = itB.index();
462  ++itB;
463  con.push_back(c);
464  }
465  }
466  M.set_matrix_row(i, &con[0], con.size());
467  }
468  M.defragment();
469 }
471 template<typename TSparseMatrix>
472 void GetNeighborhood_worker(const TSparseMatrix &A, size_t node, size_t depth, std::vector<size_t> &indices, std::vector<bool> &bVisited)
473 {
474  if(depth==0) return;
475  size_t iSizeBefore = indices.size();
476  typename TSparseMatrix::const_row_iterator itEnd = A.end_row(node);
477  for(typename TSparseMatrix::const_row_iterator it = A.begin_row(node); it != itEnd; ++it)
478  {
479  if(it.value() == 0) continue;
480  if(bVisited[it.index()] == false)
481  {
483  bVisited[it.index()] = true;
484  indices.push_back(it.index());
485  }
486  }
488  if(depth==1) return;
489  size_t iSizeAfter = indices.size();
490  for(size_t i=iSizeBefore; i<iSizeAfter; i++)
491  GetNeighborhood_worker(A, indices[i], depth-1, indices, bVisited);
492 }
494 template<typename TSparseMatrix>
495 void GetNeighborhood(const TSparseMatrix &A, size_t node, size_t depth, std::vector<size_t> &indices, std::vector<bool> &bVisited, bool bResetVisitedFlags=true)
496 {
497  PROFILE_FUNC_GROUP("algebra");
498  indices.clear();
500  if(bVisited[node] == false)
501  {
502  bVisited[node] = true;
503  indices.push_back(node);
504  }
505  GetNeighborhood_worker(A, node, depth, indices, bVisited);
507  if(bResetVisitedFlags)
508  for(size_t i=0; i<indices.size(); i++)
509  bVisited[indices[i]] = false;
510 }
512 template<typename TSparseMatrix>
513 void GetNeighborhood(const TSparseMatrix &A, size_t node, size_t depth, std::vector<size_t> &indices)
514 {
515  PROFILE_FUNC_GROUP("algebra");
516  std::vector<bool> bVisited(max(A.num_cols(), A.num_rows()), false);
517  GetNeighborhood(A, node, depth, indices, bVisited, false);
518 }
521 template<typename TSparseMatrix>
522 void MarkNeighbors(const TSparseMatrix &A, size_t node, size_t depth, std::vector<bool> &bVisited)
523 {
524  typename TSparseMatrix::const_row_iterator itEnd = A.end_row(node);
525  for(typename TSparseMatrix::const_row_iterator it = A.begin_row(node); it != itEnd; ++it)
526  {
527  if(it.value() == 0) continue;
528  bVisited[it.index()] = true;
529  MarkNeighbors(A, it.index(), depth, bVisited);
530  }
531 }
533 template<typename TSparseMatrix>
534 void GetNeighborhoodHierachy_worker(const TSparseMatrix &A, size_t node, size_t depth, size_t maxdepth, std::vector< std::vector<size_t> > &indices, std::vector<bool> &bVisited)
535 {
536  size_t iSizeBefore = indices[depth].size();
537  typename TSparseMatrix::const_row_iterator itEnd = A.end_row(node);
538  for(typename TSparseMatrix::const_row_iterator it = A.begin_row(node); it != itEnd; ++it)
539  {
540  if(it.value() == 0) continue;
541  if(bVisited[it.index()] == false)
542  {
543  bVisited[it.index()] = true;
544  indices[depth].push_back(it.index());
545  }
546  }
548  if(depth==maxdepth) return;
549  size_t iSizeAfter = indices[depth].size();
550  for(size_t i=iSizeBefore; i<iSizeAfter; i++)
551  GetNeighborhoodHierachy_worker(A, indices[i], depth+1, maxdepth, indices, bVisited);
552 }
554 template<typename TSparseMatrix>
555 void GetNeighborhoodHierachy(const TSparseMatrix &A, size_t node, size_t depth, std::vector< std::vector<size_t> > &indices, std::vector<bool> &bVisited,
556  bool bResetVisitedFlags=true)
