subset_dim_util.cpp File Reference
#include "subset_dim_util.h"
#include "lib_grid/lg_base.h"


 the ug namespace


int ug::DimensionOfSubset (const ISubsetHandler &sh, int si)
 returns the current dimension of the subset More...
int ug::DimensionOfSubsets (const ISubsetHandler &sh)
 Returns the dimension of geometric objects, that are contained in the subset handler. More...
bool ug::SubsetIsRegularGrid (const ISubsetHandler &ish, int si)
 returns if a subset is a regular grid More...
bool ug::SubsetIsRegularGrid (const MGSubsetHandler &sh, int si)
 returns if a subset is a regular grid More...
bool ug::SubsetIsRegularGrid (const SubsetHandler &sh, int si)
 returns if a subset is a regular grid More...