Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2009-2015: G-CSC, Goethe University Frankfurt
3  * Author: Sebastian Reiter
4  *
5  * This file is part of UG4.
6  *
7  * UG4 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
8  * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 (as published by the
9  * Free Software Foundation) with the following additional attribution
10  * requirements (according to LGPL/GPL v3 §7):
11  *
12  * (1) The following notice must be displayed in the Appropriate Legal Notices
13  * of covered and combined works: "Based on UG4 (".
14  *
15  * (2) The following notice must be displayed at a prominent place in the
16  * terminal output of covered works: "Based on UG4 (".
17  *
18  * (3) The following bibliography is recommended for citation and must be
19  * preserved in all covered files:
20  * "Reiter, S., Vogel, A., Heppner, I., Rupp, M., and Wittum, G. A massively
21  * parallel geometric multigrid solver on hierarchically distributed grids.
22  * Computing and visualization in science 16, 4 (2013), 151-164"
23  * "Vogel, A., Reiter, S., Rupp, M., Nägel, A., and Wittum, G. UG4 -- a novel
24  * flexible software system for simulating pde based models on high performance
25  * computers. Computing and visualization in science 16, 4 (2013), 165-179"
26  *
27  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
28  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
30  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
31  */
33 #ifndef __H__LIB_GRID__SUBSET_UTIL_IMPL__
34 #define __H__LIB_GRID__SUBSET_UTIL_IMPL__
36 #include "subset_util.h"
37 #include "selection_util.h"
42 namespace ug
43 {
45 // FindFirstFreeSubset
46 template <class TElem>
48 {
49 // go from back to front
50  for(int i = (int)sh.num_subsets() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
51  {
52  if(sh.num_elements<TElem>(i) > 0)
53  {
54  // this is the highest subset that contains elements of type TElem
55  return i;
56  }
57  }
59 // no subset contains elements of type TElem.
60  return -1;
61 }
64 // MakeSubsetsConsecutive
65 template <class TElem>
67 {
68 // TODO: this algo could be slightly improved regarding runtime.
70 // iterate through all subsets.
71  for(int i = 0; i < sh.num_subsets(); ++i)
72  {
73  // check whether the subset is empty
74  if(sh.num_elements<TElem>(i) == 0)
75  {
76  // it is. find the next filled one.
77  for(int j = i + 1; j < sh.num_subsets(); ++j)
78  {
79  if(sh.num_elements<TElem>(j) > 0)
80  {
81  // this subset is filled. move it to position i.
82  sh.move_subset(j, i);
83  break;
84  }
85  }
86  }
87  }
88 }
91 // EraseEmptySubsets
93 void EraseEmptySubsets(ISubsetHandler& sh);
96 template <class TElem>
98  bool appendAtEnd)
99 {
100  SeparateSubsetsByLowerDimSeparators<TElem>(grid, sh, appendAtEnd,
101  IsNotInSubset(sh, -1));
102 }
104 template <class TElem>
106  Selector& sel, bool appendAtEnd)
107 {
108  SeparateSubsetsByLowerDimSeparators<TElem>(grid, sh, appendAtEnd,
109  IsSelected(sel));
110 }
112 template <class TElem>
114  bool appendAtEnd,
115  boost::function<bool (typename TElem::lower_dim_base_object*)>
116  cbIsSeparator)
118 {
119  using namespace std;
121 // the element type of separating elements
122  typedef typename TElem::lower_dim_base_object TSide;
124 // assign all elements to subset -1
125  sh.assign_subset(grid.begin<TElem>(), grid.end<TElem>(), -1);
127 // we'll keep all unassigned volumes in a selector.
128  Selector sel(grid);
129<TElem>(), grid.end<TElem>());
131 // those vectors will be used to gather element neighbours.
132  vector<TSide*> vSides;
133  vector<TElem*> vElems;
135 // this stack contains all volumes that we still have to check for neighbours.