557 {
558  PROFILE_FUNC_GROUP("algebra");
559  if(indices.size() != depth+1)
560  indices.resize(depth+1);
561  for(size_t i=0; i < depth+1; i++)
562  indices[i].clear();
564  bVisited[node] = true;
565  indices[0].push_back(node);
567  if(depth==0) return;
569  for(size_t d = 0; d < depth; d++)
570  {
571  for(size_t i=0; i<indices[d].size(); i++)
572  {
573  size_t k = indices[d][i];
574  typename TSparseMatrix::const_row_iterator itEnd = A.end_row(k);
575  for(typename TSparseMatrix::const_row_iterator it = A.begin_row(k); it != itEnd; ++it)
576  {
577  if(it.value() == 0) continue;
578  if(bVisited[it.index()] == false)
579  {
580  bVisited[it.index()] = true;
581  indices[d+1].push_back(it.index());
582  }
583  }
585  }
586  }
588  if(bResetVisitedFlags)
589  for(size_t i=0; i < depth+1; i++)
590  for(size_t j=0; i<indices[j].size(); j++)
591  bVisited[j] = false;
592 }
595 template<typename TSparseMatrix>
596 void GetNeighborhoodHierachy(const TSparseMatrix &A, size_t node, size_t depth, std::vector< std::vector<size_t> > &indices)
597 {
598  std::vector<bool> bVisited(std::max(A.num_cols(), A.num_rows()), false);
599  GetNeighborhoodHierachy(A, node, depth, indices, bVisited, false);
600 }
604 // GetNeighborhood:
605 //-------------------------
615 #if 0
616 template<typename T>
617 void GetNeighborhood(SparseMatrix<T> &A, size_t node, size_t depth, std::vector<size_t> &indices, int *posInConnections=NULL)
618 {
619  // perhaps this is better with recursion
620  indices.clear();
624  vector<typename SparseMatrix<T>::const_row_iterator> iterators;
625  iterators.reserve(depth);
627  iterators.push_back( A.begin_row(node) );
629  while(iterators.size() != 0)
630  {
631  if(iterators.back().isEnd())
632  iterators.pop_back();
633  else
634  {
635  size_t index = iterators.back().index();
636  ++iterators.back();
637  if(iterators.size() < depth)
638  iterators.push_back( A.begin_row(index) );
639  else
640  {
641  size_t pos;
642  if(posInConnections == NULL)
643  {
644  for(pos=0; pos<indices.size(); pos++)
645  if(indices[pos] == index)
646  break;
647  if(pos == indices.size())
648  indices.push_back(index);
649  }
650  else
651  {
652  pos = posInConnections[index];
653  if(pos == -1)
654  {
655  pos = posInConnections[index] = indices.size();
656  indices.push_back(index);
657  }
658  }
659  // else (count etc.)
660  }
661  }
662  }
664  // reset posInConnections
665  if(posInConnections)
666  {
667  for(size_t i=0; i<indices.size(); i++)
668  posInConnections[indices[i]] = -1;
669  }
671  // sort indices
672  sort(indices.begin(), indices.end());
673 }
674 #endif
679 // IsCloseToBoundary:
680 //-------------------------
688 template<typename TSparseMatrix>
689 bool IsCloseToBoundary(const TSparseMatrix &A, size_t node, size_t distance)
690 {
691  typedef typename TSparseMatrix::const_row_iterator iterator;
692  if(distance == 0) return A.is_isolated(node);
693  bool bFound = false;
694  iterator itEnd = A.end_row(node);
695  for(iterator itA = A.begin_row(node); itA != itEnd && !bFound; ++itA)
696  bFound = IsCloseToBoundary(A, itA.index(), distance-1);
698  return bFound;
699 }
709 template <typename TSparseMatrix>
710 void SetRow(TSparseMatrix &A, size_t i, size_t alpha, number val = 0.0)
711 {
712  typedef typename TSparseMatrix::row_iterator iterator;
