| AgglomeratingSolver (SmartPtr< ILinearOperatorInverse< vector_type, vector_type > > linOpInverse) |
virtual bool | apply_agglomerated (vector_type &x, const vector_type &b) |
virtual std::string | config_string () const |
| returns information about configuration parameters
virtual bool | init (SmartPtr< ILinearOperator< vector_type > > A) |
virtual bool | init (SmartPtr< ILinearOperator< vector_type > > A, const vector_type &u) |
virtual bool | init (SmartPtr< MatrixOperator< matrix_type, vector_type > > Op) |
virtual bool | init_agglomerated (SmartPtr< MatrixOperator< matrix_type, vector_type > > Op) |
virtual const char * | name () const |
| returns the name of the operator inverse
virtual bool | supports_parallel () const |
| returns if parallel solving is supported
virtual | ~AgglomeratingSolver () |
virtual bool | apply (vector_type &x, const vector_type &b) |
virtual bool | apply_return_defect (vector_type &u, vector_type &f) |
virtual bool | apply_update_defect (vector_type &u, vector_type &f) |
virtual bool | base_init (SmartPtr< ILinearOperator< vector_type > > A) |
bool | base_init (SmartPtr< MatrixOperator< matrix_type, vector_type > > Op) |
| Preprocess routine.
void | broadcast_vector_from_one (vector_type &x, const vector_type &collectedX, ParallelStorageType type) |
bool | empty () |
void | gather_vector_on_one (vector_type &collectedB, const vector_type &b, ParallelStorageType type) |
bool | i_am_root () |
virtual bool | init_agglomerated (SmartPtr< MatrixOperator< matrix_type, vector_type > > Op)=0 |
void | init_collected_vec (vector_type &collectedX) |
bool | init_mat (const matrix_type &A) |
bool | is_serial () |
virtual bool | step (SmartPtr< MatrixOperator< matrix_type, vector_type > > pOp, vector_type &c, const vector_type &d) |
virtual | ~AgglomeratingBase () |
virtual bool | init (SmartPtr< ILinearOperator< TAlgebra::vector_type, TAlgebra::vector_type > > A) |
| initializes this inverse operator for a linear operator
virtual bool | init (SmartPtr< ILinearOperator< TAlgebra::vector_type, TAlgebra::vector_type > > A, const TAlgebra::vector_type &u) |
| initializes this inverse operator for a linear operator
virtual bool | init (SmartPtr< MatrixOperator< TAlgebra::matrix_type, TAlgebra::vector_type, TAlgebra::vector_type > > A)=0 |
| initializes this inverse operator for a matrix-based operator
virtual | ~IMatrixOperatorInverse () |
| virtual destructor
virtual bool | apply (Y &u, const X &f)=0 |
| applies inverse operator, i.e. returns u = A^{-1} f
virtual bool | apply_return_defect (Y &u, X &f)=0 |
| applies inverse operator, i.e. returns u = A^{-1} f and returns defect d := f - A*u
virtual bool | apply_update_defect (Y &u, X &f) |
| compute new correction c = B*d and update defect d := d - A*c
virtual SmartPtr< ILinearIterator< X, Y > > | clone () |
| clone
SmartPtr< IConvergenceCheck< X > > | convergence_check () |
| returns the convergence check
ConstSmartPtr< IConvergenceCheck< X > > | convergence_check () const |
| returns the convergence check
number | defect () const |
| returns the current defect
| ILinearOperatorInverse () |
| constructor setting convergence check to (100, 1e-12, 1e-12, true)
| ILinearOperatorInverse (SmartPtr< IConvergenceCheck< X > > spConvCheck) |
| Default constructor.
virtual bool | init (SmartPtr< ILinearOperator< Y, X > > J, const Y &u) |
| initializes for the inverse for a linearized operator at linearization point u
virtual bool | init (SmartPtr< ILinearOperator< Y, X > > L) |
| initializes for the inverse for a linear operator
SmartPtr< ILinearOperator< Y, X > > | linear_operator () |
| returns the current Operator this Inverse Operator is initialized for
number | reduction () const |
| returns the current relative reduction
void | set_convergence_check (SmartPtr< IConvergenceCheck< X > > spConvCheck) |
| set the convergence check
virtual int | standard_offset () const |
| returns the standard offset for output
int | step () const |
| returns the current number of steps
virtual | ~ILinearOperatorInverse () |
| virtual destructor
SmartPtr< IDamping< X, Y > > | damping () |
| returns the scaling
| ILinearIterator () |
| constructor
| ILinearIterator (const ILinearIterator< X, Y > &parent) |
| copy constructor
void | set_damp (number factor) |
| sets the damping to a constant factor
void | set_damp (SmartPtr< IDamping< X, Y > > spScaling) |
| sets a scaling for the correction
virtual | ~ILinearIterator () |
| virtual destructor