136  stack<TElem*> stkElems;
138 // now - while there are unassigned elements.
139  int subsetIndex = 0;
140  if(appendAtEnd)
141  subsetIndex = sh.num_subsets();
143  while(!sel.empty())
144  {
145  // choose the element with which we want to start
146  // TODO: if material-points are supplied, this should be the
147  // the element that contains the i-th material point.
148  stkElems.push(*sel.begin<TElem>());
149  while(!stkElems.empty())
150  {
151  TElem* elem =;
152  stkElems.pop();
153  // if the volume is unselected it has already been processed.
154  if(!sel.is_selected(elem))
155  continue;
156  sel.deselect(elem);
158  // assign elem to its new subset
159  sh.assign_subset(elem, subsetIndex);
161  // check neighbour-elements, whether they belong to the same subset.
162  // iterate through the sides of the element
163  for(uint i = 0; i < elem->num_sides(); ++i)
164  {
165  // get the i-th side
166  TSide* side = grid.get_side(elem, i);
168  // check whether the side is regarded as a separator.
169  // If not, we'll add all associated elements.
170  if(!cbIsSeparator(side))
171  {
172  CollectAssociated(vElems, grid, side);
174  // add all elements that are still selected (elem is not selected anymore).
175  for(uint j = 0; j < vElems.size(); ++j)
176  {
177  if(sel.is_selected(vElems[j]))
178  stkElems.push(vElems[j]);
179  }
180  }
181  }
182  }
183  // the stack is empty. increase subset index.
184  subsetIndex++;
185  }
186 }
190 template <class TIterator>
191 void CopySubsetIndicesToSides(ISubsetHandler& sh, TIterator elemsBegin,
192  TIterator elemsEnd, bool toUnassignedOnly)
193 {
195  typedef typename TElem::side TSide;
197  if(!TElem::HAS_SIDES)
198  return;
200  UG_ASSERT(sh.grid(), "No grid assigned to subset-handler");
202  Grid& grid = *sh.grid();
205  for(TIterator iter = elemsBegin; iter != elemsEnd; ++iter){
206  TElem* e = *iter;
208  int si = sh.get_subset_index(e);
210  grid.associated_elements(sides, e);
211  for(size_t i = 0; i < sides.size(); ++i){
212  TSide* s = sides[i];
213  if(toUnassignedOnly){
214  if(sh.get_subset_index(s) == -1)
215  sh.assign_subset(s, si);
216  }
217  else
218  sh.assign_subset(s, si);
219  }
220  }
221 }
225 template <class TElem, class TSubsetHandler>
226 void AssignUnassignedElemsToSubset(TSubsetHandler& sh, int si)
227 {
228  typedef typename geometry_traits<TElem>::iterator ElemIter;
230 // access the grid on which sh operates.
231  if(!sh.grid())
232  return;
234  Grid& grid = *sh.grid();
236 // first make sure, that all elems are assigned to a subset, since
237 // those won't be processed later on.
239 // num is not part of ISubsetHandler and thus causes problems, if sh has type ISubsetHandler
240  //if(sh.template num<TElem>() != grid.num<TElem>()){
241  for(ElemIter iter = grid.begin<TElem>();
242  iter != grid.end<TElem>(); ++iter)
243  {
244  if(sh.get_subset_index(*iter) == -1)
245  sh.assign_subset(*iter, si);
246  }
247  //}
248 }
251 template <class TSubsetHandler>
252 void AdjustSubsetsForSimulation(TSubsetHandler& sh,
253  bool preserveExistingSubsets)
254 {
255 // access the grid on which sh operates.
256  if(!sh.grid())
257  return;
259  Grid& grid = *sh.grid();
260  Selector sel(grid);
262  if(grid.num_volumes() > 0){
263  // deselect all elements of lower dimension, if existing subsets are
264  // not to be preserved.