713  typedef typename TSparseMatrix::value_type value_type;
714  iterator itEnd = A.end_row(i);
715  for(iterator conn = A.begin_row(i); conn != itEnd; ++conn)
716  {
717  value_type& block = conn.value();
718  // block : 1x1 (CPU=1), 3x3 (CPU=3)
719  for(size_t beta = 0; beta < (size_t) GetCols(block); ++beta)
720  {
721  BlockRef(block, alpha, beta) = val;
722  }
723  }
724 }
734 template <typename TSparseMatrix>
735 void SetCol(TSparseMatrix &A, size_t i, size_t alpha, number val = 0.0)
736 {
737  typedef typename TSparseMatrix::value_type value_type;
738  for(size_t row = 0; row != A.num_rows(); ++row)
739  {
740  value_type& block = A(row, i);
741  // block : 1x1 (CPU=1), 3x3 (CPU=3)
742  for(size_t beta = 0; beta < (size_t) GetRows(block); ++beta)
743  {
744  BlockRef(block, beta, alpha) = val;
745  }
746  }
747 }
750 // SetRow:
751 //-------------------------
758 template <typename TSparseMatrix>
759 void SetRow(TSparseMatrix& A, size_t i, number val = 0.0)
760 {
761  typedef typename TSparseMatrix::row_iterator iterator;
762  iterator itEnd = A.end_row(i);
763  for(iterator conn = A.begin_row(i); conn != itEnd; ++conn)
764  conn.value() = val;
765 }
768 // ScaleRow:
769 //-------------------------
776 template <typename TSparseMatrix>
777 void ScaleRow(TSparseMatrix& A, size_t i, number fac)
778 {
779  typedef typename TSparseMatrix::row_iterator iterator;
780  iterator itEnd = A.end_row(i);
781  for(iterator conn = A.begin_row(i); conn != itEnd; ++conn)
782  conn.value() *= fac;
783 }
787 // SetDirichletRow:
788 //-------------------------
795 template <typename TSparseMatrix>
796 void SetDirichletRow(TSparseMatrix &A, size_t i, size_t alpha)
797 {
798  typedef typename TSparseMatrix::row_iterator iterator;
799  typedef typename TSparseMatrix::value_type value_type;
800  BlockRef(A(i,i), alpha, alpha) = 1.0;
802  iterator itEnd = A.end_row(i);
803  for(iterator conn = A.begin_row(i); conn != itEnd; ++conn)
804  {
805  value_type& block = conn.value();
806  // block : 1x1 (CPU=1), 3x3 (CPU=3)
807  for(size_t beta = 0; beta < (size_t) GetCols(block); ++beta)
808  {
809  if(conn.index() != i) BlockRef(block, alpha, beta) = 0.0;
810  else if(beta != alpha) BlockRef(block, alpha, beta) = 0.0;
811  }
812  }
813 }
816 template <typename TSparseMatrix>
817 bool IsDirichletRow(const TSparseMatrix &A, size_t i, size_t alpha)
818 {
819  typedef typename TSparseMatrix::const_row_iterator iterator;
820  typedef typename TSparseMatrix::value_type value_type;
822  // no Dirichlet row,
823  if (BlockRef(A(i,i), alpha, alpha) != 1.0) return false;
825  // check, if row sum equals 1
826  number sum=0.0;
827  iterator itEnd = A.end_row(i);
828  for(iterator conn = A.begin_row(i); conn != itEnd; ++conn)
829  {
830  const value_type& block = conn.value();
831  // block : 1x1 (CPU=1), 3x3 (CPU=3)
832  for(size_t beta = 0; beta < (size_t) GetCols(block); ++beta)
833  {
834  sum += BlockRef(block, alpha, beta) * BlockRef(block, alpha, beta);
835  }
836  }
837  return (sum==1.0);
838 }
842 // SetDirichletRow:
843 //-------------------------
849 template <typename TSparseMatrix>
850 void SetDirichletRow(TSparseMatrix& A, size_t i)
851 {
852  typedef typename TSparseMatrix::row_iterator iterator;
853  typedef typename TSparseMatrix::value_type value_type;
854  iterator itEnd = A.end_row(i);
