void | ug::CalculateTriangleNormal (SimpleGrid &sg, int triIndex) |
| caculates the normal of the given triangle and stores it in sg.triangleNormals[triIndex]
void | ug::CalculateTriangleNormals (SimpleGrid &sg) |
| resizes sg.triangleNormals and calculates them
bool | ug::CollapseEdge (SimpleGrid &sg) |
number | ug::GeometricApproximationDegree (SimpleGrid &sg) |
| sums GeometricApproximationDegree for each triangle.
number | ug::GeometricApproximationDegree (SimpleGrid &sg, int triIndex) |
| the returned degree lies between 0 and 1. The closer to 1 the better.
template<class TPosAcc , class TIntAcc , class TNormAcc > |
bool | ug::ObtainSimpleGrid (SimpleGrid &sgOut, Grid &grid, Vertex *vrt1, Vertex *vrt2, size_t size, TPosAcc &aaPos, TNormAcc &aaNorm, TIntAcc &aaInt) |
| returns a neighbourhood of the edge defined by vrt1 and vrt2 in a SimpleGrid.
template<class TPosAcc , class TIntAcc , class TNormAcc > |
bool | ug::ObtainSimpleGrid_CollapseEdge (SimpleGrid &sgOut, Grid &grid, Edge *e, size_t size, TPosAcc &aaPos, TNormAcc &aaNorm, TIntAcc &aaInt) |
| returns a neighbourhood of the edge e after e has been collapsed.
void | ug::PrintSimpleGrid (SimpleGrid &sg) |
number | ug::ShapeQualityDegree (SimpleGrid &sg) |
| returns the worst quality-degree of the triangles in sg.
number | ug::ShapeQualityDegree (SimpleGrid &sg, int triIndex) |
| compares the area of the triangle to the length of its edges.
bool | ug::SplitEdge (SimpleGrid &sg) |
bool | ug::SwapEdge (SimpleGrid &sg) |