265  if(!preserveExistingSubsets){
266  sh.assign_subset(grid.begin<Face>(), grid.end<Face>(), -1);
267  sh.assign_subset(grid.begin<Edge>(), grid.end<Edge>(), -1);
268  sh.assign_subset(grid.begin<Vertex>(), grid.end<Vertex>(), -1);
269  }
271  AssignUnassignedElemsToSubset<Volume>(sh, GetFirstFreeSubset(sh));
274  SelectInterfaceElements(sel, sh, grid.begin<Face>(), grid.end<Face>());
275  SelectBoundaryElements(sel, grid.begin<Face>(), grid.end<Face>());
276  SelectAssociatedEdges(sel, sel.begin<Face>(), sel.end<Face>());
277  SelectAssociatedVertices(sel, sel.begin<Face>(), sel.end<Face>());
279  AssignSidesToSubsets<Face>(sh, &sel);
280  AssignSidesToSubsets<Edge>(sh, &sel);
282  // finally assign vertices on edge interfaces
283  sel.clear<Edge>();
284  sel.clear<Vertex>();
285  SelectInterfaceElements(sel, sh, grid.begin<Edge>(),
286  grid.end<Edge>(), true);
287  sel.clear<Face>();
288  SelectAssociatedVertices(sel, sel.begin<Edge>(), sel.end<Edge>());
290  AssignSidesToSubsets<Edge>(sh, &sel);
291  }
292  else if(grid.num_faces() > 0){
293  // deselect all elements of lower dimension, if existing subsets are
294  // not to be preserved.
295  if(!preserveExistingSubsets){
296  sh.assign_subset(grid.begin<Edge>(), grid.end<Edge>(), -1);
297  sh.assign_subset(grid.begin<Vertex>(), grid.end<Vertex>(), -1);
298  }
300  AssignUnassignedElemsToSubset<Face>(sh, GetFirstFreeSubset(sh));
303  SelectInterfaceElements(sel, sh, grid.begin<Edge>(), grid.end<Edge>());
304  SelectBoundaryElements(sel, grid.begin<Edge>(), grid.end<Edge>());
305  SelectAssociatedVertices(sel, sel.begin<Edge>(), sel.end<Edge>());
307  AssignSidesToSubsets<Edge>(sh, &sel);
308  }
309  else if(grid.num_edges() > 0){
310  // deselect all elements of lower dimension, if existing subsets are
311  // not to be preserved.
312  if(!preserveExistingSubsets){
313  sh.assign_subset(grid.begin<Vertex>(), grid.end<Vertex>(), -1);
314  }
316  AssignUnassignedElemsToSubset<Edge>(sh, GetFirstFreeSubset(sh));
318  }
319  else{
320  AssignUnassignedElemsToSubset<Vertex>(sh, GetFirstFreeSubset(sh));
321  }
323 // erase empty subsets again
324  EraseEmptySubsets(sh);
325 }
328 template <class TAAPosVRT>
329 number FaceArea(ISubsetHandler& sh, int si, size_t lvl, TAAPosVRT& aaPos)
330 {
331  number sum = 0.;
334  if (goc.num<Face>(lvl) == 0) {
335  UG_WARNING("WARNING: Given subset doesn't contain any faces on given level.");
336  } else {
338  for (CIT cit = goc.faces_begin(lvl); cit != goc.faces_end(lvl); cit++)
339  sum += FaceArea(*cit, aaPos);
340  }
342  return sum;
343 }
347 // AssignAssociatedVerticesToSubset
348 template <class TIterator>
349 void AssignAssociatedVerticesToSubset(ISubsetHandler& sh, TIterator elemsBegin,
350  TIterator elemsEnd, int subsetIndex)
351 {
352 // iterate through the elements
353  for(;elemsBegin != elemsEnd; elemsBegin++)
354  {
355  typename TIterator::value_type elem = *elemsBegin;
356  uint numVrts = elem->num_vertices();
357  // iterate through the vertices of elem and assign them
358  for(uint i = 0; i < numVrts; ++i)
359  sh.assign_subset(elem->vertex(i), subsetIndex);
360  }
361 }
364 template <class TElem, class TSubsetHandler>