855  for(iterator conn = A.begin_row(i); conn != itEnd; ++conn)
856  {
857  value_type& block = conn.value();
858  block = 0.0;
859  }
860  A(i,i) = 1.0;
861 }
864 // SetDirichletRow:
865 //-------------------------
871 template <typename TSparseMatrix>
872 void SetDirichletRow(TSparseMatrix& A, const std::vector<size_t> vIndex)
873 {
874  typedef typename TSparseMatrix::row_iterator iterator;
875  typedef typename TSparseMatrix::value_type value_type;
876  std::vector<size_t>::const_iterator iter = vIndex.begin();
877  std::vector<size_t>::const_iterator iterEnd = vIndex.end();
879  for(; iter < iterEnd; ++iter)
880  {
881  const size_t i = *iter;
882  UG_ASSERT(i < A.num_rows(), "Index to large in index set.");
884  iterator itEnd = A.end_row(i);
885  for(iterator conn = A.begin_row(i); conn != itEnd; ++conn)
886  {
887  value_type& block = conn.value();
888  block = 0.0;
889  }
890  A(i,i) = 1.0;
891  }
892 }
894 template<typename TSparseMatrix, class TOStream>
895 void SerializeMatrix(TOStream &buf, const TSparseMatrix &A)
896 {
897  typedef typename TSparseMatrix::const_row_iterator iterator;
898  Serialize(buf, A.num_rows());
899  Serialize(buf, A.num_cols());
901  for(size_t i=0; i < A.num_rows(); i++)
902  {
903  size_t num_connections = A.num_connections(i);
905  // serialize number of connections
908  iterator itEnd = A.end_row(i);
909  for(iterator conn = A.begin_row(i); conn != itEnd; ++conn)
910  {
911  // serialize connection
912  Serialize(buf, conn.index());
913  Serialize(buf, conn.value());
914  }
915  }
916 }
918 template <typename TSparseMatrix, class TIStream>
919 void DeserializeMatrix(TIStream& buf, TSparseMatrix &A)
920 {
921  size_t numRows, numCols, num_connections;
923  Deserialize(buf, numRows);
924  Deserialize(buf, numCols);
925  A.resize_and_clear(numRows, numCols);
927  std::vector<typename TSparseMatrix::connection> con; con.reserve(16);
929  for(size_t i=0; i < A.num_rows; i++)
930  {
933  con.resize(num_connections);
935  for(size_t j=0; j<num_connections; j++)
936  {
937  Deserialize(buf, con[j].iIndex);
938  Deserialize(buf, con[j].dValue);
939  }
940  A.set_matrix_row(i, &con[0], num_connections);
941  }
942  A.defragment();
943 }
945 template<typename TSparseMatrix>
946 void ScaleSparseMatrixCommon(TSparseMatrix &A, double d)
947 {
948  typedef typename TSparseMatrix::row_iterator iterator;
949  for(size_t r=0; r < A.num_rows(); r++)
950  {
951  iterator itEnd = A.end_row(r);
952  for(iterator it = A.begin_row(r); it != itEnd; ++it)
953  it.value() *= d;
954  }
955 }
958 template<typename TSparseMatrix, typename vector_t>
959 bool AxpyCommonSparseMatrix(const TSparseMatrix &A, vector_t &dest,
960  const number &alpha1, const vector_t &v1,
961  const number &beta1, const vector_t &w1)
962 {
963  typedef typename TSparseMatrix::const_row_iterator iterator;
964 // UG_ASSERT(cols == x.size(), "x: " << x << " has wrong length (should be " << cols << "). A: " << *this);
965 // UG_ASSERT(rows == res.size(), "res: " << x << " has wrong length (should be " << rows << "). A: " << *this);
967  if(alpha1 == 0.0)
968  {
969  for(size_t i=0; i < A.num_rows(); i++)
970  {
971  iterator conn = A.begin_row(i);
972  iterator itEnd = A.end_row(i);
973  if(conn == itEnd) continue;
974  MatMult(dest[i], beta1, conn.value(), w1[conn.index()]);
975  for(++conn; conn != itEnd; ++conn)
