void | adjust_defect_to_constraint (vector_type &d) |
| the defect needs to be adjusted for the active indices (those indices, which are in contact)
void | adjust_sol_and_cor (value_type &sol_i, value_type &c_i, bool &dofIsActive, const DoFIndex &dof) |
| projects the i-th index of the solution onto the admissible set and adjusts the correction
void | restrict_obs_values () |
| restricts the obstacle values to a coarser grid in a multigrid hierarchy
| ScalarUpperObstacle () |
| default constructor
| ScalarUpperObstacle (const function_type &u) |
| constructor for a scalar obstacle
| ~ScalarUpperObstacle () |
| Destructor.
void | active_dofs (vector< DoFIndex > &vActiveDoFs) |
| returns the vector storing the active dofs
void | add (number value, const char *function) |
| adds a constant value as dirichlet condition for a function on subsets and on whole domain
void | add (number value, const char *function, const char *subsets) |
void | add (SmartPtr< UserData< MathVector< dim >, dim > > func, const char *functions) |
| adds a user-defined vector as dirichlet condition for a vector-function on subsets and on whole domain
void | add (SmartPtr< UserData< MathVector< dim >, dim > > func, const char *functions, const char *subsets) |
void | add (SmartPtr< UserData< number, dim > > func, const char *function) |
| adds a user-defined value as dirichlet condition for a function on subsets and on whole domain
void | add (SmartPtr< UserData< number, dim > > func, const char *function, const char *subsets) |
void | add (SmartPtr< UserData< number, dim, bool > > func, const char *function) |
| adds a lua callback (cond and non-cond)
void | add (SmartPtr< UserData< number, dim, bool > > func, const char *function, const char *subsets) |
void | adjust_defect (vector_type &d, const vector_type &u, ConstSmartPtr< DoFDistribution > dd, int type, number time=0.0, ConstSmartPtr< VectorTimeSeries< vector_type > > vSol=NULL, const std::vector< number > *vScaleMass=NULL, const std::vector< number > *vScaleStiff=NULL) |
| sets a zero value in the defect for all dirichlet indices
void | adjust_jacobian (matrix_type &J, const vector_type &u, ConstSmartPtr< DoFDistribution > dd, int type, number time=0.0, ConstSmartPtr< VectorTimeSeries< vector_type > > vSol=NULL, const number s_a0=1.0) |
| sets a unity row for all dirichlet indices
void | adjust_linear (matrix_type &A, vector_type &b, ConstSmartPtr< DoFDistribution > dd, int type, number time=0.0) |
| sets unity rows in A and dirichlet values in right-hand side b
virtual void | adjust_prolongation (matrix_type &P, ConstSmartPtr< DoFDistribution > ddFine, ConstSmartPtr< DoFDistribution > ddCoarse, int type, number time=0.0) |
| sets constraints in prolongation
virtual void | adjust_restriction (matrix_type &R, ConstSmartPtr< DoFDistribution > ddCoarse, ConstSmartPtr< DoFDistribution > ddFine, int type, number time=0.0) |
| sets constraints in restriction
void | adjust_rhs (vector_type &b, const vector_type &u, ConstSmartPtr< DoFDistribution > dd, int type, number time=0.0) |
| sets the dirichlet value in the right-hand side
void | adjust_solution (vector_type &u, ConstSmartPtr< DoFDistribution > dd, int type, number time=0.0) |
| sets the dirichlet value in the solution for all dirichlet indices
void | init () |
| IObstacleConstraint () |
| constructor
| IObstacleConstraint (const GridFunction< TDomain, TAlgebra > &u) |
| constructor for an obstacle defined on some subset(s)
bool | is_obs_dof (const DoFIndex &dof) |
| checks if a given dof is in an obstacle subset
virtual void | preprocess () |
void | reset_active_dofs () |
| resets the vector storing the active dofs
virtual int | type () const |
| returns the type of the constraints
virtual | ~IObstacleConstraint () |
| Destructor.
Public Member Functions inherited from ug::IDomainConstraint< TDomain, TAlgebra > |
SmartPtr< ApproximationSpace< TDomain > > | approximation_space () |
| returns approximation space
ConstSmartPtr< ApproximationSpace< TDomain > > | approximation_space () const |
| returns approximation space
virtual SmartPtr< IErrEstData< TDomain > > | err_est_data () |
| returns the pointer to the error estimator data object (or NULL)
bool | err_est_enabled () const |
| find out whether or not a posteriori error estimation is to be performed for this disc
| IDomainConstraint () |
| constructor
virtual void | set_approximation_space (SmartPtr< ApproximationSpace< TDomain > > approxSpace) |
| sets the approximation space
void | set_ass_tuner (ConstSmartPtr< AssemblingTuner< TAlgebra > > spAssemblingTuner=NULL) |
| sets the assemble adapter for the constraints
void | set_error_estimator (SmartPtr< IErrEstData< TDomain > > ee) |
| sets the pointer to an error estimator data object (or NULL)
virtual void | adjust_correction (vector_type &c, ConstSmartPtr< DoFDistribution > dd, int type, number time=0.0) |
virtual void | adjust_error (const vector_type &u, ConstSmartPtr< DoFDistribution > dd, int type, number time=0.0, ConstSmartPtr< VectorTimeSeries< vector_type > > vSol=SPNULL, const std::vector< number > *vScaleMass=NULL, const std::vector< number > *vScaleStiff=NULL) |
| adjusts the assembled error estimator values in the attachments according to the constraint
virtual void | adjust_linear_residual (vector_type &d, const vector_type &u, ConstSmartPtr< DoFDistribution > dd, int type, number time=0.0) |
| adjust linear residual
virtual void | adjust_prolongation (vector_type &uFine, GridLevel fineLvl, const vector_type &uCoarse, GridLevel coarseLvl, int type) |
| sets the constraints in a solution vector
virtual void | adjust_restriction (vector_type &uCoarse, GridLevel coarseLvl, const vector_type &uFine, GridLevel fineLvl, int type) |
| sets the constraints in a solution vector
virtual void | modify_solution (SmartPtr< VectorTimeSeries< vector_type > > vSolMod, ConstSmartPtr< VectorTimeSeries< vector_type > > vSol, ConstSmartPtr< DoFDistribution > dd, int type) |
| modify_solution for instationary case
virtual void | modify_solution (vector_type &uMod, const vector_type &u, ConstSmartPtr< DoFDistribution > dd, int type) |
| modifies solution vector before calling the assembling routine
virtual | ~IConstraint () |
| virtual destructor