365 void AssignAssociatedVerticesToSubsets(TSubsetHandler& sh,
366  const ISubsetHandler& srcIndHandler)
367 {
368  typedef typename geometry_traits<TElem>::const_iterator iterator;
369  for(size_t l = 0; l < sh.num_levels(); ++l){
370  for(int si = 0; si < sh.num_subsets(); ++si){
371  for(iterator iter = sh.template begin<TElem>(si, l);
372  iter != sh.template end<TElem>(si, l); ++iter)
373  {
374  TElem* e = *iter;
375  for(size_t i = 0; i < e->num_vertices(); ++i)
376  {
377  Vertex* vrt = e->vertex(i);
378  sh.assign_subset(vrt, srcIndHandler.get_subset_index(vrt));
379  }
380  }
381  }
382  }
383 }
386 template <class TElem, class TSubsetHandler>
387 void AssignAssociatedEdgesToSubsets(TSubsetHandler& sh,
388  const ISubsetHandler& srcIndHandler)
389 {
390  typedef typename geometry_traits<TElem>::const_iterator iterator;
391  std::vector<Edge*> vEdges;
393  for(size_t l = 0; l < sh.num_levels(); ++l){
394  for(int si = 0; si < sh.num_subsets(); ++si){
395  for(iterator iter = sh.template begin<TElem>(si, l);
396  iter != sh.template end<TElem>(si, l); ++iter)
397  {
398  TElem* e = *iter;
399  CollectEdges(vEdges, *sh.grid(), e);
401  for(size_t i = 0; i < vEdges.size(); ++i)
402  {
403  Edge* edge = vEdges[i];
404  sh.assign_subset(edge, srcIndHandler.get_subset_index(edge));
405  }
406  }
407  }
408  }
409 }
412 template <class TElem, class TSubsetHandler>
413 void AssignAssociatedFacesToSubsets(TSubsetHandler& sh,
414  const ISubsetHandler& srcIndHandler)
415 {
416  typedef typename geometry_traits<TElem>::const_iterator iterator;
417  std::vector<Face*> vFaces;
419  for(size_t l = 0; l < sh.num_levels(); ++l){
420  for(int si = 0; si < sh.num_subsets(); ++si){
421  for(iterator iter = sh.template begin<TElem>(si, l);
422  iter != sh.template end<TElem>(si, l); ++iter)
423  {
424  TElem* e = *iter;
425  CollectFaces(vFaces, *sh.grid(), e);
427  for(size_t i = 0; i < vFaces.size(); ++i)
428  {
429  Face* f = vFaces[i];
430  sh.assign_subset(f, srcIndHandler.get_subset_index(f));
431  }
432  }
433  }
434  }
435 }
437 template <class TElem, class TSubsetHandlerDest, class TSubsetHandlerSrc>
438 void AssignAssociatedSidesToSubsets(TSubsetHandlerDest& sh,
439  const TSubsetHandlerSrc& srcIndHandler)
440 {
441  typedef typename geometry_traits<TElem>::const_iterator iterator;
442  typedef typename TElem::lower_dim_base_object Side;
443  std::vector<Side*> vSides;
444  Grid& grid = *sh.grid();
446  for(size_t l = 0; l < sh.num_levels(); ++l){
447  for(int si = 0; si < sh.num_subsets(); ++si){
448  for(iterator iter = sh.template begin<TElem>(si, l);
449  iter != sh.template end<TElem>(si, l); ++iter)
450  {
451  TElem* e = *iter;
452  CollectAssociated(vSides, grid, e);
454  for(size_t i = 0; i < vSides.size(); ++i)
455  {
456  Side* s = vSides[i];
457  sh.assign_subset(s, srcIndHandler.get_subset_index(s));
458  }
459  }
460  }
461  }
462 }
465 template <class TElem, class TSubsetHandlerDest, class TSubsetHandlerSrc>
466 void AssignAssociatedLowerDimElemsToSubsets(TSubsetHandlerDest& sh,
467  const TSubsetHandlerSrc& srcIndHandler,
468  const Volume&)
469 {
470 // we have to find all associated elements of lower dimension.