976  // res[i] += conn.value() * x[conn.index()];
977  MatMultAdd(dest[i], 1.0, dest[i], beta1, conn.value(), w1[conn.index()]);
978  }
979  }
980  else if(&dest == &v1)
981  {
982  if(alpha1 != 1.0)
983  for(size_t i=0; i < A.num_rows(); i++)
984  {
985  dest[i] *= alpha1;
986  A.mat_mult_add_row(i, dest[i], beta1, w1);
987  }
988  else
989  for(size_t i=0; i < A.num_rows(); i++)
990  A.mat_mult_add_row(i, dest[i], beta1, w1);
992  }
993  else
994  {
995  for(size_t i=0; i < A.num_rows(); i++)
996  {
997  VecScaleAssign(dest[i], alpha1, v1[i]);
998  A.mat_mult_add_row(i, dest[i], beta1, w1);
999  }
1000  }
1002  return true;
1003 }
1006 template<typename TSparseMatrix, typename vector_t>
1007 bool Axpy_transposedCommonSparseMatrix(const TSparseMatrix &A, vector_t &dest,
1008  const number &alpha1, const vector_t &v1,
1009  const number &beta1, const vector_t &w1)
1010 {
1011  typedef typename TSparseMatrix::const_row_iterator iterator;
1012 // UG_ASSERT(rows == x.size(), "x: " << x << " has wrong length (should be " << rows << "). A: " << *this);
1013 // UG_ASSERT(cols == res.size(), "res: " << x << " has wrong length (should be " << cols << "). A: " << *this);
1015  if(&dest == &v1) {
1016  if(alpha1 == 0.0)
1017  dest.set(0.0);
1018  else if(alpha1 != 1.0)
1019  dest *= alpha1;
1020  }
1021  else if(alpha1 == 0.0)
1022  dest.set(0.0);
1023  else
1024  VecScaleAssign(dest, alpha1, v1);
1026  for(size_t i=0; i<A.num_rows(); i++)
1027  {
1028  iterator itEnd = A.end_row(i);
1029  for(iterator conn = A.begin_row(i); conn != itEnd; ++conn)
1030  {
1031  if(conn.value() != 0.0)
1032  // dest[conn.index()] += beta1 * conn.value() * w1[i];
1033  MatMultTransposedAdd(dest[conn.index()], 1.0, dest[conn.index()], beta1, conn.value(), w1[i]);
1034  }
1035  }
1036  return true;
1037 }
1041 template<typename TSparseMatrix>
1042 size_t GetNNZs(const TSparseMatrix &A)
1043 {
1044  typedef typename TSparseMatrix::const_row_iterator iterator;
1045  size_t m=0;
1046  for(size_t i=0; i<A.num_rows(); i++)
1047  {
1048  iterator itEnd = A.end_row(i);
1049  for(iterator it = A.begin_row(i); it != itEnd; ++it)
1050  if(it.value() != 0.0) m++;
1051  }
1052  return m;
1053 }
1056 template<typename TSparseMatrix>
1057 size_t GetMaxConnections(const TSparseMatrix &A)
1058 {
1059  typedef typename TSparseMatrix::const_row_iterator iterator;
1060  size_t m=0;
1061  for(size_t i=0; i<A.num_rows(); i++)
1062  {
1063  //if(m < A.num_connections(i)) m = A.num_connections(i);
1065  size_t n=0;
1066  iterator itEnd = A.end_row(i);
1067  for(iterator it = A.begin_row(i); it != itEnd; ++it)
1068  if(it.value() != 0.0) n++;
1069  if(m < n) m = n;
1070  }
1072  return m;
1073 }
1076 template<typename TSparseMatrix>
1077 bool CheckRowIterators(const TSparseMatrix &A)
1078 {
1079 #ifndef NDEBUG
1080  bool iIter=0;
1082  for(size_t i=0; i<A.num_rows(); i++)
1083  {
1084  if (A.nrOfRowIterators[i] !=0) UG_LOG ("CheckRowIterators: Failed for row " << i << std::endl);
1085  iIter += A.nrOfRowIterators[i];
1086  }
1087  return iIter==0;
1088 #else
1089  return true;
1090 #endif
1091 }
1093 template<typename TSparseMatrix>
1094 bool CheckDiagonalInvertible(const TSparseMatrix &A)
1095 {
1096 #ifndef NDEBUG
1098  bool bsucc=true;
1099  inverse_type inv;
1100  for(size_t i=0; i<A.num_rows(); i++)
1101  {
1102  bool b = GetInverse(inv, A(i,i));
