template<typename ABC_type , typename A_type , typename B_type , typename C_type > |
void | ug::AddMultiplyOf (ABC_type &M, const A_type &A, const B_type &B, const C_type &C, double epsilonTruncation=0.0) |
| Calculates M += A*B*C.
template<typename TSparseMatrix , typename vector_t > |
bool | ug::Axpy_transposedCommonSparseMatrix (const TSparseMatrix &A, vector_t &dest, const number &alpha1, const vector_t &v1, const number &beta1, const vector_t &w1) |
template<typename TSparseMatrix , typename vector_t > |
bool | ug::AxpyCommonSparseMatrix (const TSparseMatrix &A, vector_t &dest, const number &alpha1, const vector_t &v1, const number &beta1, const vector_t &w1) |
template<typename TSparseMatrix > |
bool | ug::CheckDiagonalInvertible (const ParallelMatrix< TSparseMatrix > &m) |
template<typename TSparseMatrix > |
bool | ug::CheckDiagonalInvertible (const TSparseMatrix &A) |
template<typename TSparseMatrix > |
bool | ug::CheckRowIterators (const TSparseMatrix &A) |
template<typename TVector > |
bool | ug::CheckVectorInvertible (const ParallelVector< TVector > &v) |
template<typename TVector > |
bool | ug::CheckVectorInvertible (const TVector &v) |
template<typename AB_type , typename A_type , typename B_type > |
void | ug::CreateAsMultiplyOf (AB_type &M, const A_type &A, const B_type &B) |
| Calculates M = A*B.
template<typename ABC_type , typename A_type , typename B_type , typename C_type > |
void | ug::CreateAsMultiplyOf (ABC_type &M, const A_type &A, const B_type &B, const C_type &C, double epsilonTruncation=0.0) |
| Calculates M = A*B*C.
template<typename TSparseMatrix , class TIStream > |
void | ug::DeserializeMatrix (TIStream &buf, TSparseMatrix &A) |
template<typename TDenseType , typename TSparseMatrix > |
size_t | ug::GetDenseDoubleFromSparse (TDenseType &A, const TSparseMatrix &S) |
template<typename TSparseMatrix > |
DenseMatrixFromSparseMatrix< TSparseMatrix >::type & | ug::GetDenseFromSparse (typename DenseMatrixFromSparseMatrix< TSparseMatrix >::type &A, const TSparseMatrix &S) |
template<typename TDoubleType , typename TSparseMatrix > |
void | ug::GetDoubleFromSparseBlock (TDoubleType &A, const TSparseMatrix &S) |
template<typename TSparseMatrix > |
size_t | ug::GetDoubleSize (const TSparseMatrix &S) |
template<typename TDoubleSparse , typename TSparseMatrix > |
size_t | ug::GetDoubleSparseFromBlockSparse (TDoubleSparse &A, const TSparseMatrix &S) |
template<typename TSparseMatrix > |
size_t | ug::GetMaxConnections (const TSparseMatrix &A) |
| returns max number of non-zero connections in rows
template<typename TSparseMatrix > |
void | ug::GetNeighborhood (const TSparseMatrix &A, size_t node, size_t depth, std::vector< size_t > &indices) |
template<typename TSparseMatrix > |
void | ug::GetNeighborhood (const TSparseMatrix &A, size_t node, size_t depth, std::vector< size_t > &indices, std::vector< bool > &bVisited, bool bResetVisitedFlags=true) |
template<typename TSparseMatrix > |
void | ug::GetNeighborhood_worker (const TSparseMatrix &A, size_t node, size_t depth, std::vector< size_t > &indices, std::vector< bool > &bVisited) |
template<typename TSparseMatrix > |
void | ug::GetNeighborhoodHierachy (const TSparseMatrix &A, size_t node, size_t depth, std::vector< std::vector< size_t > > &indices) |
template<typename TSparseMatrix > |
void | ug::GetNeighborhoodHierachy (const TSparseMatrix &A, size_t node, size_t depth, std::vector< std::vector< size_t > > &indices, std::vector< bool > &bVisited, bool bResetVisitedFlags=true) |
template<typename TSparseMatrix > |
void | ug::GetNeighborhoodHierachy_worker (const TSparseMatrix &A, size_t node, size_t depth, size_t maxdepth, std::vector< std::vector< size_t > > &indices, std::vector< bool > &bVisited) |
template<typename TSparseMatrix > |
size_t | ug::GetNNZs (const TSparseMatrix &A) |
| returns the number of non-zeroes (!= number of connections)
template<typename TSparseMatrix > |
bool | ug::IsCloseToBoundary (const TSparseMatrix &A, size_t node, size_t distance) |
| gets the neighborhood of a node in the connectivity graph of a SparseMatrix.
template<typename TSparseMatrix > |
bool | ug::IsDirichletRow (const TSparseMatrix &A, size_t i, size_t alpha) |
| Evaluates 'true', iff corresponding row is Dirichlet.
template<typename TSparseMatrix > |
void | ug::MarkNeighbors (const TSparseMatrix &A, size_t node, size_t depth, std::vector< bool > &bVisited) |
template<typename matrix_type > |
void | ug::MatAdd (matrix_type &M, number alpha1, const matrix_type &A, number alpha2, const matrix_type &B) |
| Calculates M = A + B.
template<typename matrix_type > |
void | ug::MatAddNonDirichlet (matrix_type &M, number alpha1, const matrix_type &A, number alpha2, const matrix_type &B) |
| Calculates M = A + B.
template<typename TSparseMatrix > |
void | ug::ScaleRow (TSparseMatrix &A, size_t i, number fac) |
template<typename TSparseMatrix > |
void | ug::ScaleSparseMatrixCommon (TSparseMatrix &A, double d) |
template<typename TSparseMatrix , class TOStream > |
void | ug::SerializeMatrix (TOStream &buf, const TSparseMatrix &A) |
template<typename TSparseMatrix > |
void | ug::SetCol (TSparseMatrix &A, size_t i, size_t alpha, number val=0.0) |
template<typename TSparseMatrix > |
void | ug::SetDirichletRow (TSparseMatrix &A, const std::vector< size_t > vIndex) |
template<typename TSparseMatrix > |
void | ug::SetDirichletRow (TSparseMatrix &A, size_t i) |
template<typename TSparseMatrix > |
void | ug::SetDirichletRow (TSparseMatrix &A, size_t i, size_t alpha) |
template<typename TSparseMatrix > |
void | ug::SetRow (TSparseMatrix &A, size_t i, number val=0.0) |
template<typename TSparseMatrix > |
void | ug::SetRow (TSparseMatrix &A, size_t i, size_t alpha, number val=0.0) |