471  if(srcIndHandler.template num<Face>() > 0)
472  AssignAssociatedFacesToSubsets<TElem>(sh, srcIndHandler);
473  if(srcIndHandler.template num<Edge>() > 0)
474  AssignAssociatedEdgesToSubsets<TElem>(sh, srcIndHandler);
475  if(srcIndHandler.template num<Vertex>() > 0)
476  AssignAssociatedVerticesToSubsets<TElem>(sh, srcIndHandler);
477 }
480 template <class TElem, class TSubsetHandlerDest, class TSubsetHandlerSrc>
481 void AssignAssociatedLowerDimElemsToSubsets(TSubsetHandlerDest& sh,
482  const TSubsetHandlerSrc& srcIndHandler,
483  const Face&)
484 {
485 // we have to find all associated elements of lower dimension.
486  if(srcIndHandler.template num<Edge>() > 0)
487  AssignAssociatedEdgesToSubsets<TElem>(sh, srcIndHandler);
488  if(srcIndHandler.template num<Vertex>() > 0)
489  AssignAssociatedVerticesToSubsets<TElem>(sh, srcIndHandler);
490 }
493 template <class TElem, class TSubsetHandlerDest, class TSubsetHandlerSrc>
494 void AssignAssociatedLowerDimElemsToSubsets(TSubsetHandlerDest& sh,
495  const TSubsetHandlerSrc& srcIndHandler,
496  const Edge&)
497 {
498 // we have to find all associated elements of lower dimension.
499  if(srcIndHandler.template num<Vertex>() > 0)
500  AssignAssociatedVerticesToSubsets<TElem>(sh, srcIndHandler);
501 }
504 template <class TElem, class TSubsetHandlerDest, class TSubsetHandlerSrc>
505 void AssignAssociatedLowerDimElemsToSubsets(TSubsetHandlerDest& sh,
506  const TSubsetHandlerSrc& srcIndHandler)
507 {
508  AssignAssociatedLowerDimElemsToSubsets<TElem>(sh,
509  srcIndHandler, TElem());
510 }
513 template <typename TBaseObj>
515 (
516  std::vector<int> & minCondInd,
517  const std::vector<bool> & isMarked,
518  const ISubsetHandler & sh,
519  const NeighborhoodType nbhType
520 )
521 {
522  typedef typename geometry_traits<TBaseObj>::const_iterator elem_iterator;
524  UG_ASSERT (((int) isMarked.size ()) == sh.num_subsets (), "FindSubsetGroups: array size mismatch");
526  std::vector<TBaseObj*> neighbours;
528 // Prepare minCondInd
529  minCondInd.resize (sh.num_subsets ());
530  for (size_t si = 0; si < minCondInd.size (); si++)
531  minCondInd [si] = (isMarked [si])? si : -1;
533 // Loop over the subsets:
534  for (size_t si = 0; si < minCondInd.size (); si++)
535  {
536  int min_si;
538  // Marked subset?