1103  if(!b)
1104  {
1105  UG_LOG("WARNING: entry " << i << " = " << A(i,i) << " not invertible\n");
1106  bsucc = false;
1107  }
1108  }
1109  return bsucc;
1110 #else
1111  return true;
1112 #endif
1113 }
1115 template<typename TVector>
1116 bool CheckVectorInvertible(const TVector &v)
1117 {
1118 #ifndef NDEBUG
1119  typedef typename block_traits<typename TVector::value_type>::inverse_type inverse_type;
1120  bool bsucc=true;
1121  inverse_type inv;
1123  for(size_t i=0; i<v.size(); i++)
1124  {
1125  bool b = GetInverse(inv, v[i]);
1126  if(!b)
1127  {
1128  UG_LOG("WARNING: entry " << i << " = " << v[i] << " not invertible\n");
1129  bsucc = false;
1130  }
1131  }
1132  return bsucc;
1133 #else
1134  return true;
1135 #endif
1136 }
1138 #ifdef UG_PARALLEL
1139 template<typename TSparseMatrix>
1141 {
1142  return AllProcsTrue(CheckDiagonalInvertible((TSparseMatrix&)m), m.layouts()->proc_comm());
1143 }
1145 template<typename TVector>
1147 {
1148  return AllProcsTrue(CheckVectorInvertible((TVector&)v), v.layouts()->proc_comm());
1149 }
1150 #endif
1153 template<typename TSparseMatrix>
1155 {
1157 };
1159 template<typename TSparseMatrix>
1162 {
1164  typedef typename TSparseMatrix::const_row_iterator sparse_row_iterator;
1165  size_t numRows = S.num_rows();
1166  size_t numCols = S.num_cols();
1167 // PROGRESS_START(prog, n, "GetDenseFromSparse " << n);
1168  A.resize(numRows, numCols);
1169  for(size_t r=0; r<numRows; r++)
1170  for(size_t c=0; c<numCols; c++)
1171  A(r, c) = 0;
1172  for(size_t r=0; r<numRows; r++)
1173  {
1174 // PROGRESS_UPDATE(prog, r);
1175  sparse_row_iterator itEnd = S.end_row(r);
1176  for(sparse_row_iterator it = S.begin_row(r); it != itEnd; ++it)
1177  A(r, it.index()) = it.value();
1178  }
1179 // PROGRESS_FINISH(prog);
1180  return A;
1181 }
1183 template<typename TSparseMatrix>
1184 size_t GetDoubleSize(const TSparseMatrix &S)
1185 {
1187  UG_COND_THROW(nrOfRows != block_traits<typename TSparseMatrix::value_type>::static_num_cols, "only square matrices supported");
1188  return S.num_rows() * nrOfRows;
1189 }
1191 template<typename TDoubleType, typename TSparseMatrix>
1192 void GetDoubleFromSparseBlock(TDoubleType &A, const TSparseMatrix &S)
1193 {
1195  for(size_t r=0; r<S.num_rows(); r++)
1196  for(typename TSparseMatrix::const_row_iterator it = S.begin_row(r); it != S.end_row(r); ++it)
1197  {
1198  size_t rr = r*nrOfRows;
1199  size_t cc = it.index()*nrOfRows;
1200  for(size_t r2=0; r2<nrOfRows; r2++)
1201  for(size_t c2=0; c2<nrOfRows; c2++)
1202  A(rr + r2, cc + c2) = BlockRef(it.value(), r2, c2);
1203  }
1204 }
1206 template<typename TDenseType, typename TSparseMatrix>
1207 size_t GetDenseDoubleFromSparse(TDenseType &A, const TSparseMatrix &S)
1208 {
1209  size_t N = GetDoubleSize(S);
1210  A.resize(0,0);
1211  A.resize(N, N);
1213  return N;
1214 }
1216 template<typename TDoubleSparse, typename TSparseMatrix>
1217 size_t GetDoubleSparseFromBlockSparse(TDoubleSparse &A, const TSparseMatrix &S)
1218 {
1219  size_t N = GetDoubleSize(S);
1221  A.resize_and_clear(N, N);
1223  A.defragment();
1224  return N;
1225 }
1231 } // end namespace ug
1234 #endif
Definition: sparsematrix_interface.h:37
const_row_iterator begin_row(size_t row) const
Definition: densematrix.h:57
Wrapper for sequential matrices to handle them in parallel.