539  if ((min_si = minCondInd [si]) < 0)
540  continue; // no, we do not treat this subset
542  // Yes, loop over the elements in the subdomain (in the grid level 0):
544  elem_iterator e_end = goc.end<TBaseObj> (0);
545  bool is_empty = true;
546  for (elem_iterator e_iter = goc.begin<TBaseObj> (0); e_iter != e_end; ++e_iter)
547  {
548  is_empty = false;
549  // Loop over the neighbours:
550  CollectNeighbors (neighbours, *e_iter, *sh.grid(), nbhType);
551  for (size_t k = 0; k < neighbours.size (); k++)
552  {
553  int min_nbr_si;
554  int nbr_si = sh.get_subset_index (neighbours [k]);
556  if (nbr_si < 0 || nbr_si >= (int) minCondInd.size ())
557  UG_THROW ("FindSubsetGroups: Illegal neighbour subset index.");
558  if ((min_nbr_si = minCondInd [nbr_si]) < 0)
559  continue; // we do not treat this subset
561  // Set the same smallest index to both groups of the subsets:
562  if (min_nbr_si < min_si)
563  {
564  for (size_t l = 0; l < minCondInd.size (); l++)
565  if (minCondInd [l] == min_si)
566  minCondInd [l] = min_nbr_si;
567  }
568  else if (min_nbr_si > min_si)
569  {
570  for (size_t l = 0; l < minCondInd.size (); l++)
571  if (minCondInd [l] == min_nbr_si)
572  minCondInd [l] = min_si;
573  }
574  }
575  }
576  if (is_empty) minCondInd [si] = -2;
577  }
578 }
580 }// end of namespace
582 #endif
parameterString s
Base-class for edges.
Definition: grid_base_objects.h:397
Faces are 2-dimensional objects.
Definition: grid_base_objects.h:510
Manages the elements of a grid and their interconnection.
Definition: grid.h:132
size_t num_volumes() const
Definition: grid.h:554
size_t num_faces() const
Definition: grid.h:553
Vertex::side * get_side(Vertex *obj, size_t side)
This method returns the i-th side of an Edge, Face or Volume.
Definition: grid.cpp:1170
geometry_traits< TGeomObj >::iterator begin()
Definition: grid_impl.hpp:164
void associated_elements(traits< Vertex >::secure_container &elemsOut, TElem *e)
Puts all elements of type TAss which are contained in 'e' or which contain 'e' into elemsOut.
Definition: grid_impl.hpp:466
size_t num_edges() const
Definition: grid.h:552
geometry_traits< TGeomObj >::iterator end()
Definition: grid_impl.hpp:175
a helper class that holds a collection of possibly unconnected geometric-objects.
Definition: grid_object_collection.h:96
geometry_traits< TGeomObj >::iterator begin(size_t level=0)
Definition: grid_object_collection_impl.hpp:95
geometry_traits< TGeomObj >::iterator end(size_t level=0)
Definition: grid_object_collection_impl.hpp:106
size_t num() const
Definition: grid_object_collection_impl.hpp:130
FaceIterator faces_end(size_t level=0)
Definition: grid_object_collection.h:152
FaceIterator faces_begin(size_t level=0)
Definition: grid_object_collection.h:151
Partitions elements of a grid into several subsets.
Definition: subset_handler_grid.h:53
void assign_subset(Vertex *elem, int subsetIndex)
assigns a vertex to a subset.
Definition: subset_handler_grid.cpp:204
uint num_elements(int subsetIndex) const
returns the number of elements in the given subset
Definition: subset_handler_grid_impl.hpp:147
bool is_selected(TElem *elem) const
returns true if an element is selected
Definition: selector_interface.h:215
void select(GridObject *elem, byte status)
selects an element
Definition: selector_interface_impl.hpp:56
void deselect(GridObject *elem)
Definition: selector_interface_impl.hpp:96
Definition: subset_handler_interface.h:223
void move_subset(int indexFrom, int indexTo)
Moves the subset from index From to index To. Moves all subsets between indexFrom+1 and indexTo in th...
Definition: subset_handler_interface.cpp:696
void assign_subset(TIterator iterBegin, TIterator iterEnd, int subsetIndex)
Definition: subset_handler_interface_impl.hpp:170
Grid * grid() const
returns a pointer to the grid on which the subset-handler works.
Definition: subset_handler_interface.cpp:304
int get_subset_index(GridObject *elem) const
Definition: subset_handler_interface.cpp:560
virtual GridObjectCollection get_grid_objects_in_subset(int subsetInd) const =0
Returns the geometric object collection for the given subset.
int num_subsets() const
returns the number of subset-infos (return value is int, since SubsetIndices are of type int)
Definition: subset_handler_interface.h:317
Element callback that returns true, if an element is not contained in a subset.
Definition: subset_callbacks.h:68
Element callback that returns true, if an element is selected.
Definition: selection_callbacks.h:45
Container which holds an array of pointers.
Definition: pointer_const_array.h:84
size_t size() const
returns the size of the associated array.
Definition: pointer_const_array_impl.hpp:106
specialization of ISelector for a grid of class Grid.
Definition: selector_grid.h:96
geometry_traits< TElem >::iterator end()
Definition: selector_grid_impl.hpp:134
bool empty() const
Definition: selector_grid_impl.hpp:91
virtual void clear()
Definition: selector_grid.cpp:155
geometry_traits< TElem >::iterator begin()
Definition: selector_grid_impl.hpp:106
Base-class for all vertex-types.
Definition: grid_base_objects.h:231
Volumes are 3-dimensional objects.
Definition: grid_base_objects.h:754
Definition: grid_base_object_traits.h:68
static number FaceArea(TDomain &dom, ISubsetHandler &sh, int si, size_t lvl)
Definition: domain_bridge.cpp:262
void CollectEdges(std::vector< Edge * > &vEdgesOut, Grid &grid, Vertex *vrt, bool clearContainer)
Collects all edges which exist in the given grid and which are part of the given vertex.
Definition: grid_util.cpp:295
Constants to specify a neighborhood.
Definition: neighborhood.h:53
void CollectNeighbors(std::vector< Vertex * > &vNeighborsOut, Grid &grid, Vertex *vrt, uint nbhType, Grid::edge_traits::callback considerEdge, Grid::face_traits::callback considerFace, Grid::volume_traits::callback considerVol)
Collects all vertices that are connected by elements of the specified type.
Definition: neighborhood.cpp:43
void CollectFaces(std::vector< Face * > &vFacesOut, Grid &grid, Vertex *vrt, bool clearContainer)
Collects all faces that exist in the given grid which contain the given vertex.
Definition: grid_util.cpp:458
UG_API void CollectAssociated(std::vector< Vertex * > &vVertexOut, Grid &grid, GridObject *obj, bool clearContainer=true)
Definition: grid_util_impl.hpp:169
void SelectAssociatedVertices(TSelector &sel, TElemIterator elemsBegin, TElemIterator elemsEnd, ISelector::status_t status=ISelector::SELECTED)
selects all associated vertices of the elements between elemsBegin and elemsEnd
Definition: selection_util_impl.hpp:229
void SelectInterfaceElements(ISelector &sel, ISubsetHandler &sh, const TIter begin, const TIter end, bool regardSelectedNbrsOnly=false)
Selects elements which are adjacent to higher dimensional elements of different subsets.
Definition: selection_util_impl.hpp:588
void SelectBoundaryElements(ISelector &sel, TElemIterator elemsBegin, TElemIterator elemsEnd)
selects elements that lie on the associated grid's boundary
Definition: selection_util_impl.hpp:326
void SelectAssociatedEdges(TSelector &sel, TElemIterator elemsBegin, TElemIterator elemsEnd, ISelector::status_t status=ISelector::SELECTED)
selects all associated edges of the elements between elemsBegin and elemsEnd
Definition: selection_util_impl.hpp:244
void AdjustSubsetsForSimulation(TSubsetHandler &sh, bool preserveExistingSubsets)
Adjust the grid so that it is ready for simulation with ug4.
Definition: subset_util_impl.hpp:252
void SeparateSubsetsByLowerDimSubsets(Grid &grid, SubsetHandler &sh, bool appendAtEnd=false)
Assigns all elements of the given type to subsets.