Definition: parallel_matrix.h:65
ConstSmartPtr< AlgebraLayouts > layouts() const
returns the algebra layouts
Definition: parallel_matrix.h:94
Definition: parallel_vector.h:60
ConstSmartPtr< AlgebraLayouts > layouts() const
returns the algebra layouts
Definition: parallel_vector.h:97
Definition: unsorted_sparse_vector.h:60
void ScaleRow(TSparseMatrix &A, size_t i, number fac)
Definition: sparsematrix_util.h:777
void GetDoubleFromSparseBlock(TDoubleType &A, const TSparseMatrix &S)
Definition: sparsematrix_util.h:1192
size_t GetDoubleSize(const TSparseMatrix &S)
Definition: sparsematrix_util.h:1184
void AddMultiplyOf(ABC_type &M, const A_type &A, const B_type &B, const C_type &C, double epsilonTruncation=0.0)
Calculates M += A*B*C.
Definition: sparsematrix_util.h:167
DenseMatrixFromSparseMatrix< TSparseMatrix >::type & GetDenseFromSparse(typename DenseMatrixFromSparseMatrix< TSparseMatrix >::type &A, const TSparseMatrix &S)
Definition: sparsematrix_util.h:1161
bool CheckDiagonalInvertible(const TSparseMatrix &A)
Definition: sparsematrix_util.h:1094
bool CheckVectorInvertible(const TVector &v)
Definition: sparsematrix_util.h:1116
bool CheckRowIterators(const TSparseMatrix &A)
Definition: sparsematrix_util.h:1077
void GetNeighborhood(const TSparseMatrix &A, size_t node, size_t depth, std::vector< size_t > &indices, std::vector< bool > &bVisited, bool bResetVisitedFlags=true)
Definition: sparsematrix_util.h:495
size_t GetDoubleSparseFromBlockSparse(TDoubleSparse &A, const TSparseMatrix &S)
Definition: sparsematrix_util.h:1217
bool AxpyCommonSparseMatrix(const TSparseMatrix &A, vector_t &dest, const number &alpha1, const vector_t &v1, const number &beta1, const vector_t &w1)
Definition: sparsematrix_util.h:959
void GetNeighborhood_worker(const TSparseMatrix &A, size_t node, size_t depth, std::vector< size_t > &indices, std::vector< bool > &bVisited)
Definition: sparsematrix_util.h:472
void MarkNeighbors(const TSparseMatrix &A, size_t node, size_t depth, std::vector< bool > &bVisited)
Definition: sparsematrix_util.h:522
size_t GetNNZs(const TSparseMatrix &A)
returns the number of non-zeroes (!= number of connections)
Definition: sparsematrix_util.h:1042
bool IsDirichletRow(const TSparseMatrix &A, size_t i, size_t alpha)
Evaluates 'true', iff corresponding row is Dirichlet.
Definition: sparsematrix_util.h:817
void CreateAsMultiplyOf(ABC_type &M, const A_type &A, const B_type &B, const C_type &C, double epsilonTruncation=0.0)
Calculates M = A*B*C.
Definition: sparsematrix_util.h:78
size_t GetDenseDoubleFromSparse(TDenseType &A, const TSparseMatrix &S)
Definition: sparsematrix_util.h:1207
bool Axpy_transposedCommonSparseMatrix(const TSparseMatrix &A, vector_t &dest, const number &alpha1, const vector_t &v1, const number &beta1, const vector_t &w1)
Definition: sparsematrix_util.h:1007
void SetDirichletRow(TSparseMatrix &A, size_t i, size_t alpha)
Definition: sparsematrix_util.h:796
bool IsCloseToBoundary(const TSparseMatrix &A, size_t node, size_t distance)
gets the neighborhood of a node in the connectivity graph of a SparseMatrix.