Definition: subset_util_impl.hpp:97
void CopySubsetIndicesToSides(ISubsetHandler &sh, GridObjectCollection goc, bool toUnassignedOnly)
copies subset-indices to sides of the specified elements
Definition: subset_util.cpp:306
void AssignAssociatedVerticesToSubsets(TSubsetHandler &sh, const ISubsetHandler &srcIndHandler)
Assigns associated vertices of elements of type TElem in sh to sh.
Definition: subset_util_impl.hpp:365
void SeparateSubsetsByLowerDimSeparators(Grid &grid, SubsetHandler &sh, bool appendAtEnd, boost::function< bool(typename TElem::lower_dim_base_object *)> cbIsSeparator)
Assigns all elements of the given type to subsets.
Definition: subset_util_impl.hpp:113
void AssignUnassignedElemsToSubset(TSubsetHandler &sh, int si)
Assigns all elements of type TElem with subset index -1 to subset at index si.
Definition: subset_util_impl.hpp:226
void MakeSubsetsConsecutive(SubsetHandler &sh)
moves subsets so that no empty subset of type TElem is between filled ones.
Definition: subset_util_impl.hpp:66
void SeparateSubsetsByLowerDimSelection(Grid &grid, SubsetHandler &sh, Selector &sel, bool appendAtEnd=false)
Assigns all elements of the given type to subsets.
Definition: subset_util_impl.hpp:105
void AssignAssociatedFacesToSubsets(TSubsetHandler &sh, const ISubsetHandler &srcIndHandler)
Assigns associated faces of elements of type TElem in sh to sh.
Definition: subset_util_impl.hpp:413
void AssignAssociatedEdgesToSubsets(TSubsetHandler &sh, const ISubsetHandler &srcIndHandler)
Assigns associated edges of elements of type TElem in sh to sh.
Definition: subset_util_impl.hpp:387
void AssignAssociatedSidesToSubsets(TSubsetHandlerDest &sh, const TSubsetHandlerSrc &srcIndHandler)
Assigns associated sides of elements of type TElem in sh to sh.
Definition: subset_util_impl.hpp:438
void AssignAssociatedLowerDimElemsToSubsets(TSubsetHandlerDest &sh, const TSubsetHandlerSrc &srcIndHandler)
Assigns associated elements of elements of type TElem in sh to sh.
Definition: subset_util_impl.hpp:505
void AssignAssociatedVerticesToSubset(ISubsetHandler &sh, TIterator elemsBegin, TIterator elemsEnd, int subsetIndex)
assigns vertices of the given elements to the subset at subsetIndex
Definition: subset_util_impl.hpp:349
int GetMaxSubsetIndex(SubsetHandler &sh)
returns the index of the last subset, that contains elements of type TElem.
Definition: subset_util_impl.hpp:47
void FindSubsetGroups(std::vector< int > &minCondInd, const std::vector< bool > &isMarked, const ISubsetHandler &sh, const NeighborhoodType nbhType=NHT_VERTEX_NEIGHBORS)
Definition: subset_util_impl.hpp:515
int GetFirstFreeSubset(const ISubsetHandler &sh)
returns the first subset, which does not contain any elements at all
Definition: subset_util.cpp:49
#define UG_ASSERT(expr, msg)
Definition: assert.h:70
#define UG_THROW(msg)
Definition: error.h:57
unsigned int uint
Definition: types.h:114
#define UG_WARNING(msg)
Definition: log.h:328
double number
Definition: types.h:124
Definition: smart_pointer.h:814
the ug namespace
template void AssignSidesToSubsets< Edge >(ISubsetHandler &, ISelector *)
template void AssignSidesToSubsets< Volume >(ISubsetHandler &, ISelector *)
template void AssignSidesToSubsets< Face >(ISubsetHandler &, ISelector *)
void EraseEmptySubsets(ISubsetHandler &sh)
Erases all subsets which do not contain any geometric objects.
Definition: subset_util.cpp:66
T value_type
Definition: sparsematrix_interface.h:2
void base_type
Definition: grid_base_objects.h:1011