Definition: sparsematrix_util.h:689
void GetNeighborhoodHierachy_worker(const TSparseMatrix &A, size_t node, size_t depth, size_t maxdepth, std::vector< std::vector< size_t > > &indices, std::vector< bool > &bVisited)
Definition: sparsematrix_util.h:534
void SetRow(TSparseMatrix &A, size_t i, size_t alpha, number val=0.0)
Definition: sparsematrix_util.h:710
void SetCol(TSparseMatrix &A, size_t i, size_t alpha, number val=0.0)
Definition: sparsematrix_util.h:735
void MatAddNonDirichlet(matrix_type &M, number alpha1, const matrix_type &A, number alpha2, const matrix_type &B)
Calculates M = A + B.
Definition: sparsematrix_util.h:383
void GetNeighborhoodHierachy(const TSparseMatrix &A, size_t node, size_t depth, std::vector< std::vector< size_t > > &indices, std::vector< bool > &bVisited, bool bResetVisitedFlags=true)
Definition: sparsematrix_util.h:555
void DeserializeMatrix(TIStream &buf, TSparseMatrix &A)
Definition: sparsematrix_util.h:919
size_t GetMaxConnections(const TSparseMatrix &A)
returns max number of non-zero connections in rows
Definition: sparsematrix_util.h:1057
void ScaleSparseMatrixCommon(TSparseMatrix &A, double d)
Definition: sparsematrix_util.h:946
void SerializeMatrix(TOStream &buf, const TSparseMatrix &A)
Definition: sparsematrix_util.h:895
void MatAdd(matrix_t &mOut, const matrix_t &m1, const matrix_t &m2)
adds two matrices and stores the result in a third one
Definition: math_matrix_functions_common_impl.hpp:52
bool AllProcsTrue(bool bFlag, ProcessCommunicator comm)
Definition: pcl_util.cpp:54
number alpha
#define UG_ASSERT(expr, msg)
Definition: assert.h:70
#define UG_THROW(msg)
Definition: error.h:57
#define UG_LOG(msg)
Definition: log.h:367
#define UG_COND_THROW(cond, msg)
UG_COND_THROW(cond, msg) : performs a UG_THROW(msg) if cond == true.
Definition: error.h:61
double number
Definition: types.h:124
CPUAlgebra::matrix_type matrix_type
the ug namespace
size_t GetCols(const T &t)
bool GetInverse(block_traits< T >::inverse_type &inv, const T &m)
void AssignMult(A &dest, const B &b, const C &vec)
bool MatMultTransposedAdd(vector_t &dest, const number &alpha1, const vector_t &v1, const number &beta1, const matrix_t &A1, const vector_t &w1)
calculates dest = alpha1*v1 + beta1 * A1 *w1;
Definition: operations_mat.h:121
bool MatMultAdd(vector_t &dest, const number &alpha1, const vector_t &v1, const number &beta1, const matrix_t &A1, const vector_t &w1)
calculates dest = alpha1*v1 + beta1 * A1 *w1;
Definition: operations_mat.h:68
double & BlockRef(T &vec, size_t i)
Definition: blocks.h:66
void Deserialize(TIStream &buf, ParallelVector< T > &v)
Deerialize for ParallelVector<T>
Definition: restart_bridge.cpp:112
void Serialize(TOStream &buf, const ParallelVector< T > &v)
Serialize for ParallelVector<T>
Definition: restart_bridge.cpp:103
size_t GetRows(const T &t)
bool MatMult(vector_t &dest, const number &beta1, const matrix_t &A1, const vector_t &w1)
calculates dest = beta1 * A1;
Definition: operations_mat.h:59
void AddMult(A &dest, const B &b, const C &vec)
double BlockNorm(const TYPE &v)
Definition: blocks.h:57
void VecScaleAssign(double &dest, double alpha1, const double &v1)
calculates dest = alpha1*v1. for doubles
Definition: operations_vec.h:49
#define PROFILE_FUNC_GROUP(groups)
Definition: profiler.h:258
class SparseMatrix B_type
T value_type
Definition: sparsematrix_interface.h:2
size_t num_connections(size_t row) const
class SparseMatrix ABC_type
Calculates M = A*B*C.
class SparseMatrix A_type
Definition: sparsematrix_util.h:1155
DenseMatrix< VariableArray2< typename TSparseMatrix::value_type > > type
Definition: sparsematrix_util.h:1156
Definition: file_io_grdecl.cpp:60
Definition: smallalgebra_interface.h:42
Definition: communication_policies.h:58